NIC 1 ' Hi 111 :f-:C lift IF? in rv Prfnrc Rupert DaHp r3rto3 Wednesday. June 18, 1847 Classified Advertising ClMsiriMU: Jo prr word lot Insertion, minimum charge. 50c Birth NuUcti, too; Curds ol TUnnu, Death Nutlet's, x'uncrul Notlcw, Marriage ma Kngatseiueut Anuounctuuta: X FOK KhNT HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED Apply Victory Cafe. (tf) WANTED Woman or girl for out-of-town housework. Apply PJQ. Box 908, city. (tf) PERSONAL FAST LASTING RELIEF from acid indigestion, gas disturbances heartburn, nervous sour stomach with "GoWen Stomach ' Tablets". 360 tablets, $5.00; 120. $2.00: . $1.00. At all drug storts and drug departments. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN Wfl) look after children afternoons ' or evenings. Phone Green. 54. xm ST AND FOUND LQST-rBetween Indian Agency" office and Ro;r! Hank :uJune 11, a cheque for $327.93 payable to Claude Jozies, fcsud by Kelson Bros on Royal Bank f Canada. Anyone flndte same piease return i. inan A split 'c nffVp If tv feniii Appotnud Executor at Vbt eut ot AH puues tTtoC rUlms ACUi5t Uw sOd rsutc w brrrb- mjnlrrd to turcistj sxmr. pvroprrtx rin4 to -a 00 or brfee It Slsl d- of Jutj. AD. 15-4T. xtur which eiAbns flltd a- be .rkr vtuwwt rrlm-scr to aT 4Una of rhlrh I Ua bad no Ino-rVArr And All ptrUes Indrbtfd to th SAi att r4Uintd to pT U Amount tbctr todfbtKtufia forth TtUv tjDATEO Usks SUt dT of June. AO. JESSE ERIDDES. Ewor EstAVp'of Austin Catt. r'C Will mm O FuHon. EArristrr. Prtocc Euprrt RC 1" THE &CFEE3tE COURT or Esmsa Columbia p; PROBATE Dt TEX MATTER OT THE FUlf SALE rXiR RKfT. 3 room, partly fur- j FOR SALE-oll-urim bath tub nlshed house. Phone Red 737 after 6 p.m. (143) FOR RKNT Furnished rooms. Oth West. (153) FOR RENT 2 roomed apart-lacnt. 221 5th Eait. Phone Re4 807. (145) ROOM AND HOARD liOOM aud BOARD $40 a month it double; $45 single. Clean' respectable. Men preferred, fltiiiy white trade preferred. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (145) yANTED TO RENT-Covple. no children, need smaH house. fcYar CNR. Yarv. Wrfte Box 246 Daily New. WANTED Sleeping room for business woman. Close In preferred. Phone 35S) week days. 9 a in. to 6 pjn. tf SHIP Us Vour Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Active Trading Company Ltd. 935 East Cordova St.. Vancouver. B.C. (tf) with new set of faucets. $35. rione Black 322. itf TOR SALE-Ice box. 241 Wh Ave. West. (144) FOR SALESumiaer Cfittage With la pn Lakeke Lake Apply -Tef race Heart. 147 FOR TiiMy-fuui troiler fully equipped. . Clausen and son. . IXR CJUfCK SALE Couip'ete set pf stationary engineer's tools and lwks, also child's hish chair au4 co-ttinoda chair. fio. I Angus Courts. Green 939. (tf) FOR SALE Cook stove, special made bed with bulit-ln drawers, spring-filled mattress and other household goods. Pat Lyons. 1J70 8th E. U42 FOR SALE-Oreen 698. Lumber. Phone (142) FOR SALE R.O.P. White Leghorns and New Hampshire pullets, all ages, from 85c to $1.70 each. Terms: cash, F.OB. Kitwanga. M. Rowe. (145) FOR SALE FuHy equipped troiler. Lenyth 32 ft., beam 10 ft., draft 4 ft. 6 in. May be seen at McLean's Floats Apply 1501 8th East (!44 FOR SALE Household and OI-fice Furniture Hardware and Logging Supplies etc. New Carbon Paper. Typewriter Ribbons, Staples Office Chairs. Rflgs 12x13, Typewriter. Desks. Used Beds complete $20. Chesterfield Beds $45. Kitchen Sets $14. Dinins; Room Sets $30. New-Hot Plates $3.50. Scatter Rugs $1.25. New Mattresses $16.50. New Coal and Wood Stoves small slae $30. All kinds of fcsP&ner useful artlcits at reason- abl?prtces. B.C Furniture Co. vBHcfc 324. (tf) FOR f SALE - MoCiary Silent Glow wick burner stove. Phone Red 953. H43) FOR: SALE 2S dogfish nets. Apply boat "Ssralbard," Stand-are Oil. ' 143) FOR SALE Mercury power crtit rjt cIass comditicn: inquiries iv:ted Terrace Machine Shop Garase. 1I451 M prVuted anruljroK s-UX-Trfieht lamo. seal hold and notify Indian Agect - -J, r - r,. or B.C Police. 144 V",' "v "SfHSJSL BALE-Top Grade Lumber Phone Blue 944 Reward, i tf) LOST-rWagon on 6th East. Finder please return to 1009 6th Atc East (J4S IX THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IK PRO KATE IN THE MATTES OF THE -ADMINISTRATION ACT IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF AUSTIN CART DECEASED. TESTATTC TAKE NOTICE t ordr of Kl Ri W E FtetMT. md on Sra dAT of Munr An iut t jtrain. $85 per M. Flat srain i&O. Cedar fl-jaris-;. 1x4, S50. SWprsp. $48. V Plywood. $75. Window Sash. $2. Also doors, wltto frames and fittings. Phone 234. W&S' METAL WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now Is i the time to rme that eaves- ; trough fixed and rumare In- ! stalled. Thorn SWet Metal J Ltd . Black 8S4. (tf) ! MACIIINFJtY TO SAW better lumber more economics lr, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, WANT ESPERANTO AIRED BIRMINGHAM. Eng.. CTTtie 82nd Congress ot the British Esperanto Association decided to ask the United Nations radio division to give regular broadcasts talks on UN. activities In Esperanto. -AOMCOSTXATION ACT" I ' 1 ... AND IN THE SUPREME COURT OP ES TEX MATTER OP THE ESTATE . BRITISH COLUMBIA OP JOHN LIXD. DECEASED. ) IN PROBATE INTESTATE IN" THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE TAKE NOTICE tnAt or Ordr of' OP OP CARL CARL CHRISTOPHERS CHRlsmPwresrv EN Es Hooour Jttde W E Plshr. Local j-aagr u tar 9upmn oourt or Brltuh OatuiabiA. I vas os tte 2nd dj ot aJiJtrsTAD. DECEASED IN THE MATTER OP THE Jan. AH IMT ppolntl Admkite- TA.KE NOTICE tht by ordr of tht flvt.v n Ik rrt. . A V r . I I7n . r. V. . . . 1 . . . . . wwuu MUO. ! mvt Ml usvlv miSOO, niAUV Utf of Purt Esslnrtoo. British Cot-' Uk 29th dAT of Mat. AD. 1MT. I u taobU. who dwd brtn the 18th j Appointed Administer with the vtU And Slrd U.n of FrhruArr 1U1 Al. pcrsOGf l&deoted to the CAid esUU kic req'Ulred to pay tbe Amount of Utetr tadMedns( to mt torthirlth Aad All perwoA bATlnj; cUlms A$Alnst the aid Estate Are required to file IMa vita mjfc wv- toe oroperlT Termed vtukm on wi Annexed of the esutc of CatI ChrLt-tophersen SkjeptUd. deceued. AU pArUet hATlns cUlmt agAlnst the wUd esUte Are hereby required to fumlth tAme. properlT verltied. to n on or before the lt dy of August. AD. ir. luicr iuicr wr.icn wr.icn claims claims med niea nwy mAj or before the 15th cat of July. 1MT. i be pAld with reference to Any claUm tDAde hATine msrd only to cuch cialms of which I shAU hae been notified. DATED At Prince Rupert B.C this 2nd day of Jitne ATI 1MT GORTON FR.1SER FORBES, Official Administrator. (141) Prtac Ruoert. B.C AND all nart.lM lnriMiwI tk IK eauiw ure required o PT tne amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith DATED thta 10th day of June. 1SH7. GORDON FRARFJe PORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Manager SpialLdnr Marine and General Sheet Metal M'ork Electric and Acetylene Weldlnf Boat Tanks Stacks ' Furnaces Gutter Work 8M East Hrst (Cow Bay) rhone Black RSI P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT Renewed City" Museum Popular in First Two Days Since Reopening Although arrangement of its exhibits is only partially complete, Prince Rupert's museum is again open for public inspection and the Board which has labor ed to refurpish jt, anticipates that it will become the centre of tourist attraction that it was priqr to the " ' war. ?" Its visitors book, unsigned since bunding. This is sponsored by 1945. started a new page tills week, and already Uie names pf more than two dozen tourists who examined the displays on Monday and Tuesday. Curator C. E. Cullin anticipated even1 more activity toaay wnne me steamer Prince Rupert is in port. "I think we are getting off to .... i . . i j li- a preuy guoa siiui, &mu n. Cullin., surveying the newly decorated walls on which were hung exhibits of native handicraft and wild life specimens. "When we Iget the totem poles in front, it will attract Increasing numbers of people." Mr. Cullin, a resident of the city for 35 years, has come out pf retirement to act as curator of the museum for the summer months. Mrs. Cullin is assisting her husband in the preliminary stages. The totem poles to which Mr. Cullin referred are two which the museum board has obtained from War Assets Corporation and which will be restored and placed on either side of the Second Avenue entrance to the building. One pf the p4 stood before H.M.C.S. phatbam during the war and the other graced the entrance to the Westyiew army signals camp. In addition to his duties as curator. 'Mr. Cullin will operate a tourist Information bureau In an offic at the front of the' Uie Prince Rupert Public Relations Council. The museum will be. open during regular morning and afternoon periods during tfie week while coastwise passenger boats are Jn port. An indication of pie popularity of the museum in the past is revealed in the visitors' book which was first opened in 1937. In the ensuing three seasons before the war, thousands of names appeared on its pages, the vast majority follow ed by American addresses. Californlans seemed to predominate.- On June 21, 1938, while the vessels Prince Robert, Prince George and Princess Louise, were In port, more than 300 per sons visited uie museum, ine Board hopes thaHestoratlon will result In an even greater postwar popularity for the institu tion. Passengers aboan! the Cana dian Pacific Airline plane which left Prlace Rupert at 1 o'clock this ternocn were e! Dashiel. L. Mortinsen, G. A. Thompson, W. Softy and J. Black for Vancouver and E. E. Hyndsnan and airs. Sutherland for Sandspit. Passengers arriv REGULATIONS STOPPED HIM Final Tie-up From Now Defunct Aircraft Restriction KETCHIKAN - Delay in obtaining telegraphic permission from Ottawa for a plane trl to Prince Rupert caused Vic Mona-han, Tacoma industrialist, to cancel plans to vis1; the Cana dian port Saturday. Monahan. operates the pas-cade Pole Ccmpany in Tacoma. He had b,en in Wrangell for several days arranging to treat aoles there vljeh he hoped t. ship to the Twin Cities and Chicago areas through Prince Rupert. Expecting to f)y to Prince Rupert on a chartered EIVs Airlines plane, he aked Ellis Friday to arraa.? Ike trip. Buf Prlnre Rupert had to forward the wire to Ottawa and. by the time permission ?os ranted. lust before noon Saturday, it was too late for Monuhan to get back and catch reserved through transportation to Taeoma. (Such specfftl pennls;on for -orrign aircraft Is now no longer, necessary s1jw Prince Rur' has been made 'a direct port of entry and departure!. Baseball Schedule June 19 W&N- Savoy June 22 Moose W&N June 26 Savoy Moose June 29 W&N Savoy W&N represents Watts and Nickerson. Team last mentioned is to be the Home team. Postponed games will be ing from Sandspit cn tiw Tyes- ! played Tuesday evenings. All ! day flight were A. J. Stonrc j games Hsted are for Sundays : and Mrs. Schuberg . I and Thursdays. i Vancouver Auto prashi One Dies VANCOUVER Albert Al- ?en was killed and another seriously Injured when a tr,uck and automobile collided here yester day. The name of the dead man could not be learned Immediately. The Injured man, Thomas Gregory, was reported In poor con- dlUon. He possibly has skull fracture. I Classified Advertising Pays! With Minora Blades Minora is a real money saver because it lasts far longer than ordinary blades. For extra shaves and com fort ask for Minora Blades. ws rout DOlflU.fDCt I470K HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet. Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTLMER 324 2nd Ave Near CFPR THERE'S A LEADER I If EVERY LINE... 11. ... . BRIGHTON KING Bred in British Columbi t the Brighton Stock Frm of Htrry Heratn tnd Sons on Lulu Mind, this drk brown seldinj, born In 1941, ""-' y "'0f cut or rvio j n SjPr")' iiv dem Mid, won the Orudiin Qirop-ioruhip 4l Vtncouvu's Htstinss Prk tfck ia 1946. Top money winner ol B.C rcing (or the scson. Brighton tCmj't Coiot: yellow, bUck Miv ycJlov caps. A pme-vrinninj bone Is product of time; trie endless attention of experts; limitless care . . . there's a parallel in the production of U.D.L. Jockey Gp, where Ions experience and tested skills combine with scrupulous aging in charred oalc barrels to bring this finest Rye Whistcy to its mellow maturity. All II tl UNITED DISTILLERS LIMITED VANCOUVER AND GRIMSBY, CANADA OAK BARRlS JC-4T-1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SILVER TIP CAFE CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS ICK CKKAM SOFT DRINKS TEKRACE, B.C. sails hatch covers skate covers EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 1H Fwt Third Ate. (Next to Shenten'i) "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINES No Job Too Large No Job Too Smc, EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARIN J2 six gag. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Distributor WRECKING CRANE AND TOWING SERVICE WB REPAIR AND SERVICE ALL MAKES OF CAM AND TRUCKS Phone 566 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Areaue SAVO HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop Phone 37 P.O. Boj FRASER STREE1 Prince Rupert Interior Motorists When Driving to Pjrince Rupert . . , Why not make "The Home of Friendly Service" yom motoring headquarters? . With the Skeena Hlghwaj open again ve look forward to teeing many ol om Interior neighbors in town. For Prompt and Efficient Service It's Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 HO East Third Are. Phone i FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue. Next Commodore Cafe P-0 Box ' SHINGOLEEN :- SHINGOLEEN IS MADE ON A TWO-OIL BASE AND ENTIRELY FREE FROM CREOSOTE. IT IS EAST 1 ECONOMICAL TO USE AND IS SUITABLE FOR SH1NGL: ROUGH LUMBER, FENCES, ARBORS. ETC MADE B VARETY OF ATTRACTIVE AND DURABLE COLORS. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD 1S5 Third Avenue Box 1301 Phone 1M PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Are. and 7th 8t puo.m i1 NEW ROY HOTEL A Home Away Froa E Ratea 75c c? 60 Rooms, Hot isl & water PRINCE RUPERT, 8 Phone 241 P-O- KNOX HOTEI A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS RED ECO RA" 8PRINO-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PT.DC-' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAK-V REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT H Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUB SPECIALl Open 6 am to 2 ia. PHONE 173