1'4 lrfnrr ttuncrt Dally tf3cui0 PRICE The Exclusive LADIES READY-TO-WEAR (MRS. PARKER) Greets Gizeh Temple Ladles of the Party arc Invited to Visit Us "GIGGLE WITH GIZEH" Silversides Ems (C.I.L. Paints) i t We Are Hajipy to Join In the Welcome to Nobles of Giieh Temple We Appreciate the Good Work of The Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. We HAIL and WELCOME you. B-A OIL CO. LTD. THE - Dybhavn and Hanson Fire Insurance Agency -Welcomesllhe Shriners" Welcome Gizeh Temph V May Your Visit Be it Happy One Pririce Rupert Supply House THE Chinese Freemasons i WELCOME The Shriners - HOST TO Beautiful Prince Rupert VThe Key to the Great Northwest" Situated In the heart of Central and Northern B. C.'s trmjurc chest of Virgin natural resources. 3t of the Cetanese Corporation of America's $15,000-080 celaaeee pulp mill. Gateway to the statehood aspiring territory of Alaska. Five hundred miles closer to the Orient than any other Pacific Coast port. Terminus of transprovtncial highway and transcontinental railway. Third ftneat all-year harbor in the world. Centre of thet&riadian Pacific Coast's fishing Industry: The largest fih cold storage plants in the world. , A modern seaplane bae. A large, strictly modern drydock and shipbuilding plant. A grain elevator with a capacity of 1.250,000 bushels. A large modem ocean dock. A huge industrial warehouse. Railway1 shops employing about 100 mea.s Several ship sheds for building and repairing small craft. Provincial government distrfct offices and court house." Dominion government fisheries, customs and other offices. Marin department station. Dominion government wireless station. A $250X0 post ofricc. Modern abbattolr. Ice factories. $f Many docks and wharves. Fish Reduction Plants. Numerous salmon canneries in neighborhood. Fine modem retail stores. Modern local and long distance telephone services. Steamship services to Alaska, south to Vancouver and Victoria, and west to Queen Charlotte Islands. Four large oil and gasoHne distribution stations. The finest civic centre in Canada. Five schools with over fifty teachers. Seven churches, representing the most Important denominations. A modern 150-bed hospital. Up-to-date public library. P.aved streets and concrete sidewalks. '-, Well-kept gardens and pretty residences. " 'Number of clubs and fraternal organizations.. No severe cold in winter. No extreme heat In summer. No mosquitoes or other Insect pests. Great opportunities for boating, fishing and ljunttng. Fewer climatic or other disadvantages than mot places, in Canada A harbour that never freezes. ELCOME ANCIENT AND ARABIC ORDER, A Nobles of the Mystic Shrine kUrtthat youi -cernnial wil be sucSful Wl that your excellent work In w of crumpled children will long continue. 'ZmJUOLlF'? ""rtisgladtp have you and anything that the citi-S?i? r SSS yUr 1S,t 3 PPy memorable one wilf gladly done, Thomas B. Black Arthur Brooksbank George B. Casey Clifford G. Ham Nora E. Arnold, Mayor Aldermen Robert McKay Arthur S. Nickerson 'George W. Rudderham T. Norton Youngs