1 6 i1 J t my 1 v t 11 Jiff' M !l: Plill, H B D B B lib B B B II, B Hv B B I! B B i ii' B B B B l li' a B b Mir B in, B l:l! B I HI,1 B III B I II, B Prince Rupert DaHp Btlvg Thursday. June 12, 1947 PATRIARCH OF INTERIOR DIES KITSBGUKLA Funeral services lor Peter Mtltcn, Kitx-guk-la patriarch who riled recently at the age of 87, were conducted here recently by Rev. Robert Morris. Deceased started what was believed tn be tiie first transport on ttie Skeena River, freighting between the coast and upper Skeena in a canoe. He was a friend of the late Rev. Thomas Crosby and Rev. V. H. Pierce, now living in Prince Rupert, when they were missionaries on the Skeena. He CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Dot a ftubborn bronchial couth, teltbtf phlegmy or dry ind backing) make yo choice, fisp. wheeze, keep you awakt aixhu? Relieve it oowl Do ai thou-nndt' have done get Templeton'a RAZ-MAH and Mop that cough I RAZ. M AH has helped othei let It help you. 19c. II at druggwu everywhere R-U ai B D WALLACE'S a B E 0 H B Watch 1 A i WALLACE'S I Diamond Engagement Rings I We carry a laige variety in stock and our prices ' are standard value all over Canada. I Several nationally-advertised makes of rings I ; in stock from Jo.OO to SUoO.OU. Abo we have a variety of fancy designs such . T I as clusters three stone rings and combinations H (lm of ruby, emerald, pearl and saffhire with diamonds. I U -JP ! Remember 1 DAD VmA ' . WITH WITH ONE ONE OF OF i 1 1 M rn .rsi w hi DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK was known for his devotion to Christian living and once built a squared log church on the Carnaby Indwn restrvc. He is survived by two sons George and William, and a sister, Mrs. Fanqy Milton. There are also a numoer of other relatives. Pallbearers were Tom Moore, Samuel Sampare. Wilfred Wegei, David Willfems. Ernest Hyzimos and Morris Williams. Andrew Smith. pioneer resi dent of over 50 years' standing in Nanalmo, haWi.g for yars been en??ed in the butcher business there. ls spending the week here visiting with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright. He expects to return south on the Camosun this Saturday" evening. DEPARTMENT STORE w our ripurft Everybody Else D The Beauty Lift That Lasts By GOTHIC Gothic brassieres are especially designed to (1) Lift, (2) .Mold. (3) Hold, and (4) Correct. The central reflex insert gives automatic adjustment of the brassiere with every movement of the body. SIZES 30 THRU 42 ALL PRICES Preshrunk, Gothic brassieres are washable and hold their shape permanently. .Made" in varied bust depth: Junior, .Medium and Full. Prices $1.00, $125, $1.30 to $2.25 Also By , OUR FINE CARDS THIRD AVENUE Francois Inspector Fenwick of the Provincial Public Works Department was here last F'icJay inspecting the ferry. 'Mr. and Mrs. G. W Catacre and family ot five, just arrived from England, have boujnt the Sam Long ranch here and moved in. C. A. Kellett rf Home Oil Dis tributors Ltd. was visiting in the district on Sunday. Mrs. J. Jeffrey attended the rchool meeting in Burns Lake on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R'nrmer of Prince Rupert' are staying in the he ? Cottage at the Landing for their holidays. r oes . Gothic . . Softie Girdles D & A Girdles Nu Back Corselettes oc ourse CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Ratei for your convenience ... NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooma CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) raoNB ii UrilOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery .Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 Johnny's Snack Bar (Under New Management) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee Waffles Lunches "A Pleasure to Serve You" Classified Aaveriisin? Payaf Lake News Robert Eaton left on a special ferry Sunday morning with 14 pack horses for .the south He will be with the government topographical party for the summer. Mrs. Weldon is UsiUng with the Corner family for two weeks. Recent rains have been very welcome after the hGt dry spell and the hay and crops and gardens are doing well. The Francois Lake and Tches-lnkut lake school children held a sale of their work on Thursday afternoon at the Institute "Hall and they also served tea. The numerous sewing and handi craft articles vere really good. The proceeds will be used to buy irorta articles for the school children. Mr. and Mrs. Eert Durban eceived a wire saying that then-daughter's husband, Gordon Earl, -was Critically hurt at the Saskatoon Exhibition and was :n hojpXal there. They left or. Saturday momim? for Saskatoon. Mr. Earl lives, in Newgate and has been riding the rodeos for some time throughout the country. Mr. and Mrs. Tierney of Pasadena have recently arrived here They will live at Paradise Lodge and h.elp the Nelsons with their! visitors for fishing and hunting I The Synped iamKy have come FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing. Printing, Enlarging Portraits. Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt .Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "Aoic? Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 ajn. to 2 ajn. PHONE 173 REMEMBER DAD on MANY ATTEND .INTERIOR RITES KITWANGA Fuueral of Mrs. Charles Wilson, who died at her hi me here after an illness of ihrce months, was held at the week-end. with Adjutant Randall of the Salvation Army offi ciating. The service was attend ed by a large numfbtr of friends and family members. Assists with the service was Harold Sinclair, son-in-law of the deceased, who nad a passage frcm the Psalms and spoke re gretfully of deceased's passing William Wale, brother of the deceased, afco payed tribute. Peter Wale, another brother, was organist at the service. At the graveside. Mr Sinclair Kins the hymn '"God Be With You "Mil We Meet Again." I PaHbearers were members of he Y.P.E-A. club of Hazelton. There were a large number of floral tributes. SPEND DAY AT LAKE LAKELSE KITWANGA Mr and Mrs. avid Williams and children, Violet. Moses. Wtlterd and Caleb, motored to Lakelce Lake at the eek-end, enjoying a deasant day rowing and picnicking. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, who lived in the Lakelse disfict 35 years ago, noticed a considerable change in the area. In Terrace, they viskted Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Mc- Pa"1 and Mrs. Kennedy. from Idaho by road and are settling on .the Evan Nobles !arm. ROASTED IN FOR WESTERN USERS WAR ASSETS COAL Fer Ton Screened Lump, sacked $1: Mine Run Bulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER I pfinvr r o We SerVe You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West FATHER'S DAY See us for useful and lovely gift suggestions that are sure to please. TOURIST BOOM CANBERRA, Australia, -9! A ! boom in tourist travel from Am erica is experted to last the next 10 years according to a shipping expert. The war has awakened America's interest in Australia and when the luxury l'ners re turn to their pre-war comfort they will carry touiists, LAND TRAVELLER. TOO Although 'a water mamma, animal, otters make leng'hy overland journeys. Glllis Royer is sailing tonlgh on the Prince Rupert for Van' couver to attend a Moose con vention. lMrt-JrGIDIT Dlirxiuron HAROLD r. RITCHIE. 'COMrANY 4.TO. m. t '"-a - r Electric Sewing .Machines For Kent Ria.snnnhlp Rotnt Phone 864 Prin :e Rupert Singer Sewing .Machine Co. THE WEST Your EYES Scientifically Protected The New Cool Ray Optical Ground Sun Glasses Safety Zone Protection Attractive Clip-on or Regular Large Sixc $2.95 to $6.50 MANSON'S Jewellers 518 Third Avenue West Phone Green 324 GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. I 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1426 TODAY LAI FIVrtKE f . 73 r-.J " !! CAPITOL A erne 633 3rd Ave. W. 06I in . Hum ot tn (linn t mini FATHER'S DAY.. JUNE IS Sanitary ANN SOTIILRN "UNDERCOVER MAISIF" Also "FAITHFUL IN MY F -innw i Clothing Acme has what LdO Phone wants 359 Efficient COMMODOItE mi We Arc Most Anxious to Serve You BREAKFAST MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH In a well ordered BaiHjiiel Hall we serve Luncheon, Dinners, Banquets ;indj cater to parties of all kinds. (Call 17 for. full particulars!. A Constant Supply of Ice Cream Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYJJHAVN, Proprietor. a c tire V. T. COOPER, Managi" HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS FMnNIKuN AWNIM ft .SAIL WORKS Phonp BLUE 12C 16fr Eat Third Ave. (Next to Shentom