LnshlpsCa motor- Union work and Is tor Seattle to load lArfpra Alaska ports, W ... J In she win prwt-tu w to Institute a new 1 Ma that norm cut hla port and souin Lka. The first sail- - i Prince Rupc" e-tibout May 31. Aiis received yester-embridge Agencies, LrtngenU of the line, 0. Briggs. wno w Jin from San Fran. hii new ship. ible cargo from the 3t is already at Prince ailing transshipment jtbeistern having ar ty railway ICE SOON o( Canadian if Commerce k Ruction M, Prices oi Canada rt to "drop to.. -do. Cockshutt. OcUrlo. president of ta Chamber of Oom- iUst nl(,ht md throughout the k one if prices going aid Cocmutt. oi rtmavaS :f subsidies no lm;er pay for a 7 through taxes but lit dire: t:y " IRETS TO ND HOURS trviR. (Pi More night wa pri:r.i:3cd cabaret a here City council approved a 'by-law at permitting cabarets open until 2 a.m. on rtile dayiijht savins a effect. Patrons prc- W to leave at 1 ajn. clcrgyn.cn criticized menftnent, saying It 'iter fcutuncc of city Wiirnoss to violate ;i Cay Act," EYISLAND If IRE Nrrd and Twenty- Pind itlarc in Miustment Centre RK, T VWp fnnnr.1 '"in wind, swent fc heart of Conev Is-1- Rrmcnt dislrli't Mnn. rtroyli)- five build- 'Owing damage ttl- 125,00O. ' PHns. malnlv fl rTalcti for smoke in- ''no. fatalities. E WEATHER Synnnvls ij'alr over the prov- : ""n wow i '"Minor IS expected today j.T p?:u:c will brlnir lltilrine iki,. Herl. oCPn r.hnr. torn M.lTpcr.aturc- I-...- Kv .uard.y Rupert 40. Wednesdav: Part 55, Prtncc Ru- r i n . ... W u. iJ"51 omcc ofni , ,.arnounccd re of'u 1 Bwers as hSr 0nt-af- a t . na'f a csnturv nf wa' appointed in City Ponders F or Citv Bus Truman Policy Is "Evil Thing" Predicts It Will Lead to War Between Russia and Rritaln MINNEAPOLIS, IP-Henry A. Wallace said Monday night that the "one alternative" to the "Truman policy of loaning money for military purposes' abroad was the "use of money through the United Nations 1or plows and tractors rather than guns and fighter planes." Wallace predicted that, if the Truman policy were applied to France, Italy and England, as well as to every country border-Ing on Russia, the result would be depression, universal chaos and, finally, revolution and war." Wallace described the Truman doctrine as an "evil thing," by-passing the United Natloni and having the tendency of forcing Oreat Brltuln and Russia Into war. ASSURANCE ON FOOD SOUGHT Leaders of trade unions In -Diicssfldorf threaten to Resign HEREFORD, Germany 0 Leaders of all trade unions in the big Rhlncland city of Dues-scldorf yesterday told. British occupation authorities that un less they 'were given detinue assurance on the food situation within the next ten days, they would resign and "could not be responsible for the The warning was sent to tnc British regional commissioner for north Rhine and Westphalia William Aibury. and was ap proved by a stormy meeting attended by seme 503 trade un ion leaders. The resolution .saict tnai, u trade -union resigned, German party leaders ami German ad ministrative authorities might follow suit. HALIBUT SALES American Einprcfls, 10,000, 17.40 and 14, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage. Betty, 21J50O, 17.80 and 14, Royal. Bataan, 21,000, 17.00 and U, Pacific. Pierce. 20.OC0, 17.80 and 14, Booth. Canadian Frcdclla III. 32.000, Co-op. Flnclla, 17,000, Co-op. Stream, 9.000. Co-op. Kcno II, Q.CTO0, Co-op. Parma, 33,O0OV Co-op. All Star, 17,000. Co-op. Narvik, 22,000, Co-op. Dovre B., 40,000, Co-op. Cape Spencer. 26,000, Co-cp. Ed. Llpsett. 14,000, Co-op. Embia, 24,000, Co-op. Four-Forty, 21,000. Co-op. Atll, 22.000, Co-cp. Skccna Ml. 10,000, Co-op. Elva M. 25,000, Co-op. t n-i mono. lG.fl and 13, Atlln. Ddbut, 7,000, 16.70 and 13. Royal. , , Mltkcf, 10.000, 16.70 and 13, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage. Forty Egyptians Killed In Bsu CAIRO, 0)--Forty men, women and children were drowned Sunday when their bus skidded and .plunged Into a canal forty miles northeast of here Five Bids Franchise Bids from five applicants for a franchise to op-crate an exclusive bus service in the city for the next five years were opened in city council last night and then referred to committee of the whole fqr consideration before a decision is made. The committee meetings, which may run into two or mrcc sessions Deior, uie bio of one of the applicants Is accepted, will be called at discretion of Mayor Arnold. According to the aldermen, It Is unlikely that a decision will be reached In time to have it presented to a meeting of the provincial Public Utilities' commission early In June. Aid. Arthur Brooksbank, chair man of the special franchise committee, saw "financial responsibility" as a key factor In awarding the franchise to any group of applicants. Decision of city council Is subject to the approval of the Public Utilities Commission and to a favorable three-fifths majority (Continued on Page 3) Fresh Fish Moving Out With landings of halibut heavy, special trains laden with express refrigeiator cars of halibut are rolling out of Trince Rupert daily. One iuch train, with 14 cars, was dispatched at midnight last night. Another Is leavln; ! DEBT LAWS ULTRA VIRES OTTAWA, Ot The Supreme Oourt cf Canada, In judgment today, declared ultra vires, Section Six of the Saskatchewan Farm Security Act, providing lor reduced Interest In .farmers' debts during poor crcp years. A related reference. 'making similar provision In rcardr.tb deb ts in connectloitj, with Rousing enterprises bec6mcs automatical ultra vires by the same decision. FIRST CASE OF "SUPERSONIC" ILLNESS FOUND LONDON The first reported case of supersonic illness, attributed to the effect on the human body of sound waves too high for human hearing, is being investigated by Great Britain's Medical Research Council The victim Is an unidentified worker In a turbo-jet engine factory in.Hertfordshlre. Symptoms are -not described but said such symptoms are pre? sumably lassitude, and the inability to walk steadily. Italy Gov't. To design ROME, O Public Works Minister Gulseppc Romita said Uils morning that Premier Alcldc De Oasperl and his cabinet would resign today because cf a Socialist charge tbat.heiisjJelltoerately fomenting a political crisis. TRANSPORT DEPT. WOULD MOVE MARINE SECTION TO SEAL COVE The Department of Transport marine services, which are now situated at Digby Island,,probably will be moved in the near future to Seal Cove where a new-marine station, including wharves for the two lighthouse tenders Alberni and Birnie, will be built. A letter from W. S. Lawson, Departmental rep resentative, inquiring If the city; would be willing to relinquish Its claim to a portion of the Seal Cove air base to establish the station, was considered by city council last night. A blueprint of the proposed station revealed that the northerly side of the concrete ramp built for the R.C.A.F, during the war would be the site of the station. Under an oWcr made last year by the Department of Transport, the city has the first priority on the buildings and facilities at Seal Cove for a civic airport, although, to date, the city lias given no indication that It wants the area for that pur pose. "it Is nurely a matter of courtesy," Aid, T. B. uiacK tie rhired In council. "Tlic property belongs to the Department of Transport and could be allocat cd to Its marine services If they want to.' i' The question tf whether or not the marine Installations would interfere with the seaplane base which is'to be set up at Seal Cove was raised by Aid. Youiirs who said that he would oppose any move that would Interfere with an airport at Seal Cove. The aldermen agreed, however, that It would bo a good thing for the city If the transport station were moved to Seal Cove from Digby. oin mouon oi Aid. Ham, they agreed to accept the Idea In principle, pending the result of a conference this afternoon between G. A. Thomp. son, Canadian Pacific Airlines general superintendent, and City Clerk H. D. Thaln. At this afternoon's meeting, City Clerk Thaln, planned to learn definitely whether or not the proposed Installation would Interfere with the use of thp Seal Cove facilities by aircraft. New Bishop Of Toronto TORONTO, B Right Rev. Alton Beverley, suffragan Bishop of1, Toronto, was elected as Bishop of the Anglican dlcccsc of Toronto, .succeeding Arch bishop Derwyn T. Owen, who died April 9. Pulp Mil Party ' Due Next Monday D. G. Stenstroin and party of eight .engineers of the Celan- cse Corporation of America from New- York will arrive in Prince Rupert next Monday from Van cpuver, according to word reach inG the city. It had been at first expected that H. Blancke of Now York, president or the company, would be here but there seems to be ,;cme uncertainty about that now. Following the visit of this party, actual preparatory work on the Watson Island site at Port Edward Is qxpeoted to get under way. Local Tides Wednesday, May 14, 1947, High 8:09 15.9 feet 21:28 16.9 feet Low 2:24 10.2 feet 14:44 7.0 feet VARSITY HOUSING WINNIPEG, W) Erection of 48 new huts for veterans' ac commodation at the Veterans' Village at the University of Manitoba was urged at a recent session of the Manitoba Loglsla ture's special committee on hou sing. NORTOOLT, Eng.. An R.A. F. Dakota burst a tire on land ing and blocked a runway at Northholt airdrome, r. . nil! I PVIUA BULLMMd . A SNOW IN INTERIOR TJiere were snow flurries at EniUko and Smithers this morning but' they melted soon after striking the ground, it wasreported at Canadian National Railways general super intendent's office this morn- S ing. New snow half way down the slopes oi Mount Morse cooied the air around Prince Rupert. 'FATALLY INJURED Word reached the city today of Hhe death of L. Sparrow, 26-year-old employee of Canadian National Railways at Prince George, who fell out of a truck in that interior city, sustaining fatal injuries. CHILD'S BODY FOUND RICHMOND The body of three- ear-ola Robert Nitron, mlssinjr since Monday, was recoveied from the Fra-ser River. He vanished when be left his "father's fishboat to walk 200 yards home. RAID GAMBLERS VANCOUVER Police ari rested 15 men in a daylight raid on the Martinique smoke shop Monday, charging Peter Loretto with keeping a belting house and 14 others with being inmates. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) VANCOUVER Bralorne 10.00 B. R. Con. JOSh B. R. X.. (Ask) .12 Cariboo Gold (Ask) 2.55 Dentonia 1 .21 Orull Wfliksns (ask) 09 Hedlcy Mascot 1.03 Minto 03i Pend Oreille 2.30 Plioneer 3.25 Premier Border M3A Premier Gold 62 Privateer .39 Reeves McDonald .' 1.50 Reno Salmon Gold Sheep Creek Taylor Bridge Whitewater Vananda 11 24 .. 1.15 - 52 ;.. .01 V ':. ... 27 Congress .04V2 Pacific Eastern ! 30 Hcdley Amalgamated .. .08 Vz Spud Valley .17 Central Zeballos (Ask) .03 OILS A. P. Con. Cahnont C and E. Home .. .15 .31 1.95 3.30 TORONTO Athpna - : 12 Aumaque 33 Bcattle 80 Bevcourt 65 objo :. .15 Buffalo Canadian I6V2 Con. Smelters 82.00 Conwest 87 Donalda . 65 Eldona .' .30 Elder 1 77 Giant Yellokhlfc 5.85 God's Lake 93 Hardrock .38 Harrlcana 07 Hcva-Gold 40 Hosco .36 Jacknlfc 08 Jollct Quebec 44 Lake Rowan 23 Lapaska 28 Little Long Lac 1.60 Lynx 17 Madscn Red Lake 3.00 McKcnzic Red Lake 48 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.48 Moneta 51 Negus 1-87 Noranda 45.75 Qslsko LaWc 1.48 Pickle Crow 2.40 Regcourt 38 San Antonio 3.50 Senator Rouyn 33 Sherrlt Gordon 2.75 Steep Rock 2.09 Sturgeon River .20 EARTHQUAKE KILLS THREE Widespread Damage in Sicily ard Southern Italy - ROME Three persons were killed and 40 lnjuitd Sunday in an earthquake -which wrecked buildings and caused widespread damagp In Calabria and other partr. cf southern Italy The quake, which als struck Sicily, was felt most severely at Lsca, in Sulionla, where two persons were killed and most of the casualties occurred. Air Service on June 15 Here in connection with the making of arrangements for the inauguration of a scheduled air seivice between Prince Rupert and Vancouver, G. A. Thompson, British Columbia superintendent of Canadian Pacific Airlines, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Frincers Adelaide last night. The service is now expected to start June 15. GUIDANCE REQUIRED Minister of Agriculture Would Protect Both Farmer and Consumer OTTAWA, 0 Hon. J. G. Gar derierT minIsterof agriculture, told the House of Commons yes terday that tfie ''government believes that, during the transitional period 'from war to peace, we should guide the farmer and consumer back into sound relationship under which they can deal with one another." He said the government would "endeavor to protect both, from any middle man" attempting to take advantage of seasonal supplies. Robert Fiar (Social Credit, Battle River), said that farmers were paying too much income tax, both directly and t EIGHT YEARS FOR SCHACHT Former German Financial Wizard is Sentenced STUTTGART, Gczmany, W Hjaknar Schacht, German fin ancial wizard, cleared of war crimes charges by the Interna tional Military Tribunal at Nuernberr seven months ago was convicted as a major Nazi offender by a German denazifi cation court today and sentenc cd to eight years Imprisonment. Sohachat's lawyer said that he will appeal the decision. The verdict was announced to a packed courtroom where the former Nazi finance minister and Relchs-toank president had been on trial for six weeks. Bralorne Miners Out On Strike VANCOUVER A Vancouver newspaper reported today that a strike had commenced at the Bralorne mine, 200 miners walking out in protest at the dismissal of a union official for FLOOD ODDITIES ORANGEVILLE. Ont.. 0 Floods which washed, away fill from under sections of No. 9 provincial highway between this Peel-county town and Arthur resulted In some odd effects, highway engineers say. At one point the pavement Is sinking Into a swamp and at another spot a spring gushes from the centre of the pavement. hed Temperance Forces Are Being Rallied in B.C. VANCOUVER, (Canadian Press) Th largest anti-liquor campaign in the history of British Columbia was inaugurated today following a combined rally of temperance forces last night sponsored by the British Columbia Temperance League. Plans are being made to enrol total abstainers throughout the prov- 1 lnce. There will be return to the jty MR SMk: 'HnRsSK D. C. Coleman, retired chair man. continues as director of Canadian Pacific Railway. Fined For Burning Others To Death AMRITSAR. Punjab A fine of 20 rupees ($6) each was levi&i on moYe tnan 9,CW trmabMrfts' of thls'holy city of .Sihks, where armed men on Saturday. Iburned seven men to death. Social Credit Denies Fascism Solon Low Denies Implication Made by Quebec Member OTTAWA, 0 The Social Credit Leader, Solon Low, said In Uie House of Commons Monday night that "neither the Social Credit Movement of Canada nor the group of Social Credit of this House takes B? lead" from Gerald K. Smith, besd of the Christian Front Movem?nt in the United States. Solon Low made this state ment while raising a question of privilege on a Montreal Gaz ette dispatch quoUng Norman Jacques (Social Credit, Wetaskl- wln) as saying the Social Credit party was doing the same work lh Canada as the Christian Front was doing in the United States. PLAN WATER PROJECT COWANSVILLE, Que., 05 The municipal council has voted to launch two loans, one for $300,-000 for the construction of an aqueduct sysstem, and another of $50,000 to complete and re pair the dralcage system. The aqueduct sou .'ce will be at Lake Tctreault. old-fashioned pledge. signing oi the Labor Curb Approved Drastic Measure Fasses United States Senate Today WASHINGTON, to Tb.8 Un ited States Senate today passed a drastic labor control bill de-. signed to curb strikes and halt many present union practices. A Democratic amendment that would have provided far. closed shops where only union men could be employed was rejected. DRIVE ON GUERILLAS Another Offensive is Beine Started In Northern Gwece ATHENS, 0)-i-Mlttary sources announce government, ' forces, approximately 20,300 strong, have launched the second .phase ofeneraVo'fecijYf guerilla, bands m norvnem Greece this time 4n northwest Thessaly and western Mace donia. Informants said the opera tions covered an area of several hundred square miles In the Pin-dus mountains just north of the region where another drive against the guerillas was recently completed. SYRIA IS OBSTINATE Will Accept Nothing Ebt But Complete Independence For Palestine LAK ESUCCESS, Oi Syria told the United Nations yesterday that she would accept no solution of the Holy land prob,-lem except the creation of an Independent PalesUne state. Farls El Khoury, Syrian delegate, made the statement as the General Assembly's 55-natidn political committee resumed de-date on instructions to be siven the proposed Palestine Inquiry commission. .. LUNENBURG YACHT CLUB.. LUNNENBURG, NJ5., O) A yacht club recently was formed at this eastern Nova Scotian port, home of Capt. Angus Walters and h i s famed Bluenose. Dr. H. A. Crelghton was named commodore. , v Nutritionist Repeats England Is "Slowly Starving to Death LONDON, Dr. Franklin Bicknell, nutrition expert who says that England is starving to death, repeated his assertion today and won support of a colleague and a leading medical journal. Dr. Bicknell challenged Food Minister Strachey, housewives how they can get in an open letter, to tell 2.W0 calorics dally 800 more than the doctor says the average (person gets. The letter appeared in tne 108-ycar-old Medical Journal which said editorially that It would be "very sorry If Mr. Stra-chey's calories . . . should come to figure only on the menus of our frustrated Imaginations." Another nutritionist, Dr. Albert Howard, also said "there Is ho doubt that England Is slowly dying of starvation," owing to lack of proteins. Meanwhile, in Germany protest resignations by town councils are teported In the Ruhr as the British zone's worst food crisis entered Its twenty-third day without signs of Improvement. At Sollngen, the town council walked out ot the town hall during a meeting and announced it would do no more work until the food situation All 5 northern anuijntoaCbitish.columbu's newspaper iTTTTWTf TVTTVTTf f TTVf f 1 Mill. 4 TAXI tTAXI TAXI: 235 Phone! V' . K 4 537 HIOHT 8KRVICE4 CDAY AND NIOHT SERVICE; Stand: l m.i.i Third Ave.T Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt VOL. XXXVI, No. 112 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS bltiililililiAt.tllilli leastern Hay 31 jlfjin: ,hip Co. j Service, Vessel Almost Frisco Bis 2$9 TIL taryt 31. 7 i i-Liquor campaign IsL aunc '