..nnr rWAfcir IMflKtl i v mix m 1 1 ni AID AT REST Attend Final Kites Esteemed Pioneer.Resident frfpnHa were In at.! -y o... - -- .n-)- at, the urenviue court ,, , the B.u. undertakers j... nftnrnnon for the fun. ,,j u. esteemed resident of ; Bt ;even years' standing lni ., Rupert the late Edward E., nth Avenue West, who i ,.cay last Friday morn- $ at- Prince Rupert Gen-"llt ital. Mr. Evans had u years neen employed .... fLfh nlants. Up Is 1- ! a cv his widow and three T.p. -.ten to -whom General extended, fi A Wilson, nastor nf ted Church, officiated :al rites and Mrs. J. C. c;lded at the organ to v the hymns which -er My God to Thee" W-ut a Friend We Have l4r oeautiful floral tributes ;ed ia the esteem In which l tt'as held. Amone those r. v Mr and Mrs. S. E. Pol T.rtnerne. Manitoba), Mr. . , William Delf and Mr. !'. Fred waiKer n renerne. ;u Mr and Mrs. Ole r. Deep Sea Fishermen's i Manager and Staff of , Theatre, Mr. and Mrs, T. :, and Melvin, Mr. and t Mr. and Mrs. H. Hale , jr..'y. Mr. and Mrs. C. j and family, Mr. and Peter Knutson, Mr. and K Montcith, Mr. and Mrs. y Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. j crlson, Mr. and Mrs. CL:;e Mr. and Mrs. R. Jen-.3 Robert, Mr. and Mrs. jb:ill and family, Mr. and H: nson and Olof, Mr. and i ... j r.. ....... -.A Iam L.n.UU jviuiiuw aiiu 1AIU- Mi L.:i Mrs, William Thomp- lit p i .ii;iiiuif-r u in viir-ii . -.d Mrs. A. Stelnert. Mr. Mr B. Sylvester and fam-i nd Mrs. Carl Simonds. Mi und Mrs. Charles Scharf . CARD OF THANKS ' I) to extend my heartfelt j . i. and aDDreclatlon for acts . ":ie s messages and sym- irf Konntifnl flrirnl nffpr- ! : :eived from my many in Prince Rupert am; r cities during my sad vrmcnt in the death of my , , .. 1 I Tl i r.usoana, r-uwaru cvmu i MRS. EDWARD EVANS. I "a..ried Advertising Pays! tlaj Britain Will Come Through' British Laborite County iuntinor litre to Visit His Son Who Came Seven Years Age as Refugee Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Simmons !I Sheath Lane, Oxshott, England, who sent their 14-year old son, Victor Rowland, out to this Country as a refugee boy in 1940 during the bright of the blitz, nave arrived from the Old Coun try to visit the boy who Is now B'unu man. vieior came our here to reside with Mr. and Mrs. Suubury of Georgetown. Mr. Surtbury has .since died but Vic tor is still at Georgetown in the ftnpioy of the awmtH and box factory of whlr.h Mr. Sunbury was manager. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, who were In Toronto for some time before comlm? on hem. expect to make an extended visit. Mr. Simmon, -who is a van driver pi Oxshott. In alio a Irhor member of the urban district council. Conditions In Bpeland. bo rtan(ud. nie more uncom-fo'trf today from tht food 'tandnolnt than thr" wre dur-1"? the war but "Britain will come wt of It " h ays "if he Veens slpjirlv." ne exnressed con-fM'-ncp that, the Labor government with Its nolleies, wm nun SINGLE MEN MAKE MONEY OTTAWA W-The attention of girli is Invited! There were C7 single male Canadians making more than $100,000 a year in 194C. Married men who earned more than that numbered only 42 according to figures tabled in the House of Commons Inspector of schools E. E. Hyndman, who returned Tuesday morning on the Coquitlara from a trkj to Stewart, left this afternoon by C.P.A. plane on a trip to the Queen Charlotte Island, on official buhess. I CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Don i itubborn bronchial cough, (elthev Dhlrtmy or dry and backing) make yoa choke, (up, wheeze, keep you awak nlihu? Relieve it now I Do ai ttiou-Bixl' have done--get Temileton' BAT.ILf&VI-nH atm, that mnehl RA7. M All liai helped otheit let It Tielp you.- ! lOc, II at .df ui!iuit tverywUtie. K;14 SINGER t i:iectric Sewing Machines a For Itrnt I ? Reasonable Rates JPhone 8C4 Prince Rupertj J Singer Sewing Machine Co. CU TS for n MUDE Panning a shower for the bride-to-be? Want to give tin something that is practical and which shes sure ta appreciate. YOU'LL FIND GUTS GALORE AT to every well dressed An Important accessory man', appearance, ECcA Gold-Filled Knives are available in a wide variety of shapes and desisns. Finely tempered steel blades. Drop in and see tliein today. the country through. It is not so much that there is not enough to go round, says Mr. Simmons, but that the people had expected too much at once as soon as the war was over. They did no ccm to realize thai a period of economic adjustment would be necessary for the country to right itself economically. The cessation of lease-"tend had been a "nasty blow." Mr. Simmons, who appears to be quite fair- minded politically, pays tribute to Mr. Churchill as a magnetic war leader but does not think he Is the man for postwar Premier. Mr. Simmons called at the Daily News office t see the reporter .who had "written up" his on when he arrived here seven vears a?o. That reporter is now the editor. FILLING PEACE M TIME FUNCTION Sandspit Established as Commercial Ahliave Now SANDSPIT Four employees of the Department uf Transport nnd an agent for Canadian Pacific Airlines comprise the staff of war-built Sandspit airport which has new become the pivotal centre' of commercial aviation as a plane transfer port on-the new scheduled air service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver. The oDerator-ajent for CPA is Archie Hunter who arrived from Vancouver twe weeks ago. For the Department of Transport th airport foreman Is A. Fowlie, the others dosW here In the civilian a-vlaticn branch of the.Dfipartment of Transport being Joe Bcwker, George McLaren und Fred Keller. Mrs. McLaren is a British war brk.'?. Mrs. Keller Is the former Kay Baker of Prince Ruoert. YOUR - SUIT GAIJAKDINES WOOL CKEPES Smart for every occasion and smart for your figure. SMART NEW STYLES in FINEST QUALITY SEE and You BUY USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES GET APARTMENT AFTER 20 YEARS' WAIT It's a big day for Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Littlefleld, London, for after a 20-year's wait they at last have an apartment of their own. In 1927, after their marriage, they applied for a council house. As they waited their family grew. They now have 11 children. The chances of getting a place big enough seemed remote. Two months ago a bus demolished the temporary accommodations at which they had been living and so they moved to a rest centre. Now their application for a council 'flat has been approved. They watch as the pian,is moved in. SEEING STARS Six thousand stars are visible lo the human eye. Now is Tfre time Id enjoy this faor Treat Tastf If your building, house or fur-nltu -e were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 210 Sixth Street Johnny's Snack Bar (Under New Management) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee Waffles Lunches "A Pleasure to Serve You" CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient. Koonu CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE II Classified Advertising Pays! LOTS OF IT Magnesium is tht sixth most ubundant element. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West National No. S comet completely equipped with rack, inset pant, canning baet and canning guide. SEATTLE FLEET STILL TIED UP SEATTLE W Efforts to end the Seattle halibut fleet tleuo ended in failure Monday when the Ftshlng Vessel Owners' Association rejected a compromise offer from the Deep Sea Fishermens Un'.on who voted to raise the owner's share from last year's twenty per cent to twenty-one. The owners . suggested 232 percent. Tvo hundred vessels have been tied up ince May 1. EYES TIRED? Two Drops Quick Relief MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY EYES II ED? Soothe and refresh them In seconds with two drops of safe, gentle Murine In each eye. You get QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel re-freshed. Murine's skilful blend of 7 In gredients cleanses arid soothes eyes that are tired from overwork or exposure to sun. wind and dusL MURINE, FOR YOUR EYES miSCQMfflm BEAT berries or SW-107 THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD., NIAGARA FAILS, CANADA A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES KIGHT Phone 775 327 Third Atenue LING THE TAILOR We are taking rlranlnf and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street A on? Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL BETTER, SAFER HOME CANNING ALWAYS with a PRESSURE COOKER For safety and economy in your home canning (and cooking, too) us tba ncienUHcally designed, perfectly con-itructed National Phkbsukb Cookek. Leading food authorities say that pressure cooking in the only safe way to pnwwrvi non-acid foods, including vegetables, meats, fish and foul. A National I'rkhsukk Cookek makea foods safer to eat because high Teat under pressure kills spoilage agents and bacteria. McBritle Street m Wtlme Rupert Daflp r3etotf Wednesday. June 18, 1947 Superior Grocers LTD. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JUNE 19 - 20 - 21 t ;. Free Delivery : PHONE 18 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WATERMELON Cut or Whole,. , BANANAS Firm, Ripe . . . GRAPEFRUIT Pink, 80's PLUMS Santa Rosa ww- CANTELOUPE-Jumbo Size , . . ORANGES Valencia, Size 252's . CANNING SUPPLIES CEKTO Pectin, 8oz tt CEUTO Crystals 3 oi. ' 2 for '2,'t PAUAWAX 1 lb Pkg. Each "f t RUBBER RINGS pkg 7f MEM 15 A SEALS pkg 10? DOMINION WJV1. LIDS pkg FRUIT JARS Kerr, Wide Mouth MasorC 12 pts $t-13 Kerr, Wide Mouth Mason, 12 qts $1-1" NABOB COFFEE Mb. i&smwc F I li M S M SuperpanPreas FHbis Developing, Prmtfn ''Bilarg-Ing PortraitsPassrorti, and Photo Supplies, j Prompt MagPrderj Service Chandler 216 4th St. PRINCE ter.c. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 174 tf It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work 2 lbs. 25c . .' lb. 20c 2 for 21c . . . 11). 29c epch 20c . doz. 33c PEAS Fresh, Local Full Pods , ...... lb. 23c LETTUCE Firm, Solid Heads . . . . each 15c BEETS Fresh, Bunches, Full Tops . . 2 for 2b CAULIFLOWER Large Snowy Heads, ea. 39c CUCUMBERS Medium Size ........ each 15c SPINACH Fresh, Tender Leaves . . . 2 lbs. 29c RADISH Fresh, Full Bunches .V. . . 2 for 15c CELERY Crisp, Crunchy lb 23c LEMONS Large Size : . . . . doz. 45c NEW POTATOES California 4 lbs. 25c QUALITY GROCERIES PEACHES Royal City, .20-oz. tin -"V BABY FOOD Aylmer, Assorted, 5-oz. tin fy1 SALTED MIXED NUTS Kemp's, 7-oz. tin PASTRY FLOUR Wild Rose 7-lb. sack : H'-H BAKING POWDER Magic, 5-lb. tin $I-li" EXTRACT Vanilla, Nabob, 2-oz. bottle FLOUtt-Robin Hood, 49 lbs. TEA Malkin's Best, M White Label. 1-lb. pkgr? WAR, ASSETS Screened Lump, Business and Profession J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15i 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING PRINCE RUPJ BOTTLE COLLW and MESSENGER PHONE RED 416 4W cn,.wi Zfitkih r Mine Run Bulk iftt hydetranSwhi Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled ' Besner Block Phone 387 P. N, Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER , Lumber Coal Wood - - - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 . Prince Rupert r PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST 1 A. R. LOCK 1 Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Seeds MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Paperg Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 M MOMTTaaJ tf ftQf KT i . w - - ; . 1 . Mil qeur ess.see te C0UJMMA OPTICAL CO. LP