TEA The PRICE TAG of OPPO TIINITY There are a number of occasions in most every man's life when some "Cash at the Right Time" is really "The Price Taj; of Opportunity." ji most instances, the element of gain may not be important. The fact that you have immediate cash to take advantage of opportunity at the right time is the important factor. A great many economists believe that the man who puts away "Inflated Money" now, and 'Has Some Cash" at the right time, will be in a most advantageous position at some future date. What is your guess as to what $100.00, .. ...Ill l..... :.. .l i--- put away huh, vvju uuy in sia eigni ten twelve fifteen years? We believe that everyone has a better chance to have I lie I'nce Jag oi Opportunity" at the right time if he has "A Definite Plan" of accumulation to follow. Let us show YOU the plans we have to HELP YOU SAVE TO HAVE. INVESTORS SYNDICATE OF CANADA LIMITED Bruce McCallum, Dist. Rep. 212 Fourth Street Green !)17 t K KAL t A', the regular month v meet- TERRACE BRIDE" ..WCt HfnttViMi '. Annlicill - . . - ' ' a V I V A i.TTTF: 1 I AI1A1U.1I . ill IU 1 V day afternoon at the home j TERRACE Miss Jacqueline f Mrs II Kinj, me r"gurarne ieit;uiiwuciuA v.aa juwi u i j tu ; Vt.-i.Mji. nf n i- ft o r holri frit O r .1.11 rv vr- -MIIIl rilLTU yvilii v v vtiwi - -.--- ---- rttfirilL Al rS I). V I'." L. UiTTBCilli- J Mi: Brrnhe Sande. each -.1 . 1 -T-l ;'.n n "ivrr p'lirn nurp PTir The w.ii;rr of Miss Jacque- wn:z- and that trf Miss wulden will be. held Friday vc-;nj R-v R. Hills is onici- cleryman. Duncan de Kergeirameaux ar- Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays v. J V w hiiu aJU bUi UaAJt a a W u jj.ai" fcturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday June 13 and 14 "ITINY OK Till: ELSlNOKi:" tftu ti. . - . . . .... Tuesday, June 17 Cliatiic Ciian in "DANT.EItOUS MONEY" with Gloria Warren. Wednesday, June 18 "SILVER RANGE" Mth Johnny Mack Brown. by Mrs. F. Kirby Friday evening at the hem? c r Mrs. C. Haug-land. She received many pretty and useful gifts A number cf piano se'ectior.s were rendered by Miss Gladys Fisher and delicious refreshment; were served. Thc?e present included Mrs. C. Haugland, Mrs. F. Ffsher, Mrs. W. KirJT-'JtTick. Mrs. R. de Ker-gcmmeaux, Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. J. Gordon, Mrs. S. Campbell, Mrs. G. Haugland, Miss Gladys Fisher. Miss Frieda James and MiM Dorothy Cole. rived heme on Monday from Vancouver He is to be groomsman at the wHirc2 of his sister fWetfheeday. Mrs. K. M. Noake; arrived on Friday evening from Victoria to visit with her son. H. F. Noakes, who is on the staff of the Terrace Elementary School. .TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace 1 ,t,.c Tfivr.l!l TIME Ting! "fou YOUR CAR with Snrlne comes the urge to hit the open road again. Don't risk breakdowns. Our expert Spring Tune-Up will prevent trouble before It occurs. See us for a complete Spring Tune-Up. Terrace Machine Shop & Garage LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Hfllln-l Lumber Manufacturers sea Lumber T E UK A C E Logs, Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Willard Batteries TO NORWAY VIA PANAMA CANAL Dr. and nits. Jens Munthe Are Leaving Prince Rupert Tonight To revisit his homeland for the first time in seventeen years, Dr. Jens Munthe, Norwegian vice- consul here, is leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver where he will embark on the motorship Bataan of the Fred Olsen Line for Hull, England, via Panama Canal. He will b accompanied by Mrs. Munthe From Hull Dr. and Mrs. Munthe will proceed to Oslo in whicn city and Bergen they will visit. It is at Bergen where Dr, Munthe's 86-year-old father, for mer general in the Norwegian Army, resides. They expect to be away for three months. The Bataan Is the first post war Norwegian-built ship to arrive In British Columbia and she reached Vancouver yesterday, Captain Jens Holmsen Is master The ship was almost ready for launching when the German In Lvasion of Norway began so fur ther construction stopped forthwith until the return of peace. She sails 18 knots, is 508 feet long and accomodates twelve passengers in all. The voyage from Vancouver to Hull will take one month. Announcements All aorcrnseinm to vro corumn will bo charred for a full month at 25e a word. Tea and delicatessen sale at Catholic School Hall, June 14, and card party, 8 p.m. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs Watts. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, Mrs. C. Anderson's, June 25. r- FUNERAL OF SAM AYRES Final Rites Held in Tci'racc Tuesday Afternoon TERRACE The luneral of the late Sam Ayres, who died in Prince Rupert last week, took place on Tuesday afternoon frcm St. Matthews Anglican Church with Rev. R. Hills in charge of the service. The many floral tributes bore evidence to the esteem in which the de ceased was held by the commun ity. Almost everyone from Rcmo was present. Interment tcok place at Kal-um Cemetery. J. B. McKay and son were In charge of funenl arrangements. Mr. Ayres is survived by his widew and two children, Pat Simms of Vancouver, and Mrs. W. Trishirrran of Three Sister Falls, Manitoba. IJ.iy villi hike . . . f"H of filnlil) dasliiiiK t acliool n rrranua r juat lirre and tlii-rc! More lian exrrcise U iieedrtl to k c c i hi ni liraltliv. Hone nnil lioily IniiitliiiK iK-nl ilailv rnlloni f Vilani'in "C". SUN-RVI'E U Vllamin "d I'urlifU'd. jllnilc front frculi. ripe Okiumnaii Apples. (;iosour hoy tin-JM-p lie need?. Cool, rcfrcslilnn, r"H' he I wee 11 -meal a treat! Sparkling llh lieallh and goodness. That' SUN-KrE il'a TOl'S with hoyal Keep cans of SUN-RYPE handy. Children love it. aaBBBBMMfTwTT 1 I M 1 ' aBBBBBBai aaBBr' BaiaVaV 0 frBBl 1 Local News- Items .. . Sons of Norway meeting, Fri day, June 13 at 8 pjn. (138) Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Parker are leaving here at the end of the week 'by car on an extended motor trip through the southern part of the province. 100 per cent Pure Wool Gab ardine Slacks, tailored in the custom manner morgan's Men's Wear. (tf) W. She,ppard, who has been visiting at the home of his son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas' Gushue, Is sailing on the Catala Friday night to return to Vancouver. Parents are requested to register all beginners for the fall term at the nearest school, not later than June 20. Beginners must be 6 years of age by No-1 vember 30, 1947 Board of School Trustees. (138) E. H. Teagle, general manager, Home Oil Distributors Ltd , Van couver, and Neil McNeill, sales manager, came in by car with C. A. Kellett, northern supervisor, after a trip through the interior and will leave tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Col. and Mrs. C. R. von .Auren, who arrived In the city earlier this week from San Francisco by automobile, are leaving Saturday night by the Camosun to return south. Mrs. von Auren Is the daughter of Mr. and Mr3. R. A. McLeod, Ambrose Avenue. FUNERAL NOTICE STEPHENS Martha, beloved wife of Ernest Stephens. Aged 23 years. Passed away June 9. Rev. Basil S. Prockter will con-1 duct services at Grenvllle Court Chapel at 2 p.m., Saturday, I June 14. Interment will follow in Falrview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers In charge of funeral ! arrangements. (138) : Gyro Dance, Friday night, K. Of C. Hut, tickets. Phone 674. (It) Miss Dorothy Newcombe is sailing on the Catala Friday on a trip to Klemtu. Mrs. Reg Kelsey and son are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Ello's Furniture Store will be closed from June 16 to July 12. (J9) Dave McGrelsh is sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver after spending the last few weeks visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGrelsh. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips and family of Terrace were In the city yesterday for a brief visit, motoring down in the morning and returning home yesterday afternoon. Over the entrance to the mus eum has been placed a splendid set of moose horns which add greatly to the.lntertst of the ex terior of the building. The changes which have been made in the museum enhance the effect cf the djrplays and in many other ways bring about decided Improvements. ENETIAN BLINDS Quickly and Eaallyt use TRIPLE ACTION PerfeX ine ucnue dicuui Yes, Fleischmann's acrve Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier, tastier Clover Leaf rolls. Fleischmann's works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME; .you'll want Fleischmann's acriVe Fresh Yeast the Yeast, cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Order some today 1 Always fresh, at your grocers Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS ' FROM 11, A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 715 THIRD AVENUI WEST Ormes Ltd. "Dim Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 ajn. till 9 pjn. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 pjn. 7 pjn. till 9 pjn. Miss Netta McLeod Is sailing; on the Camosun Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. E. L. Harrison, personnel manager, B.C. Packers, Vancouver, and Dr. C. R. ELsey, of the company research staff, are sailing Friday night by the Catala to return to Vancouver after a business visit to the company's local plants. FUNERAL NOTICE PEAK In the city, Thursday, June 10, 1947, John William Peak, aged 82 years. Funeral services will be held in Gren-ville Court Chapel by Rev. Basil S. Prockter at 2 . p.m., Friday. June 13. Interment will follow at Falrview Ceme terv. B.C. Undertakers In charee of funeral. (It) "Build B. C. Payrolls" COFFEE TASTES BETTER .'J"?'?!?. See for yourself how much better a refreshing cup of coffee tastes when Pacific Milk is added. Its creamy-rich texture will improve It si- much you'll never want to be with out It! Try some today. At all grocers. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed mcKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 FiftfrS?-'"'11 aaalEaafe I 4 MAGIC EYE p Appetizing Mm v I N LOVER LEAF ROLLS tluU JtdfU you Buy Shoe lltat FIT! We are Justly proud ol our X-Ray Shoe Fitter, not alone because it saves us time and enables us to fit you belter.., but because Its Magic Eye enables you to See exactly how your shoes lit your ieetl It enables you lo buy shoes lor your, sell or your children that are exactly , right not only in style ana color . . . ' but. mostimDortanL In FIT. The most expensive shoes you can buy aren't worth a dime if they do not fit properly, the Cheapest shoes you can get are too expensive!! they injure your teet or cause your children a lifetime ol loot suilering. ; It costs nothing ex tra to use our expert X-Ray Fitting Set-vice in tact, It saves you money. Ask us how and why. Fashion Footwear LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street mi Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. . PRINCE RUPERT I?tincc Rupert Duffe Jacuis Thursday, June 12, 1947 FATHER'S Sunday, June 15 Smooth fitting Itroad-cloth Shirts a gift that makes a hit with Dad. See our stock of Arrow Dress Shirts in solid colors, sttipes and Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 DAY eTKKitMJtr'1.yj-j GIVE DAI) SOMETHING TO WEAR Mi.iii-pmnii4Bimi SWITCH McLITE says: "Good Wiring Is Good Insurance" FOR . . . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 0 HOUSE WIRING and REPAIRS O RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE Rupert Radio & Electric PHONE 644 BOX 1321 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargcrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. PANION sLadtfESi Clin vino rrpim IUA UUHII..K, vsi-uiit wvi. m ar- at " i' f jri"-. "air Tonic' .ji 1 .00 ntffi$LJ'A Creme-Oil Hair JJ" Vf Hair oil colonial club shaving lotion After-Shave Talc .... -100 Look in the mirror ind te. th flow Ddorant oof nSlS McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 71) FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern Haddie Fillets Place your order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA It's good business to keep your coal bin full! a You get speediest pos-sible delivery; of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERV LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Ik r 4U