VN BOWLING, RTING HERE ing should soon be In fujl jt Prince Rupert fpr, neaN-y dav sees seme Improve to the grren. Rowler say hink they are fully-Jujtl-i lo.iklrvs for' an, ries of games, ormal opening takes place ow. SFERRED .HARVEST ikes Irom 23 to 25; yarp. cark tree to reach maxi-narketabl? age tORE et extra good-lookingi fortable shqves with NORA BLADES; lada's favpuritp, fa; :lity and low pricey orlOft 12 for 25 M2BlADEs25t SHAVES! m GAMBLE YOUR LIFE . . those of your family and friends, by driving on smooth, :n tires? A BLOWOUT might mean the difference be-een a happy week-end holiday trip, and a disaster you 11 never forglye yourself fpr. Replace those old tires now th GOODRICH SILVERTOWN Life-Savers or the new. Big leage-Ribbed Tread. RUPERT ic per word per Insertion, minimum chars. 50c. : Cards of Thanks.- Death Notices, and Engagement Announcements WOHK WANTED .IN wants housework. Write 155, city, (123) WANTED . rED -Car in fair shape. i pay all cash, Phone Blue after 6:30. (121) rED TO BUY Used beds dressers In good condU i. Phone Red 69. (125) 1 Us Your Scrap Metals, I Prices Paid Active Trad-I Company Ltd.. 935 Ea$ Idova St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOK KENT RENT Furnished rooms. 7th Ave. East. (122) RENT 2-roomed furnished ! rtcnent. 801 Borden Street, (122) RENT Clean comfortable reasonable. Apply 306 den St. after 5 pjn., U25) I RENT - Furnished rooms, 1 9th Ave. West. (122) j RENT-Two sleeping rooms. I Borden Street. (tf) ROOM AMI) ItOAltD M AND BOAR D Table ils. Home, away from home, n preferable. 632 Fraser feet. (125) l'EKSONMi RLE AGED WOMAN will after children afternoons "enlngs. Phone Green 588. (tf) RISTS AND VACATTON- fSI When nl'unnlntr your Way rememiber Lake llyn Auto Camp, situated the heart of a sportsman's . r&dlse. Cle:in, rnmfortablft - - - 1 -. !"ins. For reservations write V 88, Smlthers. (123) "Golden Sromnrh Tab Don't niffsi. nasHlpSalV J Hornach distress such. 19 u inaiaestion. eas dlsturo lC(s. sour stomach, heart rn belchine. bloatlnit. hy- 'Miaity, Get fast, lasting re With "nnU.n Dlnmooll 'ets- for' sensitive, touchy. yous, stomach conditions, IUU- 120 tnhMj! fSft rtav.O 55 tablets. (14 dAy ,uu- Trial size 10c. At, all r "ores and drug depart "13, , P FD D; Radio-Dial: V I r IY 1240 Kllocyeles (Subject "to. change) FUTDMr-TM, 4:00 Ed McCurcry sings 4;l5r-6tocl Quotations 4:30 Especially Rpr You 4:4 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00-Summer Concert . 5;30-Muslc of; Lower, Basin St. 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 international Quiz, Tor, Biao-iMelody, Money, Time 6:45 Recorded Int. eO-Fish; Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBG News 7:15 CBC News Rpundup 7:30-Herltage of, Music 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30-r-Wlnnipeg Drama 9;00 Continental Varieties 9:30 Three Su.ns. Trio, NBC 9:45 Lee Sims, NBC 9:55 Solo Spotlight NBC 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15-Muslc by Shrjdnlk, NBC 10:30-Dal Richards Orch. Il:00-Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock n MOTORS LTD PHONE 566 Classified' Advertising - - Birth Nuttcn. runeru nonces. Marriage 3. FOK SALE FOR SALE Model A Ford corpe, 193), A.1 condition, Inspection invited. J. H. Juelfs, Terrace, BO. (121) FOR SALE-Latest style "Enter prise" Range, used one-month. For particulars phone Blue 370. or call at 1384 6th Ave. llait between 6 and.9.p.m. (tf) FOR SALE -Two crock. trl-lte lamp, several small articles. Suite 2; Bay Apts, 025) FOR; SALE Sealed tenders wlllj be received by the undersigned! until noon of June 10th, 1947 for the purchase of Lot 5, Block 10, SD. of D.L. 931, Casslar District, Map 1515, Alice Arm Townsltp, together with thrpe-rpomedi house and contents situated thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly cash. Gordon' F. Forbes, Administra tor of the Estate of Harry Owen, deceased. (121) FOR SALE New and Used Fur niture and Hardware at the lciwest. prices. Office Fixtures, Desks, Safes, Rugs, Mirrors, etc. Used Kitchen Sets frpm $14; Used Electric Hooyer; Bathroom Fixtures Basins and. Toilets. Basins from. $4. Hassocks from $2j Pails frpm '50c; Slightly Used Beds, complete, from $20;. Rifles In good shape; Barber Chair; New Oabln Cook Stoves; Scatter Rugs from $95. All kinds af other uselwl articles, UQ. Furr nlture Co., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Protection against loss. Fire, Auto, Personal wo-perty Floater and 'Other-lnsurr ance. Armstrong Agencies, 397 3rd Ave, P,hone 342. (136) FQR:.SALEr3ai ft, gillnet boat with 5 hp. Easthope engine, Phone Blue 505 ufter 5 pm. (tf) FOR SALE Salmon troller, fully equipped In first class conqi-Hon, "Laura h. II." Length 35.8 feeti breadth 9.7 feet, depth 6 feet: 89, registered; tons, be. longing to. estate of A. A. Lar-sen deceaseds Can he lnspect-m at McLean's Shipyard- writ ten' tenders Including terms to Brown & Harvey, Box 658, Prince Rupert. Highest or any tender not necessarily acceg- 8:00 CBC News 8:J5Piek of the" Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Junior Concert 9:30 The Land of Supposing Tor 9;59-Time Signal I0;00r-Band, Stand, 10:15 World Church News 10:30 Hits of the Shows 10:45-CBC News 10:55r-Weather Forecast 11:00 Music For Dancing i 11 ;3C-W,eather Forecast 3 11(31 Message Period U;33-Recorded Interlude .11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 On the Teen Beat 12:30 Jive Hive. Ha!. 1;00 King's .Plate Race. 2:00 Saturday Concert 3:0Q El Rltmo Tropical 3:15-CBC News 325r-Recorfled Interlude 3j3.0-Serenade, Tor. , 3!45r-Serena!e to the Stars, ; 4!0Ot-Hawali Calls 4:30 Songs, in Sweet Style 4:45r-Swingtime 5;00 Tpnight at Timber Lodge 5;30 South American Way, 5:45 f?Dort College 6:00 Scotland Yard at Work BBC 6;30r-Charlie Splvak's Orch. 6:45 Recorded Int( 6-; 50 Fish Arrivals and Int. 7:00-r-CBC News 7:10-Ed MeCurdy 7;30 Hayloft Hoedown, ABq 8:00-rPralrle Schooner, 8:30 Old Time Rhythm-9:00 Bud. Ilendersou 9:15-TWs Week 9:30 Chamber Music io:oo cbo News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Holly House. MBS lp:30 Hollywood Barn Dance, CBS 1 :00 Weather Forecast and Sign Off SUNDAY AM; 8:30-rConcert Album 9:0GV-BBC News a.nd Commentary 9:15 Songs and' Singers 9:30 The Man of property ' 9;!r-Tune Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardner 'Jp;lf Just Mary Tpr, IF YOU SUFFER FROM SOUR STOMACH I Tab dbftU9 dashr cl Abbpf'l - EH.f vtacnt S.U to bclp 'VU.a-vou up iQUd r Iwt Abbr a now I IN THE SUPREME CSOUUT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER C-F THE ESTATH OP JOSEPH ANCTIU DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W, E. Fisher marta the 13th day of May. A.D. 1947, I was appointed A&nlnlstrator ot the Estate of Joseph Anctll. deceased, ami all parties having claims against the said estate are nereDy required u furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of June. A.D. 1947, after which claims filed mav be paid without reference to any claims of which I then hal no knowledge. AND all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 13th day of May. A.D. 1B47 GORDON F FOB". Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC. (123) FOK LEASE FOR LEASE (1) Terminal Lunch and Newsstand. First class opportunity lor 2 working partners. (2) Terminal office or store space. Location where traffic is ready made. Apply Northern Distributors. (tf) LISTINGS WANTED BELLING Vour House? We have buyers looking for wejl built 4 and 5 room nomes. Cash or terms. See ARM STRONG AGENCIES. (131) LOST AND l'OUNU, FOUND Rosary, near Conrad Street School, Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paylns for this advertisement. (tf) LONDON, O) In 36,469 tests ror drivers' licences conducted over a peuuu, u.o per cent cf the candidates were successful. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, uss the modern and up-to-date type National Portable SawmilU. manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C, (tf) SCHOOLS ANIV COIXEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring ex amlnatlons, Write M.C.C, Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. 1Q:30-The Man pf God, BBC ' ' Iii03-Capitol. Reports, T llt3C-Rellgious Period,, Sask- . PMi 12:00 New York Phllharmonk ' Symphony Orch., CBS 1:30 Church of the Air-2:00 CBC New 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 Week-end Review 2:30 Musical Program 3:00 Music for Sunday 3;30i-CBC News 133 Weather Forecast 3:38 Musical Program 3; 45 Canadian Short Stories 4;CC Music for Romance, BBC 4:30 Music for a Summer Eve 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Stage 47 Toronto C:30 Familiar Music 7:00 CBC News 7:10 The Old Songs 7:30 Toronto Conservatory of Music Opera 8:00 The Headers Take Over. 8:30 Sunday Serenade 9:&0 Music for Strings 9:30 Vesper Hour lOiOO CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 They Came to Canada A V A 1 LA OLE ASK YOUR 10:3(WPreJude to Midnight-UtOOWeatherand.iljTj offfmn MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical clock 8:00 CBC News t 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00-BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert- 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 1 1 :30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12 :4C Recorded Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 12:45-Ethel and Albert 1:30 Afternoon Recital 1 :45 Commentary and Cooking School NOW FREE HOME DELIVERY of BOTTLED ' " . BEER I I COD. I (Cash on Delivery) Hj 654 I I H 1 25c per dozen: paid for empties I Plcaso have them ready for driver I when he makes delivery. I This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia, SAW 500 STUDENTS GRADUATE AT UBG Margaret Lee returned on the Prince Rupert Wednesday from Vancouver where die attended the graduation of her brother Jone Lee. The graduation ceremony was a streamlined affair. It took aibout three hours to nut through 500 grads. last year but this year '11000 wekt through the exercises in two hours. To save time and the Chancellor's arm, handshaking was .eliminated, the clas?es stood and bowed instead Next year the ceremony may be a two-day a-ffair as. the cradu-ste are expected to .number ever I wo thousand. FASTBALL GAMES A fastball game between crew menders of the destroyer John W. Thomason and a lpcal all-rtar team is being organized by Rup Re; director Nell Ross for Saturday evening at Roosevelt Park. A return game Is likely to be played Suna'uy afternoon at Oyro Park. FILMS Superpan Press Tilms Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A f i ii; Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Drive In FnJay to your Standard Dtaler. He fiat your copy of lh firs! Scenic View in th 1 947 seriti . . . youri FREE for the aikinj. This It th Rni of itriti of fifteen, all in beautiful natural colors, (o b given away FREE . . . s new, on each week. SEE YOUR WEST . . . first with these magnificent Scenic Views, then in your own automobile. Scenic Views ar provided for your enjoyment by your Standard Dtaler. Drive In Friday, Get ready for your Victoria Day week-end trip with a lankiui or mevron supreme oasolmc and a chans to RPM Motor O"; STANDARD DEALER FOR I PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY r I . 1 FrJday.'May 23, 1947 ' ,p r-, : : i . M0STPIPfe j n SMOKERS J SAY ( e ma o:'Uh Gt iiiijiii.ui.ji,iui Miin.Mmm en MAIL . I feel like loafing? . Then Brownwoods have the shoes for you . . . Moccasin-style casual shoe . . . Man Styledi for leisure ... cut right for comfort . . . Choose from many leathers and styles from Ilrownwood's extensive selection. $5.50TW$9;95 : -rrTcTtMttT HMI IN RUBBtn URLTING HOSE ACCESSORIES, PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 SECOND AVENUE' ' Interior PRINCP RUPERT, B.C. "1 Motorists Edward, B.C. ' CHOW MEIN to 11:00 pjn. When Driving to Prince Rupert Why not make "The: Home o Friendly Service; your motoring headquarters? With the Skeena Highway open again we look forward to seeing 'many f our Interior neighbors In town. For. Prompt and Efficient Service It's Bob Parker Limited FOKD AND MONARCH DEALERS ' I "The Home of Friendly Service" J P.O. Box 38" 170 East. Third Ave i Phone 83 j For That Party ... s v J PARAMOUNT GAFEi at Fort CHOP SlIEY 7:00 am. ORDERS PRpMPTL FILLED !! 5 3 I 11