story of zeh Temple SPECIAL SimiNERS1 SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY; MAY 23 1947 prince Umirrt Dnilj? f3ctoc 13 Shriners Territory of Alaska If! ' ! X?j PICTURE-Illustration of the work accomplished o Shrine hospitals for crippled children.. hriners7 Song Sheet a la Pr. Rupert cicje songs and Join your voice In the welcome) L Tune of "Smiles" HtVs a Smile foj every SHRINER, Ana car every Lassie, too. E a smile for everyone you're meeting, juj Youll find they have a smile ifoi you. E. ,p a Smile when days are dark; and dreary tt iJ make the world seem brighter, too, Ar.3 -.'member If you keep on sniillng ,he SHRINERS will smile at you. Tune of "Happy Days Are, Here. Again. , We wi lcome Shriners here today Wt :e colng to have a happy holiday, B:, Vt listen while we sing to you -Huppv times are here for you." A., "''her shout it now T; c no one who can doub it now;, t A. ) x;e really hope you're feeling fine :e you'll have a darn good time., F c jour troubles and sing. The ikies with laughter will ring. Y a ve come here so STRUT .your stuff, Y, j make darn sure you've cheer enough. ( Ai- warn you, leave we hope .that, youjvllj say. . W ,, come back some sunny day." ! K).S- Turin of "Tmnerarv" - 1 i j are WELCOME to Prince Rupert, , 1 " Ii u t,Tand place to be; : E .:t forget, the place you came from , ; Ari :;f worries youll be free. ' j HELLO' everybody we hopeyou're feeling 'fine, j j Es jjrself and be darned happy I i L r Welcome to the Shrine. ' J ' t: ood time to get acquainted, t rood time to know ' W... standing close beside you,. A: 3 ' smile and say "HELLO." I G: r.!by chilly shoulders, .. F. .rear n glassy stare, ; W x- we all Join hands ind. pull, together. ' r urp to get there. 2 Cone Through Times in Canylng nt Work i was granted to i T ;;ie in the City of j . 902, which would . ,:ticn over British, i..r.d the Canadian We Robert E. Brett was th :Pctc-.;e I'S E." R. Leeson. the first ."d:r v.i requested to select we fr he Tecnple, andhe, V M sc:c :ted was that of an r.'-amld, one of the and best known. Glzeh Temple has gone, rusn v;ry intertstlne times. "ued to have head at Victoria until four 5 ago. when it was felt that, Fount- of the krger increase I'WatL .j in the Cltv of Van- I er the Trmnlfl Jltl be moved to Vancouver wnni; ion was .eranted ,rQ--V!"V bv the ImDerlal M in (942 to officially make 1 fantTw I4 Tennpie has under its ruction shrine mnhs situ m the different narts of the v'nce which clubs perform a We!are of the Nohilitv in the "We d!stHo onrt also lneia work with Crippled iZU1, Th Temple and UnJ , 5ent a Boodly number Ymitn to Shrine Hosnltals rnAU.i. ' ""Paiiv to PnrManrt finnk I &nd WinnlDeffV and fchn re J6 Bttwtrh c-t the Temple has "'"tVenro . '"a Nelson, IUustTlQus Po- Lachlan Mamnlllan, Chief Rabban. Sen. Stan S. McKeen. Assist ant Rabban. H. F. Rifel, High Priest and Prophet. Gordon Shafer, Oriental Guide, D. D. Munro, P.P., Treasurer. W. M. Meston, Recorder. President Harry E. Truman of the United States is a memberi of Ararat Temple, Ancient and, Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mys- J tic Shrine, Kansas city. Welcome Potentate McDowell of Seattle on Pilgrimage Bringing the warmth and. radiance of. the Shrine i to Alaska in which Prince Rupert is so interested, enterprising Potentate W. Hal McDowell, of Nile Temple, Seattle, made a pilgrimage by air,, accomr Fairbanks, the Farthest North Shrine Club PAUL AIVAZQFF IS WELCOMED At least one of the Shriners who was here with the 192C pilgrimage of Gizeh Temple is back again today with the current ex ¬ cursion. He is Paul Alvazoff, an old timer of Prince Rupert, who has resided in Vancouver for al most twenty-five years since leaving here. Old friends will be eivlne a carticular welcome to Paul Alva zoff who they are glad to see for the first time since he met with a painful accident over a year ago In whlth he lost an arm. Paul, who came to Prince Ru pert as an immigrant boy from Russia in the early days df Prince Rupert and started at the very bottom, Is an exemplifica tion of one of the successful greeted the aisunguisnea. visum with a parade, winding up with a Ceremonial at the Masonic Temple where 42. novices were initiated. At Nome Anvil Lodge had hastened the completion of its new home to provide appropriate atmosphere for the Initiation of thirteen lucky candidates the first Ceremonial there inj fifteen years. At Anchorage 33 candidates re ceived,, the First section, at. the. Masonic Temple and adjourned to larger quarters, so that the novices could have ample room to cavort in the second section. The Anchorage Shrine Club has purchased 50 Hospital Memberships and promised another. 50 by year's end. At Juneau another 19 were in the class to receive the. work at hnsiness men such as stories are the Masonic Temple. Potentate written about. He has been i Hal McDowell spread the mes eminent in (nHuttHni affairs ! safi-e of the Shrine and trie in Vancouver for years and, among other interests, is, owner or the'; Capitol Theatre .building in Prince-Rupert I ' Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Children In broadcasts from Fairbanks. -Anchor ace and Ju neau. irjc There'll be a hob time in the old town, ' Happy Days, Shriners WELCOME to ! Prince Rupert City Transfer "Happy are we, the Shriners to See MAY YQUR VISIT BE A HAPPY ONE - j Pioneer-Canadian Laundries Nobles ot the Mystic Shrine WELCOME to Prince Rupert and to Swift Canadian Company Welcome Shriners We, give you a hand on your visit to Prince Rupert, And hope your stay will be a real pleasant one Bob Parker Limited FORD'S MONARCH DEALER CHILCOTIN ON MAIDEN TRIP The Shriners' pilgrimage brings the new. Union Steamship Co.'s liner Chllcotin here on her maid en vovaee. Converted CastleJ class .corvette, she is an exact sister ship , of the steamers. Co-qultlam. and Camosun which have been on the run for the past few months. Capt, Alex McLennan is master. Tha Chllcotin. -252 feet in 2750 . h. p. steam: engines on a sinele screw which give her sixteen knots, speed, Capt. Alex, McLennan, spoke, highly of the performance of the vessel other officers of which include Chief. Engineer, Gjeorge Crajgen, Pursei; O. C. Foote and Chief Steward Jack Me'nnles. Drove From. Kamloops For Shrine. Ceremonial I T'S BEEN a long, long time I- Since you were Here last, SHRINERS. We're happy to have, you. again? Come; sooner and of tener. ili i i 'While 'you are -here. I i ' --T:-f ? ..n't Welcome to Prince Rupert 'S- McLean's Shipyard Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, We would like to have you call EDMUNDS & WALKER LID. Welcome . ' i: .' - ! Nobles and Ladies Prince Rupert is happy to have you i Best Wishes fgr a pleasant journey And an en e stay among us . . AA4. Prince Rupert Hotel Co. Ltd" Insnector and Mrs. Ernest Gammon arrived in Wed- length, equipped with the most nesday night by car frqm..Kam-r. modern devices for navigation loops where Inspector Gammon and handsomely appointed is now province uu,u" throughout, has berths for 100 first class passengers with many appointments. Like the al inspector.. They, are, here in, connection with the Shrine con vention. CEREMONIAL, CENTOE-Prince, Rupert's: greaf' S2u0,6(fo Civic Centre, the envy of all Canada and which manjw otherilarge.r cities covet, is the principal venue of Gizeh tfempleV ssprins ceremonial; Like all other visitors, to Prince Rupert, the Shriners enthuse oyer Prince Rupert's, enterprise and. good fortune at having such a fine centre, -as. this. fox. all community Activities. rj.:: John Bulger Ltd.. JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS ...;iHM ' Wishes the NOBLES ; - stv S i Happy Days in Prince RupertX T C - ... j I . IF THERE IS ANY COURTESY .we' lean render, gf t Any assistance we can. give 1 We wilibe happy indeed to do'itwt 1 , f s: WELCOME SHRINERS Albert & McCafferV Ltd: "Happy U raecl" again WITH THE JOLLY NOBLES AND THEIRiCHARMING LADIES . . ' vi . A'.'''' Welcome: Gizeh )! Standard of B.C II- I Mi ' - ii ! !