f I t; : r G B B lrincc Uupm Dily jcIm Wctlncjday, January 22, 1917 v HEAVY HERRING JERSEY BOSSIES RUN AT PORCHER THRIVED IN WAR A heavy concentration ol herring which has appeared off Goshen Island, south of Porcher Island, has yielded more than 1,500 tons of the silver fish to fishing company seiners which are landing their catches at KlernfurBirtcdale, Port Edward and Prince Rupert, .irce it was discovered Saturday, the school has been followed by almost a dozen seiners which seined more than 1,000 tons Sunday night and 570 tons on Monday night. ;Much of the catch is going to the Nelson Bros, cannery and the B.C. Packers reduction plant at Port Edward while some is gSIhg to the Canadian Fish and Cold Ctorage Co. plant here for bait freezing. The J. H. Todd Co. plant at Klcmtu is canning and bait f'wzln? while the Canadian Fishing Co. plant at Butedale isttpcrating as a reduction plant and is freezing bait as well. Some orthe herring being landed here is -going to the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative for bait freezing. FORGIVE TARDINESS LONDON Beckenham Library, In need of books, announced a "forgiveness period" during which it would take back, .with no questions asked, books not returned when air raids! been hp.iw were taking place. For That Party LONDON The pure Jersey cattle herds of the Channel Islands, after lean rations during the years of German occupation, now are back to pre-war standards. British livestock authorities reported after a survey. Cattle stocks were reduced to a minimum by German orders but farmers were allowed to keep dairy cows for production cf butter and similar foods. Regulations limited the number of calves to be reared but farmers took care that the quota of heifer calves saved were from the best cows. Farmers were required to mak? a uniform provision of meat as well as of milk and milk products but this simply resulted in Inferior animals being weeded out. Prof. R. W. Wheldoh. a British livestock authority, said the gen eral level of cattle on Jersev island at the close of occupation "was better than at the beein- ning. Shortage of food had left Its mark, in some cases, but on the whole the cattle came through rcmarka'Dly well." In recent shows the classes for aged cows have been of hlah standard and on Jersey Island the pre-war system of milk recording for each animal is being resumed. Cattle exports have I period. in the post-war BHRBnailMBBHIBHHflEDHIBiactlDllHiaBBtlSZSa "They're Tops with Me BOYS' WEAR V K O M RUPERT MENS' and BOYS' STORE Mackinaws Parkas Toques Gloves Jackets Pants Suits Sweaters Socks RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE AT LAST PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Ldvvard, li.C. CHOP SUEY C1IOW .11 li I S 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 p.m. n B ! o B B a a B ! B TODAY'S STOCKS (Cuurte.y .s D. Johiiblou Co. Ltd.) V.V.V.VAWW.VAW Vancouver Bralorne 12.25 B. R. Con 09 B. R. X 12 Cariboo Quartz 2.82 Dentonia .25 i Grull Wihksne . .11 Hedley Mascot 1.16 Minto 05 Pend Oreille .. 3.00 Pioneer 3.50 Premier Border .OG3,' Premier Gold 1.25 Privateer 55 Reeves McDonald . 1.50 Reno ... . 10 Salmon Gold 27 " Sheep Creek 1.52 Taylor Bridge .... (ask) .75 Whitewater 02'e Vananda .23 Congress ;.. .10 y2 Hedley Amalgamated.. .09 Spud Valley is Oils Calmont 1.75 Foothills 2.10 Home 2.90 Toronto Aumaque 67 Beattie 70 Bobjo 14 Buffalo Canadian 21 Cons. Smelters 86.25 Fldona .'. 75 Elder ...A ui Giant Yellowknlfe ...... 600 Hardrock 54 Jackknife ., 09i Joliet Quebec 81 Little Long Lac 1.37 Madsen Red Lake 3.65 McLeod Cockshutt 1.85 Moneta 54 Omega 15 Pickle Crow! 300 San Antonio . 4.10 Senator Rouyn 53 Sherrltt Gordon 2.45 Steep Rock 2.05 Sturgeon River .22 Ly - 20H Lnpaska 36 God's Lake 63 esns 2.0s Aubelle 28 Hcva Gold Hu'.rlcana M;Kenzie Red Lake Donalda : WAR PLANTS I IN GERMANY A r, B B R nilBIIIIBIIIllNIIIQlHiiBaiaBBIIIIIIBBII Community a " Rogers SILVER SETS We have received several large-shipments 1:1 '.cveral of the most popular patterns Including . . . LOVE. ADORATION, ETERNALLY YOURS, LADY HAMILTON, FORTUNE, etc. Sonic sets have 26-pieco service for six. Some have 34 pieces for eight people, and some have service for twelve with 54 pieces. These arc mostly In chests but we have some bulk sets for those who do not need the chest. WB CAN SUIT ALMOST ANY POCKET TOR THE PRICES RUN FROM . . . $15.95 to $C4.00 plus tax These are all at the approved ceiling price, the same as all over Canada, Might be well to look early though. Check-up Goinr on in Compliance wilh I'olsdam Agreement .81 H .18 .85 1.42 BERLIN. Sf, Rp nrrsnnt.i M vpk I I of four Allied occupation nnm I B j are cnecKingahd cataloguing 900 n war plants throughout Germany g in a detailed survey of remain-n ! in? war potential, a!" Investigators are rhrrkir nn ;(:. adherence of United Sta'.es, Grnt Britain. Russia and France to the Potsdam plan to destroy German war power. A number 01 factories for inaction arc vast underground bomb-proof vaults, hewn out by German-supervised gangs of for-ckii deportees and coriccntra- ion cam;) victims. HAYTOR, Devon, England 0. -Twenty-seven riders and their horses attending a hunt traveled here by train from ajolnlns Y IN SHVERPIATE V I 4fe ..W!L Si TV tcfnally imi A. TKt vr pffpwlor hfU I. dfti(iprffrtd hf mmny. Tht (ot word in fin ilvr- platt will bt tht first Kok of many diK'ininottng Conodiart omta for H'l "Etfnalty Yeva" No fmr pattern hot tf bttf) productd. Ettr ftolty Yovrt" h 0 boutifuf( (fuoliry-fwll crcotion of Cm silvan Tilth ing. "Ettrriolly Yvurt" tnjoyj u Wo riding thofodtmik potttnad by no Othtf tilvtrptott potlrn, to molt it truly Canada's Fin- tt Silwploit. Coom it for yovritlf. ours 1847 ROGER BROS. l Canada's Finest Silverplate MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewelry" DROP QUEST FOR GOV'T MILK SUBSIDY Agitation for re-insiut.m n of the federal government subsidy on milk has been dr.cped by King Edward branch, Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Asso ciation, following a report delivered to the association at its monthly meeting last night by J. C. Gilker, joint P.T.A. president. Investigation has revealed, Mr. Gilker told the meeting, that removal of the subsidy was good economic policy, and the members agreed, on the basis of his report, that efforts to have it re-installed should be drepped. On motion of C. S. Hansen, the meeting offered a hearty vote of thanks to Principal R. G. Moore for hls iniative in arranging regular gymnasium classes for school children at the Civic Centre as part of their weekly school routine. The question of sending a' delegate' from the council P.TJi. to the Easter convention at Van couver was discussed and A "white elephant" sal and a sale of hot cross buns was planned to take place In March with Miss Moxley in charge of the project. Its purpose Is to raise funds toward radio-gramaphone equipment for the school. The members then enjoyed a film, "Better Tomorrow," show-In? a New York City school, a notable advance over local buildings. Another reel of "Medical Training in the R.OA.F."-acquainted the parents with movie methods of teaching health to our'children. After refreshments the meeting adjourned. Advertise in The Daily Nes. SNIPS GIRLS' TRESSES William Pyle. 16. of West Los AiircIcs. Calif ,, who admitted to Santa Monica police that he had snipped the tresses of six or eight young women with barber shears. In each case thewomen were waiting on a bus bench when he approached and cut their hair without warning. "Girls never gave me much of a break. I guess I did it because I had it in for girls," he said. AFRICA COUNCIL MEETS LUSAKA. Northern Rhodesia The African representative council of Northern Rhodesia recently held its inaugural meeting. Main functions of the council, which consists of 1 secretary for native affairs and 29 members from the seven provinces, is to advise the governor on matters affecting the African population in Northern Rhodesia. RICHMOND, Surrey, England 9 Three soldiers, lost in the fog. were guided to their destination by a local ex-serviceman, blind since 1915. ADVENTURE FILM HERE "O. S. S." Coming to Capitol Theatre this Thursday, Friday and Saturday , Pulsating and suspenseful ad- venture is assured for local movie fans at the Capitol Theatre this Thursday. Friday and Saturday with the presentation of the dramatic action picture 'O. S. S.," starring Alan I Ladd and Geraldine Fitzgerald, , ' which tells the story of the Unl- ted States underground Intelligence organization known as the , Office of Strategic Services. Ladd is seen as a member of a secret operating team known as "Aoplejack." Miss Fitzjerald Is another. They, together with two other men, are dropped by parachute into France with instructions to blow up a vital bridge in preparation for 'T)" Day landing. Ladd Is resentful of Miss H'zgerald's presence on the team, thinking that her sex will act as a deterrent. However, it is her handling of a sinister colonel that saves not only "Applejack" from disaster but also a number of French underground ' workers. ! Incidents in "O. S. S." are said to Include many factual occur- , rences taken from actual war archives. 1 PROSPECTING SPEEDED UP TORONTO, R Desiriblr.s the American fluxgate magnetometer and a similar instrument developed in Canada to locate ore bodies quickly frcm the air. Hans Lundfcerg of Toronto said at the convention of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy yesterday that an area 12,003 by lO.fWO feet had been surveyed In one hour in a helicopter flown at low altitude. is ihe lot of millions of homeless orphans in ivar-lorn China Drought to the orphanage at Ilangyang, ilih starving boy had only an empty howl. Millions of orphans, widows, peasant farmers, uprooted and despoiled by war, hungry, sick, homeless, arc perishing for want of food, clothes, shelter, medical supplies. UNRRA relief is ending; voluntary agencies must redouble their efforts. China, a good neighbor and customer, calls pitcously to YOU, a fortunate Canadian, for help. In better days, she will not forget! I'JtbviNci: Itritisli Oilumbia ft MtDl1 among. ' ft ,odfloC- Thin is the only imliwwl to La mtitlv in Qmaila ivilhin the nr.xl Inch,- month Jor Chinvsv '"Mill 17, rvlirf. &eferercs atinai a V,mul NeiMor, calls to YOU' AN ASM AN AID TO CHINA Make cheque payable to Canadian Aid to China and mail to Provincial nninum or or Local Headquarters or to any Chartered Hank. TKKASUKLIC C1IA1UMAN w. M SeIfns .Major-(.f..cral Victor W. Odium Iinperial ISank .,f f-,.,,,1. Vancouver. II. C. . Vancouver it r rrovMKial Ilcad.,ua,ters-730 C.ranville Street (Itasen. cnl), VantouveVni' SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 31 P. O. Uox 544 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS REER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 1ST: v.. PATRIC KNOWIES 10HHHCII AJT TIMES TO 7:00 - 9(25 Tne Crusad DAY es FAMOUS PLAYERS THEA1PE I'lUNCE Kt'l'EKT He'iitepJ "Ike lip "llhilii! and UT00N CO 8.! PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNCIL The Annual Meeting of the Prince Rupert, p 51..- p. Council will be held In the City Cumuiu C'..r.ibr f t p.m.. THURSDAY. January 23, 1947 Reliable Prescriptions When your nrescrintion is eomooundwl bv J you are assured of getting exac-Uy v. hat ti I uoelor upeciiies. ou are assured ol h.i. i the prescription compounded jiroptJ-lj bj a I experienced and fully (lualifind pharraa j we use oniy me very hesi grade mateni avauauie. SEE us TTliA Pioneer Druggists rw,v SSy.t ANINltHBlTl CARDS S&prA vakhh Ol TICE Sliri'MES, I'KINTIMi, STATION tKV CAEDS I Oil EVERY OCCASION EVEUSIIAKP -C.V PENS DIBB PRINTING COMPANY HKSNER niCK THIRD AYES' Rrincc Rupert Bottle Collector AESO MESSENC.ER SERVICE Il,onc luC ill WC bt,y ALL SIZES Perfex Rccr Whiskey, (Jin tnd Homes Jlottlcs Wine IJottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE General Contractor Q We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 Satisfaction n uarantee" CALL BLUE G10 and wc will give an estimate ' P.O. BOX C54 : PRINCE M REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUrEKT Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dbhcs our sprclaltr. Open 0 ajn. to 2 ajn. T1IONE 173