justness and Professional it i.) 155 K4 4th Ave East HANGING B PAINTING HELEN'S P. EAUTY SHUr Lament- Waring. Kill-- L-tT Culture In its branches. Phone 655 Street hANDYMAN )ME SERVICL kh CONTRACTORS i and Repairs of all kinds Ihlmneys and Oil Burners PHONES: len 485 Red 891 IS NEWS STAND . Tin mrm pn ana wesicm roi" Magazines IscnipnoNS taken Itreet Red 808 II & ELKINS LTD. limbing and Heating Engineers !l14 P.C BOX 274 . V M m 1 M K -M AFT Wa Assets Bowlln? topped the game- by defeating Sharpshoot- si their 12th victory In . C. J ' l t'UUlL, 11, iiauv III IlllIIll'AL Allll'lIT LI .11 11C :ore of 273, as well as . j n nmn 1 tF r r 675 3 fiharnshnnters 0. 2 Chickens 1 ..utllillll 103 j jo 131 v.) 138 162 148 J Hi Hi Z3U 115 183 170 735 893 901 166 168 98 116 178 180 163 223 196 115 110 154 1G0 120 164 720 799 792 123 104 146 118 156 177 Maere 113 170 77 128 253 121 213 220 231 695 908 752 ill Mil ITT) Q 161 143 153 180 08 173 08 MnPntr i unci Ai Mullln I c '1 I tan tan 140 158 804 83G 801 195 118 128 89 137 135 218 251 17G 101 173 139 118 160 128 811 839 700 1G4 1G6 188 195 123 119 172 170 81 110 174 104 173 188 204 814 821 747 120 99 117 147 93 101 PPYWONGCo. T AMI VEGETABLES " u"rei - uiack 280 ROYAL HOTEL nway rrom Home Res 75c up Rftoms, Hot and Cold water . I MI'EI -v nui'ERT B.C. P O. Box 196 "AIRY ...Your Ym Dailv LEATHER GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 N, Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 flight Calls Green 077 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Weddlnpt Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders BOX 518, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. j 1. a it 1; 1- i, 1 n o COH T It A (,' T 0 It S BLUE 980 KM MOMPTmsJ EFFICJEKT SIKVKJ Mil ) sjUmm COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP M IMtMIK VIMSCQSfYSAlX. I.KADINd HOOP SCOKI IS Hril'r "A" Uamcs Total Ave T. Arney (SI 0 80 13.33 ILirlwlg (IIS) C C9 11.50 Thompsons IIS I G CO 10.0J Domlnalo (P) 4 39 9.75 E. Clcconc HIS) 0 . 58 9.07 Davis (81 5 40 9.20 .Gurvich (P) 4 35 8.75 R. Holkestad (S) G 48 8.00 .Fotman H3) C 47 7.8? Calderojic IP) 4 29 7.25 Senior "B" Games Total Ave Gurncy (PE) 9 140 1G.2? . Pierce M 7 G9 9 80 Hauftan IM) 7 G3 9.E0 Slatta (C) 7 C3 9.71 B. Menzies.lM) 7 Gl 8.50 Clayton (PE) 8 G4 8.00 Viereck (C) G 36 6.00 Arnrtah (M) 7 37 5.29 Sheppard (C) 8 39 4 ZZ Barton (PE) 8 36 4.50 LKAGIIE STANDINGS ; "A" League . W. L. Pet High School 5 1 .833 Savoy , 3 3 .503 B. C. Packers .!.... 0 4 .000 . '. "B" League I ' - W.' L. Pet Macey's . .: 7 0 1.00 Coop 3 5 .3'5 Port' Edward 2 7 .222 B. Finmermelster .. 193 272 196 D. Hagblad 91 117 171 E. Bussey 145 129 237 696 710 882 HELLDIVERS McManus 138 225 149 J. Ham 103 118 132 II. Brewer 135 200 101 V. Torrens 69 86 159 F. berry 95 120 123 178 543 755 667 148 148 GF-77 lUIrt utrtAi PT. SIMPSON Metlakatla '35, 't. fiimpson .10 METLAKATLA An Invasion by a Port Simpson girls .basket i I ball team was repulsed Friday night by the Metlakatla Cubs wno overwhelmed the visitors by a score of 35-10 In a one sided encounter tlvat favored the heme team from the start, despite constant rallies by Port Simpson. A return match Ik 11 planned .shortly at Port Simp i son. Snowed under from the start, the Port Simpson glils sustained fast pace rlht to the final whistle even though most of their shots missed the, basket. The McUakalkt ladies shewed consistent accuracy that widened their lead In each quarter. , Tin- score, which at.ciuarler- limi' favored the Cubs 9-2. retched 15-4 at half time. The Cubs leally stcriicd'out in lh bird pericd to Increase their dviiiiUiRC 25-8, then added an-jilvr 10 points in the final qui; iter. The Metlakatla girls' victory w:i ; tin ir intra consecutive one vci Port Simpson this season. I'wo were won from the Ladles' Airt !e:un. llieir Friday night op- i noils, and one from the Ivy Guild Uam, who they will meet! in the return match at Port! Simp.ion. Two personal fouls were called Tins'. Metlafcatl.i and five pi'r- i-a'-: and one te chnical against '. it Simpson. Thecoring; MetiakatJa Cubs- K. Nelson 9. M WiKsn 10. M, Nelson 4. S. Ryan. G Ryan 4. N. LeijhUm, R 'ehrliton S. J. Ryan 2 35. Port Simpson Ladies' Aid P. Oudcward 0, S. Hriln. A. Max- el!. M. Lawscn 2. P. Gosncll. V Johnston, T. Morrison, R. 'jwren 2, G. Maxwell- 10. Officials Referees, G. D ".van. A. Sankey. Scorekee.pcre O. Ilald.-.ne, R. Johnston. Timekeeper, J. S. Ryan. LADIES' "A" W. L. PU. Savoy Swingers . 43 53 43 Variety 42 24 42 Annettes- 41 25 41 Big Sisters 41 25 41 Lucky Strikes 34 32 34 Moose 29 37. 29 Orange 29 37 29 Ideal Cleaners 28 38 28 Miller Bay 22- 44 22 Toilers 21 45 21 TO EASE WOOD LACK GLASGOW Qi Increased hlpments from Canada. Sweden Finland and Russia should re- imove the sprt-wooa. snonage within 18 months, E.H.B. Boul-tcn, technical director of the Timber Development Associ- lUon. tcld a Glasgow meeting. Classified Advertising Pays! Advertise In The Dally News. , I I 1 IT- 1 I III LJ II M r -M I II"" VI 1 HIKH 1 ILAt l I rci mfL mm ami y illp1 1.1- "All aboard for pitUburg, Cincinnati,. South Bend and Chicago. This Ls Gus L. Klunkheimer announcing." NAAS ATHLETES NAME OFFICERS Annua"!' elec CREBXV1LLE - - tion' of officers Cf the Green ville Atheletic Club resulted ' tn the followln-; ' members' being elected: Honorary Superintendent Lconard-Doiislas. President and Treasurer George Martin. Vice-President Samuel N. fait. Executive Committee Albert Moore, William Brlghl,' Simon Calder, Victor McKay. Fred 'McKay, Albert McKay. Henry McKay. General Manager Henry Ak-s'dan. i Field Manager Anthony Cal-der. . ' Team Captains Baseball, ' awrencc Smart, Andrew Rcb-nson; basketball, Peter McKay. Terry Guno. Lawis McKay, Isaac 'tcbinson. Wilfred Talt. Jonah Trey. Football. Percy Azak, Mll- on Clarke. Lacrosse, Peter McKay. Raphael McKay. Relay aces, Raphael McKay, Alfred 1obln?on. Softball, Gordon McKay. Raymond Calder. Basketball Referees Patersori McKay, Willie Stephens Jr.. Hor- ance Angus, James Leeson. Basketball Coaches Simon Calder. Chris Calder, Peter McKay, William McKay. Football Coach Wlllia Azak. Baseball Coach Andrew Rob inson. "Boxing Manager Jeffrey Martin. Boxing Trainer Jonah Grey. Lacrosse Coach Patersori Mc-:ay. Lacrosse Referee William McKay. Lacrosse Judge Horace Angus. Public Address Operator Albert Moore. Stage Managers William McKay, Peter McKay. Caretakers Isaac Robinson, AVbcit McKay, Timothy Derrick, Mm - 1'osl s s made and 1 1 OH ILiiKS ,nami:d GREENVILLE - A concert fea turing local talent followed the annual meeting of the Green-yllk' Women's Auxiliary held re cently. Mrs. Henry McKay was named president und Mrs. Johnson Russ, vice-president.' MERRY-GO-ROUND All heavenly bodies, except free-wandering comets, move round their primaries In an el liptical orbit. Anderson Martin, Alfred Robin son, Lewis McKay, Horace Angus. Messengers Archie Anus, Ernest Davis. . Storekeeper Horace Angus. Timekeepers Simon Calder. William Bright. We Serve You Nothing But the Best .. . . SIT.CIAI, KKO HICANO KV.V.V CHOICEST VEGETAKLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Koast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and iteam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street . t Ty 1 Timely TERRACE Topics This evening Peter, Van Stalk is living a lecture in the Knox United Church. His fine dLptay of art will also be on exhibit. Duttng the week the Wards ' have been giving services at the Pentecostal Church. Their vlbra ;harp, piano accordian, electric as well as their singing and painting during the service, have been much enjoyed. The Anglican Young People's Association had an enjoyable party Thursday evening in the i Anglican Church Hall. TELEGRAPH BIRTH The Irieu of a trans-Atlantic telegraph was first nmoted by Morse In 1B43. Gnillcway loslop constipation "llelieve me. you should try Aix-niMN fur constipation notliing 1 trial kt i me so regular, so gently." Tlicre is no need for nasty harsh purga lives - if constipation is due t L'li'k of "bulk" in Hie diet. Simply eat an ounce of KRL- Mra'S AlX-liRAN every chy in milk (or sprinkled over oilier cereals or litikeduiAiJ.-nnAN muflinsi and drink jilrnty.of water. KEi.unr, s all-hkan is guaranteed to keep you regular naturally, or double your money liaclc Order KHMKIG'S AI.L-B(AN tOUay. Kirp regular naturally. Preserve those Baby Memories Something New in Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold will save forever those dear little bootees . . . To -grace your mantel and be always a fond reminder for you and yours of happy baby days. THE COST IS SMALL-BRING THEM IN TODAY Our Trade-in Watch Sale Ends This Friday Double allowance on you r old watch for any 1917 model. MANSON'S JEWELLERS 'The Home of Better Jewelry' Tlie first wirelesi meimnpe anjwliere was flislif-il across tlie Albnlic from Ncwfouiul-lantl llie same year that fulLt all over Canada were rnjoj. ing tlicir first glorious laslo of tliat new ami ilifTrri'iil cereal flavor Grape-Nuts. Today, diat ame grand majiy' rich flavor and good nourWi-ment are in POST'S CHAPE-. NUTS FLAKES IMETLAKATLA at well a Tost't Crape-Nun. These golden-brown, readylo-eat flakes arc a whole-family favorite. ,. THIS AND AND THAT ftV ' .... 1 sfcer" rj!U w" There'i nourishment you M need in erery spoonful s carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and bones; iron for the blood; other food essentials. - i hi n ii-i i jrape-iuis ria&es arc of two trains wheat malted barley. Your grocer lias them in the regular size, package and a giant economy package that is fine for family use. Recipes for rookies, cakes, etc, on every package. Ce some today. Tape dNutS Flakes A Product f Csrwral Foods Prince ttupert DtlHi? f3cto$ Monday, March 3, 194f 'YOUR Buy Your. COMPLETE OUTFIT HERE on fie Budget Plan BEAUTY IN Pill NT It you've a yearning to lie the topic of flattering conversation we urge you to add this dress In your spring wardrobe. An unusual print in exiiuKile colors . . . styled right . . . pi iced right. Unreserved Auction Sale I or : HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE To be held on Thursday, March 6th Commencing at 2:30 p.m. Sharp, In Auction Rooms, Clapp Block (opposite Civic Centre) NOTICE: On instructions of the owner and for '-convenience to our customers I, have caused to be moved to above premises for sale. 1 3-piece Chesterfield Suite (wine); Electric Radip and Record Player; 1 Walnut Bedroom Suite , (complete); 1 Iieuslier Saxophone, C Melody; Junior Size Violin and Case; 2 only New Lino. Rugs, 9'xlJ'; 1 New Dressing Table; (walnut); Coal and Wood Range; Chest of Drawers; Chester-field Table; Single and Double Bed (complete); Wa,nut Coffee Table; Table Lamp; Axminsler Rug, CO-x; Studio Couch; Carpenter's I.athe, 30-inch; Victrolal .1 New Dinette Set; Jacknife Table; 6 Chairs and Buffet; Electric Toaster; Set of Dishes; Pillows; Blankets; Pots and', Pans? These goods are not to be heid over and must be sold by auction. GEORGE J. DAWES Terms: Cash The Auctioneer Phone Red 127 A- ! Blue 145 Yes, the worst is over but it is no time to let your coal bin run low You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite i known brands of coal from us. But PHONES 116 and 117 don't leave ordering too long. Courtesy and Service ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND nUILDING MATERIALS . Steamer Service from PRINCE .... HI IDCDT J to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT Geo. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 15 Res. Red 127 Ask tor George REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ChopSuoy ChowMcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 4