rmssified Advertising - - ' .a net Insertion, minimum charge. BOc. Birth Notlcet. .fSKir Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Mrrua CX nd KoKW"""" v- -r.A memory of K beloved Ena Dor-iXbo died .udden- 944 DUl"r 'Vv fade. her ni"'""' tui". u ilwavs ougnw grave whore she U A ...riovine mother Sylvia. -ivMKMOKIAM - . ...I onrl lOvlnZ -.f my dear father TO mt is . nf rwl re 0RK ann uiic w .:0J ... h. tog r it nuvvp i nut (It) ,j look auer child or 1 BIUe 3nn, LOST from home. ..mbie 022 Fraser (125) Torrent Furnisneo nouse- mr ruuui auw w ' - mom. 801 Borden Street, ENGINES tt It Ir. (tl) iEKT Furnished wrce hr-se nr bathroom . . 110 nM 11 i... MM REST B dr :m suitable or two gentlemen. i. r ' 2 mlnutffl . Off: - Bb rk 9C3, (105 icq- 8011" furnished. x t ;.d worm. 1142 Iwiia Ph mo flrppn (3) tr'T Ct.ttA in Virnnn H' vuin ! . v. ..ij.i -rir T mr pn in H itiitim PE l tt.T Fii;nt sleeping . .1 m jjriviitTstTS. ill Ave E.. V Phone Red (100 w oi glasses, Dciween street and Customs House, in phone Blue 502. pfrsonai, (108) AGED WOMAN will 'liter children afternoons "wings. Phone Green 588. (tt) -"Oc.den Klimonh Tnh- somach distress such as 1 ndljestipn, gas disturb- belchlnp. hlnnlliifr. Iiv "cidiTy. Get fast lasting rp. inn uowen Stomach & , illume, luuuij. '. Slomach rond ttnns. c- iau oay ireaimenu 120 tablets (an rtnvs) u J . . LIU J J Trial size 10c. At all "Jfewi and drus dooart. ""(ATE nEl.ivr.nv GA55 WiniMPo o . -".111 j J A V 1 1. Twest featiirp rn-im. . -- . ...... . v.. MICh rln. I I I..... . ' Jl 'S'liuon, uoscn oivb ... " " nt . lUinTED., 1100 w "Wlsii C0LUMmA lm. HIOBATP. 'DtaWER OP THE Sr j,!rtE. ,t.hat b wtier of WtL0 W'J. AD. 1947. I M l?hM CMt Chrla. Chrl ,? Chrlstopherson 5? UU . ngtc,nlm analnst 'tn ...fore th. si .J ' af t, .... . " " ST. hlrh I then had 'i&5S2S .ln"'bd to thP 'hNnV.Driy 11,6 "mount , ... VUJ ni Anrii. The Newsl KOlt SAL!'. FOR SALE Brand new C.C.M. Bicycle, never used. Oreen 163. (104) FOR SALE Oik dining table and six chairs. In good condition; also bedroom dresser Call at City Resi Rccm. (103 FOR SALE Cabinet radio and guitar. Apply room 20, Knox Hotel; Phone 71. (104) Man. iHxr UANrrn r FOR SALE Five room house, furnished, vicinity of Cold Storage, Seal Cove. Write Box 223, Dally News. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Fur-1 .I, ii i . i niturc at uic ijhcc, Used Kitchen Sets from $11. Slightly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Palls from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugs, lovely de signs from $r.65. All kinds of other useful articles. Come In and look them over. B. c. FURNITURE CO, Blaok 324. FOR SALE Jlesort tfte on Lake Lakelse. Price consistent with I : i assessed !MAKfvi vniuniif.n valuation. Write wriLi U, your wrap , ' Frances Pee, 147 Linden Av Prices Pad- r.ctive irau- wilmette. Illinois. (104) r;,nv Lu 335 East ... et Vancouver, n.u- FOR SALE One cot with mat tress, two wicker chairs, one chest of drawers, one small table and bed head stand, one square linoleum, set of curtains with rod. small mirror, one trunk. All goods in u?e but in reasonably good shape. What's offered for lot? Bargain. Call at former Empire office any time between 12 and 4 or In evening after 7. ii FOR SALE Wahing machine. hardwood bed, spring, mat-ress, cot and mattress, chet of drawers, hatuck, McClary range. 1840 7th Ave. E. (105) FOR SALE Buildings at Ste wart, B.C. Apartment block with stores below; garage building. Each on seperate lot. 33x120, right In the centre ol the business district at Stewart. B.C. Apply C. M. Adam, Terrace. B.C. (107) FOR SALE 4 ron house near Seal Cove. Owner leaving town. Full price, $1,4C3. Unfurnished. SUM.-fl'tvly Col- j lart and IcCaflery. WANTFU) Maids for Prlrux- Ru pert General Hospital, Apply Hospital. ttt) WANTED Girl for general laundry work; good wages. Apply Pioneer - Canadian Laundries. U04 mAirvi wanted for kitchen & rlpanlne work at Miller Bay Hospital. Native and white aDDlicants will be considered. Applicants should be 18 years or older. Apply by phone or by letter to the Superinten dent. 'iuu' SALESMAN WANTED HERE'S A NATURAL New pat ented tool .multiplies mans strength 31 t'jncs. sen retail outlets. Nee.lrd by autolsts. farmers, lumbermen, builders, garagemen, transports, public works. Inraed'ate deliveries. Write or wire for attractive sales proposition. Palco-secl Co.. Ltd.. Cornwall, Ont. SCHOOLS ANIV COM.E(iES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PRF.PAiiR NOW for Spring ex amlnatlons. Write M.c.u. uivu Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg.. Winnipeg, Man. vmi pam HUN a Home Kinder garten with our neip. Cana dian Kindegarten """-care M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg FOR I.lSE -' " ... J FOR LEASE - (I Terminal T.mpi-i nnd Newsstand, rusi .lice nnrn rtnnltv lor 2 work ing partners. (2) Terminal office or store space. Location where traffic Is ready maae ArmiJ Northern Distributors. "'""J (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more r miih. use the moaern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver B.C. Train Schedule For the Easir- ' Monday. Wednesday, Frlday- 8 p.m. Trom the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday THIS AND THAT " ""j , " : 1 TU Cwt MW kl.m, t.r . "She's here every day trying to get In the last word." ICC in this Prince Rupert i nrnnrp ttttts" o in lt do-or-dle; " 1 with pen and lmetements of war a great heap of unanswered tetters, at last at lrt; lajt-"e sit down. K wlfl be done In one sittlns, and this Is it: Once started. It U rather plea sant. Amidtst the flow of Ink and thought ccne a suddevn won derment at being found so childish about so slmplo a son not take a little time each week for letters, instead of al-, thf m to Pile un? It is no new resolution oJ course,' but never asaln . - positively never. . . An hour elapses, then two. The pen dees not seem weary, but the- fellow on the end of It bPgins to think longingly for a mimeograph. Writing one letter nftpr another is tiresome. Re peating the same phrases and bits of news to cveryDooy incomes rven more gruelling. Yet there Is no help for It. After such a lapse, a letter must be lnterestlns-and lengthy. And If anything is more aisjusims than a Christmas card without line in It, It is one oi uic v.... nn)M irc-m some ci- meaning wul who nevertheless expects a full-bodiea lener , v tM one. fifth from ihP ten: "Just a line in a hurw. - - - voir it reads. "We are an i"-......! i,c Hrme you are too. is lovely - The weather here 1vt F"fect.e u e from vou soon. "- could do It that n ,hat. If a person wouiant ur '" way there ; cto'm to such a gift, if it mUhl be termed as such, and certainly vou are cut. to - rrrt. Vt MV lillUa J'" dav's enthusiasm ot- but not entirely ui,, nrp the letter? an en- t.rftv. Another two take form nnd niiW mP" ot- ani cu, .hnnt a knight clad in moer armour. Seme noble siul ncwy - "u' has done wiiat rpllrf In well-earned nrl wings to freed rUicnce. Surely, life holds cw moments of such utter and .,nip(p pontpntment. Tiie post office soon bring? returns. The broken thread of frlendlv Intercourse is resumed In small gossip, news oi piam-Ins-time and cX a hard prairie winter. Vivid pictures of yourvg. fr davs nt home come oacK-i or a holiday spent "back there' i,p.-nmp rral aialn. each sprlnk- i. nvor with a Declal dew that nnon new resesses of and thouaht. What frundil Real friends, so for giving and so glad to get your you," it reads, "and get all the news. We are all fine, but aw ful busy. Hope you are too. The weather here Is lovely Just Derfect. We'll expect to hear from ycu soon. Love Mission Here Is Attracting Many r. TT.tViai. i n MpT.enh i.ct, auL( ... ink before us. and besldss thosi o.M.I Qf Vancouver, is attract Ing substantial congregations nightly as well as ta two masse? hs Is conducting C9ch mcrr.ln at the Church f the Annunciation. The father Is a powerful jipeaker and his sermons are per lne much acpreslated. The mis slon which has Setn In progress during the past wees win eon elude this Sunday. W. Shmbsall returned to the city on the Oamosun yesterday afterncon frcin Vancouver. be "softie" about your mom... " (r -- v TM n ioy , . . tad yr Mthf iw muth y cr lnd COUTTI Cw4 i!iel iy l y11 H oy lh wy y Thai wtrl COUTTI an tht back ( yowr ft4 ttllt hr y cartd (iMvah t tti Hit vry Owr ilclla Mlhr' Day Carat It cemf lt ckl yH laan. McRAE BROS. Limited PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing Printing FJilarglng Coloring PORTRAITS and PASSPORTS- Chandler & Cowgill 210 th St. P.O. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 FINE CONCERT BY CIVIC BAND Fine competence and versatility were displayed toy the Prince Ru pert Civic Band i.i the varied nroeram which constituted Its initial public appearance under the baton of Bandmaster mer Lien before an appreciative audi ence In the Civic Centre last Tri -iHHIHrm n thf Kplpfitions by the band, the program In cluded presentations by guest ar tists that rounded out the excellent Instrumental fare and left the audience with the realization of what a sound basis for musical development Prince Ru pert has In Its newly formed band. trol over the instruments throughout the concert, uniting them Into a unit that has definitely earned the title of "band." Like homing plgecns, and one . The program, opened with a at a tlm they come, Edch re- brief Introduction by Fred Con ceived with equal warmth and j rad, who Introduced Bandmaster rel sn. Then the last seal is Lien, continuing in martiai spin'. broken. "So glad to hear from 1 with the stirring "Maple City March" by Chamberlain in which the band showed excellent pre cislon and spirit. Guest artists included Bert Cameron, violinist, who played 'Were My Songs With Wings With slight show of temper It provided," by Ahan, and "Songs It Is flung aside on the desk to -flutter down and slide Into rlace amonsrst the ethers. For thfv are all there again just waitlns. Mustn't let another flay ?o by without writing. Well, not two days, anyway My Mother Taught Me," uy Dvorak, Accompanist was II. T. Lock. Mrs. Roy Wicks, second guest artist, sang Strauss's "Ira in mm TOM McKEOWN rhones; Office, Green 007 No. 6 Smith Block 9i.i 4. m.. id a. mi t j ii j.iitii Phone-175 ...... Love With. Vienna," "Smoke Gets.) ;ln Your Eyes," by Kern, and Mighty Lak' a Rose." Andv Mc Naughton accompaled at the. The band was composed of the following members: Neville Ger- rard, T. A. Johnstone and Terry Parsons, clarinets: William Duf- fus, saxophdne; George Brown, Olafnr Eylofson, trumpets; L.H. Stevens, horns; Alfred Shrub-sail, Nick PavllkLs, baritones; Rol Judge, C. F. McCarthy, trombones: Morris Teng, Beg. Martin, Basses; Rubert Woods, drums. Pleasine Individual instrumen tal work was shown in the solo trombone performance of Rol Judge who played "Asleep in the Deep" and the duet for trum pets "From Vienna's Past" play ed by George Brown and Ole Thp hnnH shna'pH remarkable Evolfson. cleanness pf tone throughout all Other numbers by the band niimhprs. rancrinc from soft, dul- were "Operatic Mingie, 'ine .t rpvprlo "Dawn" hv Bennett. Middv Marcn) "Organ wnoes to the most stirring marches. 1 (serenade) and "Colonel Bogey i Mr, Lien showed complete con- (march). While all selections were well received, possibly the most popu lar were the Selections from H.M5. Pinafore" with lilting Gilbert and Sullivan melodies The band was fortunate to have Lettprs. savs Noah Webster. I letter that they immediately Johnstone for solo parts in this nlcations." A more general defi nition might be that letters are those things left undone which should - have been done long ago. Numbered among the sins of omission, they He around in cur minds tugging for attend- tion with all the ptrsistance of a teething child whining at its mother's hemline. (And the hemline Is coming down for an easier reach?) They come up In turn before us. This one, then that one, which we should have written weeks ago. Guilt ily, Intensely, we determine to not let another day pass before writing. Well, not two, anyway. And on a day whose weather makes letter-wrttinz lovely by comparison; one which forbid.s gclns out or dares any sou! to com in; with a chin-line rigid W. J. Nelson cf this city Is finding It wintry around Taku. Mr. Nelson, who- Is in the Cus toms Service, lelt for the north recently. Frequent storms have to some extent been Interfering with the air service along the Taku and at Tulsequah. Mining development is being planned there. r ISow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL We Serve You Nothing But the Best . Sl'ECIAI. KEH HltANO REEF CHOICEST VKGETABLES AND FHUITS COMPLETE LINE OK GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies anil Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS hnn 2i Third Ave. West A- MacKcnzic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT SHERIFF'S SALE 327 ThirU Avenue IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARDet al, Plaintiffs TELKOAL COMPANY LIMITED, Defendant writ nf Fieri Facias to me directed in the above action I have seized of the goods and chattels of the tw.i,.i th fniwinir which I shall offer for sale at UVHiiUH,, . o auction, for Cash, at the place known as -itxrvum. PANY LIMITED mine, or elsewhere where goods and chattel of the defendant may be located, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, May 13th, 1947, unless the Writ is satisfied in the meantime. Sale to commence at the mine office located about 7 miles southwest of the town of TELKWA, B.C. The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted: Mining equipment, Including boilers, air compressors, drills and drilling machinery, coal cutting machines, hoists, cables, rails, piping, pumping and blacksmith's equipment, fans, tools, stores and general mine equipment. Stores of hardware, lumber, stulls, findings and miscellaneous. Office furniture and equipment. Weighing equipment Including 20-ton capacity scales. Cook House, Bunk House, and Dry Equipment including one No. 202 CF Ourney Camp Range, Dishes, Utensils, beds. Bedding, etc. 1 Canadian Rand steam air compressor plant 13x18, air receiver 12x18. 1 Jenckcs duplex steam hoist. 1 large air receiver. 1 Shaker Screen mounted on 20-lb, rails. 1 Wagner refrigerating unit No." 7593,110 volls, CO cycle, 1725 R.P.M. These have not been removed, from Telkwa Station Yard, and are knocked down and ready for shipment. I Loading Ramp at Telkwa Station Yard, containing 90 pes. 4"xl2'xl4' planks, C5 pes., more or less peeled timbers 14' to 20' long, railings, bracing, etc. Further particulars available from the Sheriff, Prince Rupert. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff, County of Prince Rupert. Dated May 1st, 1947. prliuc Unpen Dafli? J3cUtf Saturday May 3, 1947 LOW AIR FARES from Prince George to EDMONTON $35.90 $68.00 return GRANDE PKAIKIE. 19.00 31.20 return FORT ST. JOHN 12.00 21.60 return QUESNEL 6.50 11.70 return VANCOUVER 30.00 51.00 return pint tax Lt. Prince George, North, Ii45 p.m., South, 10HWa.ro. Daily Eieept Monday. Further information from Dob Ilothmt, Vrlnre C.eorir. Hotel. I'rince George, tt.C, B7-7 TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will re- , lieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers h can explain. x Mr, Bill Terry, with many years of study of toot ailments, is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done In your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry Is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. Ormes JjiA Pioneer Drtu&teU PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 am. till 9 P-m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 pin, 7 pm. till 9 pm. ' . 8' Sanitary ' Efficient COMMODORE m We Are Most Anxious to Serve You BREAKFAST MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH In a well ordered Banquet Hail we serve Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets nnd:.5 cater to parties of all Kinds. (Call 17 for full particulars). A Constant Supply of Ice Cr earn Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYBHAVN, , Proprietor, 5k W. T COOPER, Manager. COAL PRICES Due to the withdrawal or government subsidy from the mine operators, also to increased operatine costs, we are forced to Increase coal prices as follows: EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1917 ALBERTA LUMP Sacked, per ton . . . ALBERTA EC.fi Sacked, per ton .... ALBERTA NUT Sacked, per ton ALBERTA STOKER Sacked, per ton TELKWA LUMP Sacked, per ton ... TELKWA .SLACK Sacked, per ton . . . All loose bulk deliveries $1.25 per ton less $17.25 17.00 15.00 12.50 15.75 11.00 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. HYDE TRANSFER PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD (104) 1 1. j i