sons Orjanw-"""" Ijnna) Scivig It Rucsoipr. Olsen. j Hellanfl ;,e) Knut-n Sccreiu Genruac Oscar th::i Biornson. jcnn Fri'dheim. ornnii ie ,. n;,v ,-;ifn meeting nixt m'ld on Fcb- MIX t ;ih : ui.. I If y Ho .T.ui klniiln Mix, 1 1 00KS- P:; ity, 875 Re ca jjil.OO HOOD II.OUR u'X I.01U- .own ,jx X? Plttco uulk. uiid U.V 'tie 6 ., - tin, Quaker ;1 tiff els oz. ikg. Each 11c SCO!! 1 1 vat he Mirtu Y WONG Co. Ialc and Retail AN VEGETABLES 1 stret Phone 281 Local News Items . . . , ci the busi" mm ,n the i-y&v m Erling Mrs. George Eaks returned from a trip to Vancouver on tht: Prince Rupert this morning. Canadian Legion (B.E. S.L.) special meeting 8 o'clock tonight, Legion Hall. Initiation of mem-here. (18) H. A. Black, local hardware ' representative returned on the J Prince Rupert this morning from ! a 10-day business visit to Van couver. With a number of matters per taining to club affairs on the asenda, the Prince Rupert Rotary Club will be In business session at Its weekly luncheon tomorrow. Frank Moore, Canadian Na tional fuel inspector for the Britten Columbia region and formerly of Prince Rupert, ar rived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert from Van couver on a periodical, inspec tlon visit. Moving pictures taken in the United States and Denmark in the course of a recent trip were Hor-1 ;hown to the IMncc Rupert r,. . spar'1 "jro liuu ub tiic icgumr wci-htjr j trowel luncheon today by Carl Poulsen r. r ;e he and proved interesting to mem-Pruk at a bers and guests. President C. a, Ham was in the chair. iwior Stores IM, ursday, Friday and Saturday I.1VI.KY N I JWUAItY 28-21-25 SKAPI1 JUICE phone FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ;F.s Navels, size 288's, doz 20c 1FS- .v?ls, size 220's, doz 36c AS- I'irm. ripe, 3 lbs. for -lac FRi "IT-Thinskinned, juicy, 4 for. 25c IY Firm, green stalks, per lb He 'III- Fresh, full bunches, per 11). . . 23c F.oWtU Large, white, nwuk each lut QUALITY GROCERIES Jordan's, 32-oz. S-e canned salmon Red Rose Keta. 16-oz. each -H Clover Leaf Sockc"ye. Vz's, each Paramount Pink, '2's, each Paramount Sockeye, z's, each W SARDINES Old Salt, each A NCHOVI ES Norc rest, 2 Tor JELLIED chicken Farmerette, 7-oz 1 ha Quaker Health Hran 28 oz. pkg. Each 17c t.uixy muxuiir $11.50 Grained Leather So Cqiufurlablc So wear everywhere Ftatiuiii!' the "stoimu - vi;ir S II O K S ;M'IN(i . . Wll.LUI'' IY17 HOVS BRtAV MADE Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed - Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE u John Bulger returned on the Prince Rupert' this morning from a business trip to Vancou- er. Mrs. O. P. Tinker returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to ) Hugh B. Scott arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver on one of his periodical business visits. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert W. Horwill, Dorrcen; K. An' dren, Prince George: W. T. Hick- more, Smlthers; E. Ourland Hagen, Sask; L. NJau, Hagen Sask; A. Cordiner, Prlnc George; G, F. Keith, Winnipeg Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, city Mr. and Mrs. S. Aanstad. Ketchikan; B. J. Ranee, Smlthers; A. P. van Stalk, Terrace; F. s. Hamr Torquay, England; R. Woods, Mlnnedosa, Manitoba; C. Wyatt, Trail; Miss E. Little, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. P. Neil- son and family, Anyox; Mrs. L. Hopkins, Pacific; Mrs: A. Apple- gate. Pacific; Mrs. W. Hagen, copper City. Aid. MacKay Is Acting Mayor Aid. Robert MacKay has been named Acting mayor during the absence on a financial mission to Victoria of Mayor Nora Ar nold. FUNERAL NOTICE CLARK In the city Monday. January 20, Leoa Sybil, beloved wife of Reginald M. Clark. Rev. F. Antrobus of First Baptist Church will conduct the service at Grenville Court Chapel, Friday, January 24, at 2:30 p.m. Interment in Fair-view Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers In charge of arrangements. (It) Wight Coughs due to colds . eased without dosing when you rub throat, chest and WICKS back with time-tested Y '!7onum is ft, NAVY LEAGUE N SESSION Preparations for Annual Meeting Plans for Coming Year to Be Made In preparation for the annual meeting of the organization, the executive 'of the Prince Rupert branch of the Navy League of Canada was in session last eve ning at the Civic Centre. A considerable amount of cor respondence was reviewed. It was agreed to obtain films showing Sea Cadets at work and at camp and also navy training routines. Accommodation for whalers and cutters Is to be ar ranged. Clarification of apparently conflicting directions gov ernlng training programs and practice will be sought. New rczulations have also been Is sued regarding thc wearing o uniforms and badges, and also the matter of gaining promo tions or confirmation in present rank. Mrs. J. R. Elfert of the Worn- ! en's Auxiliary to the Navy League reported that ditty bags had been sent to H.M.C.S. Chat ham and had been gratefully acknowledged. All cadets are being urged to have their parents and friends at thc annual meeting to be held next Tuesday at the Civic Cen tre. At that meeting plans for the forthcoming year will be considered and the election of officers will take place. Those In attendance last eve ning were S. P. Woodside in ine chair, Mrs. J. R. Elfert. Mrs. J R. Boddie, Lieut. Cmdr. F. N. Eddv. Cadet Lieut. Cmdr. A. S Mitchell, D. G. Wood (treasur er), E. Applowhalte (secretary) t M. J. Fortune and J. S. Wil son. Dog Soap Solves Shortage Problem MARITZbURG, South Africa 0; A temporary solution to tne soap shortage in South Africa has been found by Maritzburg wemen who now are using dog soap. Supplies of ordinary domestic and toilet soaps are al most impossible to obtain but there are fair supplies of dog soap which is said to be as good as a medium-priced toilet soap. Women are rapidly buying up all available supplies of dog soap at Is. (20 cents) a cake. They believe the dog soap is less Injurious to the skin than ordinary soap. They arc also buying shaving sticks with which to do domestic laundry. . Classified Advertising Pays! No modern wife wants to be lied to licr kitchen not even if it is beautifully equipped with every modern electric appliance! One electric appliance which will save her countless precious minutes is an electric range. Thermostatically-controlled heat provides dependable cooking which docs not require constant watching. Clean electric elements cannot blacken pots or produce soot which takes so much time and labour to remove. And all these minutes saved add up to more time for relaxation with her family and friends. LT.l.L JIIJ-liHil-lbdN1 II1IiiIiMi1IB'1i1IIc1l HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q- hat? How can I remodel a straw A. If it Is desired to change the shape of a straw hat, pour boiling water over it, and while it is hot and pliable reshape it with the hands. Take a bowl or vessel that will fit the crown and place the hat on this while work ¬ ing, also leaving It on the bowl to dry lri the sun. Q. How can I tighten the handle of an umbrella? . . A. If the umbrella handle be comes loose, fill thc hole In the handle with powdered resin, heat the rod and then press firmly into the hole. Q. How can I prevent the peeling of onions from affecting the tear ducts of the eyes? A. By dipping the onions for a moment in boiling water and then beginning at the root and peeling upward. Vatican Damage Being Claimed ROME It was learned to day that the United States claims commission is Investigat ing claims against the Allies for bomb damage to Vatican State property and the little republic of San Marino.. The damage is estimated at between $800,000 and $1,700,000 depending on the computation of the value of th lire. CARRICK-ON-SU1R, Eire ) Plans are afoot to reopen slate quarries here which 5 years ago won first prize at a London show. The quarries were closed in 1935. Announcements All advertisements m this column alll be charred ,montli red for lor a a rul full ibc a word. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, January 23, 8 pm. Burns Banquet, Saturday Jan. 25, at 6:30 pjn., Presbyterian Church hall. Ski Club Dance, Civic Centre, Friday, January, 31. Conrad School P.T.A., Bridge, Whist, Crlbbage, Friday, Janu ary 31.,Refreshments. 35c. Hill 60 Valentine Tea, Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Borden School Rummage Sale Feb. 12, 13. Cambral Valentine Dance, Feb ruary 14, Civic Centre. Job's Daughters piano concert, presenting Joe Franky, Presby terian church, Wednesday, Feb ruary 19. Harmoneer's Dance, every Sat urday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. TRANSFERRED TO VICTORIA Allan Davies Being Moved South in forest Branch Service After 35 years' residence in Prince Rupert except for the period of the First Great War in which he served overseas, Allan M. Davies, for years chief clerk in the local Forest Branch office, is bejng transferred to accounts office In Victoria. -He and Mrs. Davies will be leaving about the middle of February Their departure will be mucn regretted. New Peace Offer By Nationalists NANKING The Chinese Na tionalist government Is still ready to meet the Communists with "tolerance and sincerity,' It was announced today. A new four-point peace plan has been put forward, ' s fts your RIENO'S-EYE VIEW? So you feel as sour as that, huh? Well . . . Feen-a-mint may be just what you need to start you smiling again. It's the mod ern chewing laxative. Deliriously mint flavored. Gentle, yet really effective. Never gripes or interferes with sleep. Millions turn to Feen-a-mint when they need a laxative. Get the handy package at any drug counter. '57 ELECTRIC COOKING Means MORE TIME Electric Cooking is Economical, Cleans Fast and Safe NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Moving, racking, Crating, Shipping and Central Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 WAU ASSISTS COAL Per Toil Screened Lump, sacked . , $1- Minc Run Hulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 prince Rupert Daily jScUtf Wednesday, January 22, 1917 Astoria for MEN By Craftsmen of SCOTT & McHALE LTD. Comfort . Style Quality Prices $11.00 to $15.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP? Sh oes ylJZ! nriTiiivfi AMI FlilMSlllNGS 532 THIRD AVENUE VUv J - PHONE 34S A. MacKcnzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Floor Polishers, weight 15 lbs., felt protected, ea. $j.50 Corn Brooms l.U. Industrial Brooms, Special .. l.. Heavy white cups and saucers. Special . Curtain Rods. Extend, to 43" .!., - and .-. Window Blinds, green only. 36" . - See us for your Beds, Springs and w Matures:,, All sizes in stock; felt and spring filled. Mail orders filled without delay. Tlione 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Itupert. B.C. DOOR MATS Keep the mud out of your home with one of our good quality Cocoa Fibre or Rubber Door Mats. We also have a complete line of Rubber Mats for dralnboards, stove tops and baths, in assorted colors. MM McBridc SlreT l'lionc 311 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK January 15th to 22nd "Support Your Local Junior Chamber" Pi BELGIUM STEMWARE GOBLETS SHERBERTS WINES COCKTAILS FOOTED TUMBLERS These are hand-cut best quality Bel-glum glass, Canberra shape at popular prices. See them on display at . . . THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Be Sure of thc Best Bulkley Market VK ULLIVLK DAILY ) 3rd Avenue l'lionc 18 f Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays. 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pjn. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridavs. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays. 12:00 Midnlcht. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Di.ini.a T?nrprt Airent Third Ave Phone 568 FUltNlTUKE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre r v : SIT iff!