c IMnrc Gtipctt Daily mvs Monday. March 3, 1947 I The Markets . Vf seta bits Mushroonv?. lb .75 Spinach'. 2 lbs. ... .29 Beets, lb .00 Cauliflower, each 25 - .45 Lettuce, each .18 Crlcr1rb. .3 Carlic. lb .75 abbagc, lb .09 Calif. Ca.rots, 3 lbs. .. .25 Brussels: Sprouts, lb. .31 Parsnips, 2 lb .15 J Sujfar White, lb. ... .09 poldcn Yellow, lb .09 I Fresh .Milk Quart .19 Pint .10 Cream, ..-Pint .15 " Eggs Grade A: Large, larto'net, doz. ... 47 j . Fish Halibut,. lb .... .33 Salmon, lb '. 35 Cod, Jb .25 Slack Cod, smoked, lb .38 Smoked Kippers, lb .22 .Milk Evaporated Milk, : 16-oz. tin, 2 for ; Butter First Grade, lb i 5 Hour Pastry Flocr, 7 lbs 31 Flour, 49-, No. 1 hard wheat $1.75 Second Patent 1 CO Flour (24's) 93 I Tea and Coffee DcLuxe Quality, lb". 85 Coffee, lb .40 t .-, Canned Fruits Plums i. 17 Apri.oti 27 Cherries 35 Raspberries 35 Pears 29 Juices Tomato, 20-oz ,2 .25 40 oz. .33 5 for spring IT'S high mi i Prices? They're no. secret. It always paid to buv for cash. At WALLACE'S PHONE 632 FOR PROMPT SERVICE ON JANITORS' SUPPLIES DUSTHANE - PAPER TOWELS - WAX SOAP - HRUSHES - MOPS - ETC. Prince Rupert Supply House u B U m a of course THIRD AVENUE CHOW MEIN SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your' needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK, Hollywood Cafe - - - PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS r- IROJU II AJU. TO 6 AJU. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY GIRL STANDS EGGS ON END TRAIL 0.' Miss Belinda Mam-mone proved here that she could stand an egg on end without breaking the shell a trick that Christopher Columbus failed to do. Perhaps Trail chickens lay queer-shaped eggs. At any rate it can be done and not with Just one egg but with six and all at the same time. Belinda, only 15, announced her achievement to a Trail Times reporter and was invited to the1 newspaper office to demonstrate, j She selected one from half-a-dozen eggs and skilfully, after considerable time, balanced it on the broad end. "There," she said triumphantly. "And what more, I had six of them standing on end at home this morning." gallon 59 Apple, 20 oz, 2 tins .33 40 oz .35 Gallon .. .64 Grapefruit, 20 oz 15 48-oz 33 Orange, 20-oz 17 - .24 Blended (orange and grape fruit), 20-oz 21 48-oz 56 Cut Green Beans, each 17 No. 3 Peas 19 Mixed Vegetables 18 Diced Beets 15 Fruit Tomatoes (field) lb 27 Grapes, Malaga, lb .28 - .31 Pears, 3 lbs - d.j BaHaBaaaaBaBaaan the softer, more feminine, the elongated silhouette that marks our Spring frocks as new and styles. A complete selection of fresh new dresses with more arriving every day. FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST TERRY FORTUNE IS GOING EAST Mr. and Mrs. Terry Fortune are leaving Wednesday by train fcx Toronto where they plan to take up future residence. Mr. Fortune has severed his connection with the local radio station where he has beer, an announcer since returning from -the services. PLAN VILLAGE IMPROVEMENTS GREE.WILLE Proposals to make several improvements In this village were discussed at the annual meeting of the Greenville Improvement Association. William Stephens Jr. was elected president and Henry Aksidan. vice-president. CADI SEEKS HOME PIETERM ARITZBURG , South Africa f A magistrate recently adjourned his court when a constable whispered that there was a house bo let in thic Natal city. He returned an hour later mu.uui, iutxc, me nouse nav - ing been let Just five minutes before he arrived. - - Classified Advertising - - CIaasirtal.:c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. lilrth Notices. 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marrla-o sad Engagement Announcements: 12. HELP WANTED WANTED First class sawyer, to take full charge of sawmill. Good wages for right man. State age and experience. Job open April 15. II. G. Olscn Sawmill Co., Burns Lake, B. C. (53) HELP WANTED An opportunity for young men and ladies who do not fear meeting the public, to work in established sales organization; opportunity for advancement.- Apply Box 1251, Prince Rupert. (52) HELP WANTED Reliable party to operate cafe. Phone Red 441. Box 1001-B. (53) FOR SALE FOR SALE One electric vegetable juicer with salad maker. One sunlamp. Phone Green 937. (54) FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield suite and other articles. Apply 318 Sixth St.. afternoons. FOR SALE Lovely home in Section 2. Close In. Apply Grand-view Hotel. Phone Black 412. . (54) FOR SAtE-2 watcrjackcts, 1 walcr'jatkct jt'.vc. 1 heater. 2 gas pumps, 1 set of new Universal Encyclopedia, 1 grama-phone. Phone Black 412. (It) FOR SALE Axminstcr rug, 9x12; McClary range, enamel and steel top, fitted with Imperial oil burner and coil; kitchen set; full size bed, mattress and spring. All .In good - order. 1317 Overlook St. Red 701- (53) FOR SALE-Bakery and restau rant with four lots and barn. Going concern. Good opportunity for married couple, Twenty years in business, quitting on account of old age. Apply Ammund Hanson, Queen Charlotte City. (52) FOR SALE One-room furnished cabin. Wantage Road. Cheap for cash. Apply Box 208 Daily News. (52) FOR SALE Used Furniture and Hardware at low prices. 5 piece kitchen set good shape $14. 9-tubc radio $17.50. Slightly used pails- from 50c. Hassocks going at $2.. Floor lamps $4. Bed and spring like new $12. Fancy china dinner plates 35c. New latter rugst lovely designs from $1.C5. Drinking glasses 10c. Oolichan Grease, best quatity, $0.50. All kinds of other goods, come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE Chcyrolct panel dc-livcry, 1939 model. Serial No. 9131530C3C, one spare tire. Ceiling price $337. Phone Red 411. (53) FOR SALE-Household furnishings. Phone Red 218. (54) (NOTICE OF SALE FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of an Undivided one-half interest in Parcel "B," S.D. of part of Lot 431. Range 5, Coast District, together with an undivided half-Interest In tho Improvements siuate thereon, up to noon on Thursday, March 20t.h, 1947. Highest or any tender not nesessarlly accepted. Terms: Strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, adminis trator of the Estate of Paul' Brodih, deceased, (60) I garden 'Nomhog Post-war trend in garden design give evidence of following the lircc direction as house architecture, away frcm the traditional toward the functional. Instead of planting to create kuvdscope pictures of traditional stylos, we will arrange our gardens to serve definite purposes first, and develop picturesque qualltis which will not interfere with these Junctions. Just what are the functions of a small home irarden? Mn?t general agreement is likely to be that it serve as an outdoor heme, where we can enlov fresh air and sunshine and such rec-rcatioral activities as may ap peal to us. This Is not new; since World War I the idea of the garden as an "outdoor living rccm" has spread. But here. as in house architecture,- tradi- I firm hnQ Hvr n tiv . KnrA Vino itio vivii a wuuiiiiir uc-wct.il Wlc . desire for a useful garden and ; one that will look like others ' erpecially those we remember, f So a larse nrnnnrtinn of nil m,n WOKK WANTED WORK WANTED Sitter evening, public stenography days. Telephone Black 120. ' (57) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-roomed apartment. 221 5th Ave. East. Phone Red 807. (57) FOR RENT Three rooms, one . kitchen furnished . 336 9th Ave. (57) FOR RENT Furnished apart" ment. Grandview Hotel. Phone Black 412. (54) FOR RENT Single sleeping room. 221 5th East. Phone Red 807. (55) FOR RENT Furnished cabin, clean and warm. 1142 Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (52) FOR RENT Thrtc-room furnished suite. No. 7, Washington Block. (54) WANTED WANTED March 15, three- or four'-rccm suite, furnished or unfurnished, fpr couple. Box 205, Daily News'. (54) Tl.MREK WANTED WANTED Cedar. Fir. Pino and Larch Poles. All sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point: earliest shipment. Niedcrmcycr-Mar-tin Co., Spalding Bidg., Portland 4, Oregon. (53)' LOST LOST Glasses In blue case, and, brown Parker fountain pen,-Sunday afternoon, vicinity 5th or uin west. (54) PERSONAL NORTHERN LIGHT Book Room (upstairs in Wallace "Sleek), displaying Bibles, Easter Card?, Mottoes, Books, etc. Of-flcial .opening Tuesday, March 4- (It) GUANANTEED relief from eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, heat rash and kindred skin afflictions. Mail $1.00 for large Jar to Pcacey's Drug Store, Victoria, B.C. (53) STUBBORN skin ailments respond to "Klccrcx" the quick healing salve for eczema, psoriasis, Itch, impetigo, ringworm, etc. 50c, $1.00. At all druggists or write Klcerex! Mfg. Co., Winnipeg. HOME Cooked meals at reas onable prices served pleasantly in attractive surround -inc oil this you will find at the Terminal Lunch, (mt) DUESSM'iAKI'NO,. Alterations and repairs. Women's liose repaired. Phone Blue 273. (72) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived up until noon, March 7, for painting the Pioneers Home. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer. The lowest nor any tender not necessarily accepted. I (53) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf, You saw ii in Tnc News! 1) unc .rounds planted 20 years ci more ago are now so overgrown with trees and shrubs planted for traditional reasons inat sunsninc is cxciuaeo, irom both house and grounds, and flowers perhaps even grass cannot be well grown because of too much shade. While all this shade was de-vclrping, sunshine was rlslnsjso raDidlv in our esteem that ( arc sometimes accused of being sun worshippers. But there are sound scientific reasons for valuing sunshine, -which has been proved to he a vital necessity for human well being. For once, fashion, art; and science are working to the same purpose, to increase the amount of sunshine and . ainny environment available to us. Millions are migrating to those sections of the country which enjoy the most sunshine. In less favored places we must design bur clothing, houses, gardens and deco rations to make the most of all the sunshine we possess. Garden design Is following this trend. Post-war gardens will not be without siide, . for nothing can be picasanter; thin the shade of a tree to;one who has been exposed to ''the warm rays of thcsuaitmer sun; but they will confine shade to definitely planned areas, where on; may rest and view a garden drenched in sunshine. Such gardens can cyclop' 4 variety of floral beauty which is impossible In' overplantcd grounc's, -where the roots of trees and shrubs fill the soli and their leaves .shut out the sunt shine over the entire area In sunny garden areas, many activities can be enjoyed, but none is likely to be more uonu- lar and rewarding than garden ing itself, the growing of fine plants, either 'for' food or flow ers, which millions have learned to enjoy during the ears of war gardening. BAND BUYS INSTRUMENTS GREENVILLE - The import ance which residents of this village place cn mu:Ic as a cuius::! clement ,wa3 .indicated, at the annual meeting of thp Gi 1 envilic' Concert Bind recently by Secretary H. Hi. Mc Kay, who announced that the band hat) paid for Its In'ilru-mcnts. In volved In this statement was a background of seven years of music and work. In 1940 the band received delivery of, 43 instruments to replace ancient pieces and make It the best-cqulppcd band In .the north. Those instruments CbH ;$3,736. In announcing th4 thiixb-llgation had been paid -lh; Iulj, Mr. McKay also told; the jncct-lng that thb"band"p!ah.irrlour-chase 20 more new Instruments hi order to maintain Its high standard. . Background of the arccnvlllc Concert Band wa3 recalled by Leonard Douglas, win was dieted president. Established In 1881, the band made lt3 first public appearance only a few-days after its first practice. It played the doxology at a church meeting. Since that time, succeeding genera tiors have become accomplished players. The band has filled many engagements at Prince Rupert. The following officers were elected: Honorary President William Stephens. President Leonard Douglas. Executive Peter Calder. Her j bert Robinson, Johnson Russ: Charles Lceson, Samuel drey. Ben Alexander. Bandmaster Fred McKay. Assistant Bandmasters Si mon McKay, George Martin, Simon Calder. .Manager Henry Aksldan, Assistant Manager Albert Moore. Leaders Elislia McKnvl Hor ace Angus, Samuel Tait, George i Lecion. Practice Committee 'Jamr Angus, Alfred Rcbinton, Louis McKay, Jeffrey Martin, -'Abra ham Davis, Percy Azak. Music and Property Keepers-Chris Calder, Horace Angus. Peter McKay, William McKay. . Sergeants Anthony Calder, lames Lceson. Secretary-Treasurer Henry McKay, SAILS HATCH COVERS f t 6 D KadioDial V T'l l 1240 Kllocyclea (Subject to change) nt MONDAY r.M. 4:00 Edmund Ilockrldgc 4:15 jSock Quotations 4:30 Carolyn Gilbert I 4;45-Story Time 5:30 Music by Kostclanctz ' 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 Accordiana 6.:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Hawaiian Echoes 6:43 lb Va Doc 6:50 Recorded Ditcrludc 7:00 CBC News 1:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Recital Time 7:45f University Report 8:00 Parade of Bands 8:30 pperctta Time 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Presenting Ken Carson 1Q:00 CBC News i0:t0 B.C. News 10:i5-ifclghborly News 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Weather and Sign-off TUESDAY AM. 7:30-vMusleal Clock 3:00-CBC News 8:15 Morning Song &:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9;0 BBC, News 9:15-M6rning Devotions 00 Morning Concert ; 9:53; Time Signal JO.OO Home' Nursery Musical Program l6:15Qrgan Encores 10;:30-Rpundup Time 10;45 Scandinavian Melodies lltOO-CBR Presorts Il:15p-Songs of Today ll:30u father Forecast 1:31 Message Period U 533 Recorded Interlude 11145-Ethcl and Albert , P.M. 12:00 B,C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume ie.30-CBC News 12:43 Easy Llstcnlns 1:00 THe Concert Hour 1:30 Artists or Tomorrow . 1 :45-Commcntary 2:0a-pC. School Broadcast 2:30 Sheila Presents 3:0Q-Stu Davies 3:15 Serenade to America 3 :30 feprenadc 1 3:45 BBC News and Com. ,-..- , TIIItEW RINC.S IN I lRi: WEYBUIIN. Bask. fl One young jiousewlfc of this prairie owii is uunKinz seriously o: nevef' removing her rings again, TsklngUhem off to do some washing, she held the rings In her left hand when she went to throw iome paper Into the stove. The rings Instead of the paper went,; lAto. the fire. dlisajlcd Advertising Paysl TERRACE & lilXI Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT jN THE PISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace Get MX the Vitamins vou need CONTAIN vitamins: All It e 0 lut IRON r4 LIVER CONCENTRATE nziv nmmiri MULTIPLE CAPSULES Dqh't bt confuted m to which ViUmini to buy. When you tilce juit 3 VITA-VIM Myltlple Cpules (one of the tolden tnd one of the black) each dy, you iupplement the ViUmlm In your diet nedd for normal health. Tentjr-five dar aupply for $1.75 or fifty day aupply $344. vrtA vm nh;tkiiKji Quility, trHttt, U tih si Njtl Dn$ 5uru. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Jhone yLUEiao 1.0 Kast Third Ate (Next to Shenton's) TOMORROW A powerful drama packed s in peine, enriched by glorious musk. THE j with a dtitingtitibcd two of today's pcrsoiauites JAMES MAS0M AHN TODI yon wilt thrill to the glorious music of LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA playing Chopin, Mozart and licet Imtn An Eavle-linn Release Capital H iTlf lllllll'irTTT Land and Buildings Prince Rupert, B.C. Known as the "Stork Mock," Prince KupcrU poration invite? binding offers for uic purcr..st rc:l of the Crown s right, title and tntcn t in tr.! Rl described below: situated thereon, which building o ki.wj u c "Stork Block" and used as a Salva'isn Anr.y E-tel during the war. The sale ot ouildi.; : eludes normal plumbing, hcatm-i and Ljau fixtures as presently installed thacin 1 All data contained herein arc u - -iv atta' and subject to correction. Sale of this property "to anv pur'iw:;c Ubc to the approval of the Govrrnor-in-C'nuneU War Assets Corporation reserve ii: anq-. to reject any or all proposals received (o cht-abs'P crty. Offers to purchase should reach tli ufidrr. gfvo nut. Infpr llinn LANDS AND MUIUHNCS DKI'AKTMq WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4005 St. Catherine Street We t Montreal, Q r P.O. Box C099 Phonc B3a ii.iir.. r 1 l" t.iiki ihr i)U.';v sea11' 1 - " . j truck operntors will have to have dependable ana 1 free service from their equipment. I Wc SugRest-Tliat you come , .nd -1 ..... . . . . uiu uvt-ooai j vj'.-' 1 prevent eo.stly tie-up., later on. . mr-.Rl are well equipped and fully staffed to -urry uul 1 promptly and efllclcnliy. All Work Guaranteed Uslinialcs 0 Bob Parker Limild J I'UKIi AM) MONARCH Plione Hit ITintc hfll Available Again . . . McCIary RANGES in full while enamel finish 1 Mcllriile Street 1 kistt cast beaded bj outstanding screen Biinvv-. at n su MATINEE WED. IX FOR SALE Subject to prior sale or withdrawal Wy t.1A Lots 15 and 16. Block 11. Scctio:; C:; C 1 1 Prince Rupert, in the Province oi Bru;..l C.l bla, together with a tnree storcv dm fc.iil Wednesday, March 19, 1947 'I? 1 uc Long :.; ,.ai car .. t IM 1 m ,Mal V