FUL (fl . ' m! ' 'j-jz?J 1 mw .tsjl flf ilf ' THE 'BAND Arrival or Vancouver nonn- THE PATROL ity aboard S.S. Princess Norah and S.S. Chilcotin. Presentation of Keys to the city by Mayor Nora Arnold to Illustrious Potentate Richard Nelson. t uu- itiiimiM i nnrin iriim minis through city streets. dies, Civic Centre. 'v dinner lnterniibsiun. uiuu -iveception iur at , Candidates and Ladies, UM Landmark. (Look for sign "Oasis"). v "ana L-oncoert anu .iiio,...Mjr Shriners' Band and Patrol,' Court House Grounds. JU Ceremonial Ball and Lntertain- ent, Civic Centre. 1 A CEREMONIAL, GIZEH TEMPLE Ancient and Arabic Order, Nobles of trie Mystic Shrine Held At - FRIDAY PRINCE RUPERT May 23 and 24, 1947 M . . , it M I !1 SATURDAY , . 11 A.M. Business Meeting of Gizeh Temple, Civic Centre. 1 1 :30 Novices report to Recorder for registration, Civic Centre. 1 P.M. Parade, from Civic Centre,, joining Kinsmen's parade. Route: West along Third Avenue to Fulton Street. Fulton to Fifth Avenue, west on Fifth to Borden Street, Shriners breaking off to seek out "Hank's Oasis". 2:30 Shriners' Band and Patrol at Roosevelt Park to join in Kinsmen's Sports. Candidates and wrecking crew tojreturn to Civic Centre. 3:00 Afternoon Tea1 for Ladies, Old Landmark. 5:30 Ceremonial Dinner at Masonic A Temple. 6:00 All iladief of Nobility invited aboard S.S. Princess Norah for dinner. 7:00 Band Concert, Court House. ' 8:00 Ceremonial First Section, Civic Centre. 9:00 Ceremonial Second Section, Civic Centre. 12:00 Nobility leaves Prince Rupert. I i We It is a pleasure, on belialf of the good citizens of Prince Rupert, for me to extend a hearty welcome to the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and their ladies. . . . SPECIAL SHRINERS" SUPPLEMENT mmm Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the '.Great Northwest.' Friday, May 23, 1947 EDITORIAL The Daily News joins heartily in the welcome to Gizeh Temple which has brought its colorful and tuneful array to Prince Rupert for these two days to conduct the ceremonial of initiation of novices from city and district. The Nobles and their ladies are one of the largest and probably the most distinctive group of visitors which the city will have this year. Those who were here when the last Gizeh Temple ceremonial was held in Prince Rupert something over 20 years ago, still remember the pleasure we derived from the visit of the jolly Nobles who represent the spectacular branch of Masonry. t K, The Mayor's Greeting I trust that their visit will be a happy and memorable one. It is an honor and recognition that Prince Rupert should have been chosen as the venue for this important and colorful gathering. Be assured that every hospitality possible will be gladly extended. NORA E. ARNOLD, Mayor. 1 We know we are going to derive a great deal of enjoyment from having them again and all Prince Rupert,people will be anxious to do what they can to welcome them. That their two-day stay among us will be happy and enjoyable in every way will be the wish of all. Prince Rupert feels honored at this important visitation and it is our hope that, when the time for parting comes, the Shriners wll feel as happy about having been here as we are at having them. So welcome, Nobles, and may your two days in Prince Rupert be happy and memorable ones for you. Greetings WELCOME to GIZEH TEMPLE NOBLES to the Nobles and Citizens of Prince Rupert Over two hundred members of GizeJv; Temple will arrive j, your eityon May23 and remain there 'until Sunday "morning, May 25. We are inaeed pleased, and proud, that the Prince Rupert Shrine Club has arranged to have our Temple, with the uniformed bodies, come to your city to hold our Spring Ceremonial, and to enter into activities with -you there on May '24. We appreciate the fact that a great deal of work has been done by the members of the Shrine Club In Prince Rupert but also we Know that we must have the co-operation of the citizens as a whole. iA-,v( ' Now, on behalf of the officers and Nobles of Gizeh Temple, we salute you, Citlzqns of Prince Rupert. RICHARD NELSON, Potentate For information regarding; Prince Kupcrt and district enquire of PRINCE RUPERT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r.O. Box 158 Prince Kupert, B.C. Canada. H0 ?.