ISrfncc Rupert Daflp rectos CtD. Thursday. June 26, J947 TERRACE EXODUS OF TEXCHERS; EXAMS ARE BEING 'FINISHED XT HIGH SCHOOL The exodus of teachers from Terrace commences today when. 'Mrs. Alice Campbell, Mrs. Ella Hamilton. Miss "Frieda James and Miss Anne Lips will leave train ;in order to depart for Vancouver Tiy boat tonight, Mrs. Campbell is being accompanied by her young daughter and will visit in loco with her grandparents and lnSeattle-'with ? ' her mother before returning to Terrace to Tejofn her husband here. 'Mrs. Hamilton and Miss James are going to attend the Vbitoria' Summer School of Education. When the session is trver, Mrs. Hamilton il return 'to Terrace where her inbther, Mrs. Greenwood, Is remaining for the summer. Miss James will be married to M. Taylor of Vancouver. A hpneym'Oon trip to California Is planned arid the Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at '8 tot. Saturday matinee-at -2:30 pin. Fridayand Saturday June 27 and 28 THEY MEET AGAIN" with Jean Hersholt, Dorothy Leveth, Maude Eburne, Ann Bennett, Robert Baldwin, Neil Hamilton. TERRACE Transfer Storage axi WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POIKT IN THE DISTRICT (H. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace beginning of the "Riiek to bring examination papers on electrical engineering for W Chesher These examination papers had come all the way from England and Mr. Chesher is writing them at the same time the Grade 11 and 12 pupils are writing their examinations. Mrs. R. Squires is supervising. Grade 12 pupils Writing examinations are Norbert Cote and Vlll' Haugland. 11 pupils young couple take up resi-1, dense in southern -British Columbia. Miss Upslvlif travel east frcm Vancouver, stopping at points of interest enrcute, to spend a part of the summer In Ottawa, -where her brother. Dr. A. J, Lips, is with the staff of the Department of National Research. She is nlso -planning a short visit to -New York City. H. F. Noakes -and B. A. Barr will leave on Friday night's train, Mr. Noakes to attend the Victoria summer school and Mr. Barr to mark examination papers for the Department of 'Education. Mr. Barr .plans to return by boat, thus making a triangle trip. Mrs. R. Squires and Mrs. W. Laird are -remaining in Terrace for the summer. F P. Levirs, inspector of schools, made a trip to Terrace at the writing "examinations are Betty Blssonnette, Onnolee Kirkaldy, Helen Scmiervine, Violet Jackson, Roberta lamb'.y, Edna Toop, Charles Cote, Parker Milts and Jim Kennedy. Friend of Oscar Olander are pleased with reports received that he is making satisfactory progress in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. After an absence of fifteen years from Terrace, C. W. Homer, ex-provincial assessor, was here last Thursday. He had a very Interesting time meeting old friends, travelling ground the district and seeing Che advancement ihat has been made since he was here last. As the C.N X.. train' was late and he had his passageljooked south for Thurs day night's boat, he made the journey from here to Prince Rupert by car. John Hagen left on Saturday for'Prlnce'Rupert arid will bring his mother, Mrs. William Hagen, back from 'the Prince Rupert General Hospital where she has ben rwplvlner treatment for n I fractured leg. Mr. and Mrs. Madsen -of California were here last Thursday looking over the district and the same evening Mr. Madsen left i for Prince Rupert. On his re turn he reported having had a r very interesting time in the coast city. He has been engaged in title research for a number of years in his riaUve State and expressed grate appreciation 'of the courtesy of Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles, Prince Rupert, who went over the B.C. system in detail with him. You saw it in The -News! at terrhce NowOpen Bine at PH I L'S (Formerly Skeena Cafe) Offers You Quality Food, 'Fine 'Pastries, Quick Courteous Service. Breakfast, :Limch'ebns, Dinners "and Banquets OPEN 7 AM. TO 12 'PM. Philip Tefrauit, Manager FOR PROMPr SERVICE . . . . See Your general Motors 'deader Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Trucks Pontlac Oldsmobtle GJW.C. Trucks Machine Work A specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage 'TERRACE' B.C. mV E R TIP C A Ft CIGARS 'CIGARETTES TOBACCOS 'iCE'CitEAM SOFT DRINKS f Terrace, r.c LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber 'Alaiuifacturers hough and Poles p'i? Lop, p Ar-P Dressed Lumber IUKALL and Piling Agents" Forrlnterriatlqnal ' Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & - Rubber Co.- Ltd. 'Phllco Radios VVillard Batteries FLOWERS FOR THE PRINCESS An armful of roses was one-of the rewards in store for Barbara Ann Scott when she 'was honored as "Princess pi the Press" at the Toronto men's and women's press club second annual By-Llne Ball. The lovely Miss Scott, who is Canadian and world figure skating champion, is shown here stooping to give Johnny Ferguson, 44 -inch tall midget hotel bell hop, a kiss after he had presented the floral tribute. CELEBRATION AT TERRACE With Canadian National Railways putting on a special excursion train for the occasion, two local ladies' Softball teams providing sports program highlight and the Prince Rupert 'Civic Band going nlong to enliven the day's proceedings, the Dominion Day celebration, being put on at Terrace next Tuesday by the kinsmen's Club of the Interior town, will have a distinctive local motorists are also expected to make the trip. As soon as the special train from the coast pulls Into Terrace about 11:30 -ajn., there will be a parade to the grounds. Children's sports will be followed by a log chopping contest which is expected to-prove quite as popular as did that on May 24. Husbands are expected to make themselves scarce when the ladies compete in rolling pin hurling. The Kinsmen are "awaiting response to their tug- of-war challenge, this "event to be followed by a baseball game oeiween lerrate nn-oturs uuu Hazelton Lions. Next on the list I will be the girls' softball game j jjament between the two Prince Rupert teams Gbrdon and Anderson and Ralnbirds. Civic Centre grounds will be the centre of things for the day and an added attraction will be, Assistant Purser Don Jenkins of the Canadian National steam-1 er Prince Rupert was not aboard ' trie vessel when It docked here Wednesday from Vancouver on Its Weekly run to Prince RUpert arid Ketchikan. Mr. Jenkins was at home In Vancouver receiving treatment for a broken wrist which he .suffered when he stumbled over a pile of baggage Just at the Prince Rupert was docking at Vancouver at the ter mination of last week's trip. Replacing him as assistant purser was Elmer Heath, formerly on the Prince Rupert and Prince George, but who 'has been attending University since his return from overseas. The Prince Rupert arrived at 12:45 noon from the south, sailed at mid- Gapt. McLean Recovering Slowly Captain .Neil McLean, formerly of the Canadian Nation SS ser vice between Prince Rupert arid Vancouver is gradually recovering from the effects of an injured knee cap Which he sustained months ago whn he had a fall. It is a tedious process and takes time but 'he is getting better. Friends in Prince Rupert recently heard-from him and later in the summer he may be able to visit here. One of Capt. McLean's sons is travelling In the prairie provinces. Another Prince Rupert flavor. Numerous expects soon to "be In trie navy AIK PASSENGERS Passengers arriving yesterday afternoon by Canadian Pacific Airlines from Vancouver were H. Linder, A. V. Lehman, 'and C. Giske", and C. C. McKerizle from Sandspit. Leaving on this afternoon's plane were Mrs. S.'Wll- son for Sandspit and C. Wlritbn Thompson, H. B. Thompson 'attd H. G. Sullivan for Vancouver. RICHARD WIELDS STRAIGHT SWORD LONDON W Richard Crieur de Lion will wield a straight sword as he sits in a statuesque. nnsp nntsiflp fhp Wrm:PQ nf Pnr. The sword was bent duririgHhe 1940-41 blitz 'and left that -way as a "symbol tif strength," rep resenting battered but unbeatert Britain. Now the Ministry of Works has the operation for the first time 'removed it. The entire statue of the newly installed bowling will be cleaned and the sword alleys. , replaced straight. The Briggs Steamship Co. cargo Vessel Southeastern, Capt. Alex ander Barov. docked here at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon on her sec ond trip back to "Prince Rupert since she went into the Alaska service ' earlier this month. She carried about 60 tons- of freight, consisting of one carload of fro2en fish, two carloads of tierces and the balance general. The frozen fish is destined for the Chicago market, "while the tierces, mild cured salmon, will be Shipped to New York. Outbound today, she loaded two car loads of hay, bound for Juneau, four automobiles and a variety) of general cargo for the various Alaska ports. SHIPS 'AND WATERFRONT night for Ketchikan and will be back here tonight southbound. The 60 foot Vancouver yacht Meander, owned and operated by George Kidd, former head of B.C. Electric Co., of Vancouver, stopped In port briefly Wednes day afternoon in the course 6f U northern cruise. It entered the harbor shortly after 1 p.m. and sailed again about 3 o'clock. The fishing vessel Northern Breeze from Vancouver was in Prince Rupert yesterday. 'm 1 OMR 1E00? ' iiSflRIPLE ACTION m Jf PerhY "m THE CCNTLtrBttACH rifm INGOME TAX ? Returns "Prepared See t R. E. MORTIMER ! 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ;CITY'1SCH00LS Hotel... fl fiCE TfiMflDDflW .... Closing Pay Tomorrow-Various Summer Activities Shatespeare's classic definition of the schoolboy "creeping like snalljunwillingly to school-will do a complete reverse turn in the city's lour public schools on "Friday as those buildings debouch almost a thousand youngsters eagerly set to take advantage of the freedom Inherent In two months' summer holfdays. Final class "assemblies 'will be uiymoni, rant, weamer "permu ting. Borden Street School is hoidlner an "ODen house" for Prim e Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green, Vancouver; W. E Darrier. Vancouver; Richard Maltland, Van-couver; W. curons. Ha7' !t a P. Allen. Vancouver; Ge Srey Page, Victoria; Mrs. W. Svennes, Vancouver; George Harris Naas River; O. Hofseth, Vantouver J. E. Simpson, Victoria. Mrs C La Mothe, Flint. Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Helntz.'Fllnt, Mich.; F Drew Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs J i Grant. Vancouver: Miss A. West- held tomorrow after which the gate, Petersburg Aiaska: Mlrs holidays are officially here for . A. Westgate, Petersburg. Alu ;ka minds fagged by ten months of -MlssM . Myer, Petersburg. S 01 diligent scholarship. For the'ncss. Petersburp.h: I. A. Keele teachers who 'administered the Vancouver; G. F.Kmcade. Van "i'arnin' ' the riext two months will provide opportunity for them to stoke up on more Information and pedagogical technique, preparatory for the 1947-48 term. Many of the older students will find summer Jobs which will at least -part of the next two monthsat 'summer school, where couver; Mrs. A. Emmerson Kim-berley, Salk.; L. Telfer. Ros:. land. city for the south where they will begin their summer's tic tivlties. Amonff thnsp Tilnnnlntr provide pocket money and cloth-to leave either on the Catala lng for them during he next Friday night or on the Camosun term. Others will laze at home, j Saturday night are Miss Semak, taking the word "holiday" at its Miss Cunliffe. Miss Hilda House. most exact meaning. T. G. Bateman. Miss Marv Sim. Most of the teachers -will spend Mrs. N. Moses, Miss Barton, Mr. and Mrs. 'K. Pugsley, Miss Hall, Miss Matthews. J. Henry. Mr. their usual roles will be reversed and Mrs T DavU as they absorb instruction In insDector of Schools E. R ! scholastic-and 'academic subjects Hyndman, whose labors continue ' ana leacning methods. through the summer, also is ' 'King 'Edward elementary leaving on the Catala for Vic-, school 'this afternoon 'planned a toria on official business. He will I picnic Vhich Principal R. G. be accompanied by Mrs. Hynd-! Mbo'fe said would be held at Mc-' man and family ' CHRONIC BRONCHITIS arents as its final gesture of . r.i"l55S LWJ!? the term, Principal J. S. Wilson choke, "gasp, whie. keep you wu itfA , rjbt?. Relieve It now I 'Dqi thou- i The Tveek-end 'will see almost yAZ-MAii nd top.that toueht RAZ. f a TcSre of teachers leaving the i VSRr ill Pi T5c M aJA Check these Cleans gently Easy to apply "HaTd to rub off J KIND to leather -WHITE SHOE CLEANER 'Btfstiiess and Professional j. P. TVIOLLER PHONE BLUE 154 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HEJJEN'S -BEAUTY SHOP Permanent 'Waving. Beauty -Culture in all Its branches. J06 4th Street : Phone '655 HA'NDY'MAN -iiOME SERVICE " GENERAL cdNTRlACTORS lulldlrig'arid Repairs of all' kinds oofs, Chimneys'arid OU"Burriers PHONES: r43i een '486 'Red'm BOAT 'CONSTRUCTION DESldNING-iREPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS V P. Crawley dreen 391 PAINTINO an'd'pAPERltANaiNa Phone Black 823 H.J.LUND WITH & ELKINS'LTD. PlumDlng(and 'Heating "Eriglrleefs bbne r174 P.O.'Box 274 If It's'Rock W6rk CALL BLUE 939 M. LAUNDERS CONCRETE ''-aiDEWAllKS BASEMENTS Your .house 'and 'yourself fully insured 'while 'I do the work. JOHN "MOSTAD carpe'nter And cabinet maker Pn6NE?RED 752 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 416 Agentfor Pacific Bertie B.C. Ltd 'GEORGE L. 'RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Inoome Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 P N. Kllborn W Pe'eriioc BERT'S . R A'NSPIiR AND 'MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green B77 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLOftiffl A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Seeds MODERATE PRICEfl Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND 'Eastern 'and Western yPaper Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 L. BOLAM Phone Blue 325 720 Sixth Avenue West Painting, Paperhanglng and Window Cleaning Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (PiR.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 Ml KtOMPT mi f fiaiKT tMM tOUIMMA OPTICAL Ca La NOTICE The' City Offtcds u)Ul be closed all day Saturday commencing July 5th, 1941 IL I). THAIN, f!50) C. C:rk AVAILABLE TOlC IMMEDIATE DELIVEKY V-8 POWER ABUNDANT DEl'ENDAULE rovr.K Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET ' Prince Rupert Progressive SUNDAES SODAS MILK SHAKES Ice Cream .Specials UNITS SI'ECinCATIONS Powered with latest Ford V 8 engint. Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught Carburator, Heavy Duty Ford Truck Radiator, specially deslfnfd I'ower I Take-off, equipped Vlth flexible coupling and two ball- bearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank bnllt in sub-frame, Bob Parker Limited P.O. Box 38 1J0 East Third Ave. Phone K SAVOY HOTEL PHONE 17 m c n c JOHN H. BULGER OPIOMETKI. WILL BE OUT OF THE CITY Jt'LY 1 TO 10 WE HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY I0K II. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE GIL BURNERS CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BVRNER3 ON HAND ARE IDEA!. FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. Box 113K (Slatfon B) I'hone UI.AIK JC Cotirtoous Til C0MM0D0KK CAB Good as Hie Best Better -Than the Rest Fountain Service Ranqtiet Hall LI-NCI1F.0SS nivsriis 1'AltTHS WEEKDAYS OPEN 7 Ail. TILL 12 P.M SUNDAYS 6PEN 8 A.M. TILL 12 PW Official Appointment Geo. Dybhavn Prop W. T. Coop" Manager HATCH COVERS SKATE COH EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORK Phone BLUE 120 160 East Third Ave (Next to Sheni .ton REPAIR XND RECONDITION YOUR HOME rHtS SUMMER! GREER . CALL BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone ItED 561 'p.o. :j