W( co:: iruelion Chr; ilophnrson, $150, ( 1 run imt 1 1 Sixth Avenue ;ir. juu. nun atrcct; 1' .UW Vi A Ulll III i rrt Av - f . xim ul II UAL. II Mill !) t'"n Tlilrrl Aw. r pair '"iuui S(S. s vi i Awniin t wn-t . 1 Jl! ' S7M Ninth Avenue bath . r.n c? ii. . uviirr 7fin n-ri ' t nnn i:nr nan 0I" S50. Shcrbrnnlcn f rv.x N Ann; -, rniiff i r.nn Mill I I III r n ihi i i iiii i ii ini ZxZ2 w: 'n'al Sccrc- 01 v, jr.imnn ij.. ..... iv.. " u ap- l"e action of ii t.. .i. ISSnw.. ---0-- :Sir jl. " '""unc, u.. - -"an . tiunninThom .i .it ' vunacmn k Tin wnw ari th ,..., - "j 6lno ""'"wry. es- niic... -"i icier uf ,r to the united SIX FIRE CALLS DURING MONTH City fire departmenv responded to fix fire calU during Feb ruary! according lo the records -r Fire Ch'cf 11. T. Lock. Total fire call answered so far this U;-r ntvnbcr 20. With the cx-rrpllrn - a blaze at the home Crew members of vessel owners of the otter trawl fleet operating out of Prince Rupert and Port Edward, at a meeting on Saturday afternoon in the Mctropole Hall, reaf firmed their wlllinjness to begin negotiations with local fish dealers for the purposQ of consummating an agreement on prices for fish landed during 1947. The meeting approved a clause in the draft agreement which would grant to the dealers the privilege of cancelling the agreement or cf renegotiating any section of It upon giving two weeks' notice to the union The feeling was expressed by several rpeakcrs that, In proposing this clause, .the, union was dlng all it possibly could to facilitate the concluding ot an ! agreement. According to Slan Boshler. local secretary of the United Fiihenncn and Allied Workers' Union, the men desire to reach agreement wun. tne operators as speedily as posilblc and bring to an end the non-dcllvcry action of trawl-caught fish which has been in effect since Febru ary 22. He states that "tlic members of the fleet are all keenly aware of the need for their product which exists in the world tqdoy when millions of men .and women are on the verge of starvation. They feel that, U .discus slon .were Jicld between (heir negotiating com mlttcc and the representatives of the companies, agreement could roon be reached and fish ing resumed. However, to date with thV exception of Nelson Bros, at 'Port Edward, the com spite of this, we aiic still ready to meet the operators at any time they derlrc. Tills Is true al cf the trawl negotiating committee In Vancouver." Reports were presented to the meeting that the non-dellvcry Is 100 per cent effective in all B.C. ports and that, contrary to reports which have appeared in the Vancouver papers, there Is no split In the. ranks of the fishermen. of J. Seymour. 2C3 Ninth Ave- STARRY WATER-BOY imp East which cuitcd damacc Aquarius, a constellation of of flbiut $.V0 on February 4. the I stars, is supposed to resemble a riro losii was tllght. 'A I water-bearer, hence the name. oaaoooooaoooacioooaoaaopoooooaciiaoouiooooooaociooo TODAYS STOCKS :.: CoUncsy 6. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. TV ron to Atliona 31 r Auiuaquc .53 Bcattlc .90 Bcvcourt 1-23 Bobjo - 24 Buffalo Canadian .20 Cons. Smelters 07.00 Conwcst 1.10 Dotialda 1.37 Eldona .. .70 Elder 1.15 Giant Ycllowknlfc ..... COO- God's Lake .! L53 Hard rock 53 Harrlcaiia .16!i Ilcva Gold 09 IIosco 58 Jacknlfe 10 Jollct Quebec 0.1 Lake Rowan Liipasko, 0 Little Long Lac 2.15 Lynx -24 ',2 Madscn Red Lake 3.05 McKenzle Red Lake 82 MicLcod Cockshutt .... 2.15 Negus - 2.10 Moneta 00 Noranda -40.00 Pickle Crow 3.15 San Antonio ' 4.20 Senator Rouyn -51 Sherrltt Gordon 4.25 Steep Rock' 2.39 Sturgeon River 24 Kamlac -22 Bright Red Lake ' -07 Reglna .031'2 Vancouver BMlornc task) 12.50 II. R. Con. 03 B. R. X. 12 Cariboo Gold - 2.75 Dcntonla 24 Grull Wlhksnc .10 '2 Hcdley Mascot 1.17 Minto .- (ask) .00 Pcnd, Oreille 2.95 Pioneer 4.05 Premier Border ..07 Premier" Gold 97 Privateer 55. Reeves McDonald 1.00 Reno -iO Salmon Gold .25 Sheep Creek 1.40 Taylor Bridge 05 Whitewater -02 Vananda 42 Congress 0G'2 Pacific Eastern ..(ask) .05 Hcdley Amalgamated .. .11 Spud Valley ..10 Central Zcballos 022 Olls- . A. P. Con. .H CalMiont 32 C. & E 2.20 Foothills (ask) 2.05 Home ' 3.40 Local Tides Tuesday, March 4, 1947 High 11:19 20.6 feet Low ' ' .5:15. 8.4 feet 17:58 2.4 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIJlSli COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ('TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TAXI Etaxi taxii I1C AnJU 3ROVINCIAtij 537 AND NIOHT provincial "'tik-SsS t DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 3 mDrcs iiotM. Tniru ,. "'-.sA: Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt 3 VOL. XXXVI, No. 52. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH ,3, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS aths Are Mounting In Holy Land IRICAL BAN ON BRITISH Would Odoi ---.if ir i irtm t a r iw . . S1RT 15 liticu iuvat Neaotiatinnc .II. P,nnJ Tl the ban on electrical powered factory pro- oi mousanus oi woi'Kers hundreds iofi-iv and . . , , . .. to their jobs aner inree wccks oi luieness. trained generating plants still stalled pro-n in some key areas, imposing 45-minute "load in sorw oarts of Eng i. a it n n .1 jimcin nun""'"" .. . miitht. rppur II ..,... -o ....,. ii'i.rn retained. 1 ol oi oroductlon as a -mo-nrcad industrial .. ..r. nvpr SSOO - Ui u... -r . MICTION r ril i nni l lunuu w J JIIHIVI L. I . - ... a DM AMY I1WI la -!or.itruction o :r. tuck a Harp rise total o $) , 710 more man c stat- ci pcnnlls Is- kr.usrv according to cu..-li'" pf milts Is t u ;v two months $15,8:3. ' " a.s compar . 1910 a total value . a" in" coiisiriic- ?. :1 :xi",z for Mrs, N. .7 t" irncjm WL'IIUUU. JUCO. and one for P. .... ... tl , - ,t 1 . . 4 h: wrjc j single items i 7rt- usucd last iV:-f-ir. inn Rivili v $i0 Borden Street; 'Jn r $300. Third WouldTurn VANCOUVER Describing as "amazing" the current wave of crime involving boys and men In their early twenties, Mayor O. O. McOcer today proposed that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police be asked to take over the policing of Vancouver. Previously, the mayor had sugtcsted that the provincial police take over. EGYPT GIVES PROBLEMS TO U.N. COUNCIL CAIRO O- Premier Nokrachy Patlra announced today that Egypt has decided to submit the quettlon ot its treaty relationship with Britain to the, United Nations security council. The I i i.i 1 1.. w ru-.il (or the same Premier 5"u ,u,ai 1940 PcimlL-5 issued in brcaking-oH of the arduous Anglo-Egyptian negotiations were attributed to the inability of Eyypt to cbtaln satisfaction on two cssc'ntlal point unanimously claimed by. the Egyptian pecple. The points arc the cxaeuation of BrltUh troops from Egypt which muii be Immediate; com plete maintenance of die unity of Egypt and the Sudan; self- government for the Sudanese and the restoration to Egypt of rights hi -administration of the Sudan to advance the Sudanese for self-government. Otter jTrawl (Fishermen Desirous of (Ending iNun-Delivery (Tie-up HAMBURG HIT BY FUEL LACK HAMBURG lb - The British military government today announced the virtual cessation of public utilities in Hamburg as a result of the fuel shortage. Only 500 tons of coal will be allotted dally to-keep the water works, flour mills, bakeries and telephones operating. All electric current for lighting was. cut off indefinitely CREWOTCOAL SHIP IS SAVED Bieeciies lluoy Used In Effecting Itcscue Off Coast of Maine CAPE ELIZABETH. Maine Oi Coastguards, manning a breeches buoy rigging today, rescued the crew of tnc coilier oaKiey v Alexander, wrecked on the rocks off High Hea,d here, in a fierce 1 coastal storm. The collier broke j In two as she neared Portland, Maine, her destination, with a crew of thlrty-seveVi abo.wd. Lashed by a storm, the 250- foot craft lost her bow-ends, a mile offshore. Young Woman Is Murdered Annvcr Vancouver' .Killing Husband Admits Shooting VANCOUVER IB-Mrs. Viola Woclridse aged 20, died in a wpatiicrtoeaten downtown room' irrg'hourf here Saturday scvclnil hours afUr she had returned frcm a wedding party. Her husband, Malcclm Woolrldgc, aged 22, was arrested and charged with murder. The quarrel followed the ar- !,.., rwiro n I rival home 0f Mrs. Woclridgc 1 1 1 3 4 I f I V u VI II V kv Ulll, .- , , reach agreement with us. In frnm a nrlv A tenant In the house said she came downstairs with blood streaming from her nose, saying that her husband hit her "because I stayed out late.' She returned to her room and a few minutes later the blast of a'gun was heard The tenant. Stan Low, aged 17. sold Woolridge then came downstairs and "told me tc phone the police." He said: "I have just shot my wife." DAUGHTER OF . PUBLISHER IS CRASH VICTIM VANCOUVER O) -Helen Hamilton, asod 10, daughter of Duncan A. Hamilton, president of the Vancouver Ncws-HcraW, was kllied yesterday in a two-car coliislou as she was cnroulc lo Mount Baker for a ski outing. The accident occurred 15 miles south of Nciw Westminster when the Kill and licr companion, Robert E. VVahl, aged 19, collided with the car of John J. Schalo, ,33, of Evcreon, Washington. Schalo received cuts and shock and Wahl suffered chest lnjurr les-, facial cuts and shock. February Customs Receipts $13,000 Customs and excise receipts at the pctt of Prince Rupert February totalled $133?3, a decrease of more than $25,000 under the January figlures. Receipts In February, 1816. were $17,373. Receipts so far this year arc $E2,323, as compared with $18,373 for the first two months of 194G. BUFFALO (P ' Vacation ended for 71,000 public school' pupils here today as teachers returned to their classroom after staging the largest teachers' strike Jn United JStatcs .history. The week-old walkout of 2400 teachers was ended by the Buf BRITISH AUTHORITIES TO .ELIMINATE UNDERGROUND JERUSALEM (CP) Deaths by Violence in Palestine mounted to 22 in three days with the shooting tpday of a Jewish curfew violator in Tel Aviv as the British army maintained martial law over one-third qf the Holy Land's 700,000 Jews. The death of the Jewish ex-service man was trace-- able td control measures 1m- RECOVERING Prime Minis-.tcr. Mackenzie King, making steady recovery now after severe cold which for a time threatened pneumonia. Will be taking his place in. House again soon. SKys Pigsty Better Than Some Premises BRIGHTON, England tt When the Sussex Rent Tribunal wap told by a litigant that a bungalow under discussion was ' lot fit for a pig to live in," IWikhid L. Dell, deputy chair-tiian, commented: i jyurlng n.xf.1914-18 war I hap noapena a nigiti m a pisviy-II must say that with a little iilu.w I 'i.:cnt a more comfortable night than I should have icne in some of the premises I have inspected while i have been on this tribunal." ARMS" DROPPED TO GUERILLAS ATHENS in Official Greek tourccs said today that Greek military authorities have received reports indicating that arms had been parachuted to gueril las in northern Greece since the United Nations inquiry commis sion arrived In that country a month ago. Meanwhile, representatives of the "uhircel States, Britain, Russia, France, Poland, China and Australia made their first contact with the Greek guerillas yesterday when the United Nations ficTd investigation teani 'die guerilla chieftain "Nestor." Cougars Attack When Cornered VANCOUVER Q) -The panther, puma or mountain Hon, branded it killer and a coward, will not atlaek'a man unless hungry or cornered, Tony Lascelles, a nature writer, believes, He says that nine times out of 10 curiosity prompts the sl- ilcnt "shadowing" by the beast reported by hunters. .Cougars have appeared Vancouver's city limits at various times. One. apparently, i-wam across the First Narrows of Burrard Inlet and for several days terrorized persons stroll-ing In the park. It was finally Wiled by a hunting party. STOCKHOLM Oi More than .7,758,000 hot meals have been served to children in Vienna and thcr parts of Austria in one year by the Swedi-sh Save-thc-Chlldrcn Federation und'er 'the auspices of the Swedish Aid Tor Europe Fund. BUFFALO TEACHER STRIKE IS ENDED falo Teachers' Federation last night -when teachers' council delegates voted to accept the premise of Major B. J. Dowd that pay increases would be forthcoming .next fall If the state authorized additional taxes for that purpose p scd to facilitate tne num ior Jewish underground fighters. More than 300 persons were investigated yesterday and CO were held for questioning after the army searched certain, Jerusalem quarters. In London, Lord Beaver-brook's morning paper, the Conservative Dally Express, sale' that every act ot terrorism ir Palestine was a challenge to the United Nations, since the Pales tine question had been referred to the woric Dody. Martial law was extended to a wide area of strife-ridden Palestine following a day of the bloodiest series of attacks ou British control forces since last July. Twenty-one persons were killed, at least 14 wounded On Saturday, and throughout the rest of the day and night other attacks followed in rapid suc cession along the northern Pal- Lestlne coast. The "British authorities an nounce that they intend to tom- nirtelv destroy the Irgun and Stem underground movements. RV Blast C J. OFFICIAL ACT IN SOUTH AFRICA- -First official act of her tour or South Africa, Princess Elizabeth today opened, at this river port a new $10,000,000 dry dock which has been named after her. She was slightly nervous. Five diamonds worth $14,000 were presented to Her Royal Highness. They will be used in a brooch. TRUMAN VISITS 1 MEXICO CITY I MEXICO CITY 0; President Truman arrived here today, the first United States president ever to visit the Mexican capi tal. He was welcomed by President Aleman, his cabinet and Gther dignitaries as "guest ot hnnnr" of the city. Governof " I M - ... r .... .J.ot.lctrl.f I In Chicago 1 ' Two .Killed ttnd Million Dollars Damage Dune in Loop District CHICAGO. Explosion of gas destroyed a uircc-iJiwjr brick building in the Loop district here, killed two persons ard injured more than 30 yesterday. One person Is still missing and is feared dead. Three of the Injured are in critical condition. 1 Commissioner M. J. Corrlgon said' the city escaped a major disaster only because the incident occurred on Sunday. Hundreds would have been killed had the explosion occurred on another day. The loss Is estimated at $1,-000,000, but the police say that the-potential Joss,lncluding merchandise in nearby buildings might total $10,000,000. Window damage alone Is estimated at $250,000. NEW DANGER OF FLOODS IS NEAR LA PAZ, Bolivia ) -Govern ment officials warned residents of the inundated city of Trini dad today that new floods were expected scon. Meanwhile, res cue .planes took advantage of the receding waters and flew evacuees to Cochamba, 200 miles south. The government said that the flood waters had dropped 14 inches yesterday, lessening the immediate danger lo inhabitants ci the northern Bolivia city. Pretty Roughriders Aussie Rodeo Stars SYDNEY. Australia ) Women showed their forms as rough-riders in n spectacular rodeo held at Warwick, Queensland. Ambitious competitors came from all parts of Queensland and oMier states for the ladles' open buckjumplng event and to take part In the parade of Australian outdoor girls. Sun-tanned, J)londe Zell Quln-lan was glamor-girl of the ladles' paiude and igracerul Gladys Gill from New South Wales gave a good account of herself with 79 points in the buckjumplng events. 'nakas Aleman nresent'ed Presl dent Truman with a gold medal and a parclunent. THE WEATHER Synopsis The cold air mass which has been spreading Into British Columbia covered, all of the prov ince but Vancouver Island and the lower mainland this morn ing with overcast skies and snow flurries along its leading edge. Rain is still falling this morning over the southwest corner of the province and will persist at sonic points until alternoon when skies arc expected to clear slowly. Rising pressures over the ocean will result In improving conditions generally Tuesday. Synopsis Prince Rupert, Queen Char lottes and North Coast Clear today and tonight. , Tuesday, cloudy, becoming overcast by afternoon. Northeasterly winds f 15 m.D.h.) today, sniffing to northwesterly 120) Tuesday. Little change in temperature. Lows toiilghtPort Hardy. 37; Mas- sett, 33; Prince Rupert, 32. Highs Tuesday Port Hardy, 48; Mas-sctt. 42; Prince Rupert. 45. East Getting Worst Storm Halifax Ito Berruuda Feels It AnxV:ty for riaine TwolDie Ja Montreal HALIFAX O) The Atlantic seaboard -tar m-'Halifax to Florida lis leing Vswept today by (heavy gaJcs while the Ity of JIalifax iliad its worst blizzard of the winter. Electricity was off for five jhcurs due fire in a power Etatirtn and business, places Suidwfficcs ic-sorled tothe use ot lamps and candles. .One (department tore put outU'i.;n: "No .light, no heat. Closed Idowli." The fnlensc storms' bore down ttoi eastern iCanada Sim-day and today, claiming: two lives (n Montreal .and leaving Quebec iCity without electric power. Transportation Hi the provincial capital lias been interrupted and telegraph communications with part of the Maritime provinces cut off. In Ncwttfngland.eight linclies of snow "ivas (reported.. Ansiety 'is felt fori United Stales Army plane missing .dn a (flight from (Newfoundland to Hierniiida. WHAT. NO SALT. ,,. The boa constrictor cnislie3 the bones of its victim by pressure, covers it with saliva and swallows It whole. BO-ME-HI TO MEET TOUGH HOOP RIVALS Will Be Pitted Against Kamloops la Opener At New Westminster Prince Rupert's Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers, going south tomorrow to the Provincial High School Invitational Basketball tournament being held in New Westminster this Friday and Satur-elay, will be meeting Kamloops, one of the few teams that have beaten the Duke of Connaught. Thty will do battle on Friday night In the New Westminster Y.M.C.A. gym in the second gamo of the evening. The winner of this match will move" on Into the finals which will take place on Saturday. The 'Jcscr will be able lo have a chance at a consolation tropny. The winning team will recieve miniature gold basketballs from Bill Adshead and the most, valuable player also will be honored. Whoever he Is- ad he ; might very easily (be from i Prince Rupert he will receive the Gifford trophy. But by far the most sought-after award will be the George Sparling trophy, the present holders being Vancouver College who won It in the, competition last year,, As Prince Rupert did not attend the competitions last year, naturally our representatives this year will J3 all out to bring it back to their heme in the far north. This toumey is thought to be the largest of its kind to have been held in Canada and, with eight teams competing, that statement could be true. It is certainly true the teams. ..Win represent an enormous amount of territory with the honors going to Prince Rupert for having to travel the farthest. Hockey Scores SATURDAY Detroit 5, Toronto 4. Boston 2, Montreal 1. SUNDAY Boston 3, New York 2. Detroit 3, Chicago l