Norval MacKay Smith immmmmmmmmmwt " ,htm mmmmrn mmmmt John A, Clark CLUB DIRECTOR OP CEREMONIES RESIDENT OF CAMEL Alex Derby PRESIDENT OF PATROL The Prince Rupert Medical Society Welcomes Members of Gizeh Temple And Compliments Them on Their Excellent Work for Crippled Children OVERWAITEA LIMITED "RUPERT'S MOST MODERN FOOD STQRE" Greets The Shriners MAY ALL.YOUR DAYS BE AS HAPPY AS THESE I ' . " : : Happy days are here again Hollo SHRINERS WELCOME to FrinceHuperl WELLS (PR) LTD. 0 N BEHALF of Prince Rupert Shrine Club I ex pend tp,the Divan, the N oble"iind their Ladies a cordial wel-cqme 'tpc; prince MaJur visit be enjoyauie aim may you carry away many banpy -memories. STAX E. PARKER Potentate's Representative List of Shriners Names of Those Here From South for Ceremonial Here This Week-end Here is the list of Nobles of Gizeh Temple who arrived today from Vancouver aboaid two chartered steamers, Princess Norah and Chilcotin, for the ceremonial to be held at Prince Rupert this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Richard iNelson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert II. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Barr. Mr. and Mis. C. L. McEwen. Mr. and Sirs. A. Bisson. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Perrj'. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Few. Sir. and Mis. II. T. Cottrell. Mr. and Mrs. Slim Miller. Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson Mr. and Mrs. George Assimes; Mr. and Mr?. II. O. Timbleck. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. F. Brewer. . Mr. and Mrs. II. West. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Colton. Mr. and Mrs. Rand Irving. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brett. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Ross. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. T. McCaskell. Mr. and Mrs. Lome R. McPhee, MMr. and Mrs. R. C. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. S. McPhee, Mr. and Mis. E. W Dell. Mr and Mrs D. Grimston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Straight. Mr., and Mrs. A. Rollo. Mr. and Mrs. N. McKay hnmn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aivazofi. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Compton. Dr. and Mrs. Young. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Reifcl. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lalng. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Haitle. Col. and Mrs. D. B. Martyn. Mr, and Mrs. C. R. White. Mayor and Mrs. W. M. Mt-Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Lawrence. Mr, and Mrs. Leo A. Grogan. Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Frances, Mr. and Mis. George R, Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Parfitt. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lashmar. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. John II. .McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. John Gough. Mr.- and Mrs. James Mossop. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Casson. Mr. and Mrs. G. II.- E. Green. Mr and Mrs. J. Armstrong. .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. Mr; and Mrs. George Bayiiss. Mr. and Mr8. W. Luney. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Scanlon. .Mr. and Mis. G. E. Randall. .Mr. and Sirs. R. A. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Quinn. 3Irvand Mrs. Cliff Thompson. Aid. and Mrs. F. II. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs, Ridley, Mr. aniOIrs. Bowell Mrs. Margaret Buch. Harry Rawhngs. Percy T. Withers., Charles T. Haniilton. Charles II. Clarke., Thomas K. Smalley. William McTurk... Dr. Lachlan MacMiilan. . David Wightman. Col. D. McGugan. G. W iMarshall, Bertrand Galloway. William Headridge., , G. Brocklngton.. W. R. (Wop) .May. Mrs. Turner. Dr. Whitbread, J. L. Sangster. E. F, Smith; E. Tynan, Alex Derby., I). A. Grant. John Cehovan, II. G. Jure. Harry Kowe. WV S. Brener. C. E. Stride. W. Harris. . A. McCornb., L. .McKlnnon. Dr. Abranis. n. II. Copper, W. H. Berry.. It. Walker, II.; Glover. W. E. ;Drake, Ross Nicholson, N. Gunderson. Del Lutes. Ji A. Clark. W. A. Notman. Vf. C. Grieve. Roger Valols. It. Purves. II. Chapman, R. Cashmore. J. Watson. , J. Asson. R. A. It. Pierce R. A. J. Little, W. A. Crouse. W. J. Harrison, J. Haliburtori R. Raynor. D. A. Hatch. Jack Patterson Monty Hall. F. Butterfieldl J. M. Miller. W. Wilson, Dl Townsend. J, Townsend. Wilfrid Gibson. T, WsJValker, Albert Stevens J. A. Realty, WV A. Buckle W.. Gouge, M. Armstrong; A. AlacAuley. 11. Kalfus.' II. Savage. C. Savage, Joseph Smyth, J. C. Woodside S. J. Jabour. Th We.Haye Everything That a Holiday Appetite Would Enjoy D.IVAN G These, together, with the illus- DR, MacMILLAIT GCRDOW SHAFEP H. F. REIFEL triate potentate,, comprise, me, Divan of Giseh Temple . . . DR. LACHLAN MacMILLAN, Chief Rabban. GORDON SHAFER, Ofiental Guide. II. F. REIFEL, High Priest and Prophet. WtM. .MESTOJf. ecortler D. D.-MUNRO, Treasurer. W. U. MESTON D. D. MUNRO A Hearty . . . WELCOME SHRINERS. Mayi Gizeh Temple's Ceremonial Be Successful and Enjoyable RANT & iNEWTON Welcome And Thank You For Your Assistance On Our 24th of May Day Princ e Kinsme I 1 ill Vi .... - ' Ht 'l i mmm in mm m mmt m u A - mm mam mmt. mmmmwm mmm mm., mmm mwm, mm mmw mw-f.-mm m mm mmi mm tm oi m isr aa or xr -4 n ui h i :j l i hi it I . . i i;fn ' . . .i I ) .ft IX 0i the success of your, Pilgrimage lo Prince RuperL We Extend a Hearty WELCOME.. Nelson Bros. Msneries Lia if ff- ,11 1,1 I I f ISf ,n UIU W" II I r.wil; " '"fill ss Princess Norah , - jfrOIH' :s? tlMI . . . . II ssChilcotin. '5 HD : s h in -' a meetings ;.j , ; mm m wrk mm I I I - -.v-w:-: ill , . ..hi- . irawn . Ill 5, JT m k 1 1