Appetizing CLOVER LEAF ROUS FOR SALE ice remgerator. Phone 869 before 5. (14) FOR SALE One Empire heater. Green 290. (15) FOR SALE Chesterfield, 2 chairs like new, 5 piece kitchenette set, 2 pairs Maple Skis, 1 Spanish guitar. Apply 921 10th Ave. East. (15) FOR SALE New and used fur niture and hardware at the lowest possible prices. New electric plates, scatter rugs from $1.65, tumblers 10c, mat tresses all sizes, Billy Boy tri cycles, aluminum pots from 60c, used 3-iplece beds $10, couches $7, desks from $7, hassocks 'from $2.50, smoking stands 95c, 5-piece kitchen set $12.50, men's top coats slightly used all wool, new price $35, now $8.50; pails for coal or water from 45c 'B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. FOR SALE One mouton coat, size 16, $95. Room 21 Mclntyrc Building. (14) FORSALE-I8I2 H.P. boiler, ver tical. Valentin Dairy. (15) FOR SALE Perfectly new 4- tube Philco Battery Radio. Phone Red 318. (13) FOR SALE Model A 1931, '2 ton Ford. Spare tire. Ceiling price $248. Apply C, Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines. (16) WllN'KS & BOATS FOR SALE MNOUNCiEMBNT In an effort to centralize our services, the Vivian Engine Works Limited, sales department, have now moved to 1660 Station Street. Sales and Repairs of Diesels and Gasoline Engines as well as Specialized Bosch Injection Equipment Service will be conducted from this now location: at Vivian Diesels and Munitions Limited, 1660 Station Street, Vancouver, B.C. Telephone: PAclfic. 6181. (15) FOR SALE Tmller Carlisle 59, cneap. Owner leaving. Length 29 ft., complete with gear and Poles; electric lights. Newly corked and copper painted. On iys outside bridge, Cow Bay. Phone Red 409, call 622 6th Vest. (13) foR SALE 4fl ft. tmllor onm .1 - 1 "ew, including halibut gear, wquire Standard Oil Dock. . (13) foil SAIT?.1-io v, t 1 .uiu ll.JJ. JC&tM SSOline pnwino JmV Wl II. Street after 6 p.m. (13) MACHINERY 10 SAW better lnmW mnrn conomicai ly use the modern "d up-to-date type National portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. Yes, Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier, tastier Clover Leaf rolls. Fleischmann'3 works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, you'll want Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast the Yeast cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canada's favorite, for over 70 years. Order some today! Always fresh, at (tf) your grocers Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion,. minimum charge, 60c. Birth Notices, and Engagement Announcements: $2. FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortable room. Phone Blue 967. 427 5th E. (19) FOR RENT Heated office space Apply 'G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd , Phone 57. (tf) FOR RENT Two 2-roomed apartments. Newly decorated. Private entrance. 221 5th Ave. East. Phone (Red 807. (13) FOR RENT Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Apply. 806 Fraser Street, after 5 p.m. Jtf) FOR RENT" a housekeeping, rooms, private entrance. Also 6-room flat, partly furnished, 5 th Ave. West. Apply suite 1, Helgerson Blk. (15) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. G22 Fraser Street.- - (32) ROOM AND BOARD At reasonable rates. Apply Box 185, Dally News. (tf) WORK WANTED VETERAN, 23, married, needs work immediately, Must earn at least 80 cents per hour. Do anything honest, anywhere. Box 197 Daily News. (17) HELP WANTED WANTED Women for filleting shed, work starting immediately, union wages. Apply in person to superintendent, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Seal Cove. tf LOST LOST Blue baby blanket from sleigh. Finder please leave at Daily News. , (15) LOST Set of filters Detrola camera, Jan, 10. Reward. Phone Red 719. (15) Protect Your Boat From . FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C02 Extinguishers after use, In our own plant in Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 651 and 652 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 am. to a am. PHONE 173 UNECONOMIC BOTTLENECK (Continued rrom rage 1 was a rather early return to England for him. He had served four years in the Old Country during the war and had been there during the blitz. He paid tribute to Britons for the way they had stood up to the poinding of war and today "it is to their eternal credit to find them diverting food supplies which they need so badly themselves to feed those very Germans who subjected them to such "Anything I can do to help England as well ,as British Col umbia I shall be most happy to do," Col. Smith declared. i"vj wtioiivuiv u iwi wt lilUi ket.' ' One of his principle jobs would be to sell them British Columbia goods on which there had not been enough emphasis laid in the past. Seating that his headquarters would be In British Columbia House, Col. Smith paid tribute to W. A. McAdain, agent general, for the wonderful service he had rendered British Columbians during the war. Other duties in his commission would be to try to get industries to establish branch plants in British Columbia, to look after the Interests of British Columbia businessmen who had interests in Britain and western Europe, tn provide information of all sorts and, when the time came, to assist .in the proper direction of British settlers to British Calumihia. Col. Smith expressed the hope northern British Columbia which he was convinced was to play a role of preat Importance In-Mie, future development of this province. "Prince Rupert," he said, should certainly be a larger port than it ,is. Vancouver is becoming; too much the centre of industry, trade and pcpula-ti:n. It is developing into a bottleneck and is already recognized as (a 'problem city. It is necessary for the ,sound economic development of the country that there be another outlet and Prince 'Rupert is logically the place." His duties, Co. Smith con-. ..tinued, would include the dis-.. . tributlon of: literature, addressing groups of people and the presentation of films in which connection he suggested that a .good film should be made depicting Prince. Rupert area seenically and Industrially, This part cf thq country should certainly be fcold more than it is. In encouraging touf-ists from Britain to visit British Columbia, he would certainly recommend tbey come to. Prince Rupert and make the delightful trip along the coast. In passing,. Col. Smith suggested as one possible local industry that cf home handicrafts which were becoming important in Quebec and Wales. SUGGESTIONS ARE OFFERED At the conference with the Industrial Relations Committee and the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon, a numbei There ar.e 45,000,000 people on " . "J (v, the British r..!t!i, T, Isles, he said, ,j and , 1 wiuac Y, yieauui us 10 , mailers . . on 1I,,,,V, ' ' ,ut T which ,, , ... , he might work in London on behalf of this richly endowed and adequately equipped area. Some of the suggestions were new fish and timber products, the mineral resources, shipbuilding and shipping. Those present at the conference were ExT Mayor Daggett, who presided, G. A. Hunter, A. T. Crawley, R. E. Montador, C. A. Berner, W. II. Brett M.L.A., Dr. R. G. Large, E. T. Applewhaite, A. B. Brown, G. C. Mitchell, W. F. Stone, W. L. Armstrong and J. T. Harvey. Information with which he would have to be equipped said Col. Smith was in connection with home and export markets, labor availability, transportation, availability of materials, power and fuel, rent, proximity cf related industries, iiving conditions, financial aid, taxes, possibilities of merger and consolidations, cos; of land, banking facilities. Much of this informa- that he would bs able to direct , Hon was made available to him British attention to central and ! before he left the city by Ex- Mayor Daggett as chairman of the Industrial Relations . Timely TERRACE Topics William Langmead, organizer for the International Woodworkers Association here, returned on Thursday with his bride, the 'former Phyllis Scott. Mrs. Lang-mead is from the Okanagan Valley and the young couple were married recently in Bellingham. On Saturday cvenfng, members cf the I.W.A. held a party for the newlyiwcits in the Oddfellows' Hall and presented them with a radio. Mr. and Mrs. Langmead have taken up residence in the Sundal Apartments on Lakelse Avenue. Mrs. M. Garlick, who has been In Terrace for the past few months staying with nor brother, Mr. W. Robinson, and Mrs. Robinson, left Wednesday evening for Edmonton. Mrs. W. Grant left on Tuesday for a brief trip to Prince Rupert. D. Van Male left Tuesday to spend a few days in Prince TRANSFERRED FROM PACIFIC WHITBY, England W Rt. Rev. Walter Hubert Baddeley, bishop of Melanesia, has been appointed suffragan " bishop of Whitby. He is 52 and a native of Portslade, Sussex. Despite Japanese Invasion he never left his island diocese. FIGHT EQUINE ANEMIA MELBOURNE, Australia R A special mobile veterinary unit has been sent to areas formerly occupied by Japanese to fight equine anemia, a deadly and infectious horse disease. All animals and birds which may havi' been in contact with diseased horses are being killed and it is considered unlikely that (he disease will spread to Australia. You saw It in The News! KEEP 4$m SLIM y KEEP REGULAR KEEP LOVELY r For Itviluviiifi IHos ALL-BRAN COMMENCING WILL BE urwc DDC Ar JANUARY 17 HOV1S BREAD MADE Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. CLS-26 " ABERDEEN, KP) Most Rev. G. H. Bennett, 71, Roman Catholic Bishop of Aberdeen since 1918, has died. Bnx 1308 IMione 10S PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Phone 289 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISE8 (Renovated) PHONE 51 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Prince Euucrt Daflp J3cUi$ Thursday, January 16, 1947 TEA .SENSATIONAL VALUES ' " jdtgxmjllffl I tit? As soon as conditions permit, WW m jlPpijr ' Clover Leaf will again be avail- J yfl MmS' Mts fatSgJ& I nlili. from Coast to Coast. V56W" ltrilii;l' Cj.liimhin PaLorR I.ll. msmm at oun Bargains Galore DRESSES GLOVES PURSES COATS ' SUITS HATS BUY AND SAVE ON3UR BUDGET PLAN NATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK . , . JANUARY 1." - 112 Mavwe filly ow prescription? Place yojr prescription in the skilled hands of a Nyal Druggist, and receive all Ihe professional care and exacting standards, that the Nyal Druggists . of Canada have maintained lor over three generations. For satisfaction oring your next piescnpnon to us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED 3rd Ave. at CUi St. Phone 79 A Regitttrtd Pharmacist Alwayt On Duty To Strvt You tPrince Rupert Bottle Collector also messenger service Phone Blue 737 We buy . . . all sizes Perfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles, Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS CONSUMERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and the supply situation Is not so good. You arc advised to keep your orders well in advance lo Rive us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD, Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS