I I nv At A i tfrf iff s mi, 5 mil I m liHincr Uiuictt Friday, May OOooooooootKioOaooooooooc Whiff lets i it -1 - iy J From The Waterfront l8 vhvUKVVor John' V rtn nwj.v. bor'.hed at the ov-rvutm-Mt nVek vfw a centre of juration last wwutn With wwuuth of the attattwon gone, walkin atarie wntat a pleas-rr and there vnfro wany hts Vttwttn ttw on Ihf dock and the fallow aboard. This I the tint the dtttroytr has lyn ai Prince KwpeHv Drtilf JcUi 33. IPU Southeastern Here Shortly;M; tor SB.TTLK lV.ijiy SUnnwhiJV tV j motorshlp ivcifchter South- ! eastern, recently reconverted ai 1 &m Francisco for use in a new service 1lch Is betnjs instituted between the Hrttih Columbia Vtft and railhead oi Prliwe Ku-! lvrt Mud .vouUwasteni Alaska, ft tww in Seattle loading earsv and wlU said direct for Ketchikan rYom thare b will proceed to Pttue Kuprt to pie tn a ear for Mi&a which was delivered to the toast ow lb northern i line of the Ok HHlxftn National 'eastern wttt rn irlv bf- Jwtw smtbapni Ala?RV and Prtncr KHiwrt. tskUot l to that 'van fUh ami Hxer fNfwnodtthw for tnsbrwot i ttw ttatbfd xvw ;!v :mttvrjf broujrht from M-.Wli- V$t ,:, a O 'is. m?d f ttw i w S;nvshn C. mnd T. H fc',UMke fluff Ven fmtUaUvMvtjk Thereafter the Pouth- lhw mtt bw 1ml. XN.tNtKJVt ' 2 4 1) I'M WV Kt..lVV .X t .. .v. rtw. a i-A-.- .-- twNi - Mit m - V f KMxri KC UkO atWi m.x .vn ikSSiTTW 5 a RUPERT j iKKKCftk&tkttlKlIII v :rsf tit MWUMter. J Hvn. Lmwmvw Mutewr: S r-;nof K4jert bcow jjm tuen tOi RtwK or tv sovohiNKittm or(w Hnry Htwn tHoiei- :..-;!'. Tti- SvutHtMB is joct John icdbm HJNort , Priju" Rupert Jor.e t Aytowo 1 WUIiam Henry Lionet MHt-member of Mttl Ao- tm Herbert VJfcce Letch if:thn of Cxwwnw vrtli l be !s$uers4. Oordon Uadsy nn Wnw Rweert t the Utte Kwtiksa. Gtertes Ktl-m wt with the tr- ;iWU& Xtorrts Jr. SmtUMrj. A'.- st;uthM of the iew trade move- ;nsnt thtmh that port. 'rr'dont Mother Wcak Condition ORAXOWSW. .v --Weak- ;da that he way reanun to Mis- sxnHi ntttottoftoh antess there Is- oiicimv cnaafRr wr e muu , There has bm nv perceptible efeana in Mr TramanV con-; PEOPLES STORE Your Summer Outfit h Here! SLACK SUITS BATHING SUITS SWIMMING CAPS SUN SUITS SLACKS - SHORTS SUMMER DRESSES ANKLE SOCKS SKIRTS and BLOUSES 2ver sfijis? wtl varied mI at fk$ as ahwtj tkal atet wtr FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. Conyplctc Wear or Gtrts Tx . , Ajrs 1 to 16 Rupert Peoples Store UUIIIMIIItU IUUIIUUIIIIIIIIIIII Xa. V BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK KORTHWEST CONSTRUCHOK LTD. Kaal$ fwa t a- ti aRvn. $S$ yi:ft-4 RS CHIEF JUSTICE TO PRESIDE (Continued from Pate 1) Hilda Kd Kllo. W. O. Fulton petitioner Arthur Lloyd McKUley versus axsoe McKmley. Ihbert Henry NtcFrUuK io-resp u.tem. " luwn (or petitioned William Leslie TUewJb versus Kdilh Isobel Tttcoma. A. It. Brown for prtitlonar. Kffir Parens www Btmar Pa- A H Rrxwi for petitioner. O, Roy Low. vanuwvar souti-tor. tor respondent. William Henry Kaberis w lid Httfl Robert. Alex Ft- .Hwrxxttbt a. T. H&r- wy tor . .t.1JP p4Uonr Klttbtl) Kuth CawfUl vrss uUUonr. CkroUne Stan vww Ororjrr Aucwstus Slwrp T. Hmy for peUUonr. jrurV' imuwL s iftcn m Shorter M M tot tt ermlnt cws. is v5 follow- jhn Lewis Pre iTrrt HamM Leslw Hnmp.on. Thoritef J kn Moran: H'jr Mwwrt K- imtns.1 RkA afeitel eckc :tke. Robert NfeKb?. Hrvvd SMtth NXrson: Pr Ghsv.". Mom LeK HBbb Cfc .r. Oeorge Paw: Lo -e Spooaer f.NXw SaaattanK S- tu,. . two dortng the tost tMsMr-fewr how. c atjMrvvai. is atnt is s COTTAGE CHBEE Sec CSjw rrasi VALKNTDv DAIRY TwSijy Sore Tc JJtej; Sat ttaeSac . . - ."srsaxx Ken iaxr jtST rwrars CSmuoI OMfce MeMs RUPERT BUTCHERS c rbw a . aw ys Air Service Announced VANCOUVER A new dally air service Iroin Vancouver to IVrlncc Kuiwrt via rov! Hardy and SandspU will be inaugurated on June 15 by Canadian Pacific Airlines, accordrtiR to an announcement here today hy Jack Barber. CP-A. district traffic manager. Tills new air service brings to three the number of C.T.A. routes flown out of Vancouver, including dally flights to Xnaimo on Vancouver Island, and to Oariboo. Peace River. Yukon and Alask points, and provides addittonal rMrect air connection to ny point in Am erica for north couutry residents. Since lust Xowwber CitadtB Pacific Atrtu ls ttown tri-weekh' trips ftram ttovr to Port Hardy and comovenoteR June 1 a stauUiur seryiee wtll be extended to S&ndsaiu On June IS, however, the sendee wiU bcjpeosu-.ion to petsows injured ,rs dairy ttwa ancouvr and waekients by prrsoos not Aircraft to te employed on lite new route will inchide Lodestars and DC-? caUina at Port Hardy and SandspO. and a Oanso amphibian craft will be usd Itor the hop from Sandsnit to Pstneft Rupert Total flying tine tor the trie from Yancoamr to Pnnce Rupert, inclvdwc inter-medtary stops, will be annroxi-atateiy four hocrs. POLES COMING ON AQUITANIA -1 MOVTSCAL x i-flt ps- sen5- a rec rc r.vartr far . the vewtaa Jaer in ttibei amw a: Halrtix or. ihe Aojo- ixsnr Ntay by the Cuatin Halifax on six boi" sgpectoav as wri. as cue Tijeiar trmms. Am.KOg ;he Cut:; Oner's pa-sKser$ wil be SW Iciafc wtor-tw ct General Aaavra'a v? wur fafM a SKOy Chaw :iw.r Trrrjjtf eacperiecrr rr. ;.: .. ...;iir, av... Arx r it -r. cr.-i.r i, b brwarK: t. V.rc -!, haw rr:ifc UMBAGOdmeEkk) nvtwttain!tfiijt T-R-T r Tram ttc MKttC taverr v Irrx ok Uoes tins vac ar4S3isaeCTlia. v as rwr aumx oe tsk jbtt -s Or XtTTU MVSS MSLiTS.TS ascsuksav CVwn as Sr. taa ..r .- V sae AX Tfciwt rc,; i. V- amat nmrmMMt 'f iter .- V tbr mwPK ar . Mr. . .. a Mmf tmt. iM c swr; - r COAL g5 WWNTS Xlt a XT" I SHIP OPEN FOR VISITORS SUNDAY .'""The American destroyer UJ5.S. John W. Tliomason wliich Is moored at Uie Bovcrnmcnt wharf, will be open for visitors between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 pjn. on Sunday. Lieut Q. OemmlU, ships captain announced this morning COMPENSATION IN AUTO ACCIDENTS .Motorics Will Not Hve to IVj fee Insurance Companies Assume Cost KELOWXA, 9 Attorney OeiK Wismex announced here that ;nsnraiwe companies would assume the cost o' uasatisTied Judgments fund ur.dfr the new ame;ulnents to Uk motor vt-hkh .tod insurance acts. Ttv. will mean tnat nu.vor-.st5 tn ::-.e province wil". not be repaired to pay the proposed er:; daUa- assesauen U. eatabks a tm for the ptytwsnt w enm- Mr WAancr deplored ruoiors of a cianfer of the oisintegrav.on of xtif coalition goeeramem He taimed there is complete harm ny within the vewrnment TVH LATE TOO CL.SSirY WAXTHT Goad hose urgentiv needad for dog. Good watch due. and good with children Bbone Blae 9& tf "KXJaREST" -Ft at years a de nenrtahlf faaatiy teaaedy for site nitowntr Psarmsc Dc-aawa. Paatos. Mch. Bdtts. Poson ly. Rtagwwm. Is pebgo, iSwa. Bams. Barbers' Itot. Tb straagths aoedi- Sc $1K. All -write Slecres Mfg. Oa. LML iPOR SALS-SicgKie. SS ejpnr. fae, $: toata, atadto dswaor.bed. WAXTE? I bav attUrk aaafcor. bs. , tery feoaobtr 1196 3 - i C -Awe. They lrsfw them.. DR. BALLARD'S VARIETY SQUARES 3 WeA. Jtnary Snack Btr Tlx 3rc "-"f -NXW Ornv AT T 3t T srxrr KtcoucrAiT Jwuj u Se-w Tin" It's good xrncxj to keep Ya pel jif5c55 jut- fiwaSe iirarms t etui frsfirc cs. ALBERT & KcCAFFERY LTD. Fl EL AD Bl HDCvC MATERIALS TO THE PEOPLE OF PRIHCE RUPERT 1 sffr Wita Tlxsr Feet 1b wit Je WKt.ns ir tone 5Baa (Stem ai trm te 4a h bbt tp rsgxoxx St Shi crcswainr t fWtet wche& sac sti jtudu Jack Sictjvrit ihxc till er-w mm pstoOvL too. uxt Jeelmp Gufi anfiy taaSShxssr 5tft 'Sfccry wia: jniay jtaa t sorij- ne tore Jt SG aa Sin--wrffi -hlHL3& Sb lata aa: ingsesam r ynir fed af !tas ync tarr -mtuS. i 5e J&oue tt jaw xnawiaos; t3c Jttr 2lfl rrr just it iaspt i She Shoe HspaXzrot: Ocsrt whra tost -?nU3 j tsBruvt sies5- sm jcnacn- COLD WEATHER HOLDS SEEDING WINNIPEG Unseasonably cool weather, combined with high winds and scattered showers, have been jenenil over the prairies during the past week, according to the weesiy crop report of the Dop'UUnent of Agri culture of the Canadian National Railways. The main requirement of the moment Is for warmer weathej to ensure even germination and lor a general rain to offset the drying effect of the high winds and reduce the danger from svil drift damage. Wheat seedir-3 !? from 50 to !W per cer- c. -np. &'-S. by next. wcsk-cv.J : -eai wfer.i S'POSE SHE CAN COOK OTHER THINGS TOO, BUT I NEVER GET TIRED OF THESE LIGHT, HUFfy A (INT JEMIMAS Mm iiifffj'j.u.'.in 1 TJL.VO&CT1I TJCTWrXl SSXTSUL Ul TUBS SrBSmx StlXLKZT 5.1TTV6 2 U Ttfiax. irrnc acirmgaa. srrrLiT xtit nt u rcoTS S333C GELXir7S I V. nt at--MbdnnOs. me SH XL13S Xaf T tait 3f. June 3 I "Shrre jje Tmirtr ace INCOilE TAX R. EL KOSHKEK EOS FRASER HOUSE StoSacx Qaee. 'arxcarauur 23iot 22u2 HE I crop should all be In the ground. Seeding of coarse grain Is also progressing, ranging from 20 to! 95 per cent completed. The Okanogan Valley reports slightly cooler weather with showers -during the past week An increase Is now expected in the Cherry, apricot, prune and peach crops. A cecrtase of 20 tc 25 per cent Is expected in the apole crop. Leechea breec in swampy place in the tropics. GCORGC McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 117 4th Ave. n To rear of Pioneer Laundry i Phone Black 4 S3 P.O. Box ICC Mmm rsovr its SEltlAI STAHTs sTVHIA c ft? Km : CROJST.lJlJii.t 52 A f aromo rr. CARTOON - ml Sunday Midnite AND S20S2AT GARY COOPER JEAN RTHt? THE PLA1KSMA MATHO-Z E13juLLE3i General Contractor We do basemeats, reshingtiBg. 5 -ts, sidewalks, resaeciel ytmr kixri. DexsnKb or raae ImMir p. SATISFACTION GClKiMtrt aad we w9 give as estimate. PJOl BOX CM FE2SCI CALL BLUE 611 REX CAFE SHXtKi AVE5CTZ. OSTOSTZ 7EZSCL ZZZTZZ Chop Sscy Che Mda CHISCSE DISHES OFC SPECIALTT Qpea C -5. to S . COMMODORE m We Are Most Anxious to Serve 'ca BREAKFAST MORNING COFFH LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH Is a i t6tmi Banquet Hall Moan. Saoi tm forsxs f ai fafe. fCal 17 far fiat tankak)' CtKuiard Sapplr of Tee Creas Is Assured & the Coaxmodoce Hnll d Cafe . j FULL-COURSE MEALS TOM S XX. T9 f JJt Sjiesil v Dtewr Evtrf SnnSiy - S lfjcui - , CHINESE PiSEES A SPIXULH 7TE CATSE TO PASTIES CEOPSCET CEOWM3N hi rxix5 itiiti viir