ISTER NOT.. . . a iiriii i i i INb NUKin to tr. 1 , , to return to , 'n V1PW oi cprnang of Par-mio-sible for : Print-e Rupert n;. current brief he- C.;ajst. The j advised the .jnfccr of Com-n ..ivitcd him to dlseu-sion of of this port and ...;u? The min-rr?rct that It oi Hi m t i ORT SPOKI ?ry.. div l!. "" ;en a 'remend iranized minor !ic last few years, Ki Catharines could ...j .... - nl . J 1- nH M ' v - . :nern out of trou-; be che slogan of i and it's payin? r. In 1938. when a s:, as first organ-, !3) juveniles in 1946 there were 13 . , one was a re- :! credit rnust go ! iie Public School r Association, while ' itibj, cave active . ij 1939, teachers at- 6:30 a.m. to . . :. .ur's hockey prac-ity -owned arena be-Eacb year the city i r.t'fe hockey teams f :p' and Juvenile Oi .-..r'.a Minor Hockey or 'v ncial olayctfs. tv ! w-:. tne teams nave it . p: . :Dle 21 tham- :q have been about every ArHrd incentive iccn MINER ON PODIUM PMCASTER. England 0-A r-c;j miiirr took over 'a direrJon of "The Stud-I'rtnce when W. E. Rawd-dircjr a Doncaster Thes-Amitear Operatic Society '' Tir .haw was a exeat LEFTOVERS RANSFORMED Last night's leftover roast makes tonight's Magic" Meat Rolls ,bttbiittrr 'Jl choppy Miovrr mm rhopprd onlont fpn dour lp. Mnjlc Raln Po0r 'P. ult hnrtnlnt '"P milk, or half milk nd .r I'l . nii-ii nHi i I"7 ,arr li4rrdlenu. mix In Euoh nl,.!e""IJlluldlomake x.ft bi.ij.i flurel boardi En. . li meat mlnure. Roll Ilka C .h? ,n hot " (475 F.) U'loiauce. New Long Term Policies (Cnnt,nuej minister said. "We have separate boarda and commissions responsible to the Minister ot Transport such as the National Hatbors Board and the Board of Transport Commissioners. Now we are considering the formation of a Maritime Commission which would have control over all maritime operations. Within the past few weeks, the govern ment decided on the unifying of all transportation economics under a central Bureau of Transportation Economics. aBBBBBBBBBV ivr 1 .aBBBBBBBBBl ... "But Canada's .'uture is not You saw it in The News I V lnter-linked with tne other, and in this picture of expanding domestic relations, the Important link is transportation. Transportation it the llfeblood of our economy. Without transportation Canada could not progress. It Is the blood flowing through the veins and arteries of our country. "The question, therefore, arises: What Is the position of transportation in Canada today? What has been done thus far? Can we look with satisfaction upon the work and toll of those tied merely to her farms, mines who down the years have built and minerals. Already, new our various forms of transpor- though she is to the industriaHtation? world, she Is one of the world's industrial "Big Four," and with Germany and Japan eliminated for a considerable time at least as producing nations, Canada Is determined to capture her full share of their former overseas Vrade. "In order to do this, she must look to her transportation sys tern. Trade and transportation are closely related. The one is MARSHALL SWORN IN General Marshall Takes Over Duties Today "In Safe Hands," Truman Says WASHINGTON DC. O-Gen-eral George C. Marshall took the oath Tuesday as United States State Secretary and pledged that "111 do my best." Marshall declared he "could not be drafted for any political office." President Truman gave assurance that with the wartime chief of staff duties of the Secretary of State were in safe hands. In the event of anything happening to Truman before he completes office, Marshall, as Secretary of State, would be In asor.s is the une for the presidency. ii) Kirai piay- ubs of profes- -i ,' the only ml-".u! aired in St. . u oriution also : ..! f:r!d meets :cr cries in ln-- , i n St Cath--r riUcl by three '' ii.' !a'cflfflrnelcl service clubs us. Vetera!, are volunteer a :!;.imon js of five ,r ihrir teams i a ial playdowns. aid board of edu-v opoiale play- jmmer months. MUST ALWAYS he progressive "Transportation must be forever progressive. Competition between various means of transportation Is sufficiently keen to a&yirc constant development, and it is the task of both federal and provincial governments to see that every assistance Is given to this march of progress, whether H be railways, shipping, aviation or highway "Our railways whether they be government or privately owned must retain their pre tmlnent position lif the trans portation of this country. There must be no regression, but rather expansion and betterment of their facilities. In my opinion, railroads are the very backbone of our economy, as they remain the largest employers of labor and the largest purchasers of material. We must never let ourselves forget these two vital facts. Our railways must ever be maintained at a high standard of efficiency to enable them to meet any emergency. "These statements suffice to amply demonstrate the import ant part played by Canada in the development and progress of the railways. It was Sir Wilfrid Laurler who once aid that "The lallway found Canada scarcely a eeoerarjhlc expression Md made it a nation." FRANCOIS LAKE IS TREACHEROUS FRANCOIS LAKE Spells of extreme cold and then mild weather have made the ice on the lake treachrous. Cars have been across but there are cracks so wide that crossing them has been quite an undertaking. Several people have been walking across though. The road round the head of the lake is passable but not good enough for any-thin? but essential driving. John Harrison's truck loaded with lumiber Is broken down west or here with a broken axle. Timely TERRACE, Topics Mrs. Lorna Calder and Mrs Stan Olson returned from Prince Rupert, on Monday evening. Mrs. William Prince Rupert night's train. Hagen left fo: on Tuesday Stan Cameron, agent for Standard Oil, was In Terrace on Tuesday on business. F. P. Levirs, inspector of schools, returned to Telkwa on Monday evening. Terrace recen1 ty welcomed its first Dutch war bride. She is the wife of Tom Julseth who was in Holland with the Canadian occupation forces. Geoff Lamibly has been busy during the last few weeks making alterations designed to enlarge and modernize the Snack Bar. When completed, the Snack Bar will be ab;e to seat twice its present capacity. Living quarters are being built adjac ent to the business NORWICH, England 0 Rare wild birds are being slaughtered in Norfolk sanctuaries and sold for game pies, charges the Nor folk and Norwich Naturalists' Society. BXfrm0 mtcA m my t is RADIANT ROASTED TO CAPTURE EVERY ATOM OF DELICIOUS FIAV0R.ITS GOOD TO THE LAST PRO"! I I I MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE MH-II36 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free prinok" "iuTpert AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bui Dlue Uft Res. Red 127 Aik for George CONSUMERS i jSr ynTTiTHpij X 7"ACUUM-packel, straight from tlie roaM-jHjRVVilTfl L ing ovens with all its glorious fragrance (IjlAMLjUMB' and flavor sealed in by the wonderful Vila Fresh Prores, No goodncsf can get out . . . no air can get in. It's truly roaster-fresh. Try it today. I - - """CiieC MS I ITSBLtNDfh 2r A Product of Gnra Foodt DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS GO TOO LATE! situation Is not so good. Orders are piling up and the supply You are advised to keep your orders well in advance to give us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Francois Lake News Two families will be moving in before long. The Calder family from Prince Rupert will be moving into the Brownlee farm. There are three youngsters in this family. Tne Evan Noble Mrs. J. Jeffrey and Bobby and Phyllis have returned from Puyalhlp, Washington, where they were vltftlng during the holidays. This is the first time that Mrs. Jeffreys and her sistei and two brothers rwve been to ther elnce they were very young. The schools throughout the district were closed on Monday and Tuesday of last week as the temperature was well beyond 20 below zero. Peter Reed of II.M.C.S. Cres cent spent two weeks leave 'Y his parents. He has reentry returned from Mexico and expects soon to be going to either Australia or England. Eleveji year old Winona Hank ? broke hen leg while tobogannlng with other children late Tuesday afternoon at Grassy Plains The temperature was down to 10 below and she was wrapped in quilt and placed on a folded FOR SALE Home In Section Two, with double garages; lovely seavlew; near town. Apply 1000 First Ave. (18) FOR SALE One mouton coat. size 16, $95. Room 21 Mclntyre Building. (21) FOR SALE Model "A" Ford ..... r . 1 T FOR SALE Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Blue 318 after 6 p.m. (21) FOR SALE Six room house on ' 7th Ave. near McBride; 3 bedrooms, dining room and living room; two lots; $2500. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. Phone 342. (23) RECONDITIONED 4" Black & Decker Drills, $25.03. In good running orde,r with cord, plug, and Jacobs Chuck with key, 110 volts AC DC. Regular price $48.50. Rcbinson Electric, 1179 Homer. Vancouver. (18) FOR SALE Hillman sedan 1937. 10 H.P., one spare tire. 1006 9th Ave. East. 20 FOR SALE 40 ft. troller complete, including halibut gear. 'Inquire Standard Oil Dock. (19) FOR SALE New and used furniture and hardware at the low est possible prices. New drink lng glasses 10c, Electric hot plates, Fancy mirrors $2, Billy Boy bicycles, Aluminum pots from 60c, Mattresses all cotton filled $16.50. Used articles Palls 45c, Kltcnen sets $12.50. Steel couches $7, 3 Piece ches terfield, $49.50, wool blankets. Sheets 95c, Single beds and springs like new $12. All kinds of useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Play pen, good condition. 910 Alfred St. (20) FOR SALE Electric fireplace unit. Imitation log type. Green 987. 20) sleeping bag and brought by car to Southbank. There she was moved onto a Ught hand sleigh and by the light of a flashlight her father and Dave Murray pulled her across the farm has been sold to Mr. and I lake over treacherous ice. In Mrs, C. It. Snyder of Cralimant. Idaho. They have one daughter tnd three sons. places heaves and cracks had parted the ice several feet and the child had to be lifted across the water. Neave's taxi met them at the edge of the lake at the landing and took her to Burns Lake Hospital. The doctor and the hcsuital were In readlnesj for her and in a very short time the break below the knee was in a cast. t ENJOY YOUR RADIO RADIO REPAIRS . iii - - Classified Advertising - - . ninutiflPfin- -jj- ner wnrrt r Insertion, minimum cnarce, ooc. uinn nonces. 50c; Cords s or Thanu, Death Notices, funeral moucm, and Engagement Announcements: 12- FOR SALE FOR SALE New set of the Uni versal World Reference Encyclopedia. Apply 1000 First Ave. (18) FOR ItENl Marriage FOR RENT Two kitchens and two bedrooms and furniture. 336 9th Ave. W. (21) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. Apply Suite 7, Washing ton Block. (19) FOR RENT Comfortable room Phone Blue 967. 12' 5th E. motor, euuaoie ior doul hi- RENT- dustrlal and Marine, uow uay. (18) FOR SALE ABC washing machine and Hoover vacuum cleaner, like new. Phone Red 284. 18) (19) FOR RENT Heated office space Apply G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd Phone -57. tf) Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable, Ap ply 806 Fraser Street, after 5 D.m. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Women for filletln shed, work starting mimed! ately, union wages. Apply in person to superintendent. Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co T Irl Cr 1 PntrO if I WANTED WANTED Second hand piano for Booth Memorial High School Student's Council. Write particulars to Box 198 Dally News. (17) WANTED Will buy Brunswick records, limited number, Gilt or Purple Label, and catalogues, 1928 or later. Search your old record cabinet, basement or attic. Phone serial numbers to 369 or write "Records," co P.O. Box 519. (20) LOST LOST Wallet on Saturday night containing money and papers. Finder please return to Arrow Cabs. Liberal reward. (18) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home Men Deferable. 622 Fraser Street. (32) ROOM AND BOARD At reasonable rates. Armly Box 185, Daily News. (tf MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use Jhe modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. Classified Advertising Pays! Hi ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS Rupert Radio and Electric Phone 644 National Jaycce Week Jan. 15-22 I Prince Rupert 2Daflg rectos Wednesday, January 22, 1917 Exemplifying the Real Vd ues AT OUR Skirts Jumpers DRESSES GLOVES PURSES COATS SUITS HATS National Junior Chamber of Commerce Week JANUARY 15 - 22 5 - - 2 - - --- - ff b: BUY AND SAVE ON "Wt'-OUR BUDGET PLAN , VALENTINE for Young Cardi Make this a COUTTS Valentine Day PHARMACY LIMITED or Old MkSmJk j BEAUTY TREATMENT or TEEN-AGE SKIN ITOUNC,wdiflicuir slins 1 need special care. Si ul- Iora Llackheads, coarse and oily fkin rondilions are easily kept under control tliis Richard Hudnut way ... a simple, 3-stcp DuBarry Beauty Treatment villi the famous Special Cleansing Prepara. tioii that rfeauscs, softens and slimulates. McCUTCHEON SPECIAL CLEANSING CREAM FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHONE 133 7S5 THIRD AVENUE WEST While in Terrace stay at . . T errace Hotel for Convenience and Comfort RECENTLY REMODELLED UP-TO-DATE CENTRAL HEATING THROUGHOUT HOT AND COLD WATER n x 'A 9 i 1 W i I.J5 ii A f RESHEpIt Hiss M E! j t SPECIAL CLEANSING mPARATION'I.M m : : Hollywood Cafe ' PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJL TO 6 AJW. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS I