I I II I II In-' niii ii i it; V I! II II' IS)' II II' II II' I HUB 12 it ir jr.. Prfnrr ttuprrt Dnflp TUvtov Thursday. June 12. 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - Classified: M per word per Insertion, minimum char. 60c Birth Notices. 60c; Card ol Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notice. alarrl&stt Mid KngaKvmnt Announcements: 3. engagement notice ' Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Johnson annuunce the engagement oi their only daughter, Margaret, to James S. Burns, son of Mrs. H. M. Burns and the late Mr. Bums of Lloydminster. &isk. CAKU OK THANKS We wish to express out heart felt thanks to all our friendd for expressions of sympathy and for the beautiful floral tributes extended during our bereave ment In the loss of our only brother and father, Edward BennoU, one of the victims of the ctllnet tragedy of January 29. Special thanks to Rev. R. A. Wilson, those who lent cars for the funeral service and all thr people of Kitkatla. Mrs. Dorcas lleavenor, Mrs. James Qray, Horace and Lawrence Bennett Those sending flowers: The Native Brotherhod (Port Essington Branch: Bssliytton Happy Gang Club: The Native Sisterhood tPort Esslngton Branch!; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bul-Uav. Mr. and Mrs. Qus Collins: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spalding; Mildred and Harold Bolton: Mr and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson: Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Bolton: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lockerby. all of "Port Esslnston. Pete. Mae and family; Ken. Mary and Johnny: Mrs. Maud Wesley and family, all of Prince Rupert. Mr. aud Mrs. John Saldon. Huqtfs Inlet FOR KEXT FOR RENT Semt-hitutelwd 2-room suite. Call after 4 pan. 1236 Park Avenue. U4t FOR RENT Room with kitchen uriTUe&t 221 5th East U3i i FOR RENT Furnished rooms. I 843 9th West U5S FOR RENT 3-wom unfurnished suite with bath. Private entrance. Red 441 '141 j i ROOM FOR RENT Furnished room and kttetven. 36 9 Aw. West Hl WXXT WANTEtt WAITRESS WANTGB-Aypty Vtctesy Cafe ttf WANTED Wmaa jW ri ot-of-to-n housework. Apply j P.O. Box 95. city. tf WORK WANTED MARRIED Woman will care for children of wxfcinc matter Blue 325. t WANTED WANTED Yoaac wwktac gW to share small bowae with two othc aMs. Phone GmaDSSi. tl WANTED ExpemaceA trotter for cohoe j-easoa. Apptr Box 1301. Posua Statin B US? WASTED TyiKer in $od cvuadiUoiv Phone Green 4tt. tltl SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals. Top Piics Paid Active Trad ing Company Ltd. 93$ Bis' Cordvfa St. YanMtTer. B.C. PERSONAL MIDDLE AOED WOMAN win look after children afternoons or eTenlnjs. Pltoae Oreen 531 (if) tOST .VM ruUND LOST Mms Gecraitl ryrre- ' Seaux wrista-atth at RojT?tt Park. Reward 1 Sth West. Phone Red 1S1. tO roUXD SnuH Yale Key near Sunrise Orocrry. Owner may have same by calao at the Dally Kews and parin far this f.dTerttsmer.t af FOTOCO Key on path between 6th and Tth Atcs. Weit near FulUin Stxeet Owner may hare same by calling at the Dally News and paying fox this ad-TetUseraent U METAL WORK DOST Walt tor Winter. Xow is the time to fwre that eaxes-trough ttxed and furnaee tn-sialtal Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd . BUck SSI. (tf MACHINERY TO .SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac-tured by National Machinery Oonipttny Limited. Vancouver. BC ttt FOR SALE FOR SALE C.C.M. bicycle, good condition. Phone Red 779. (139) FOR SALE Lumber. Phone Green 693. tH2 FOR SALE i-slze bed, 2 dress ers, white enamel stove, wheelbarrow. Call Black 1S6. (137) FOR SALE One beautiful covered full-siie bassinette. 1060 8th East. (133) FOR SALE Oreen bed Chester-field, $35; green rug. $12; and occasional chair, $5. Oreen 897. (137) FOR SALE Apartment property. Revenue $6000 per year. Worth investigating. Fur further Information write Box 344 Daily News. (139) FOR SALE Loirgor's caulked boots. New Site 10t to 11. Also small radio. Blue ?15. (139) FOR SALE R.O.P. White Leg horns and New Hampshire pullets, all ages, from 85c to $1.70 each. Terms: cash, F.OJ3. Kitwanaa. M. Rowe. (145) ! FOR SALE One drvp-lef couch and one single bed with 2 mattresses. Green 7S4. (13S FOR SALE Cabinet radio: just overhauled, first class buffet and chesterfield suite. S125. 1S4S Overlook Street, (13S FOR SALE FuMy equipped trol-ler. Length 32 ft., beam 10 ft.. draft 4 ft 6 la. May be seen , at Mclean's Floats. Apply 1501 8th East "(139) FOR SALE 33 ft salmon troller with gufdtes and equipment Apply Pit Yacht Club. 1 137 FOR SALE Coo Venator ice box enamel finish. Al condition Yours for $M BU'e 317. 1 13S ;FOR SALE-3 cylinder Yale Marine Bntjine. 16 h.p.. good condition. Appy Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-opera Utr of-, flee. Oew Bay. im FOR SALE TfcMtan boat Xnvt-tator H -Kstlti'. roUj- equip ped. Apply Box 29 Dally "t u s. UJ9 FOR o ei. ALE P 14-fOOI , rowboat k. nw coostrucQoa. coosvucuQO. 3 3 years jears oM. ketch -iteed hr sstiUnm- complete with oars, sails, etc. $m. Enquire at Yacht Club, or Phone StS. 1S7: FOR SALS Household and Of- 1 . I.rnl... T3 LocgiDC Supplies etc. Nev Carbon Paper. Typewriter Ribbons. Staples Office Chairs. Rss 11x12. Typewriter. Desks Used Beds complete $20. Ches-torf ieW Beds S45 Kitchen Sets Dinine Room Sets $30 Kew Ho: Plates $330. Scatter Rues ; I . New Mattresses SUSO.I?"..!' "ff1 Coal mod Wood StOWS small sue $30 AU kinds of Other useful artlCies at reasOO- 1 IMF HkML RC Far.Hi.. fti i Black 3. ttf) FOR SALE 30' gWnet boat. S ft beam. T rtp. Easthope. Blue Baek It Gov Bajr Wharf. Box US Daily w&. iy;i FOR SALE House trailer Apply 15 nth East U3S) I ! IN THE SOTREME COORT OP ntmsa couimblv IN PSO&.TE IN THE XiATnER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP AOSTIN CART. DECEASED. TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that ay order af Rks IKur . E. na aaade on tbe ui w a xi iihi. I was .appotnied Ewcutor o( the wtate at Axnin usrv. OKwased All parties having claims arsteM the saM num are harebv required aae. nropeny verified to ne aa or www tne 31st day of Jur. VD liT after after vihieh vtlueh esshaa esahas fu fUediviard ' rwn.i.. OHlukase nrTv.. Coaanaaj Lamued i T of T refers to aay Hataa at Meh I then had no AMI U MrtW fodW to the MrAl avsav tAantauJ aa aa.. aa,. T -" w p.t ior krawui of aaT their aikakSrai Indebtedness a i tin a.v farthwttx. D.VTED tnis Sth dar of Juae A rt 1T JESSE RRXDOEN. Ewcaw Estate of Austin Car. etatroUaatO. Fulton. Barrister rttnc Kujwt. bc ' LAND REGISTRY ACT Re Lt One lit of BXxk r of DUUkt Lot Fifteen "A" llS-Ai Queen CharVttte DUtrkt astd to contain One decimal Sit One (1 l acres, more or kcs. as sh outUned red on Reference Plan S VHERS.tS MttfactorT nrtf at k of the above- Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Hwrard Tounc has ; been nied tn this office notice. t! hereby riven that I shall at the vol ration ef on month frwsx the dste of IJv first pnbllratlon hereof. Isve a TYovlskuui) OrttfWate of Title la lieu of aaid Jot Cectlctfate. unless. In the meantime valid ob leetWrn be ma1e to me tn vrtUnc D.VTEO at the Land Keftstry Of-tie. Woe Rwrt. RC. this Nth (tT t Me 1T A D ANTIRICW THOVTPSOX tvputy Rettrar of T.Uea. SKI MINING IN MOUNTAINS Olympic Teams of Cnnaila and United States tit Jasper JASPF-R Siweral members of the Canadian and United States Olympic ski teams have Just competed their la&t fling of trniniiwt in lwparatlon for next years uiynnjac. sramev m a special training setalbn In the Col umbia Icefield In. Jasper National Tark. They spent a number of davs In (his area accompanied by Instructors and a feature of the trailing was the preparation of an inttruetlonai ffhn by Oeovae Elseoaahmil whWi will be uswl for study purposes later on Members In the party are all well known to nc ski workl and are the Misses Rhona and Rhoda Wnrtele of Montreal; Harvey Clifford. Ottawa: Pauta Kann. Conway. New Hampshire: Gene Glllis. Oregon. The instructors vw Hturtwrt Schneider. North Conway. New Hampshire: Charlie FveraJi. Vancouver and Jonn-uy Anderson. Toronto, both of whom instruct In the Lauren-tiais. Ttonv Matt of North Conway, world famous ski luMruc-tox. was also in tin- pary but Is still hcW around on crutfhes nfter a broken W sus tained earlier this year. However, his advice was parUsnJarlf wimble. The party made $heir headquarters at the Colombia lee-field chalet located immediately in front of the teefteM glacier. Tony Matt was particularly enthusiastic about th- icefields as a ski area and deeiured the late spring sncw conditions were perfect for training purpeses and the general terrain was admirable o gTe !e siiiers a real test as weS as irtu confidence Here's Speedy Relief for Aching, Burning Feet Emerald Oil Must Give Complete Satisfaction or Money Cheerfully Refunded Get a two - ounce Iw. Ue of applicati.ins eauh nisht for a few Momes Emerald Oil full mghts find out (or yourself lust strength' today Every weli- how good it is. stecked drug store has this, vtfth . No matter how discouraged the distinct understandinc taat'vOu have been if vrm hr r,n your money will be cheerfullv .returned If it does not give you full and nmiiklp satisfartian " - Two or three applications of Moone's unrnia uii ana in m . douWe"?luci: Unie 010 huts Xnd asloV "coros. a fewcfc , .MIM.KAL APT WT,r,: ' .vriucAtiox i-k tlnlllH lll. Ill Mir4MMI.M -LION-. -TliitK- AMI -ftr-ru. HLVCTKIN- MIM IL1L TLVIM-i StttMte in tne PcrUMd Mm- in DtvMtun Where Located Kluautt Riw. near AUre Ann Lawful HoMer DoaaM Gordon XUrsfaaU. .Nvuober of the hoWexY trw mln- erY otrtincate 13M9-P TAKE NOTICE that DonaH Oonlon . MaMMU Pree Utnefk CerttfleMe No laStiS-P latemss. at tne cad of Uiit mate of lmprureroenU tor the pur- iS And further take noutr that actur.. "4.,,tt " aaee of such CaruftaMe of teBrore- Dated the Sth day of XUf. nvT D. Q Uarshau. TIMUI R SALE -4ttM SEALED TENDERS wtU a naeived by the Dtstrict at Prince Ru- 'Pf5" ! 5- ? f h?? X-ttJiS, W W ieet af saraee ceoar beaviex ttf f,Cl"Vr7 il'XM" the KhvT River C R I . . uae (ii year vrvu oe auowea ior removal ct ttsoser Farther oartieular of the CiK ! f!!!ttrVk,B "J3- "- " - Raaier D. R. Saakth at Prtace Rc- pert. RC J. CtXtST IISTRICT tAR4 Rerwdlar UUtrtrt af ntace Kaprrt TAKE NOTICK Ih TWt TA- ! Tswuv. exxupaU-muUct 'of reUutose avodaeta. kMM. i! anal for permkKua to purchaie the Mtov(la . - . . doKrtbed - . lands . situate ad- KftUUELC WAUOO UiAlMX. Lot MT RULf - l X East Ooait otsutat. far the purpose of ue in the manufacture of cet lukwe prvducu. Coouoencinc t a post pianted or. the easterlv boundary of the Canadian National Rattvmy rtgfel-ot-vaj about midvnav bMnm Ia vT wt. ocr r - "' w Kioerees w. also feet thence N2 dereea E. JW feet thence Ntd de-. decrees 30' E. EJCO teeclunc. Nl trees E 4W feet thence NS decree , decrees SX W3 feet ifZT w . Wt feet; thence N17 decrees 2 I" I' X desreea 13 W . T34 feet, thence Wt SJO feet more ot less w hich water mark of la T VTauun Ldaad: thence south- erty and vmtertT Wtowtnc the hath water nut of WatMn . .intersection unh the easterly boun - dare of the Canadtsa Nauona! RaU- aay rUhtaav thence somhertv amui we easterly KWtnaari of aud rUht-ot-vraT to paint of romminnw f?Jti tie, toaVvS L? " Mt twnra tne cause - ay nov coastracted tatracted and and Mnknc lntac the the saost aw asuthertr mwmiu wM pant af r Watsan watsMi ) Island to Lm ; and catra ( anre or test, ilesa mar nraTD rrunAssl COMPST UfTTED 1 dated inn v.b SHORT SPORT In the first innl.ig Savoy al- ' most earned a square on the I srore sheet of Tuesday night's j Icue baseball same In which Watts & Nickerjon boat Savoy 2 ern between Prlnot Rupert and to 0. Bruce Slmondson get on ' the ports of Alaska are not af-base vhn he was nicked by a fected by the Jones Act as the Lamble hook. Twu errors advanced him to thud and put Amey and M. S'.mondson on the ettier sacks.. Lamb'.c then put three geed ones oast Pavlikls atd Foster's drifter to the Infield was slaved home, torclng Sim- undson out at the plate. Lnm- ble then faded Moigan and the Savoy hepes for that inning. The Clothiers' first run was scored by Benny Windle. He walked to first and went around to third on Autone's single. With Lavine at bat. Benny Wt third before the tch an I-avijrne came through wUh a beautiful sacrifice bunt, Shier jeered the final run rf tlie game In the eighth, j A hM got him to tlr&t and Kerr's bunt gave him passage to sec- j ond. lamble then stepped up j and lafhed out, a Ion single to i left field that let Shier scamper hrme. Alex nill tosstn? the j horsehide for the Hotelmen, goi , ' three strikes part 8 batters and !? ued 8 hits. W.&N. Aa R H Shier 4 1 1 KfKT . 4 0 0 Larnbie 4-0 2 WlMte 4 1 1 Antoce . 4 0 1 Domlnato 4 0 1 LevHne 4 0 0 Smith .3 0 0 BeyiHMi 4 0 0 U Seharf 10 0 Savoy AB JR H B. .Simundson 4 0 1 Arr.ev 4 0 0 M S'mondson 4 0 1 tried Emerald nil thn r hw something to learn. Thousands v KtlnM. ,T .71 w wvm ttlV AUtU UUIU4U1J, IU4 manv distressing skin tmuhiA ormes urmes lm Ltd. and even priori druggist sells Emerald OIL Sat isfaction guaranteed ox money ' t fc2rsiS? I o- -.-,-m fct TIMRIJl SALE X-4tu; There wUi be o!tered for sale by PuoJC AucUon at the OTOce of the' Pore Ranger at Terrace. B.C at ' aoon on 1t 3Slh dar of June im: of th Licence X4233T aituaud 3 raUec t west of Kitsumkalum Lake. C R s. ' to cut 100.000 LS at cedar poles and pxunf. rreeMed anyone unaUe to attend the Auction in penoc. he may sobrart a sealed tender to N ooenefi a to a1 STJ . Ior Particulars from Chief Forester. OmXrKt Forester Prince B-C TIMBER SALE X-4JIS1 There vrtsl be ottered for sale by i uok Awnon ai tne urnce of the s Forest Ranper at Terrare B.C. at i latt k uuu. -r-in -.. Kh R4 CR S to cut Provided anyone unable to attend thf AurUoo to p,, may " ! o be opened at I the haw of AucUoc and treateJ as qq, td , One 1 1 1 vear wnl be aUawed for i ,ovnl of timber Particulars from Chief ronst-. iWeorta DMM Ftmur Mnn.) OT Raecer Cooper at Terc. BO R-VNGE 5. CXIAST PlStEICT Laad Reeardio: IrKtrkt af Ptiace Raprrt TAKE NOTICE that the Port Ec- rJ!J: . .r?f iaJ iMnnta ieUu S.T.'0. Sod tabids to dexeibMi i.n. .3 Watson ' faiand. Lot S07 rUrTsCcIS rteMrt iKa a..-. h aaa-ar wiaiiMjat Uk B tsne and use to the manufacture of ! ceuuioat products. OoouneociEf at a post planted -on the easterly boundary of the Car- about aaidvay berceen Lot jot Wat- son wane, and Lot xixacr X4 ! i oeress 39 w. 166a feet thence N i iWn s- r an t. . I j dacrees 5" E 1S43 feet thence S3 iri i-r 71 a tM CL TTl atark Watsoa t.-?- uJZnl , arterTdtrvr ' Vl. erlv vT.1 OXTVr 'utead to a tntersecUeeT wt,iS asterre boendarv c te cSLfni SSIl StrtS,.t!' wtherre f " xZ,. tM soutaerlr tlacr k. ::M.'t2 ootM of tcontMewnt: w a? ;me .nd tv.r.--i , ... nmtn -a- nr rv-K.ra .CT sad asntiata-ic W acres re cr ?.:ne tit !M' The sailings of the Brlggs Steamship Co. vessel Southenst- steamer ooerates under Amerl- ! can registry with American crews No passengers are carried. The plan Is to have Juneau businessmen buy carload lots for i ! shipment from St. Panl and i Minneapolis over the NorthernJ Pacific and Canadian National Railways direct to Prltrse Rupert. Juneau merchants have already stationed two men in the twin cities to co-ordinate the buying. Pavlikls 4 0 0 ' Foster 4 0 0 Morgan 4 0 0 Bill 4 0 0 Gurvich 3 0 0 Hartwlg 2 0 0 (2) Postuk 1 0 0 (3) Scherk til) In for Smith 3th inning (2) Batted far Hartwlg 7th Inning. 3) In field fer Hartwlg 8tt Inning. Batteries; W: & N. Lambk1 and'Antone. Savoy BiH and Mognn. Ump're-ln-cht?f. Joe Bereuski Base Umpire. George Howe The quickes SHOE POLISH .-c BLACK, THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Manager SpeeiaUxing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East .First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT LAND arnisTfet n-r 8: omrieau of Tiue No is-i to ot 4TOHjum (23 and Twinty-Tour (3). Block PortT-thm (43. Section Seven Lots Twenty -oo 21i nd Twnt-two COl. BJoek Eighteen IB CB TlTe ihi UMlTlilr- wen uji Blocs. Rttetten I9i Section Kicht (t CXtj of Prince Rupert, in the Province of Bnt- Uh Columbia (Map 923) WHEREAS sattsf actorr proof of lost the above CerUflcate of Title icmed a the name of The E P. SturUrant Company of Canada Limited has been "W U1 otnee. notice Is hereby rlTen that t thalL at the explratxm of one month from the date of the nrst publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost CerUflcate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry CKfice Prince Rupert BC this Sth day of May. 1M7 AX) ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. 1I rH5R0TT0 CIGAR STORE Fresh Tobaccos ! COTTAGE CHEESE Hew Creamed Fresh Made j VALENTIN DAIRY i Four Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Ttird Aresu SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rtooe Ti TXX. Bex HI FRASER STREET Prtace Rspert SHIPS AND WATERFRONT There was no halibut sold or. Jie local fish exchange this morning. Baseball Scores American Washington 4, St. Louis 2 Philadelphia 1-4. Detroit 7-New York 2. Chicago 3. Boston 3. Cleveland 0. National Pittsburgh 8. New York 7 St. Louis 4. Philadelphia 5-Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 4, Chicago 4-5, Boston 0-? r mint iAKd L and CAGES! L . HOIST, SKIPS I AFRTAT. TRAMWAYS LL M Bl is m rm m WESTERN BRIDGE STCEL f ASWCATOW LTD VANCOU1R. B.C ShflMnF7 (fw7Tyr? ltAiteAS z-Z With the 'edget BROWN, TAN, OXBLOOD INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 tad Ave. Phone 83 If y ior buHdin;. house or f cr. nitue vere lest through fire, voukl your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realise that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now! H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED r.6 S'lxtii Stre-t Three tailings Tti Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (AIX TIMES SHOWN DAVLIGin" SAVING) Tuesdays, l:Stfpa-CoQtdUara. Fridnys, s pm. Oatala. SatudayE, M:1S Ca-ncsaa. KETCHIKAN' Fridays. 129 iOisisht STOVAKT and ALICE ARM Sundays. 8 pm. QCFXN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AXD POET CLEMENTS lane 1S-Z7 Jtdy 11-25 FOR SOCTH ISLANDS me 15-39 imr w-SI MMntghL rEANE J. SKtWlcS Prteee Barren Aeart 1 Tiird Are Phce Cxss-TjS ATrirt5 Pays' OF ALL TIME! M 1 C r 1 a t i .1 - uoyccusiiavine,Usethir.;ii.i. icen Kazor and today's r.m-. ciuc ciaac. I hese two are maae, nt exactly, and eivevn, snavmg comlort You save monr ion. fnr Cp A,Vi i , . vMV Mwubic nipM n, double economy look. TPOI T III r i BLUE BLADES ever honed! PIIPFDT MfiTflD n IVWI L l I i I V I VUJ t I U, Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Distribute WRECKING CRANE AM) TOWING SERVICE WE REPAIR AND SERVICE ALL MAKES OF CARL AND TRUCKS PU rrcc a nunc vrvsu PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO, P H. UNZEY lA2LlCi.M L - KKrALSs - KLAL fcSTAT 21! Tourth Street Next Doc r B IJ' interior Motorists When Driving to Prince Rupert . . . t A 1 II. I a 1 , f" M nv t ii ii 'ii i .ir iinm. (i i r riiiiiir xr tii f . open again we look forward to m.-v....; Interior neighbors In town. For Prompt and Efficient Service It's Bob Parker Limited FORD Ala) MOXARCn DEALERS The Home of Friendly Sc r. Pn Rut T ITU r TV,IrJ 1 rm ThOIK FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LID. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES m Third A Ten up Next Coxmodore C-'e ? E"1 7 SHINGOLEEN : SHINGOLEEN IS MADE ON A TWO-OH f " ENTIRELY FREE FROM CREOSOTE IT 15 ' GCONOMICAL TO USE AND IS SITTABLE FC. ' ROUGH LUMBER. FENCES. ARBORS ET" YARETY OF ATTRACTIVE AND DURABLE r : THOMPSON HARnWAPF CO. LT vvai a a aw - S55 Third Arenae box net Pbcne ltl PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. lad Are. and Tta St PHONE 1 NFW ROY HOTEL A fioese Atnj rros B Ratti 5e c? M Snnmi Tint li MWIf Tate; PRINCE RUPERT, e 1 KNOX HOTE A QUIET. PLEASANT PLACE TO UVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED KOOiLS KZUl-- SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED Y&f UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Uuufxrs: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAt'