y t' dunce Hupcrt 2DafIi J3chi0 Saturday. -May 2, 1947 f FORMER DOMINION WRESTLING i CHAMP LIVING QUIETLY HERE It was just thirty-five years ago yesterday May s 2, 1912, that Steve Murphy, then a husky- young 212-pounder, now 283-pound Steve Dumas, retired bridge-.builder and hotel operator, living quietly in Prince Rupert, lost the Dominion heavyweight wrestling championship which lie had neiu tor tnree years. . Bteve does not talk much ? About his career on the mat any more, but he was Induced to open tip by an old friend on the Daily News staff yesterday. It was on July 4, 1903, at Prince Albert that he won the title frcm Walter Anderson, fifteen successful defences following. until he was dfi'ea-t?d at Edson, Alberta by Jack CuiineH. the was a two hour and ten minute engagement with Steve winning two falls and losing three. One of those who saw the jEdson fight wis Joe Brennar. who is at present a patient in the Prince Rupert General hospital. Steve ftarted his mat career at Duluth; Minnesota, when 23 years cl age and engaged In all in 57 bouts. His last match was in Flint. Michigan, in June of 1917, when he lose two falls, after winning one. to Gus Sor-enson of Detroit. Steve Is a native of New Richmond, Quebec', and has been a " resident of thL part of the country for more than 23 years. " With "Dude" Robertson, he was at one time operating the Klt-sault House at Alice Arm. Then he went for several years to the Northern Manitoba Mining country, returning here several years ago to take up permanent residence. In spite of his 65' years he Is still strong and powerful. "I work hard and don't touch any liquor," he confided. Douglas Clark' o.' the extension department cf ihe Univer-?ity of British Columbia, specializing in co-operative and credit union subjects, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from Bella Coola, after spending a few atys visiting the fishing camps out otf here, will proceed to Burr.s Lake and other Interior points. Cecil Fitzgerald is sailing by the Camosun tonight on his re turn to Vancouver, nftcr a visit on Home Oil Distributors Ltd. business. Mr. Ptzgcrald was local manager of Home Oil before the war. MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE SCORES ! Individual scores in the Mixed Bowlin? League this week were ! FIGHTERS R. Msrrison 2T8 140 18S L. Morrison 129 126 63 C. Kurutock ISO 164 186 F. Smith 2 92 118 J. Warner - 131 179 121 S. Smith 122 97 142 Totals $ 789 821 BLUE JAYS E. Rothwell 211 158 109 B. Rothwell 125 141 195 J. Menzies 178 185 129 V. Menzies 122 210 129 G. Richards 134 94 108 B. Richards 16 127 148 Handicap 11 11 U Totals 927 895 809 SIX-FIVE I. Neilson 124 190 131 S. Cronoer 171 193 .185 M. Anton 122 109 118 F. Wooleott 108 192 143 R. Semenoff 1C3 130 73 E. Neilson 174 137 134 Totals 807 957 789 BROWINWOODS G. Brown 137 153 109 Grace Brown 154 72 9 B. Woods 260 171 175 D. Woods 146 252 199 M. Skalmerud .... 212 210 215 R. Telford 120 142 154 Handicap 37 37 37 Totals 972 1037 1007 REBELS E. Barber 182 134 19S E. Peirce 193 277 180 R. Hansen 146 115 149 WOULD EXTEND HUNTING SEASON FOR WILD FOWL Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club will make representation to the provincial game department to have the goose and duck hunting season extended from its present 10-week period to J. Reil K. Reil R. Anderson Totals WHIZEANGS J. Taylor F. Peachey XI. Flynn G. Whatman R Sylvester (Low Score) Handicap Totals 130 ?6 343 m 16Q 133 224 151 212 1063 1003 1112 129 117 111 109' 128 166 87 .128 141 186 .200 11D 260 196 140 146 115 130, 195 195 195 1072 1079 1CW2 EHARFS&, ' FLATS . G. Sangcbye 199 183 pO B. Simundson 1C0 157 i E. Rougeau 152 207 135 H Duncan 223 100 193 R. Ramsay 146 155 W9 B. Moxley 199 18CJ 146 Totals 1078 954 HANGOVERS C. Whatman 140 172- 121 J. Warren . 120 161 11C G. Anderson. 184 200 190 E. Anderson 180 137 13 G. Oswald 163 H3, 303 C. Batrie 160 157. 182 Handicap 30 30 30 Totals 983 H0 975 ,i -ee months, the annual meeting of the organization decided Thursday il.ght. The club will Include this as a major ijt-solution In the brief which It it. twcpuriBg to submit to the convention of provincial Rod and 'Gun clubs In Vancouver at the end of May. The convention's sponsored by the game department. Reason given for the proposed exteision is that ducks and geese in tills area actually belong to local' papulation which do not migrate to any great extent and that the open season on them wo(ild have little effect on bird h jnting ill areas where the migratory flocks stop. ' The local club wants the season extended from November 1 to January 30, instead of to 'January 15 as it exists at present. The election .of officers resulted in the following members taking executive positions for the next year: President, J. T. Langridge. Vice-President, R. G. Van der riuys. Secretary -Treasurer, Fred GilmWe. Executive: Ned McLeod, George1 Abbott, John Walker. Forbes Lee and Norman Martinson, Mr. Van tier sluys was named delegate to the provincial con-veuUon in Vancouver at the end of May. Ihe club lias asked sportsmeiT in other areas of tills district to submit resolutions to be In cluded in the brief which Mr. Van der sluys will present at the convention. Requests have been made to Terrace, Queen !ll f ; y- - I WB I lPy( SHALL 1 WEAR MY. ' I ( 1 1. . NEW SPORT COAT Sfcl A gkm - v N lk H: ' ir A. and Slacks OR I OR f'l k StfS I I I'M LIKE A WOMAN-- ) i j) - - - jT MV DARK SUiT? I U K B Ifallll I OOM'T know YMAJ S'i WrrrOJ llM !SlS-4l I I Dllfiiiiilf8" ( to wear to the X j) - Hb SmwJ JioL 3lfTT i mt. 1 l3r I IK S luncheon when I mxf m Z3s I J J j y' RiWt.J U. S. Pm Ofic 1 teTTcAiTFr i Yi.vnA ru, flip a coin i t VT heads-ou (ckavthatK 1 I JSX DECIDE . &:L L-XiS anO LET IT S 9 WEAR THE SPORT JjSv SETTLES IT A $ y i&l DECIDE FOR J 1 COAT AND SLACKSjT r 1 . ' ?ms i VOlJ ' vjv Hjrwfa vtia. i" mwn imiff sum m rf SOME OF THE FELLOWS S 5 W III I I " NOPE--1 DONTi I I"! I AviLLV.tARSPC9TCLCTHfc5) W tiV? J PEEL RIGHT IN THIS , ) ft Ik -r surra, s A5mJjm , Jn8jXA avuseM (--; ; ' ' jy Charlotte Islands nd other areas. The meeting was Informed that 1 supply of Kamloops' trout eggs, requested by the club for stock-.Ing Rainbow Lake, will be sffnt. from provincial hatcheries In the south. The order placed with the game department was 100,000 eggs. ODDFELLOWS' ANNIVERSARY Oddfellows' Hail wa iie oene of an Impressive service of observance of the 120th anniversary of Vie fcundinr; of the Oddfellows' Ledge last Sunday. The npeclal eaktr for Ue occasion was Bradder Joseph T Gil-lingham, Sahration Army, while Mrs. Gilllnghorr. !ri in prayer. There was also a lc; ; ure by J L Mcintosh. ua Minr a i. s . .. . - , j i i a piadi csinc v w - n i i i im m silfjf ,;V K; I alwavs cW l-tt l a m V - GOOD TASTE J Adij -M ViTf If I'M 01 V THERE in n.ON"'- JK "fer- T fM& M M FIB If fAJtSkW re2lJ i UU LT Wi t l Pif T Cfpr. i47. K1 iSM f. . u i ji i i n a . i i umi 1 1 1 i iu ii . v. i . i i. jSji ii m: Classified Advertising Paysl xjfej HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet. Comfortable 714 FKASI U RTKEET Phone Black 823 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Three sailings rer Week for VANCOUVF.lt VICTOKIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLNJHT SAV1MJ) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m . uoquitiam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY I'OINTS Sundays, 10 p.m, MUEEN CHAKLOTTES FOIt MASSE'IT ANf I'OItT CLE.MENTS May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight. FOIt SOUTH ISLANDS May 7 and 19. June 1 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prln'e Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Kates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 118 rauduig ihe Interior of your Home? Writi! or nhono fnr FIM.M.1 i " service win Jicip you choose the right COLOR SCHEME uuuutN rfSr Pain Distributed by IMIil MATT rilITT mm mm mm m mm rniLruii, lyiii iu. UM Servine the North Since 1DI0 COAL - LUMIJEU - PAINTS - HAttliu- rJiones G51 - 652 For Sound Athice . . . on your Insurance Problems SEE H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 210 Sixth Street Thone DO P.O. Box 093 ALL TYPES OF I N S V U A N C E nan ASSETS COi Screened Uimp, sacked Mine Hun Hulk HYDE TRANS fllONC SHO ARROW! LKCKIK! DUCHAIXE! LYXl TKTRAULT! "WHAT NAMKS for Hearty he-man, hr li calf or trains . . . iiaj)dMne to the eje . . . supple for the active foot . . . ructedly resistant to wear. $5-50 to $11.75: Mocassiiti r.rosutj Laffrs Drrvi Slil PRINCE RUPERT B.C. RUPERT MOTORS LIMIT Complete automobile repair service by experia mechanics, assures first class workmanship at the I price. LUBRICATION is vital, be sure your grwse j right. We have the best equipment to do your job use nothing; but first line lubricants, the correct tv each fitting:. ? PHONE 566 May We Suggest . . . Reforc Taking That Holiday Trip . You See Our Stock of Accessories FOR YOUR CAR'S SPRING CLEAN-UI'-Kleener, Sp Wax, Soap, Chamois, etc. ACCESSORIES Foff Lights, Fender Flaps, Midget Va Cleaners, Chrome C.rill Guards, Wheel Wrenehr Patches, Jacks, Miscellaneous Tools, Seat,'' and many oilier Items. Bob Parker Limited FORI) AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" , h' P.O. Hox 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. KNOX HOTE A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECOF LICENSED FR MATTRESSES - SPRING -FILLED UNDER' NEW MANAGEMENT Managers: TOM PESUT - STEVE VKKLAKN SAILS rnV HATCH COVERS SKATfL EDMONDSON AWNING 4 Sffig Phone BLUE l"u ! " ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS P-KINOS