SALAM TEA O AtS S Classified Advertising - - . ... ncr word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. nirth Notices, ilrl,i ot Thanlcs. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage SOc: tarus .nd EnEawment Announcements; 11. BIRTHS ANSON- To ut. arm jvuo. Hankinson Piince Rupert mi HofPltai April 1, a liter IX MEMO"1'"1 yiCH I" loving memory our dearly beloved pother, jjinfi niirvich. who passed "... 9 inrt7 j la. hi much we loved hei .....hai hoi- mrmorv fade: ..!.. thinohts shall ever wander .u. inhere chp Is l.lld. me aiif "- v Fvr rememDerea oy ncr iov-daughters and sons. FOR SALE ... ... 1 I. lUhf MAM SALtor iruue jim usiu jodc) condition and good bber 16 acres near scnooi, i stores sawmill, Ideal tor rkpn or (ur farming. Price ... n T, 1 1 j .Mr.: r nowc, rwiiwuujia, MAClIINEttv 119) SALE -JJ igi ironing luoai nupivR Cinhm htirh mpprf , , r , m , tern SALE- Child'.! crib with ttre; and springs. In good edition. Phone 840. (79) SALE 1 Clare Jewel oil ve iwiek cream enamel, ; 1 small McClary Leroy I stove $20: kitchen table. L..: n. . fi ..ti t heater ulrlri tvlth stand en. , .1.1... u : .. .. , 50; i double bed, ribbon iiaisi'iiu. JID.JU. i nunc iiiui: (79) SALE Steve, good for. in nifirif t-f irt aw i n "I'll rea UM r 4 r"Vi fa ii equipped, doing good w i Moran on premises. (87) SALE 32 foot cruiser. Ap- boat J.B. Fishermen's ats 1811 SALE Fu nishfd 2 room on Wanitairp Knarl. for Immediate sale. Ad- " naninnp Itnrifl ir Phnna (7.11 SALR-.Tirdnnint in. I'W coil, phone Black 120. (80) SALP- fnf nnJ n i uw. auu 4-IUU1I1 tTnft i , ...... .... (78) SALE 36 -ft. troller, com- -v muWCU, At imperial ... , iiuiir r i I (tf) &ATV. iivii r., . . 1V04 unevroiei mo ..i. . . . -i-. icwiu no. S70915. $330. -- .u jpure ure. Aamin- "tl T MM 1.1 1 . wartime Hous- i . Hi,, r -i vu,c VltCJP. irj I " " sai.pI "- t. . . 7. T tne 10west Prices. ---ece Kitchen Set U ntrt -r- . . euua piaver. 17Rn - ana Springs like new - Hassocks $2. Palls 50c, ""f Lamps $4. New nnH UqoH nnn . ----- , iw wood nnrt flml "-Her Kiiss tnvelu o. Useful Brt.lM n - inem over, n r p, Ira n. . ".v, iti- " Black 791 llh on iivTrT nouse-mbina- Wtehenwith built-in i iith?0' F"r rooni , un rental S. MM. "ivuiliv, 4 ve. Colge on 8th Cfi(cff,ulre ARMSTRONG ortaile 8;le.,e National ny S"al Machiner; a lu. vancouvpi- Wam , ""ant,h luunB wo-lue ii, nnusewu rlc xu -m, - a liuiiu inii HEW WANTED HELP WANTED-Stenographer, enuit be able to take shorthand. Knowledge of Ibook-keeplni? helpful. To work on permanent or part time basis: Apply Box 34, Vrlncc Rupert. (80) MAIDS WANTED For Miller Day Hospital for kitchen and ward work. Native and white applicants will be. considered. Applicants should be eighteen or over, and It Is necessary to live In. Good salary offered. Phone or write the Matron, Miller Hay Hospital. (79) I'EKSOiTAL WANTED Young working girl to share 4-raomed house. Phone Blue 007. (79- DRESSMAKING, Alterations and repairs. Phone Blue 273 after C.30 p.m. ' (tf) MIDDLE AGED WOMAN. Will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 583. (tf) FOR Touchy nervous .wntltlv? stomach conditions get last lasting relief with "Golden Stomach Tablets." The stomach prescript Ion for g-as disturbances, acid indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, hyperacidity. Ask for "Golden Stomaeh Tablets" at all drug store and drug departments. PERSONAIr-Ittigs and Chester field cleaned and shampooed. Phone Blue 318. (78) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND B O Ah D Table meals. Home away from home: Men preferable. C22 Fr riser Street. (85) LOST AND FOUND LOST Child's tricycle between Cth Ave. and 7lh Ave. East. Monday. Finder please phone 744. v (tf) Foil KENT FOR RENT 3 room house. Apply 1234 Park Ave. .afternoon or evenings. (78 1 FOR' REST Comfortable room, v 427 5th Ave. East. Phorre Blue 9G7. (80)" ( FOR RENT Front 2-rooin suite, 221 5th Ave. E. Call between 5 and 8 p.m. Phone Red 807. (79) FOR RENT Room with kitchen privilege. 221 5th Ave. East. (82) FOR RENT 3-room suite. 1023 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (82) 'fflPTWDlP Let Our Expert Mechanics KEEP YOUR CAR . (OR TRUCK) RvnningSmoothly! You can make sure your car or truck will start every morning -and give you dependable on-the job" service when you have it tuned up by our trained mechanics! Reasonable Prices DEPENDABLE Work! Our mechanics have the "know how" aod the tools, equipment, and factory-engineered parts to do qualiiy repair work at reasonable prices! Make an appointment NOW ami save lime, trouble, an.l expense! RUIMWT MOTORS umiti:i lMinc ."(!(! : . THE SIGH OF BETTER SERVICE LADIES' "A" 7 BOWL SCORES Ladies' "A" .fivenpin league last night turned In moderate scores -with none of the teams winning three straKshl victories over their opponents. Maximum scoring peak ,was reached by Variety store which rolled an aggregate of 2,538, winning 2-1 over Lucky Strikes. ' In the Individual scoring, Mrs, 1 MacPhee Of Savoys bowled the highest three-game total of 580, followed toy Dorothy Ballinger of Ideal Cleaners with 570. Highest ingle game was bowled by S.j Cnmpagnola of Ideal Cleaners with 234. I Dame scores: J Orange 2, Ideal Cleaners 1. . Variety Store 2, Lucky Strikes 1. Big Sisters 2, Annettes 1. Miller Bay. 2, Tollers 1. IDEAL CLEANERS II. Schmidt 129 154 147 F. Pnrtrldge- 77 99 87 D. Bollinger 199 21G 155 1 H. Caminagnola . 134 164 234 Low S;ore 127 86 Handicap 35 35 35 Totals 701 754 751 ORANGE O. Newton 163 133 199 A. Denton 142 133' 107 E. Anderson 134 152 120 D. Geddes 127 87 M. Wide 1 J 153 80 Handicap ....... J07 .107 107 Totals 826 698 768 LUCKIES ' J. Bnultc'r 174 203 153 M. Scharff 121 181 133 C. Barrie 163 153 172 A. Postuk 113 135 154 J. Warren ... 194 103 163 .v. HHiidlrap 29 29 29 Totals 194 809 809 VA.RIETY E. Feoslby ., ... 171 183 148 I. Lvkegaard PC 178 167 P. MJKlrnon .... 1G5 184 120 F. Cembflla 103 144 202 A. McLean 171 152 193 Handicap C2 82 62 Totals 743 903 8921 MOOSE Morrison 143 1GT 155 Hilton 151 132 154 Irvine 118 182 205, Er!,"k.son 139 131 149 j Taylor . 150 100 143 Handicap 69 69 69 Totals 770 781 875 BIG SISTERS- B. Gcmez .... .. 192 193 132 E. Bond 150 151 205 J. Dickens 106 119 159 E. Rothwcll 172 187 138 E. Alexander 131 108 150 Handicap 47 47 47 Totals 864 805 833 A WMPTTPQ (Montgomery 192 127 132 n lit. A I A ' aa fa .jjiuin ili 1DO 1DJ McMeekln 135 126 132 Ostashowor 117 188 128 Dickens 140 149 140 Handicap 3 3 3 Totals 799 779 700 SAVOY McPhee 22G 208 146 MeLeod 87 ' 118 Basso-Bert 143 124 198 Menries 181 191 162 MacCallum 104 172 189 Kmitson 126 , Handicap 39 39 MILLER BAY Totals 780 855 813 Peterson 197 149 221 Killy 91 163 177 Roberts - - 134 97 91 Morton 109 103 92 Vincent 150 164 181 Handicap 67 67 67 Totals 748 748 839 TOILERS G. Richards 86 174 J. Hill 93 112 157 C. MeLeod 139 150 133 J. Menzlcs 152 129 155 B. Ellison '96 99 M. Smith 155 168 I Handicap 105 76 79 Totals "66 721 860 SCHEDULE OF FIVE-PIN BOWLS April 14 Co-op vs. Peoples Store; Malkins vs. Fish Dock; Burns vs. Post Office; Stones vs. Grotto; Morgans vs. Moose; Gyro vs. North Star. April 21 Grotto vs. Burns; Stones vs. North Star; Fish Dock vs. Morgans; Moose vs. Post Office; Gyro vs. Peoples Store; Co-ope vs. Malkins. April 28 Malkins vs. Gyro; Fish Dock vs. Moose; Grotto vs. Co-op; Burns vs. North Star; Stones vs. Post Office; Peoples Store vs. Morgans. . May 5 Post Office vs. Grotto; Fish Dock vs. North Star; Morgans vs. Stones; Peoples Store vse. Moose; Co-op vs. Gyro; Burns vs. Malkins. LADIES "B" BOWLS April 3 Whirlwinds vs. Revenues, Watts & Nickerson vs. Bankers, Khatadas vs. Co-op, Peoples vs. Dockettes, Atlln vs. W.PT.B. GREEK REGULARS ON WAY TO FIGHT GUERRILAS This Is a sight frequently seen in the streets of Thessalonika, Greece. Convoys of. reinforcements are starting for the villages of the hinterland to Join in the fight gainst the guerrillas m the war still being waged on trie Greek frontiers. President Truman, in his recent historic speech asked for $250,000,000 for aid to Greece in" the battle against Communism. It has been charged that the guerrillas are Communist-led. GYRO WINNER IN JUNIOR LEAGUE Terrific Bid But It Canadian Legion Made 'r Was All in Vain Canadian Legion made a terrific bid for the Junior League championship last night but their hopes were shattered as Don Scherk broke loose In the thrilling last period to lead his .quad on to the 44-40 win. Gyro by vlrture of their win. take the possession of tbe Civic Centre Trophy for the Junior League but they surely had to work for it It was a wonderful match to start off the night with, as the Juniors put on another of their fine diiplays. It was a hard .Tight all the way with Legion having tt.c lead for the greater part of the time. But S'-herk's last quarter irlvs pulled the at .out of the tire and. although Tomcny Jiouitei 91 Legionaires matched SsherlCs 19 points, he did not have the support Scheik was given. Gyro went out In front at the first quarter breafcher 11-0 but bd.'ore tlie ha1:' was over Legion had moved into a two point lead 21-19. Boulter get loose In the third vame to heh) stretch the lead and the frame closed up at 34-20 with the winners on the short skie. But Sclierk's 11 point splurrv in the final stanza snatched the edge for the Gyro and they hung griuXy to their narrow lead. Syd Wod?ide's lads came through for him just as they came through -winnliv the first and second ha'If of the junior loop. Gyro will be another of ths champions, that will be lining up on Thursday evening far the presentation of their trcphy in the Civic Centre gym. Legion-Olsen 1. Lien 1, Wong 11, Hills 8, Boulter 19. Foreman, Eidsvick, Davies. Total 49. Gyro-D. S.-herl; 19, Shier 6, Haugan 11, Moore 6, Sunberg, Mercer 2, Sharpe, S. Schcjk, Donaldson. Total 44. STANLEY CUV P..AY-OI FS Montreal 5. Bcston 1 leading 3 games to 1). Toronto 4, Def oit 1 (Toronto I leading 2 games to 1). Canuck to Report On N.Z. Medicine AUCKLAND N. Z. O) Dr. Hush MacLcan, Canadian sur geon, who recently retired from practice in Los Angeles, Is on a three months' visit to New Zealand In the course of which he will Investigate the Dominion' state medical services. "Dr D. E. McIIendry, professor of political science at the University of California, Los Angeles, Is at present doing research work In Wellington and he asked me to come as a sur-gean and look Into the functions of the State Medical Act," said Dr. MacLean. "It Is breaking ne w ground and I want to Investigate its successes and failures, If any." "In addition, Premier Douglas cf Saskatchewan Is Interested In New Zealand's medical services and I wil report to him in an unofficial way." Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday-ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. I Friday ss Catala. 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camasun, 9:15 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coqultlam, pm. Monday Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. 10:00 a.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pjn. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, p.m. For Alaska-Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnlglit. From Alaska-Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 7 p.m. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner In the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified 1 kffifa wfh&ifuui If mM rOilT rm SS FORT GARRY 1 cf- V:lmc tUiucrt Daflp HJciiis Wednesday, April 2, 1947 Just use our convenient BUDGET PLAN NO interest! NO carrying charges! SHAMES MILL IS BEING REOPENED Rupert Sawmills Ltd. sawmill near Shames, which has been closed during the winter because of severe Ice and snow conditions, will be resuming lumber cutting immediately, it Is stated by Manager L. C. Griffiths who has been in the city for a couple cl days on business. The mill slough, In which the logs are boomed, is clear cf ice now. During the period of shutdown considerable work was done on the MAGIC'S ORANGE MARMALADE BISCUITS 3 eupi slftetl flour V4 tspn. salt 4 tbspns. shortening 4 tspns. Mafic Baking Powder We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dr.lmatlan Male Puppies Fir Sale $25 Phone Blar'jt 823 "SOMETHING SIMPLE" is what so many women ask' for. In return, we offer a charming print in modern design, colorful enough to earn compliments; simple enough for a hard day's work. I tit H cup milk Jjcuporanje marmaludf Sift dry ingredients tottflher. Cut In shortening until mixed. Heat ecj sllfthtly In meusurinacup;add milk and marmalade to make 'A cup and add to first mixture. Roll out about '.4-Inch thick; cut with floured biscuit cutter. Top each with a little marmalade! bake In hot oven (425aP.) about JS minutes. Makes lb. OTHER BEAUTIES In COATS, , DRESSMAKERS; NEW PRINT , DRESSES 5 mill which has a crew of 12 men. Mr. "Griffiths 5s returning to the mill on tonight's train. He reports that Ice is (beginning to break up In the Ekeena River but there is still a great depth of I 1 snow In the bush and alongsldef the roads. ' Mrs. Elizabetn Fitrgerald ar; family of St. John's, .Newfound land, arrived In the city on last night's train to take ud residence here. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0 R. Boxall, Eighth Avenue East. swisssEw2r nf ka.. Jl" 11 -re 5T1 MADE IX CAVADA Geo. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Cgnducted, at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free , PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) . PHONES; Bus. Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask, for George Gifts for EASTER OXFORD BIBLES Beautifully bound in white leather FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman Taperlte. 100-year sets Parker 51 Lifetime sets ItOXED STATIONERY Beautiful assortment ' for all requirements ' NOVELS All the latest titles LEATHER WALLETS KEY CASES WRITING KITS Also ' n.ASTIC ZIPPER WALLETS See Our Windows Nowl MUSm.M r