IEER BOY UGHTED jtork. Visitinff l or The i-1.. VOK out Prince Kupert the o!U home town ii time n lx m. r?,v ne of the real ls of Prince Rupert, .L,th'p with a pharm- "Lnv delighted with " j ju.n "un't get over ' innks ai:d how proa- fd optimistic everybody a"fl -""'" 3 be h. Sh-i'vco to an old IB -.atli- i " bed the growth of v ;he townsite ;ie used to re- face Theatre .ft on Tuesdays and Wednesdays . - 1 .i o nM i ma saiuraays ai Hay matinee at 2:30 p.m IFriday and Saturday June 6 and. 7 1 ROES OF THE ALAMO" I - Br- Warren, Ruth Lire Chandler, Hex ar.d Roger Williams. Tuesday. June 10 htvriKKS OF KITTY O'DAY" ;a Parker. .peter Coofcson LR;,n avA Lonia Gray. lltdnesday. June 11 l!T OF IUO GRANDE" tony Brown and Ra".T. :r.3 Hatton. member It as a field of sinmn. "Rupert Is, really delightful appearing city," he enthused after aavirng spent hours Just strolling around. He observed, just a lit tle wistfully, how many of the oia timers were now gone. Accompanied by Mrs. Stork, the former Grace Curtln. nne Of Prince RuDert's lilnnppr erlrls ' t- - ----- - D " ' : ne is nere lor a week. They will leave next Wednesday on the , Prince Rupert for Ketchlcan and tnence will make a trip to Jun- ' eau and Seward. Alaska, coming ; back here again to return East bv rail. . ! ReKlnald Cecil. Toronto Con servatory of Music examiner, after spending a couple ot days here conducting examinations, sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Powell River and will proceed from there to I Vancouver. ERRACE LI BRIDES- HONORED i Pnal.llrill L(Mrs.C.L.M.Giggey l-UCE bit The beautiful c u M. Gigijey of ne on; Wed-f a double p-i Mr Oiggey and : i f Mks Jac- queline de Kergojmeaux and Miss Bernice Sande who are to be married on June 11 and 13 retipectively. Pink and white streamers were ferrace Machine Shop & Garage HUE, HAUGLANB & KERR LID. Vouch and frtiscd Lumber Lumber Manufacturers T E Kit A C E i ora-pea irem a large wnue De,nonn wlnri1,P -v, ' """J ' i u - t. pink and white chairs on which sat the prospective ftrldes. They each received a decorated basket of gifts brought in by Miss Merle j West and MLb Noreen Oliver and many beautiful presents were i unwrapped. Ref reshmento were later served with Mrs. de Kergoinmeaux and Mrs. Sande officiating at the tea table. Amons those uresent were Mesdames West, Glgey, de Ker-gbmmeaux, Sande, llolden, Jack son, Maxtcd, McAdam, Dick Du- beau. . Bruce Smith and the iMisscs Larr.b'.y. WlUiscroft, Oli ver. Wett Phyllis Little ana Laird. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET. ALL, TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace P ' I IT'S TUNE-UP TIME Opnngl for YOUU CAR With Spring ('comes the urge to hit, the open road again. Don't risk breakdowns. Our expert Spring Tune-Up will prevent trouble before it occurs. See us for a complete Spring Time-Up. Logs, Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. l'hilco Radios Willard Batteries ------ i Line-up for the Old Timers' side of the Botlby Houston bene-bit baseball game on. Sunday afternoon was announced this mornlmr by Chief Old Timer whose creaking aggregation hopes to take the opportunity to dissolve completely any claims which Alex Bill's Rookies may have to baseball superiority. The benefit game Is to be played In tribute to the late Bobby Houston, the ardentflocal sports-man who lost his life In a ooat explosion two weeks ago. In announcing his line-up, Coach Windle neglected to cite the positions his players will hold but he did not neglect to in clude plenty of substitutes Neither, for that matter,, has coach Alex Bill. Here is the Old Timers' lineup: Windle, Lamfoie, Kerr, Berus-jchl, Bc-ynon, Minor Slmondson, ! stiles. Downie. Anton, McKln- j non, Henry, Maundrel and Dahl. Henry will probably be starting pitcher, but since he already has a sore arm, it Is likely that either McKlnnort or Lambie, or posslibly both, may also .take the mound. Alex Bill will be starting pitcher for the Rookies and It is likely that Sharpe, Forbes and Letour- neau will also have a chance to hurl. Herb Morgan will be starting catcher with Pete Pustak as substitute. Dunbar will be on first, Hartwig second, Arney third, Bruce Simor.dson short stop, Gurvich left field', Pavlikis rentre and Foster right. Don Scherk will be utility fleWe. Classified Advertising Pays! Arllne. IN MEMORIAM FITZGERALD In loving mem-cry of our dearly beloved 'daugh ter Eleanor Mary, wno pas.!eu on June 7th, 1946. The midnight stars are shining, Upon your silent grave; Beneath it sleeps the one we love, l The cne we could not save. It seems like o:ily yesterday You smiled your very last; wo rnnnnt seem to realize -rhnt twelve long months have n.issed. i - - ... Ever remembered ana saaiy missed by her Mqin. Dad and --- , . i HE'S A NATIVE PHILADELPHIAN The latest blessed event at the Philadelphia Zoo was this Named "Pandora" the youngster 'receives sail I the attend baby chimpanzee who arrived recently. fed with special formula in a baby bottle, and, tlon and care a baby should. The chimp Is a as seen here, reposes In a baby crib. LINE-UP FOR BENEFIT GAME Local News Items . . . k. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Miss Isabel Webster is sailing tonight on the Camosun for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Hugo Kraupner is sailing to night, nti the Camosun for a business trip to Ocean Falls. O..100 per cent Pure Wool Uao- ardine Slacks, tailored in the custom manner Morgan's Men's Wear. (tf) Mrs. Fred Dishman and grand daughter, Miss Margaret Mont- i gomery, are sailing tonight on the Camosun for a holiday trip to Vancouver George A. Green, district manager of Imperial Oil Co., sailed last evening on the Catala for Klemtu on company business. W. E. Ling, who has been stationed with the Royal Canadian Engineers here, is sailing by the Camtsun tonieht on his return to his heme at Vancouver. Inspector of Schools E. E. Hynd man returned Friday afternoon on the Camosun from a trip to Ocean Falls and will be leaving again tonight , for that area. Ratoh Cowies. L. C. Pannell and Albert and Joseph Pantrell who drove to Prince Rupert from the San Joachim Valley district of California, sailed last eve nil bv the Catala on their re turn south, taking their car with them to Vancouver. Miss Jessie Bird, a writer for Sunset Magazine, published in san Francisco, was a visitor in the city Friday afternoon on the Camosun.- She was on her way to Alaska to do a series of stories. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamont nf Victoria recenty Dougni a thrpp.ncrp fnrm at Terrace. It Is hear the old place now-owned by J. E. Buddie and W M.-Lean of Prince Rupert. Mrs. Lamont was formerly Mrs. Peters and is well known here. Remains of Rosario Joseph Lorangef, Seattle' real estate and Insurance dealer, who died suddenly Wednesday ftbeard the steamer Prince Rupert on which he was a tourist passenger, were sent back Thursday night to Seattle for burial, accompanied by the widow. By Chic Young Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night at 8:30 U33J Mrs. H. Berg Is sailing tonight on the Camosun lor a trip to Vancouver. - Ken Harding 13 returning this evening on the Camosun from a brief business trip, to Ketchikan. Frank ParletA left by car today for Topley on a brief business trip in connection with electrical installation work. I Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Killas ar rived in the citv Friday after noon on the Camosun from Van couver. Mrs. Rav Bune and child of Digby Island are sailing tonight on the Camosun for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Alt Rlvett sailed Thurs day night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Canadian Lesion executive committee meeting, Legion Hall Monday. June 9, 8 pm Regular monthly meet- Inz, Wednesday, June 11 8 pin. with initiation of New membtrs. (134) Announcemeiita All actvertraemf-nrs ra mis corumn will bo charred for a fuU montb at i5o a word. United Church Manse Garden Party, June 11. Tea and delicatessen sale Catholic School Hall, June 14 and card party, 8 p.m. Anglican Tea, June 18. Mrs Watte. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. q ill National No. 5 comes completely equipped with rack, inset pah, tanning batket and canning guide. ONDIR -Shortstop: ymi -,-, r2 FJ ( VJHATS THE Asa i .rmmn ir"3 7 ffe Lr SftWi matter?? 1 3uvT) fZ rcr (li Jfy rA LII V Jack Lindsay. lr.,-sailed Thurs day night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Provincial Assessor J. G. Gar rett is sailing Sunday night on the Coqultlam for Stewart.where he will spend the uext weeit on official duties. Capt. A. McKinnon, skipper of the ferry at Francois Lake, sailed last night on the Catala o,n a holiday trip to Vancouver. Capt. McKinnon arrived In the city by train Thursday night. Mrs. M. F. Gadd and her daughter, Mrs. M. McGUl, of Vancouver, are round-trip pas-seneers aboard the Camosun oh this week's sailing to Ketchikan. Mrs. Gadd is the aunt of Mrs. J K. McLeod of this city. F. C. Underhlll, Vancouver civil ensrineer. who has been here in connection with the sur veyln? of the projected water supply line between Prudhomme Lake and the new celanese pulp plant at Port Edward, left by the Prince Rupert Thursday on his return to Vancouver. C. A. Bucxman or the British. Columbia Truckers' Association, who was in the city in connection with the hearing of the Public Utilities Commission on the ap plications for trucking licences between Prince Rupert and Burns Lake, sailed by the Prince RuDert Thursdav night oh his return to Vancouver. MAGIC EYE glutei Ikd FIT! We are Justly proud of our X-Ray Shoe litter, noi aiona iwvou i aves ui time and enables ui to fit rou better... but because lis Magic r ...VU. vnn tn Sm exadlv now your shoes fit your feetl It enables you to buy shoes for your- sell or your enuaieninai aieKaiu? ngni nox oniy la but, motimrrt4ntln'rr-Tn91no,1l expensive shoes you can buy aren t worth a dune u mey oo boi hi erly, the cheapest shoes you can get are too expensive ' 11 . they ...... injure your HAM, leei vi wu." .fT.VJ children a lifetime OH ' '-SomoCrustl ' 2.. AQO' " C-Z-ZJ limaimnrr n "iipipiiiiin I JH W'?8) II KMlr PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service of loot suliering. It costs nothing extra to use our expert X-Ray Fitting Ser. vice In fact, it saves you money. Ask us how and why. Fashion Footwear BETTER, SAFER HOME CANNING ALWAYS with a PRESSURE COOKER For safety and economy in your home canning (and cooking,, too) use the scientifically designed, perfectly constructed National. Pressure Cooker. Leading food authorities say that pressure cooking is the only safe way to preserve non-acid foods, including vegetables, meats, 'fish and foul. A National Pressurb Cookbr makes foods safer to eat because high heat under, pressure kills spoilage agents and bacteria. McBridc Street PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. , LINZEY INSURANCE RENTALS - REAL ESTATE (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us.- prince .Rupert Dalle JSctos to JANTZEN SPORT SHORTS to 4 Saturday, June 7, 1947 Swim Trunks Sport Shorts Sun is warm . . . skies are blue . . . water Is Just right for swimming . . . and our new swim trunks are Just right for swimming too. ' TRY A JANTZEN OR A REID'S SKINTITE for the utmost In stlying, and comfort, PRICED FROM I.U5 SJ.50 t MMrejBiti:MaWgM8MMstiW COMPANION jiijA Movin?;, Packinj, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 ( ' i PRODUCTS iw W.'Task-s" v-a "r W tif f I tj lr Tonic l.l() ? ui lffI Creme-Oi, Hair W WW n TlIZ. Z COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING LOTION After-Shave Talc .... I ' Look in th mirror and ee iho glow .... , Colonial Club Lotion brouthtto your Deodorant 000 .kin. How fine your fc.flt Try il. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 70 DEVELOPING (FMNT1NG AND ENLAKUIWU We have-Argus ,35 -M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 31 M Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. We have a large .selection of your BABY NEEDS . such as: Dresses, Panties', Overalls, Shatfls, Klmenas, Bibs, Bottles, Soap and other articles top numerous to rnention. Come and see them at the rwilBW dalkl BSSSi mr mm T g it ' 'i m i i I r n , I mi inn w LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning nd pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 849 2iM Sixth Street JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Easter Ha Fillets Place joiir order today with your, local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. BRITISH PRINCE Limited COLUMBIA Company FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS RUPERT -mi