torla. d Adverting Pays! nil' L ?... 11 n u f imutI arrivals . or! ill u. Avcm .... Vancouver; n A tt'asll K ' .......Vi D. F-O C. II. S Li uuuktiu Thompson 1W..t Thill C 1 sstain north end Jim Coney .urdon Tcm- thrm arc Tommy v returned r other day ner trapper, 00 from Prince to Terrace OPEN tit j uking that long- uip. be sure lo n in at ace Theatre :C3 Tuesdays and Wednesdays lA Cifn.J 1 n u 4T aiwi w.t f .....1.. 1J IC and 17 wtnicAN co-i;i" Iff" f . r .. loin, joniiny U;ir!'ti. itt.....i -it. It E.'Uicr Dale "iaii and Tanner '? l Wrdneitday, 20 and 21 &rti;i:s of tom 8awvi:k" 1:1 Tciiulc-jior in- Great SUjry perfect cast m GO! I'lino.lTik rvit tiitini. 'r.n.. tlri(a. s", . .. itttioa """th l.K.I "mtr on. 11 "nr SvkU... ...... . . " mils it.-. ,1 Cle,n Uctonditloncd !CE MACHINE r A'I r. . . "tril Motors,,;; HUZZELL HOT SPRINGS LOOTED WHOLESALE DURING PAST WINTER When Mr. and Mrs. George Frizzell arrived last wppv hot springs home on the Skeena River to take up residence for the season they found that, during their winter absence, the main house and one cabin had been completely stripped of blank er,, aisnes, Kitchenwaro. and nrovlslon it .., wholesale looting and estimate of the goods removed is placed Women's faults arc many, Men have only two: Everything they say,' And everything they do. Mistress: "How did you break this vase?" Maid: "I was dusting It." ERRACE caught a string of Dolly Var- dens. Passing the Coney place, be left five beauties for his friends. Tommy cleaned the fish put them on a string, hung them In the lake. He left the heads nearby, as food for wild life. What Tommy didn't know was that Jim and Gordon had a pet mink living under the cabin. The next morning the heads were gone. They locked in the lake; the string was cut and the fish were gone. They arc kind to wild life. d News! s ai o e (LNLIIAL MOTORS DLALLR and let us check your ITEBIES TIRES, OIL AND WATER It, HAUGLAND & KERR LIU. 1 mil Lumber Manufacturers P E It K A C E &ents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. l'hllco Radios Willard Batteries IOKS, Toll's and Piling Ltd. Two Planes Visit City I'rivatc and K.C.A.1 In Port Overnight V Planes Two young men from Bcllinc accidentally1 ham. Washington, stopped in me city overnight while on a flying trip In their private light who landed here at 8 o'clock last night and took' off again early this morning. A Royal Canadian Air Force Canso flying boat aVrived In the city at noon Monday carrying a crew of seven and will stay here until Thursday when It will return to Vancouver. Among the crew was Flying Ofllcer JarvLs McLcod, Jr. Other 'crew members were F-LS. M. Butcher, F-O F. D. Aventi F-O C. C. Hazlettr T. H. Harding, J. How-arth and D. 6. Newton. LONDON, Qi Special services for animal lovers are to be held at St. Michael's church, Wood Green. A New Terrace Service Skeena Shoe Repair Shop Park Avenue, TERRACE G. E. Loveless, Prop. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule lhat classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner in the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified advert Using. CITY TONDERS BIDS (Continued from Page 1) vote by ,the ratepayers before it becomes final. Bids were received from the following: 99 Taxi and Bus Service, signed by Art Murray. Neil E.-Macdonald arid Charles Pustak. Arrow Bus Lines, Signed by N. Voungs. Allan Morgan and Associates, signed by Allan Morgan. Veterans Stage Lines. Arrow Bus Lines, present oper ators of city bus routes, offered the city 2'2 per cent of Its gross annual income In return for the franchise. 99 Taxi offered ZV2 per cent; Macdonald and Pustak 5 ner cent; Allan plane from the Washington city Morgan and associates. 3 per cent to Juneau, Alaska. They were and veterans1 St age Lines 3 per T. Templin and R. L. llayrien, ccnt. cent. The application from Allan Morgan and associates declared that the bid was inspired "through conversations with the directors of the Port Edward Cel-anese Co., and suggested that the holders of the city franchise also hold the franchise to carry passengers to Port Edward; The Macdonald-Pustak bid of fered the city five per cent of the annual gross receipts or "$1,600 per year, to be paid $400 quarterly in advance." In referring the matter to committee of the whole for con sideration, the aldermen sub scribed to a comment by Alder man Brooksbank that "this is an Important matter, and there is no reason why we should rush it." Alderman Youngs, as an Inter ested party, being iranaging di rprtnr of Arrow Bus Lines, an . v v - - 1 r.ounced that he would not vote in the matter. i Announcements Presbyterian Missionary Tea, May 14, Mrs. Platen's. Cambral Chapter Spring Tea, M.iv 15. Mrs. J. Munthe. 437 4th West. Catholic card party, at School Hall, May 15, 8 p.m. Norwegian Independence Day Celebration. Oddfellows nan, Mav 16. 8 o'clock. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea. May 22. Mrs. Nora Arnold. Port Slmnson Celebration Committee will be holdmg theTr anual day of sports on May 23J and 24. Cash prizes and trophies for field, track and water sports Tea and Food sule May 28, Salvation Army Home. Job's Daughters Tea, Mrs. Bemcr's, May 29. Eastern Star Tea, Civic Centre, June 4. Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs. C. G. Ham, United Church W. A. Tea on June 12. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. Anglican Tea, June 18. Mrs. Watts, Local News Items Giggle With Gizch! (110) NOTICE Prince Rupert Florist This store will be closed until T Mi.y 27 A. R. LOCK. (116) BOUGHT 741 JAP LANDS OTTAWA. Oi F. O, Shears, Vancouver director of the office of custodian of enemy property, told House of Commons pub lic accounts committee Monday that the Veterans Land Act administration had bought 741 parcels of Japanese-Canadian farmlands In British Columbia during the war for $836,256. The total acreage was 10,000 of which 4,000 had been cultivated. Over 90 per cent was In the Fraser Valley and the municipal assessment was $1, 250,943. CAISTER, Norfoil;, Eng., W A mine found fcy schoolboys on the beach was blown up by. an Army bomb squad. BIRTH NOTICE WILSON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Res Wilson (nee Cathie Mc-Meekin) on Tuesday, May 13, at Prince George, a daughter Both doing well. Have Fun IIir the Chanters'. (116) W. II. Franks, alter a 10 day Lsit In the city on professional business, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on his re turn to Vancouver. this Summer... Rev. R. A. Wilson, pastor of First United Church, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to attend the annual provincial conference of the United Church of Canada. S. N. Cameron, district mana ger of Standard Oil Co. of Bri tish Columbia, returned to the city on the Coquitlam this morn Ing from a brief business trip to Stewart. Under the Sun Mrs. Angus MacPhtc and little daughter, Ennls, salted this afternoon on the Coquitlam. ior Vancouver where they will take up residence. Joining Mr. Mac-Phee who has been In the service of the B.C.'Marlne there.for the past four months. L. C. Griffith- returned to his sawmill at Shames yesterday af ternoon following a week-end visit to the city. He was accom- Danied toy Ills father. W. D. Grlf flths, who recently arrived with Mrs. Griffiths from Cardiff, Wales. Mrs. Griffiths and family and Mrs. W. W. Griffiths will be lpavins later this week for Shames to take up residence. 1 Play, -relax, enjoy every precious moment of wonderful sunshine in clothes made for fun. See what we have then into the cood old summer time you go. EUtST in STYLE and QUALITY USE H-'J,"'. i if OUR CONVENEINT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST-NO CARRYING CHARGES Use The DAILY NEWS' ANT AD SECTION After advertising in the DAILY NEWS an Interior .farmer writes as follows: "I can honestly say that a DAILY NKWS want ad sure brings quick results. Your circulation must be widespread as I am selling my chicks far up into the Interior. Would you please run another ad." ' 1. s Your representative in every business and every home every day iutllj NiHUil Your BEST SALESMAN IS A CLASSIFIED AD. Prince Uupcrt Daily j3cUjs! Tuesday, May 13, 1947 Arrow Shirts Yes, the Spring- range of these smart appearing, perfect fitting dress shitls has arrived, and includes . . . . White Broadcloth Foscd Collar, from $2.75 to $3.50 White Broadcloth Soft Collar. The famous "Trump" $3.25 Patterns In Broadcloth Fused Collar $3.00 to $3.50 Arrow Pajamas Moving, racking, Crating. Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 BESNER ULOCK WW $3.75 and $4.50 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11,. 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargcrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. Complete Assortment of Available Pyrexware INCLUDING Mining Bowls, Casseroles, Cake Pans, .Loaf .Pans,., Ppen Uakers, Pic Plates, Measuring Cups, Custayl Cups, Gift Sets AT SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types ol printing work-j Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cams lor every occasion DIBB PRINTING COMPANY LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and (tram pressing while yon wait. PHONE 849 320 Sixth Otrcet Haddie THIRD AVENUE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine duality Eastern .1 . Fillets l'lacc jour order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH Company Limited columbl . I jl.f pi i ! 11 ftm