R JSrinrc Rupert DaHg jQclus Thursday, February 13, 1947 THIS AND THAT Wfk-JJ-MQmu&9 T M.tlhyw Al.m. Swir. Iiw. "Where did you work KISPIOX SPORTS GROUP OFFICERS KISPIOX The sports committee here held Its annual election of officers recently, namln? foimer sports manager Chris --Harris president of the annual field day and stampede. The full slate of officers Is as follows. President, Chris Harris. Manager, Walter Skutch. Assistant Manager. Peter Mul- r ! doe. " ' Treasurer, Joseph Star. General Secretary. Alfred - - Classified Advertising - - Clasr.iflexts: ac per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices, 50c; Cards of Thinlu. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marrlaue and Engagement Announcements: $2. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the lovely flowers ,;and cards of sympathy at the death of our dear husband and ;.. father. Also the kindness and help of Dr. W. S. Kergln and the nurses of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Mrs. Lance Stiles and family. FOK SALE FOR SALE Dalmatian male puppies, $25. (39) FOR SALE 1 -room furnished cabin, clean, comfortable; wood cut for balance of winter. Price $55 cash. Apply Bay Apts, No. 1. (39) FOR SALE Beautiful well-built home on Sixth East. Full con- crete basement, hot air furnace,,, three bedrooms, fireplace in large living room, dining room, lovely grounds; fairly new construction. $5500. ALSO VANCOUVER PROPERTY A recent newcomer has allowed us listing of his modern new home in the South Granville District. Four rooms; tiled fireplace, pembroke bath, all-oak floors, full concrete basement, semi-automatic hot air heating furnace; built under N.H.A. plan. $4000 cash will swing deal and give lm- - mediate occupancy. For full information on both houses, see Armstrong Agencies or - Phone 342- (42) " FOR SALE-S'.eel double bed and spring, brown dresser to match. 1223 Park Avenue. (38) FOR SALE Dinette set, .22 Winchester rifle. Reconditioned double bar bicycle. 1006 9th E. (41) FOR SALE 40 ft. troller com-... plete, including halibut gear. Inquire Standard Oil Dock (40) FOR SALE 2100 feet No. 1 seasoned l'4 edge grain boat lumber. Write or phone Henry He-lln, Atlin Fisheries, Cow Bay. (37) FOR SALE Five room house. hot water heated. 114 9th ( Street. Phone Red 835. (tf) USED Chesterfield Cushions, . good quality, $2; Floor lamps, $4; 5-piece Kitchen Sets, $15; Linoleum Squares, $5.50; Smoking Stands, 95c; Single Beds and Springs, like new, $12; Studio Couches, $G.0O; Oolichan Grease, best quality, fresh. $8.50. All kinds of hardware and furniture at the lowest prices. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. WORK WANTED , WORK WANTED - Reliable young woman wants housekeeping. Boys 6 and 7. P. Horner, Dorreen, BiC (37) before, young man?" Stampede Organizer, Hap. Ltary. Sports Committee Alvln Wc-gst, Charles Hillis, Silas Johnson and Jeff Harris. Ladles 'A7 Bowling February 18 Moose vs. Tollers, Annettes ys. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. Variety, Orange vs. Savoy, Miller Bay vs. Big Sisters. February 25 Annettes vs. Bl? Sisters, Savoy vs. Miller Bay, Orange vs. Variety, Ideal Clean ers vs. Toilers, Moose vs. Lucky Strikes. FOIt ICEN1 FOR RENT 1 or 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance, also G room flat part furnished. 5th Ave. West. Ap- ply Helgerson Block, Suite 1, (40) FOR RENT-rSleeping room with ' kltcrTen' privilege. 221 5th E. Phohe Red 807. (39) HELP WANTED WAN TED Housekeeper for small family. Sleep in; light work; good wages. Phone Red 819. (tf) DISTRIBUTORS for full or part time work taking orders for History of World War II. Large book over 1,100' pages, profusely illustrated with authentic photographs portravlne Canada's sons' and daughters' ' part in the war. Large profits, easily made, part of earnings paid dally. Write for free out fit today. Dept. C, P.O. Box 32, Terminal A, Toronto 1, Ontario. (37) WANTED WANTED Cash register, Daily News. (tf) WANTED Responsible perman. ent couple desire apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Green 511 between 9 and 12 a.m. only. (39) WANTED Troller for charter from 34-38 ft. Call A. G. Niel-sori, St. Elmo Hotel. (44) WANTED Bath, 5 feet long. write box 204 Dally News. WANTED Cocker spaniel, male preferred. Phone Red 935, evenings. (39) WANTED TO BUY 5 or 6-room house with cement basement, preferably on two lots. W. H. T. T., General Delivery. (37) WANTED 30- t0 35-foot troller. Write Box 200, Daily News, giving details and price, (tf) FOR RENT Furnished house, 2181 7th East. Phone Blue 815. (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Automobile radiator cap. Owner may obtain same at Daily News on payment of this ad. (jo FOUND-Wallet on Third Av-enue Saturday afternoon. Owner may have samp hw identifying It at Dally News ornce and paying for this ad. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date typ National portable Sawmills, mannfar tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, u.u. (tf) Today in Sports Smiihers Ski Meet SMITHERS Clear skies and a very fine day aided In making the Smlthers Ski Carnival a great success. Competitors from Hazelton, Burns Lake, Telkwa and Smlthers took part but it was unfortunate that, due to delay in trains, competitors from other points on the west end of the line including Prince Rupert were unable to arrive in time. The meeting culminated in a bean feed on Malkow Hill and a largely attended dance in the Elks' Hall when prizes were awarded and Betty Bussinger of Telkwa was crowned after hav ing won the popular vote for the ski queen honors. Presentation of a pair of laminated skis to Chris Dahlie, popular instruc tor of the club, was made by Dr. L. M. Greene. Results of the meet were as follows: Slalom Junior Boys Dunas, Burns Lake, 32 seconds (total time for two runs); F. Ragsdale, Burns Lake, 33 seconds; W. Ashcroft, Burns Lake, 34 seconds. Men's, Class A-Jorgen Dahlie, 62 Vi seconds; Gordon Williams, Burns Lake, G6Vi seconds; G. Gerow, Burns Lake, 80 seconds. Men's, Class B H. Ashcroft, Burns Lake, 33 seconds; Royal Anderson and Bill Goronzy, both of Smlthers, 39 seconds (tie); Tom Collins, Smlthers, 55 seconds. Men's Novice Fay Hartman, 35 seconds; Jim Davidson, 35?i seconds; Peter Burtt, 33 seconds, all from Smlthers. Ladies', Class A Martha Goudy, Smithers, 50 seconds; Gloria Benson, Hazelton, 53 sec onds; Jean Holmes, Burns Lake, 80 seconds. Ladies' Novice Frances Rana-han, Telkwa, 69 seconds; Jean Anderson, Smlthers, J7 seconds. Downhill Ladies', Class A - Martha Goudy, Smithers, 41 seconds; Gloria Benson, Hazelton, 49 seconds; Jean Holmes, Burns Lake, 54 seconds. Ladies' Novice Jean Anderson, Smithers, 46 seconds; Frances Ranahan, Telkwa, 52 seconds. ' Men's, Class A A. Gordon Williams, Burns Lake, 61 sec-ons; Jorgen Dahlie, Smithers, 62 seconds; Ed Malkow, Smithers and Al Rpumieu, Burns Lake, 72 seconds (tie). Men's, Class B Bill Goronzy, Smithers and Tom Colllson, Smithers, 46 (tie); Fay Hartman. HOCKEY AT PR. GEORGE SMITHERS Smithers Senior hockey team arrived back in town Monday after a successful trip to prince George. Games were played with the Prince George Seniors on Saturday and Sunday with honors divided. Ice was in excellent shape and both games were supported by record crowds. In the first game Smithers won over Prince George with a score of 4-1, although at the end of the first the score was 1-0 for Prince George. Berry of Prince George received two penalties. In the second game Smithers won by a score of 5-2. Prince George was leading 2-0 until the middle of the third period when Smithers started scoring and ended the game with five goals In four minutes. Waller of Prince George suffered two broken ribs In a collision with Mclntyre of Smithers. Two penalties went to Watson and Mclntyre In this game. ,Llne-upe were: Smlthers Goal, J. Trew; defence, Wilf Watson, Tommy Jones; forwards, K. Warner, G. Hetherington, B. Leach, M. Mclntyre, F. Parker, T. Chapman, Walter Watson. Prince George Goal, Raynier; defence, Grace, Berry, Waller, Rogers; forwards, Beach, Kor-lis, Wheeler, Flynn, Redman, Fiske, Wlthiam. Further games are scheduled for this week, Wednesday and Thursday In Smlthers and Saturday and Sunday In Prince George. WEAR PEACTTME MARK LONDON W-Atotor car production in Britain now 1 95 per cent that of pre-war. It is estimated that the industry produced some 480,000 commercial vehicles and cars in 1946 as compared with Just over 500,000 before the war. Smlthers, 50 seconds; Roy Anderson, Smlthers, 53 seconds. Junior Boys D. Dundas, Burns Lake, 34 seconds; John Malkow. Smlthers, 35 seconds; Wayne Ashcroft, Burns Lake, 36 seconds. Cross Country Men's Bill Goronzy, Smlthers, 24 minutes, 30 seconds; Ed. Malkow, Smithers, 26 minutes, ten seconds. Ladies' Jean Holmes, Burns Lake, 28 minutes, 36 seconds; Martha Goudy, 33 minutes, 2,5 seconds. A fine exhibition of Jumping was put on by Chris Dahlie, Joe Alda, Tom Colllson and Ruby Zust but points were not awarded. The smallest active enthulst In the meet was Christopher Phillip Engsted, Just past four years, who managed his skis exceptionally well. He proved himself to be a chip off the old block, his, father, K. Engsted of Burns Lake being a former Olympic champion. Mabel Oliarny and Jean Herman of Smithers were runners up to Betty Bussinger of Telkwa for Ski Queen honors. CORNER The excellent quality of Player's Is traditional . . . Trjey have that flavour so necessary for complete enjoyment. As always . . . "It's The Tobacco That Counts". CORK TIP and PLAIN PLAYER'S NAVY Business and J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture "In all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Bulidlng and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and OH Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O, nox 274 SMITHERS WINS HOCKEY GAME Scored 4 to 2 Victoiy Over Vanderhoof Last Night SMITHERS (Special to Dally News) Smlthers won over Vanderhoof by a score of 4 to 2 iiv a hockey game played in Smithers last night. Due to a light rain which fell throughout the game the ice was very soft but, in spite pf the rain, the game was fully BASKETBALL SCHEDULE February 15 Savoy vs. 99 Taxi, Co-operative vs. Macey's, Canadian Legion vs. Grotto, February 18 High School vs. B. C. Packers, Port Edward vs. Macey's, People's Store vs. Sweet Sixteen, Grotto vs. Canadian Legion. February 2299 Taxi vs. High School, Macey's vs. Co-operative, Gyro vs. Watts & Nlckerson. February 25 Savoy vs. B. C. Packers, Co-operative vs. Port Edward, High School vi. People's Store, Grotto vs. Gyro Club. You saw it in Tne Newsl OF THE WORLD- CUT CIGARETTES Professional GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block - Phone 387 JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERHANGING and PAINTING PHONE 372 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry WELLS (IMC.) LTD. V A It T A O I! Certified Weighers Samplers Recond It loners labelling Contractors BLUE 980 POft PROMPT an4 EFFICIENT SEKVKl Mil lur fM(M t COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.tfi enjoyed by a fair number of spectators. The score at the end of the first period was three to nothing and at the end of the second period four to two. Penalties were awarded again it II. Silver and T. Chapman. The next game will be played tonight If weather permits. Line-ups were: Vanderhoof R. Dixon, goal: S. Silver and C Steele, defence; W. Mitchell, H. Siwden, R. Anderson, D. Steele. K. Smith, K, Campbell, A. Price and S. Wall, forwards. Smithers J. Trew, goal; T. Jones, P. Raymond and T. Chapman, defence; B. Leach, K. Warner, O. Hetherington, A. Leach, J. Chapman and Mel Mclntyre, forwards; F. Parker and Walt Watson, spares. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Krpalrrd and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 1'hone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert CHRYCO BATTERIES " AmOVtDBY CHKYSLCR CNGINtCSS Utrt' the CHRYCO "POWTIl HNIi" IIATTI.KY approvtd by Chryler cngineeri, and planned by lliem 10 meet exacting modern motor-ing condition. Oirytler engineer! guariHtet tlieic CHRYCO HAT-'1 1 KITS to supply a tonuant surge of dependable power under toiig!iet ronditioni. Tower with CI1KYCO HAITI RIKS... and be mrtl Come in ami ice m inilaj I "CHRYCO" MEANS ''CHRYCO" U t tride name coined from "Chrysler Corporation". 1'arn and ccenoriM hearing this trademark are guaranteed by the men who deuga Chryslrr. Plymouth. Doilua iml on, Fargo and Ilodgc truika and i.iirricr inuuwial l.nginei. RUPERT MOTORS limited Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone iifiO L0QIC sharp FEEL shap& RE SHARP jfe1 Three sailiiiRs Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 0:15 pjn-Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY I'OINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. (JUEE.V CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5C8 Id 8 1 I v ' 1 : General Contractor ur ,1,. l.r.w. 1.: i: L..MJI sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings. 1 flftf U A PI C 1 1 PTf n tf y tt a 1 CAM, HMJE filO and wo will give an estimate. P.U, IlOX C54 : PRIKCl A GREAT CHANCE FOR A FINE COAT A cmc EXCIIANfiE BLOCK 11 n . 11 hi. 1 rs rrinrf rcimcrr Doric w " - P" n. ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PBnC Wc bay ... all sii Perfcx . 7 . . Hollies Bottles ':n KM" PROMPT AND COURTEOUS RFX CAFE SECOND AVENUH, OPPOSITE PRINCE Bu . .... Atcln Hum Siinv LHOW CHINESE DISHES OUR S'F'C Open 6 a.m. to 2 1'IIONE I7:t -1 AiAS I'rotrct mA FIRE See UJ KIDDELl C02 Eire Extinj We recharge C0I& after use. h ocitt In Prince Yx, PHII POTT I cam Building Sapplin . Phone 631m xioooacieioeoooott; fit flnr of OVLKLUAi and TOP COAi: 70 I,nok Al Tlirse Nanus! VELTAV HFAUK' ISAAC CAM (West of Engln .firm BALMORAL TUF.FDS THIRD A' . u iirl.VL-iv. L-rv. I li HOT i .1