Iptlntt Uupcrt Daflp 'Kltton lliursday, March 20, 1947 GERRARD AND BRUNO WALTER SHARE BATON EWorld - famous conductor l$runo Waller and the Vienna Symphony orchestra fijurative-Sy stood at the shoulder of Conductor Neville Ocrrard and the Prince Rupert Sympnony Or-hcstra while the latter laid diligently. Into Hayden's "Symphony In O Major ("military") during Itasef kly practice session In the Civic Centre Monday night. - Conductor Oerrard employed ;an Instruction technique often .used by orchestra leaders to familiarize players with diffi cult classics. He played recordings of thP'Hayden masterpiece on a phonograph while the or .chestra listened. Then the or chestra played 'the symphony, movement by movement, while the recordings were repeated at Intervals. The players found the method valuable In understanding the interpretations of Inflection and idiom as portrayed by the Vienna orchestra. However, they were also made aware of their lack of instruments, and are repeating their appeal for instrumentalists to fill out their i . A Combined CENTENNIAL S REBEKAH ana m TEEN TOWN Presentation . . . mmmm 25 YEARS AGO March 20, 1122 II. C. Strong, Ketchikan cold Storage and cannery owner urged before a congressional committeeTtTVvashington that a car ferry be established between Prince Rupert and Ketchikan As railway terminus, he said. Prince Rupert was draining Alaskan fisheries money because American fishermen favored this port- The new Canadian National dock, 850 feet, long, was expect ed to be completed by April 1 The work was being done by Simmons Construction Co., of Winnipeg. The provincial government road connecting Third Avenue with Cow Bay was opened for traffic. The project cost $6,500 and gave direct connection to a number of business houses with the downtown area. PINEAPPLE-LIKE FLAVOR The fruit of the pandanus plant resembles the pineapple in flavor. ranks. There were 18 orchestra members at Monday night's practice. Dealer Franchise opportunity Applications are Invited from interested parties for dealership franchise to be allotted In B.C. on a new line of Outboard Motors, having unexcelled engineering and performance features. Only those having adequate facilities for service as well as sales will be considered, those appointed will be required to attend a four-day service instruction course in Vancouver. An excellent opportunity to those who can qualify. A high-quality product, offered at competitive prices, with reasonable dealer discount. Write to Hox 214, Prince Rupert News HAPPY WONG Co. . Wholesale and Retail 1HUITS AND VEGETABLES 21 Sixth Street Black 239 NORTIIKKN LIGHT HOOK ROOM C3) (Over Wallace's Store) for Bibles, Easter Cards, JNulloes General Contractor : 'We tto basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 180 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J-' CALL BLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. Z P.O. BOX 654 , : . PRINCE KUPER'I m j4tmuttcemeat! The PEOPLES 1017 FOLLIES 15 Acts of Entertainment Pws I NAME BANDS ' The Esquires and the Teen Town Own I JO-US AN EASTER FASHION SHOW 'Featuring . . . ;;"THE FOLLIES FASHION FAIRS" . Civic Centre 8:15 p.m. Friday, March 21 5 It's a Sell-out at Only 50c Admission V 2WHAT IS MOT CtDS AM) WINDOW ISOXLS Where one cannot buy started plants or where one wants to start ones own. the hot bed or window box supplies the answer. In these, seeds are planted In March and. after transplanting and hardening off. they are ready to set outdoors when the weather and soil are warm. Such things as cabbages, head lettuce, etc.. are handled this way, among the vegetables, and petunias, zinnias, cosmos, among the flowers. Indeed, any plant that will transplant can be started in these beds and from three weeks to a month or so rof extra growing season added. The hot bed consists of a deep layer of fresh horse manure to supply the heat. Over this Is placed a rough frame of boards. and on top is placed a window sash. A good government bulle tin will supply all details. On the inches of good garden soil and I in this, after the manure hasj heated and cooled again, the seed is planted In rows about ihree inches anart. In the window box, which is .i shallow affair about three Inches dceip, only good soil is necessary. After the seed has sprouted and developed a second set of leaves the plants are thinned i ' about two inches apart. On warm days some ventilation -hould be provided and the soil hould never be allowed to dry out. After the plants are about two inches high they are usually transplanted to roomier quarters, and for at least a couple f weeks they should be hard-, enrd or made ready for perman-en t. plantirr outside by being exposed o full weather. JUSTICE WITH SMILE BETTER JJIatk Alarkct and Civil Cases Centre ( Hull Court Interest HULL. Que. Wack market and civil cases have leplaccd the bootlegging and gambling trials of the wide-open '20's in this Quebec city across the river from the national capital. For 25 years a Hull district magistrate, Judge Honoro Ach-im, Go, says there has been a 50 per cent reduction In crime here in the last 10 years. He attributes the reformation to high employment and compar- tlvc prosperity. Famous for his witty remarks from the bench, Judge Achliu has directed his humor at counsel, court officials, newspaper men and spectators nlikc. "One can administer Justfcc with a smile now and then without affecting the dignity of the court," he says. "It makes life more agreeable for all IiOOZIi KILL PRO I IT WINNIPEG, ft Manitoba liquor profits for the year ending April 3, 1940, were the largest in the history of the liquor control commission. They showed a net profit of $8,101,352. WITHOUT A GARDEN? Nl'KSLUV STOCK All shrubs, trees, bushes, vines, etc., that are grown or started in a commercial nursery are termed nursery stock. There Is a wide range in price and Just as wide in quality. The real test Is whether or not the stock will grow quickly and sturdily. If the roots.are dry and the UDDer nart of the plant shrivelled, brown ish and lacking buds, then one can be quite sure he paid too much for the stock. It will prob ably die or take three or four years to get really growing Healthy stock, on the other hand, will come alonz aulcklv with hardly a check, especially W handled carefully. Plants. shrubs, vines, etc., should be kept cool and moist and if they cannot be planted In their ner- manent location right away they should be "heeled In," that is temporarily planted In a trench with the soil heaped up well 1.00VC the roots. When replanting it is advisable to supply plenty of water and keeD water ed for the first few weeks. Plant ing is best done in the cool ot the evening or on dull days, and some shade from hot sun Is advisable with tiny things. I GOOD COMBINATIONS For the average layout, use n combination of vines, shrubberv. trees, perennial flowers and annuals. At the back against the house, vines and tall shrubbery, the latter planted in clumps make the best background. Jn front of this proup3 of smaller shrubs and .larger perennial riowers can be planted with the room between, especially when the shruboery is still small, filled in with clumps of annuals. Along the front tiny edging plants are used, then will come a piece of green lawn. Use clumps rather than straight rows and a wavy edge along the front of the bed is preferred to straight cd?cs. Home-Grown Wheat Increases in U.K. LONDON 0 Deliveries of home-grown wheat to flour mll.s increased in the United Kingdom in January and helped to counteract delays in overseas supplies. Dr. Edith Summer-skill, food ministry parliamcn tary secretary, said deliveries to mills in the five weeks ciKl"r.". Feb. 1 were 220,000 tons against C3.000 tons and 112.000 tons for the four weeks ending Dec. 28 and Nov. 30 respectively. Harvesting last autumn was made difficult by rainy weather and the food ministry now permits millers to accept wheat containing up to 50 per cent of sprouted grains if It is otherwise sound. LIQUOR CHARGE BRINGS FINE Charged with supplying liquor to an Indian, Lloyd Wader was fined $100 in city police court Tuesday. A charge against Wader of contributing to juvenile delinquency, involving an underage native girl is being heard by the court. 13-YEAIt JOD It took 13 years to build Brooklyn Bridge. Venetian Blinds NOW AVAILABLE STEEL FLEXALUM or WOODEN Choice of Colors Wc will measure your windows and quote installed prices. Phone 46 I GORDON & ANDERSON r 4 lfm FIRST INDIAN ENVOY -Asa t Ali, first ambassador to the United States from newly-independent India, is pictured on arrival at New York by air from London. Ali is enroute to Washington where he will present his credentials to President Truman. 'New Zealanders Good Bargainers make 300 1'cr Cent on Davi, Cup riajirs' KackeU CliiMJSTCHUltCII, N.Z. if- -uarUiur Malloy and Billy Tal-bm, United Stales Davis Cup plajers, were besieged with buyers when they offered to sell six rackets at the conclusion of their brief tour of New Zealand. They quickly disposed of the racket at $8 each and Talberl even managed to sell a pair of tennis shot for $1.80 and then oii'ered to put up his shorts ! loo. They soon found they had u:n';'i estimated the market when one of the racket purchasers immediately resold his buy lor $24. cirv hatch them? REGINA A black and white sign truck stuck prominently in a mow drift in frpnt of the city hall gets the odd grin from paser-by. It reads: "Fresh eggs tor sale." Oity Hall official do not know wio me poultry fancier is. You saw a in The Newsl HUP 0M inJ VANCOUVER EAST LIONS CLUB CRIPPLED CHILDREN FUND OF B.C soi med'ical arts building, 8X5 GRANVILLE STREET, VANCOUVER, 6. C. 6ntAciMl: Vancouver Oippltd Child'tn'i HoiplUl Vtncouvtr Pit.cntoiium Outtn Altitndrt S-!iium, V.I. St. Chrhtophtr'f School. North Vincouvtr r ZTT" mil I V I 1( ia . 1'IIONliS 110 and 117 Courtesy and Service Yes, the worst is over but it is no imq to let your coal bin run low You gel speediest possible tlc-fi.. ....... . u t. v ) brands of eoal from us. I! ul tloti'l leave onUiinj,' too long, ALBERT a McCAFFERY LTD. 1'UEL AND BUILDING MATEIUAIJS Hollywood Cafe rniNCE uurcurs newlst and most Ul'-TO-DATli WiSTAUKANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FKOM 11 A.M. TO G A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATERIOPARTIES CHOP SUEY CIIOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE OKOEKS PUONE 133 738 THIRD AVENUK WEST TODAY 'til SAT. t Stiuinf nosi; I5LLT CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly nnd .Monthly Itatc fur your cunvcnlcnco . . . NEWLY UECOKATEU Transient Koouu CAFE In Coiincclion LICENOED I'KEMISEO (Ilcnovatcd) r II O N E . 11 jto urn - COHHH hue . imTi Minn mmm wtwmi Mill -EOROTKY CJ Capital '''II Nrilr. ' i 1 1. n ANNOUNCING ih,. LATEST and BEST Po ID ami. ... h.' wi Tin: HORNET CHAINS . ... cir.M,MiiM it i HANDLING - mm, kconom! MOKG AOAI'TAlMJi-MOKKlli ahw; - mmi DhPKNDAliLE! IN STOCK AT: Terrace Machine Shop and Can ti;i:uaii: r,c " " "1 "rrairiSia Three Vaillncs l'cr Werk for VANCOUVMt VICTOniA klattm; Tuesdays, 1:30 pan. CixniUlatn. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. , Saturdays, 0:15 pjn. Cauuisun Kl.TCIIIKAN Frhl.ivs. 2:U0 Midnight. STUWAKT and WAV I'OINTS OuiKlay.s 10 p.m Min:N ciiAKLurrus Fortnightly. I ICANK J. SKINNtll Prince Kupert Atrent Tlilrd Ave Miotic uCj Fill ItMTll KKI'AlRLvl rpiiuMfrinf . & I ( ar and Turk (J Krpalrrd and tri Out ul-'-n orirl ipr-Jai or I CABINET flinnf Cmrl a Cr zi iitJ II.VIT i:Uli:S and Al'tTSSOKII S tarrird hj PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY M P.O. Hox 772 330 :t : ft'.' - BRITISH COLUMjj FINEST SA1 RCA VIC0 Mantel lid" MODEL GO AC'ltf G Tube. Attractive Modunil.v i; ' Designed Cabinets dv" 1 A L ' 1 JlJ) VIU Record 1'I.iycr NOW ON Vi I--.- ' NORTIlEItN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COL IP" V