l?rfnrc Rupert Daflp r3cus Monday, March 3, 1947 BASKETBALL- Rainmakers Score Thrilling Victory Over Savoys, 48 to 44 Was One of Most Thrilling Encounters of Season Greenville Team Featured On SaJnrday Send-off Cars The IJo-Me-Hi Ilainmakers were given a gala send-off on Saturday night at the Civic Centre when over500 good wishers and sport fans were on hand to wish hon voyage to the Rainmakers and, not to bf-outdone by their many fans, the Rainmakers canle through by taking a IS to 41 win from their arch rival SaVirys jn a thrilling Senior. V"A" league game. It mai keel the i ener5y for what they thought fctucbntV second straight win i woid be a tough last frame. The over the hotelmcn and plants gC0Te lh this period crept up o them firmly on top or the league) few pomts with the! Packers still as they leave for the south to moving In the lead. 36-22. Green-aUiul the Provincial Invitation- vine came fighting back in the al Tournament held In being fourth the frame and locab had New Westminster this coming to k movl to malntaln thr v;eek-end, March 1 and 8. Savoy lcad fiut ,t too , te f th jiuk uii uuc ui vIsltnrs tft ntrh n nrlrt th the best shows of the season r,,, j :. ... tl when they went onto the floor. .Just before the game got under way the Mayor of Prince Ru-jV?rt, Mrs. Nora Arnold, gave the lads her best wishes for a prosperous trip. Then O. A. Hunter, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, extended the good wishes of that organization to the boys. The game got off to a quick ' start with neither squad show Ing any mercy for their rivals. -Savoy took the Jump on the stu- dents to open the scoring but quickly the Rainmakers came roaring back and Jumped Into the lead Just before the end of ond frame determined not to let a repetition of Tuesday night's disaster come about again. But still the students marched on. Squeezing a few more points from Savoy the Rainmakers Increased their lead and ended up the half out in front, 30-23. The second half was a ding-dong affair with Savoy really trying to get into the winning side. But, although they came within four points of the stu-' "dents, the third frame closed - up at 4J-35. The last frame com pletely overshadowed the rest : of the game for thrills, excitement, fast end to end play and dazzling shots. Savoy fought right up to within two points of the Rainmakers and, with- still a minute and a half left to go, they elected to take a free throw on the side and try for two points. Their attempt failed but .-almost Immediately they were Riven another free throw and again they took it on the side. High School fought desperately ,..to stop their rivals efforts to lie the game up. But again Bavoy were stopped and then sudden? rMcnnp nt h rjiin man and dropped In a basket to put the students four points ahead. Just as Savoy were gathering their strength for another rush at the students, the buzzer sounded to end the tussle. Thompson of the Rainmakers occupied the limelight in the scoring dropping In 15 points but he was given a stiff run by Rup Holkestad of Savoy who - netted 14 points. The game was . close as any this season but Johnny Comadlna and Jack Lindsay on the whistles had an easy time, only having to dish otit 25 personal fouls, 11 to the Rainmakers and 14 to Savoy. V Savoy D, Atney. T. Arney 9, Murray 6, M. Holkestad 7, R. Holkestad 14, Morgan 8, Haugan. Total 44. Rainmaketi Lavigne 4, Hart-tvIs 8, Thompson 15, Ciccone 10, Forman 5, Skog, Flaten 6, Davidson, Intermela. Total 48. PACKERS WIN OVER GREENVILLE B.C. Packers climbed into ths win column by taking the measure of the visiting Greenville Whippets 48-33 in the semifinal to the Savoy-Ill School main event. Sey Domlnato led - 6ff for the winners with 19 points and he was given good support by the rest of his team. But the --visitors only had three players getting Into the score sheet. The feel of being out In front must .....have seemed wonderful to the Packers for they took the lead early In the first quarter and kept Increasing It from there on. At the end of the first quarter It was Packers on top, 18-11. "" The second frame was slower than the first with Domlnato beating the backboard for 7 points, Oreenville dropped a little farther back by the end of the first half with the score standing 28-16. After the half the game was even slower while the Packers ceemed to be conserving their fami-ia uiuvru uiiu witur ui&i win in the last three month. Quite possibly it will mark a chahge In their standing In the city league. A. Robinson and T. McKay comprised the powerhouse for the Whippets as they chalked up 1C and 15 points apiece. "B.C. Packers Calderone 6, Dominate 19, Houston 1, Ourvici 8, Brown 4, White 3, Ciccone 6, Bird, Mazzone l. Total 48. Greenville T. McKay 15, C. Calder 2, W. McKay, A. Robinson 16, P. "McKay, J. Martin, H. Calder. C. Moore. Total 33. ' the first quarter. 10-8. Savoy1 MACEY'S MAKE IT came fighting back In the sec- SEVEN' STRAIGHT Macey's powerful five continued their unbroken winning streak, chalking up their seventh straight win in the second half of the Senior "B" division by nosing out Port Edward 39- 31. Netting 18 points, Ourney of Port Edward entrenched himself still more firmly on top of the scoring list. But his 18 points were matched . by Haugan of Macey's who moved himself up into the top five of the scoring ranks. The game was a ding-dong battle all the way with first Maeey's on top then Port Edward out in front. At the close of the first period Macey's were a scant one point out in the lead 9-8. Port Edward turned around and took over the reins in the second quarter to move out in front 19-17. In the last half of the ball game Macey's cut loose and poured on the pressure which gave them the lead from here until the end of the game. The score stood at 29-23 goin? into the last frame with the Betting more fiM a.l makers broke loose on a quick pass from Hartwig and For- the time. Haugan's 8 points In What s Doing in the World of Spor ..JS ON ICE I w- V I &cFz&i 3l1 K26 the last period put the game on ice for the uptown boys. The Port Edward squad dropped two points further down into the cellar of the Senior "B" league. Macey's played with only six players as twa of the reserve line are out with Injuries. Boa Gill has a sore hand and E. Pierce still suffers Troth art injury incurred txro weeks ago to his leg. But the way Macey's have teen playing lately they are taking as long as they want before resuming tlwir duties with the team but both players will be back In the line-up In the not too distant future. Macey's Menzies 6, Haugan 18, Pierce 4, Arniteri If, James, iTeng. Total .39. i Port Edward Clayton 4, Hal-, den 4, Stevens, Gurney 18, Barton 2, MaCNeil, Leeson, Stewart. Morgan, Angus 3, T. Stevens. Total 31. GREENVILLE BEATS LOCAL JUNIORS In the junior tilt on Saturday night, the visiting Greenville Five Roses handed Watts and Nickerson a 33-25 set-bacK. In a fast but clean ball game both squads were neck and neck almost until the final whistle, Greenville putting on a furious closing quarter drive thit snatched the lead. The Fire Roses had a hard time getting used to the floor In the openln? quarter of the match and were trailing 9-6 at the end of the frame In the tecond quarter they came roaring back and copped a one-point lead to close o'it the half out In front, 17-16. ' The second half of the game I r f " 1)5 ,:n 'BO-ME-HI's 1 i 1 WAR ASSETS FIVE-PIN' STANDINGS W L Pts. neSdivers 14 lo 14 Gulls 14 10 14 Wasps , 14 10 . 14 Spitfires 13 11 13 Wlngdingers 13 11 13 Mosquitoes 12 12 12 Sharpshooters .... 11 13 11 Chickens 5 19 5 was one that would have done justice to any Senior game with the score Jumping up and down as either team took the lead at various times. But Greenville's stronger drive kept them in the lead and the third stanza closed with Greenville still out In front 22-21. C. Venn's last auarter followed by C. Venn also of the visitors wii 12 and 10; points respectively. For the locals it was Ray Spring with 8 points Watts and Nickerson-rSprlnsc 8, Scharff, Laurie. Garner, Bill 1, Ratchford 4, Jones 4. Kelly 4, Webster 4. Total 25. Greenville S. Robinson 12, T. Stevens 2, L. McKay, A. McNeil 6, A. Martin 3. C: Venn 10, L. Robinson, A. Moore, Derrick, L. McKay, R. Masswell. Total 33. AUSTRALIA'S HUGE AREA The area of Australia Is approximately 2,974.581 square miles with a coastline of 8350 miles. STRAIGHT CUT VIRGINIA CIGARETTES I !MILLBANK . it means "m good smoking v I Be Sure of the Best 1 Bulkley Market " "7 "A,LI 3rd Avenue Phone 178 y FAREWELLED .Mayor, Coinimrre iCfiamficr I'roMlf nt ind School Head fake Part Incitfenlal to 9atarday night's baskf '.ball program at the Civic Centre was a ceremony of offl l farewell to the Ua-Me-H Rainmakers Senior Lea,ut ',uske;all team jrlor lo their dtai'tnie for New Westminster f ilf rarl In nn invitational t u t: n'tr.l lo determine the h :h school basketball chain ' .ur b.'p of Britlth Columbia. The team leaves tomorrow at- ,lffi'.i ii cn the Coqulttam for I the south. Art Murray, president of the Prunes Rupert Basketball. 'As-rMlntion. acted ns master of ceremonies for the farewell which toot place In the centre f the trym3slm floor where .A 1 11.-. n ... drive of 6 points put the Rosw : ,h? soutn hl?h ihccl baikelball tournament at New Westminster on Friday arid Saturday are Coach Alex Bill, Manager Boyo Gur-vlch, and players Mel Thompson, Reg Lavhjne. Don Hartwig, Jim Forman, Eddie Ciccone. Jim Flaten, Bill Davldton, Ole Skog and Jim Intermela. Classified Advertising Pays! IS YOUR CAR OR TRUCK AS Our expert mechanics will put it on its feet at low cost! Ha yoifr ear or trtirk lot its "pep" - locs it J.rcak ilown freijitentl-co-t too miirli to run? You'll Jc dirprinl how much of it original efTit-i-ency and economy can he restored hy our expert mechanic, using factory engineered parts For a imple "ttmc tip" or a major overhaul at reason, ahlc cot conic in or phone .for an appointment TODAY!' RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Phone 566 Until You Get a New Car... take good care of your present car! Remember, care today means a higher resale price fotnorrow. SEE US FOR REGULAR SERVICE We are staffed and equipped to handle all maintenance and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Drive In today! TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE GENERAL MOTORS DEALER GIRL ATHLETES NAME OFFICERS ! GREENVILLE--Trie Greenville i Ladles' Athletic Guild elected its 1947 oliicers at its annual i meeting recently. This year's ol flee holders are: President Mrs. Oeoife Martin. Vice-President Mrs. Simon M:Kay. Directors Mrs. Fred McKay. Mrs. William lJrrght. Un. William Azak, Mrs. Jahn.sun R". Mrs. Jonah Grey, Mrs. Herbert Martin. Tfeflfiirer Airs. Albert Mcore Decoration Commmtt Mrs. Stephen Wilson, Mrs Bellndl McKay, Candy Sale Commit t ee Mrs. Mildred Alexander, Mrs. Gertie McKay. Softball Captains Mis Dora McNeill. Mrs. Abraham DaVis. Song Teacher Mrs. Simon ! Calder. Fellow! ft? thr- bit.ln?s.s meet uie team iinea up. opeamng , U'T an cnttn: irment was pro-briefly an rrmrorltelt 16 the vlded by members of the milld. occasion were Mayor n. e. Arnold, G. A. Hunter, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Cemmerce, and W. W. C. O'Melll, principal of Booth Memorial School. Captain Eddie C'.erone briefly acknowledged the pood wish?.? which were extended. As Principal OTfelll walked up to the microphone the pym was in an unroar as Darcnts and UtudznU alike gave h!m a rous- ir? cheer, Mr. O'Neill thanked the citizens cf Prince Rupert for Ihe yenerous support of the students who are about t represent In'the south. Art Murray rpoke briefly on j behalf of the Civic Centre com- j mltfee. J Ed Ciccone thanked the high 'chool sur?orUrs ar.d aded a few words of hope hope trrat they will do Rupert proud In : ahead and Watts and Nicker- ' son bovs thereafter wor ' i.nhl MEMBERS OF TEAM to get enough steam to catch up Mmb of the Booth Mem- with the victors. orlal High School basketball Leading the scoring paiude team are" having Tuesday was S. Robinson of Greenville lu lJB-c JJal " me invuauonai SHORT SPORT For the eignth time. Glen Cunningham bettered the 4:10 mark for running the mile when he set his fastest time by setting a mark of 4:04.4 at Han-cver, N. II., nine years a jo today Cunningham was 27 at the time of the run. Lou E. Marsh, lamous sports editor and columnist of the Toronto Daily Star, died 11 years a?o after a brief Illness. He was noted as a boxing and hockey tcferee as v. ell as a sports au thority. Charles Ring, Toronto j sportwnan. donated a trophy In memory of Marrti for annual award to Canada's "outstanding sports competitor." HICKS FRASERHOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies For Sale .. $25 Phone Black 823 LOW AIR FARE from Prim a f... KD.MOVniN ,-,. .. o"B Box 1308 o s John 12.0;; 91 ? VANCOt'VKIt . riionc 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave, and 7th St. ur 30.00 I.t. Pelner (rfr North, 1,13 n.m . VtM t.v,,rt, llUlr l,ihrr Mil Ml .""I II 'n '1 Recor """"tttOMlJ NEW USED OLD STRICTLY CASH SALES NO EXCIUXCqI 15c Each - - 8 for $1,0 . . . ALSO SPECIAL I'KICES on Books, Picture and Photo FramJ Snap Albums vs., SAW Carl Zarer. I rhnne 27 rJ AS ST PEN is a Mighty Goo Aic 4 For XpW Business! While people ai'c-rcading our news thei reading your advertisements. Don't try to set along without advert Don't be the forgotten business. liAYRE vmi ran rpII nil the mewhan imr - i.. 'you can get these days. Hut these m H-nn'f Incf fnvnunv A VMV fmlll n0 lines of merchandise will be plentiful" then it will , be the customer's day. It will then cost you a lot of money regain lost goodwill hut not if f 1 i i i -r. rifh W weep nciorc your cusioiulis vertising. A Retailer Must Sell the Public His Firm As Well As On His 0i THE DAILY NEWS REACHES THE CUSTOIKRS IN I'RINCE IlUPEItT AND DISTRICT YOU KNOW THAT YOURSEM' :