(, Classified Advertising -- tnaartlMI minimum xKa n r y iude to the FOlt KENT -7 SWS SmT ivl tn nnipp and :teburg'i.'84i Que- 't Vancouver, in Vancou-CLral Hospital, May 3. glb 2o. Bothdo- ... TTkos of thanks -Mrs B. P. Lovln flesiie -in those who assisted during ater the refore eciaily Mrs. For- nd the Civic Centre X Robinson -wishes to ....hpr sincere thanks and jce Rupert Mayor nmuw .h Red Cioss for the .a ........... isun:i. she ctcciveci .anw , ln:s m the recent Clapji IllLr WANTED t'wANTEDD Urgently tjgi woman to Jook au.er t man. by day or mo.ntn. .jse can EHos Furniture i r man O 1 ft MM jjg, fX10lie w, p WANTED Caretaker for Lit Club Apply T. II. Wil- P.0 Box 1307 WANTED WED To ouy usea oeas d dresser in gaid condition. Red 09. "141 Your 8:raip . Metals, j Prices Paid-Active Trad- Company Ltd. js tass Lrdova St Vancouver, B.C. (tf) UTED -Boom ;nan with :.aa sturdy worx ooat for rking around booming Lund: Apply SKeena uum- Bilmor B.C. (112) : RENT 2 room furnished on Borden St. Phone Blue I OR LEASE (112) RENT Sleepinir room, in v 742 7th Ave. West. 0 p.m. (113) RENT Furnished rooms. I 9th Ave West. (117) RENT 2 room ca'bln, 960 hAYi Wt-t piune Jtca mi. (117) f. LEASE (1) Terminal h and Newsstand. First tiz ODCtirtunity lor i worx- partners (2) Terminal of- l or ;iore space. Location traffic Is ready made. Lip'.; Northern Distributors. LISTINGS .WANTED (tf) 1UKO Your House? We live buyers looking for well Ijh 4 and 5 room homes. Itfh c; (cms. See ARM- tTRONO AOENC1ES. (131) HitSON.IL U5 AOED WOMAN will : after children afternoons If evenln3 Phone Green 588 (tf) I'TORinvj AND yACATION irs' vv;ien planning your !bv (ememibir Lake Rthlyn Auto Cs-mo. situated I the hsart of a sportsman's aradise Clean, comfortable li'jin Fit reservations write l" 88. Emlthew (123) FOlt SALE FOR SALE 6 room house, 2181 7th Aye. E. Small payments: easy terms, Phone Blue 815. tf) FOR SALE-30-ft. trolling boat (A'wanhee), completely equlp-ced: 7 h.D. heavv dutv Vivian cneine. new last vear. Boat in perfect condition. Phone ElacJ: .382. (116) FOR SALE 2 small cooking stoves; 2 -7 heavy duty Ji.y. engine In llrst class condition. Apply 315 9th Ave. W., or phone Black 919 between 8 to 5 p.m. (1121 FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen SeU from $14. SILghtly used Be&s complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Palls from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugs, lovely de other useful articles. Come in and look them over. B. C FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE 28 ft. giUnet boat with 5 hp. Eastnope engine Phone Blue 505 alter 5 p.m. tf 1. Two Choice bulidin loU on Third Ave. West near McBride. 2. One lot on Second Ave. West near Civic Centre. 3. Modern five roan bungalow near Seal Cove; Grand haibor view. Ideal for anyone desiring privacy. Reasonable; Terms; Owner leaving town. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342. (112) FOR SALE Brooder started chicks, sexed or mixed. R. O. P. White leghorns and1 new Hamwshires s?Hin? May 12 at 2 weeks old, 55i earii. Aljo R.O.P. White Leghorn pullets sellln? May 12 at 10 weeks old. $1.30 each. Add 10c per week on all orders utter above dates. Sufficient cockerels free. Your down payment will hold order until retired. Balance due before delivery. We Euarantee satisfaction and 100 live arrival. Shipments F.O.B. Kltwanga. M. Rowe Kltwanea. . (120) FOR SALE 1 acres good land Terrace. Four miles from sta tfon on Kalum Road. 20 acre rlpsr some orchard, bulldints The rest commercial timber, tin ncre. A. Powchulk, Kltwan , nr. (116) FOR SALE Folrtini', bugg? and rhlld's crib, good condition Stanley 45 plane, new. Phone I3o qir tu' von RALE 3 room cottage on .Ambrose with 2 lots. Built m 41. Only $800 for caafh sale: 5 room house near Vallialla Hall, basement furnace and 2 lots. $3500. Terms available thntr CoUart Si McCaffery " wd. FOR SALE English pram, sooa condition, baby's folding bath and . rocker. Phone 853. (117) ACKNCIES OH'KIM.D VANCOUVER Distributor.-: offer ing agency and protected ier ritory to ambitious party d; sirous of high ciinr-n" Box GIVES BACK CAR TO CITY Barbara Ann Scotl breaks Down momentarily at returning eeremon) In Ottawa OTTAWAKP With tears wel ling in her blu eyes, Barbara Ann Scott yesterday handed back to Mayor Stanley Lewis the Keys to a canary-colored phaeton which a grateful city had given her for the honor she brought it by .winning the world' figure-skating championship. Seeking a moments refuge behind a friend's car after the ceremony, he sobbed onenlv but smiled a moment later when newspaper photographers Montreal k Cup Winner MONTREAL, (P Montreal lloyals captured the Allan Cud. emblamatic of world's amateur signs from $1.65. All kinds of key . championship, by trouncing Calsary Starapeders 8 to 2 In one deciding game of the best out of seven series which was stretched to the lim it. Mohireal won four games and Calgary three At one stage if ine series the Royals .were ahead three games to one and appeared to have a stranglehold. Then the Stam peders staged a comeback to win two games, Saturday night oy a score of 5 to 2 The Royals scored four goals in the first period of last night's game and were never threaten cd. ENGINES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY VIVIAN GAS ENGINES 2-cyl 15 h.p. Latest features. Enclosed clutch, dual Ignition, Bosch magneto, etc. Gas Engine Dept., VIVIAN ENGINE WORKS i LIMITED., 1100 W. 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. BAyvlew 1526. tll7) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, usS '.he modern and up-to-date type Natlonat Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company. Limited. Vancouver, .B.C. (M LOST lost Lady's Bulova wrist watch- Vicinity of 8th Ave. E.. Sunday. Finder please return to Dally News. (112) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Would look after children for working mothers. Phone Black 615. ROOM AND HOARD Tinlay in Sports GENERAL MOTORS WIN FASTBALL Have Tm Much flower For High chpJ Jn interesting . Match The exhibition pre.-sc'hedule fasthnii trame :betwcn General Motors and High School last evenine orovided an .interesting ruatclj with the he.avy-hlttlng motor men wlming over' th" students by 10 ,t9 5- .General Motors trotted out much the same team as v.-on the ahamplorjshjtp la,st yea.r put riai Jake An.tone filung in as pitcner. His snap .deliveries naa .tne siu-erxU puzzjed except for the sec- PAd Inning when they scorea four w .weir r.pns., e naa m strlke-owta to hlsicrcdit, Morgan, with fiv lor Slie. and Beynon, WIUi three In four U.mes at bat, were the best hitters, pominaio , bit a .tJttr.eebaewi' a-s dW By- uon while pavilkis iand Antone ?,o.rh hit .two-bagge. Jtun? wer icored. Joy Beynon, three; Dom- (113) ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Mn preferable. 022 Fraser Street. U) nato and Pavilkis, two eacn. md Winrte; Arnev r.ttd Morgan .one each, Pavilkis was an effl- .'i.e.r.t catcher. Hartwhr used 16 layers in orer io give .as mar;.y .as possiible chance to show their worm. Runs were scored by Scherk. Sharp, Owens. Oyereaarde. and , Shier, but he schoLnrs were no'u hittlns well, W.e?chpl.tchtd the first five inmnes av.d .Olsen tne last four, each giving up five runs. Spotty .fielding was res-oonsible ifor a few runs although TOpd .catches .als,o leatured the ohv. Sharp lived up to his name behind the plate. Olsen give? ve,rv promise cf belp.l able tp relieve We?"h :n the box. He Difhe.s a eool. '.jiojphtful game and has a fair amount of rev? Teams: General Motors Dominoto Beynon. Windle. Llndsiv. T Arnev. Pavilkis. Morjran. Antone SiWersldes and Rtromdahl. Bo-Me-Hl Siherk, Sham Forbes. Hartwie S'r.ier. Forman nnvpns Overrrnarde Wes"h Art derson. Svnv3. Laurie Ker.nedv Thomrson, I.avl'?p- and 0!sen llmD're O. Mawblnney. Base umpire, M. Brydje?. BALM ACARA. Ross and 'CrpV rnnrtv. Scotland. P'A summer school for the study of Vellte language and culture is to be opened here. NEW ROYAl HOT El A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C; Phone 281 P O. Box 188 HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY FOR II. C. .LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE OIL BURNERS CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNERS ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. Box 1158 (Station B) Phone BLACK OGII Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUF SATURDAY Detroit 5 Chicago 2 New York 9 Boston 0 Cleveland 3 St. Louis 8 , Philadelphia 3 Wasiiln?ton .4 SUNDAY Philadelphia 4 Washington 0 Detroit 6 Chicago 0 Cleveland 16 St. Louis 1 New York 7 Bostcn 8 NATIONAL LEAGUE SATURDAY St. Louis 0 PltUburg 3 Boston 1 New York 2 Brooklyn 4 Philadelphia 2 Chicago 1 Cincinnati 5 SUNDAY Chicago 1 Cincinnati 0 f k I ' . . 233 Daily News 11 I. . f reshness and appeal in perfect combination. These are the qualities you'll find in Winchester Cigarettes, for they are "Blended Right" from the world's choicest tobaccos, .Turkish, Virginia and Hurley Winchesters are consistently tops in taste, aroma and smoking satisfaction. Winchester CIGARETTES I: I: Rain Postpones Baseball Match Sunday's ,raAn showers caused the postponement of the baseball game which was to have been played as a season's opener between veterans and rookies. However, It is planned to pro ceed with the match at a later date, possibly next Sunday. Boston 11 New Y k 3 St. Louis 3 PitiAJrg 3 Brooklyn 4 Philadelphia 5 MONDAY American Cfew York 3. Boston .4. Philadelphia S, Washington 1. National Boston 3, Brooklyn 8. Only games scheduled. Classified Advertising Pays! Enst to West OGDEN'S Rolls Best II l SAID OGDEN'S i xv, j t M MS WAY UP IN SMOKIMG ) "PIPE SMOKERS! ASK FOR OGDEN'S CUT PLUG.' MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED fee! like loafing ? Then Hrownwoods have the shoes for you Moccasin-style casual shoe , $5.50 ro $9.95 Man Styled for leisure . . . cut right for comfort . . . Choose from many leathers anil styles from Brown wood's extensive selection. q0 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SHINGOLEEN Shiifolcen beautifies and preserves new and old shingles against ever - changing and "gives, a lasting protection weather conditions. Wc have if in one and five-gallon cans and several different colois. ASK FOR A COLOR CARD THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue PHONE 101 o SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS rhone BLUE 1C0 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) Max We Suggest . ... 'Hcforc Taking That Holiday Trip , . . Yon See Our Stock of Accessories FOR YOUR CAR'S SPRING CLEAN-UP-Kleener, Sponges, Wax, Soap, Chamois, etc. ACCESSORIES-Fog Lights, Fender Flaps, Midget Vacuum Cleaners, Chrome Grill Guards, Wheel Wrenches, Hot Patches, Jacks, Miscellaneous Tools, Seat Covers, and many other items. Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 rrlnce Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 Prince Rupert Dadj? 3cto0 Tuesday. May 13, 1947 PERFECT COMBINATION FOR PERFECT SHAVES! You get the slickest, most refreshing shaves of your life with the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. They fit exactly, and protect you from the discomfort caused by misfit blades. Gillette double edges mean double economy, too. look'feel-Xte m Gillette BLUE BLADES With hejjA(tr edges ever i .1 FISHERMEN The Ideal Radio for Your Boat! R.C.A. VICTOR BATTERY RADIO MODEL BT42 Long and Short Wave Small and Compact The New "Evcrrcady" No. 758 Power Pack is housed .inside the cabinet for ecenomy of space. Now Available PRICE : $59.95 Other Models from $42.80 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT. PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED LICENSED PREMISES SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES - UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Managers. TOM PESUT - STEVE VRKLAKN RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Complete automobile repair service by experienced mechanics, assures first class workmanship at the right price. LUBRICATION is vital, be sure your grease job is right. We have the best equipment to do your job and use nothing but first line lubricants, the correct type in each fitting. f PHONE 566 FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS - DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. I r AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES C24 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 7?7 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL PhnnSiiL.v ChowMein .CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m PHONE 173 OUR PRICES ARE GOING DOWN! New Prices on the Popular , CHAMPION OUTBOARD MOTORS I PoslUve Cooling. Sl 5 7 ' Easy Starling. M,w NEW SHIPMENTS ARRIVING REGULARLY See Them On Display a(. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 1,1