r UIIIMUL TTCDDAfC Another Milestone Passed TO OUR POLICYHOLDERS: You Miss Bfmlce Sanile Bride Of Charles Iloulilen At fciutiful Cerfmony TERACE St. Matthew's An- ivi in rn rr n i'P 1 1 icfL. 4: stlons by the Senior v.il&ii x R' t : I n rv The Dr;i v,as beautiful 'in a hit atn flnnr.tonirt.h fmum v q o - yc::ow r She carried a vHyttaqurt of pink and white . . .ML 1 i una irons interrpersea wun uuirn nur tern, a preuy wue uuaui- which nar oten ui" 'he weddings of her two ol- Terrace Theatre CU l - j 1 wiumng an mesaays aim Wednesdays udvs ana Katurdavs fli a v.uu Friday and Saturday June 20 and 21 "BROOKLYN OIICIIII)" la William Bendix, Joe Sawyer Marjorle Woodworth and Grace Bradley Tuesday and Wednesday June 21 and 23 "SUSPENSE" Hh Bellta, Barry Sullivan . Bonlta Granville, Albert ser and Eugene Pallette will be interested to know that th total amount of Crown Life policies in force' (owned by over 200,000 individual policyholders) now exceeds $500,000,000. Your co-operationassists greatly in the progress of your Company. TO OUR AGESCY REPRESENTATIVES: The passing of the Half Billion Dollar Mark is directly attributable to jpur efficiency in the service of your clients. Hearty congratulations! Crown ISTAAUSHED If 00 0- TERRACE inn Ann cltr y..-:ers wa he) only ornament Miss Irene Haugland was bridesmaid and looked lovely In a pink silk jersey -with matching accessories. Pegjy Ann Dominate and Eveiine Jackson, dressed In white, were the two pretty little flower girls. Se Sande youngest daughter lhe wedding march and c. J Mr and Mrs. E. C Sande. "4 r-"rlt9 R?1vA:?r Itmilripn it:' ;3r of Mr and Mrs. H i f urn r X nrt n cmi n i fie T.f crj been enhanced with The bride was given in mar riage b? her' father: Hud Fisher was groomsman and Raymond Sande, brother of the bride, was lusher. Miss Elliot Head playea Norrineton the Westminster Chimes on his Victrola. Following the ceremony, a reception for relatives and a few close friends followed at the home of the bride's mother who was on hand to ereet the guests and looked very charming in a grey suit adorned with a corsage of pink and white carnations Toast.? were proposed and the lovely four tier wedding cake, which had been decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Mclnnls was cut by the bride The many beautiful gifts were viewed. Later, a large nception followed at the Oddfellow's Hall. Entertainment took the form of danelng. music being provided by Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Klrkaldy. Jack Klrkaldy. U Beecher and George Grant. Mrs H. Seaton gave a very fine rendering of TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace ton prompt service .... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck c,,ev- Trufks Pontiac Oldunoblle CJ.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE H.C. LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Hough and Brewed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TEH RACK Logs, roles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. 1'hllco Radios Wlllard Batteries Life INSURANCE COMPANY HOMI Of MCI l TORONTO, CANADA I Love You Truly." More gifts were received ana me many people present extended their best wishes to the newly-weds. Out-of-town people present for the occasion Included Mrs. R. C. Maltland. sister or men bride, and her husband of Van couver, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Dominate and Mr. and Mrs. C. King of Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. G. Little of Kwlnifca. Bouquets had 'been prepared by Mrs. C. C. King. Photogra phers were Brock Norberg ana Edgar Hamlin. The bride and groom pave gone on a honeymoon trip by motor car to Prince George. For her going a'way outfit the bride wore a smart wool suit of radar blue with matching accessories. Mr. and Mrs. C. Houlden will make their home In Terrace where the .groom Is In the transfer business with his father. Their home is located Just off Park Avenue West. Terrace Answer To Their Dreams TERRACE The W, H. spencers left their home In Idaho last summer to ?pend a holiday motoring in British Columbia. In due time they airived In Terrace. It was a Saturday when they arrived and by the following Monday they had made up their minds that this would be their future home. In October they were once more In Terrace, to see, as Mr. Spencer puts It "If the dream we'd had .was really true." It was, Terrace in the fall was as enchanting a3 Terrace in the spring. Last winter the Spencers sold their holdings in Idaho and came back here In January to establish a business. TERRACE HAS DRY WEEKEND Fire Truck Delivers Water When Pipe Line flreaks Down TERRACE Friday the thir teenth delivered a portion of Ill- luck to the water users of Ter race. A couple of connections in the town's muinllne plpef gave out and residents looked for a dry week-end. Adding to the difficulties, Little, Iiaugiana ana Kerr, Ltd., who?e mills usually can be counted on to supply water in emergency, was snut down for boiler inspection The 350 gallon capacity fire truck was pressed into service as a water delivery wagon, hauling the water from the Army camp to nil lanns, iuus. nu palls for householders ana ousi-ness establishments. Repairs to the pipe-line are expected to be completed toy yesterday. SWIMMING SAFETY Medical authcritles say bathing or .swimming should not be done when one is over-tired, not for at least an hour after a meal and not In too-secluded places where there Is no one at hand to render aid, Local News Items C.CF. Broadcast Wednesday 8 p.m. M. J. Coldwell, M.P. on Atomic Energy for Peace." (142) Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, who have been spending a two weeks' holiday in Vancouver, returned home from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. We buy and sell fish boats and equipment No- in stock to 33 foot troller, fully equipped. See J. H. Malr, 171 3rd Ave. E or Phone Black 156. (144) Gordon Pushie, chief of Canadian correspondent for Time Magazine, who has been- in the city for the past few days from New York, will leave by air tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver. ..100 per cent Fure Wool Gabardine Slacks, tailored in the custom manner Morgan's Jlcn's Wear. (tf) Col. Keith Dixon, agent for the marine department here, sailed Monday night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria on official business. Col. Dixon will also attend a training camp for Boy Scout leaders which is to be held for '10 dajs at the end of this month at Sooke, near Victoria. Mrs. Maurice Hodgson, who has been visiting for some time' at Massett with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Holland, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Co-quitlam for Vancouver, having arrived ifrom the Isiands on the Casslar on Sunday. Colour Photography. Persons having good colour photos of the Prince Rupert, area are advised to contact Standard Oil Company. It Is understood this Company will buy one good colour photo t graph of this district for" their collection. (Inserted by Public Relations Council). Frank Skinner, who left yes terday on the Coqif.tlam for Vancouver, will represent Tyee Lodge of this city at Masonic Grand Lodge sessions. Jack Armstrong is already In Vancou ver to represent Tsimpsean Lodge. Eastern Star Grand Chapter sessions are being held at the same time with Mrs. Alf Rivett and Mrs. Frank Dibb the delegates from Prince Rupert. Carpenter's Union Meeting Tonight, 8 pjn. Business Import ant. (It) Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens sr., who have been on a trip to Lon don, England, since last Decern ber, returned to the city on this morning's train. They flew across the Atlantic for the home ward trip, having crossed on the Queen Elizabeth. Ladles, don't forget Hill 60 Rose Tea. Raffles, Sale of Home Cooking. Mrs. Nell McLean's, 340 4th Ave. E. tomorrow, 19th, 3 till 5:30 p.m. Treat a friend. Make it a double-header. (It) E. V. Whiting, In charge of the National Employment Service at Prince Rupert, has been Indisposed for some time, it being necessary for him to remain away from the office for Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Neuberger of Portland, Oregon, who have been here for the past week while Mr. Neuberger has been"' engaged in assembling material for magazine and newspaper articles, are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Ketchikan. They will spend the coming week in southeastern Alaska, going as far north as Juneau. Set double column, and under' a front page headline, the Journal of Commerce tells about work going on at Watson Island preliminary to construction of the celanese plant. There Is reference to the recent Daily News announcement of soil tests to determine the extent of solid excavation necessary and to a survey being run for a water supply line between Watson Island and Prudhomme Lake, the survey being made under the direction of F. C. Underhlll of Vancouver. Elio's Furniture Store will be closed from June 16 to July 12. 345 THIRD AVENUE WEST 77ic Latest In Coats, Lingerie, (J9) Announcements' All cvf rmnnnio to tnn corumn wUl be charred for full month tt 25 word. Anglican Tea, June 18. Airs, Watts', Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, Mcs. C. Anderson's, June 25. Rebekah Bazaar. Oct. 30. (166) ROSA - LEE LADIES' WEAR Now Open Dresses Hosiery A COMPLETE STOCK OF FINEST MERCHANDISE SALE FAWN TWEED TROUSERS LIMITED SUPPLY regular $7.95 at $3.95 Suits Sizes 36 to 42 Regular $34.50 Sale Price $22.50 erne vjo 633. 3rd Ave. W. STORE th ing Phone 359 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends for expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to us durlnj our recent bereavement In the loss of a loving wife and sistej, Mrs. Martha Stevens. Special thanks to the Sons of Klncollth and the pall bearers. Mrs. Betty Johnson and Ernie Stevtns. Those sendln-r flowers: Her loving husband, Mrs. Betty Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Robins, Anton Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ryan and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayton, Wm. G. Bar ton and family. Mr. and Mrs, Perry Alexcee, Mr. and Mrs Solomon Wilson, Skldegate. To Whom It May Concern: John O. Eastman 'wishes to an nounce that he will not respon sible for debts contracted by any person other than himself, (It) Arrivals here on the C.P.A. In Douna iiignt Monday were Chester Clapp, J. B. Prosser, J. R Barnes, G. McLeod, and G. A, Thompson from Vancouver and A. Pallant T. Dzlurzynskl, L. Lau zon. At Phlllon and J. A. Barber from Sandsplt. Classified Advertising Pays! Leads You to FoqI Health and Comfort We feature X-Ray Fitting because It li the only means by which you, and we, can see exactly how your ieet look Inside ol a pair of shoes. With X-Ray' s Magic Pointer we can show how and wh y a certain type ol shoe may cause loot Ills or diicomlort, X-Ray enables us to tt yon to shoes that will give you positive comfort, and possibly correct certain foot troubles that you now have. We invite you, and especially your chiK aren 10 come in ioi a Complete X-Ray Foot Examination, It takes only a few minutes, costs you nothing . places you under no obligation. Coma in soon. Fashion Footwear Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River)1 VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1426 Prince Rupert Dnflp facto Wednesday, June 18, 1947 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General, Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable'lnd Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd- and Park Avenue Established 1910 ; Phones 60 and 68 COMPANION? PRODUCTS Shaving Cream (!( Hair Tonic $1.00 Creme-Oil Hair Dressing 7." Hair Oil 750 Afler-Shave Talc .... 100 Deodorant O0 For Casual 1 Wear Gabardine and Poplin Jackets a lightweight garment designed to give the wearer comfort styling and durability. Prices .$!).!:. to $11. 25 Nylon Jackets 15.00 Light weight cotton gab erdine hats. lir.UJ.JV JIHMi i5.75 SWITCH McLITE says: "Good Wiring Is Good Insurance" FOR ... O ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING e HOUSE WIRING and REPAIRS RADIO and AITLIANCE SERVICE Rupert Radio & Electric PHONE 644 BOX 1321 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING , We have Argus 35.31 M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, Its MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete ji'ne of photographic supplies. WRATH AjL L ' S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING LOTION Look in the mirror nd tee the (low Colonial Club Lotion brought to your kin. How fine your (ice feeltl Try it. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service pnn'P. Til It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of jour favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH Company Limited Columbia .Hi 1 As a, 'SI i 1