a ' SPECIAL GIIRINEnS' SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1947 j,, rtiii and it was , - 1 ,v French nnd 1 , 1 .1 Upon his re- , .1 1 r. j b iorence uis . c anility of an or- ' friend, Dr. a i "is -"M- :d the Ancient uie Nobles of o teach men f laughter and r smiles in o irrow. the Shrine T. nlayjround .itlfir it MA ton with the Il.wever. Its .id are re-W.nr Knights 1 "'ee Srottish At.d until 1920. & Prince Rupert Dnflp BtW -if asons Playground, Shrine Has Noble Function 1 r ai 1 & A HnniiiHSs ill 1 unprc n Manc Of Helping Children to Health 01 --iij'iJL 0 U,U"H inspired i r 1.. r ti r jidinji a legend, the distinguished American iVillian J. Florence, on tour abroad, met the oi Lm; l'r who was head of the order of the Shrine "f the East. Charmed by the geniality Ame' an, the Sultan arranged for Florence's ,n int. the Order at Cairo. Afterward, the ranslation of fun was the Shrine's order of the day. There were no complaint' Nevertheless, there was a feelin; largely subconscious, that, In Trder to continue to .rew and to attract the right kind of men, Ihc Shrine must inevitably undertake a worthwhile and constructive activity that wtuld r.o frorth Am-ibencflt communities ar.d natiins s:ine of North membership of designed to boy in the :r from serious in a and alro frlvo '.hat trreat inner satisfaction which all men seek It was at this psy:hologlca! moment, at the annual convention at Indianapolis In 1919, that i resolution was introduced to undertake some kir-d c? philanthropy. But it was not until the following year at Portland. Ore-iron, that W. Freeland Kendrlck. then the Imperial Potentate, introduced a specific resolution that the Shrine build, equip and operate hospitals ior the rehabilitation ot crippled children whose parents could not afford top medial care necessary to make them walk, and that these children be admitted without regard to race, creed or color. This resolution was dramatically supported by Nolle Forrest Adair of Atlanta. .Georgia. elcome bhriners ! Our noble order." said Freer We civc vou a hand on your visit 1 - II " T 1 I . w rnnce Kupert, ana nupe yum 4 . . ay will be a real pleasant one. Burns & Co. Ltd, o i KfclYlE, munis, your icisi viaii. Some twenty years ago - i m yv HIT '"cc Kupert is happy to wiiLLumt. you again. Howe Ml! SUC ON I) A V K N If U Welcome Gizeh Ity PERCY TINKER & CO. LIMITED fenfs I IMITED Brokers llvL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS uons at first. Of course, no one doubted the worthiness of the proposal. The questioncould '.he Shrine undertake so serious ,U!i: UTTI'IJLY INLIKi: HOSPITALS One thins that most Impresses visitors to the hospitals is how utterly unlike hospitals they are. they have tried to make each f them like a large nursery and playroom with Mother Goose rnd story book figures in mur als, and on bibs, napkins and Icwels. There are libraries and. plenty of toys. The windows are large and there are rpaclous sun porches and terraces. This all contributes, plu the skill and understanding of the exceptional men and women on each staff, to the s-unpr'.slns?ly high morale of the children. Thus, for 24 years, the Shrine ! f North America, has not Just ' tfood for tolerance anion? men, j but demonstrated it. forcefully, throuah these 15 hospitals. There have been Chinese, Jap- i ancse, Indian, Mexican, Kcgro. Italian, Greek, Spanish and many other racts and nationalities. They have been , of virtu cliy every religious faith, some of no faith at sll. It makes no difference. For in applying to a Shriners' HcJipital for Crippled Children, there .are but. four, questions:. Is the'Chlld or poor' parents? Can he be helped? Is , he mentally sound? Is he under fourteen? That's all. The rest doesn't matter. Me Too! NILE TEMPLE TO KETCHIKAN Prince Rupert is not the only north coast town that Is host to a Shrine ceremonial this year. Ketchikan will,behaylng a similar experience in Julywfieh' Nile Temple of Seattle comes north for a ceremonial and many southeastern Alaska novices will tread the burning sands In alleg orical rite. n task and carry It through to success? Ssven years later, 15 hospitals, staffed by the finest doctors and nurses in North America, equipped beyond anything so far i.inri.vAnAriiiv twtii nover. findilknawn in orthopedics, were Us rout until it unites on some great humanitarian project and erects a living monument as evidence of the worthwhile ex istence cf the Shrine." Naturally, there were objec- PRACTICAL HAPPINESS Here is an illustra tion of the practical Work of bringing happiness which the Shriners practice, The picture was. taken In one of the many crippled children's hospitals. making each year over 17,000 dreams come true dreams of little children, dream3 oi bln able to walk like all the other children. comes THE NOBLES OF MYSTIC SHRINE AND THEIR LADIES . . . 0 Best Wishes, for a Pleasant Journey ... May Your Stay Be An Enjoy ablc One! Eielly Douglas ftd BRUCE McCALLUM, District Manager Investors Syndicate of Canada Limited Educational and Income Programs 212 Fourth Street Green 917 N ORTH STAR BOTTLING WORK "Tie Home of Coca-Cola" Welcomes the Shriners'' 1 Most Cordially S HERE WE ARE BUNCHING TOGETHER TOa JJ J !: 108 m ; I: WELCOME The Nobles and Their Ladies to This Prince Rupert of Ours , I'M Happy Days to Each and Every One Is Our Hearty Wish To the Visitors Come in the evening or come in the morning, f , t Come when you are looked for or come without warning, And the oftener you come the more we will welcome you. Benson's Photo Studio 305 Third Avenue West Fashion Footwear Is Happy to Join Most Heartily in the WELCOME f v (.-fl .M . . ..v ROYAL HOTEL NELSON'S BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP GROTTO CIGAR STORE SWEET SIXTEEN LTD. RUPERT BUTCHERS McCUTCHEOH PHARMACY LTD? A. E. & J. H. FERGUSON H. G. HELGERSON LTD. BACON FISHERIES MANSON'S JEWELERS FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET MACEY'S LUNCH- to the NOBLES OF GIZEH TEMPLE Dom and Dan Shine With the Shrine, A We' are slad indeed to Welcome the Nobles Fraser & Payne LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR, DRY GOODS ti We Arc Happy to Welcome All the g fc Shriners to Prince Rupert ; ll 1 i i John Gurvich, Contractor (Also TAXI 32) 'A i .a 0 iH? '"' 111 it -I i - i t i i i ii J!'- i J"