1 t1" i. Ft prince Utipcrt Dailp J3ctos Wednesday, April 30, 1947 (Authorized u Second Class MaU, Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Trine Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By.Clty Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; By Mell, per Month, toe; Per Year, MOO. A POPULAR BUDGET IN CONTRAST to the clour and doleful documents -of his wartime and realistic predecessor, James . 11.1 11 A J V A -h - IV.,. m lisiey, tne nrst ouciget 01 Douglas Abbott, brought down last night at Ottawa, cannot but be hailed as widely popular. A personal income tax reduction averaging out at twenty-nine percent could be nothing else than that, particularly since it was moi'&than the most of us had expected. With the war now over nearly two years, the most of people have been thinking that it was time for a real amelioration in the tax burden and it is definite easing, up that has been accorded. Further the personal income tax payers will not have to wait until the end of the year to enjoy the relief but it will be applicable at the middle of the year. It is not merely because it was the popular thing to do, not because the country's great obligations artmiet and certainly not because the money is not ijeededi but because the people were getting sick of fthVhigh income tax and it has been sapping Mheir-iniative, enthusiasm and effort that actuated IiV"Abbott in reducing the personal income tax. Contributing factor may also have been too that the people of Canada, particularly the young people, were noting the much lower income tax that Americans have been having and were being f irked thereby, some to the extent of being actuated ; to leave the country. J Tlie reduction of the income tax is, of course, the great feature of the budget which touches ; practically all earners in a direct and gratifying j fjyrojv As had been hopefully anticipated, the excess .j'prof its- tax which has been hampering business is : . to be abolished although it does not come off until : r the end of the year. The 30 percent corporation ; ' tax remains. Mr. Abbott looks forward to a year of high prp- duction and income better tfmes than Canada . has ever seen before in peacetime. His budget has been designed to encourage and foster such a happy state of affairs. Canadians will do well to arise to the occasion which has been presented. TAKING OVER PIONEERS' HOME The new pioneers' Home In Weitview will be ready to receive its occupants this week, Mayor Arnold told the city jsoupjl Monday night. Removal "f furniture from the temporary .quarters on Sixth Avenut LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Would like to inform their customers that they expect to be back in business before the ,e,nd of Slay. Mr. Lovin is leaving shortly for Vancouver to purchase new material and equipment. Enquiries as to when repair jobs and new work can be done can be made at the office of H.'C. IIELGERSON LTp. or PHONE 00. George DAWES THE AUCTIONEER Desires to announce that, as toon as be is able to be around again following his illness, he will be re-opening for business, notwithstanding the fire which wiped out his premises. Mr. Dawes says that all persons who left goods in bis store for sale wijl be reimbursed pro-rata to his ability to pay. All record were lost in the fire and Mr. Dawes requests, all persons who bad goods with him to send in their lists of such goods. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh M&del t. VALENTIN DAIRY Your Pally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE started today, and occupancy will be complete ty the end of the week. Council gave first, reading to a by-law covering .administra-, tlon of the new home. The regulations provide ior a board of governors, three from the city council and two from the pub lic, to direct the affairs. In discussing the bylaw, the aldermen made a revision which eliminated the necessity of a resident of the home giving up all his property in order to gain entry. The word "may" was subsisted for "shall" in reeard to the requirement that a person turn his property or funds over to the city when taking up resi lience In the home. Elderly persons from othor municipalities will be admitted into the heme, Pi-ovidirre there Is room, under with the authorities of the mu nicipalities involved. MANY TONGUES There are about 24 languages In India, each spok'en by at least 1,000,000 Indians. CANADIAN INFANTRY COMMANDERS HOLD OTTAWA CONFERENCE Col. J. G. Charlebols, director of Infantry, Is shown at army headquuters, in Ottawa, with his senior unit commanders, who met to discuss matters affecting their arm of the service. They are shown in the above group, seated left to right: Lt. Col. J. A. O. Roberge, Q.B.E., officer commanding the Royal 22nd Regiment at Quebec; Col. J. a. Charlebols, Lt. Col. C B. Ware, officer commanding the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry at Calgary. Standing reaf, left to right: Maj. A. If. Fraser of Ottawa, Lt. Col. J. M. Houghton, officer commanding the Royal Canadian Regiment at.Brockville, Lt. Col. D. B. Buell, commandant of the RoyaPCanadfan School of Infantry at Camp Borden, Ont., Maj. II. E. C. Price, Ottawa and Capt. C, II. 7?. 'Askwlth of Ottawa. REPORT ON LEONARD CAMPBK1.I. Editor, Daily News: Having Just returned .from Vancouver Island I am at this time yery pleased to make a statement regard!:, g Leonard Campbell, who is afflicted with creeping paralysis. I had the opportunity of visiting hiin at his, foster home in Duncan and also at thedoctor who administers the treatments. I am happy to announce to the citizens of Prince Rupert and district who made It possible for him to be olaced where he is today that Leonard Is definitely improving as he Is gradually learning to stand. I also was amazed at the way he was able to straighten his legs. The doctor Informs me that this case will certainly take a long time and not to expect miracles overnight, bu-, by carrying on the treatments he has an excellent chance to regain his strength. Thanking you, Mr Editor, for givin; this case your utmost attention in the past T SMITH, CANCER FUND Editor, Daily News: The British Columbia Campaign manager cf the Conauer Cancer Campaign has wired from Vancouver that the time for the canvass has been extended until May 10. A real effort U being made to make a thorough canvass of the city, but some were not "at home" when the canvasser call ed. Those not yet canvassed who would like to help this Announcing . It gelt you down; k mokes you frown; When good hot water's locking; A heater slick, Hot water quick, And you will fast "get cracking" I worthy cause may still do so. They may phone and arrangements will be made to receive their contributions, or they may mail their contribution? or bring them to the City Hall any afternoon this week (Saturday excepted) and on Monday of next week. Mrs. J. D. FRASER (Campaign Chairman). O. W. Pearson, district for Swift Canadian Co, of Vancquyer, arrived In the city ihls. morning on a business trln. He will be ?uest speaker at the weeKiy luncheon meeting of the Prince Rupert Rotary ciitb to- mprrpw. RKOPENINO OF ROYAL CAFE (Mrs. C. C, Swanson) SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CHICKEN AND WORKWOMEN'S MEALS GOOD HOME COOKING Third Avenue , a.m. to 12 p.m. MOWING LIKE A GOOD HOT BATH! a A steaming tub; A soapy scrub Your date's sure to be furv . A water heater (The problem beater) Provides from sun to sun; 31 Hot wpter too l dtqr to you When wash-dgy rolls around. A heater then Is truly when Ypu wont it, I'll be bound I SIXTY HALIBUT BOATS (Continued from Page 1) Boy I (Nela patty i Mqther II (A. Antonsen); Nuplune II (B. Roald); Mltkoff (Oscar Hansen); Flora M. (J. Adkins); Ca-pella (Dan Larsen). M. W., (C. Edwards). Northern Breeze (I. Eilpr-strum): Souen 'J. H. Tru; deau), Wales Islaiv! 7 (George Howe); Toodle IP. Wold); North Cape (M, Pederson); Unlmak If. Fagerlund); Togo I T. H. McFarland); Taplo (Louis Caas-rnan). Qustav IR. Mostad); Nornen (J. Hanson); Snowfall, Fred Wick): Sharon M. (John Johnson); Vklng I lHarokl Erlcksen); Relief (M. Sollows); Steveston III (H. Josik): Peerless (II. C. Hanson); Venture H. R. Nelson); Maude J. 'J. Jons-son). Silver Hoard lu Arnet); Flora H. (Joseph Wler: Signe (R. Feigusfln); Paleen N. Turner). Vista T. F. Frongsson); Lady Marjr 1 Nick Laskq); Floyd S. (Harry Simpson); Beatrice S. (W. R. Sampson); Nymph (J. W. Ettoieth); Venn Pass II (George Ryan); Royal F'usr: (J. Bayda-la); Sally Ann (M, Lasko), FOR S A LE; BY TENDER CROWN 'ASSETS !;. 4 iii6i imj.. ymsi 1: kitmct, iu'. War Afibet porporntUiJi wUl receive tenders for the purchase of all or ny ot this Crowu -owned buildings described below: BTdg." No. 1 . 70Ill2 2 storey ao' so' au'x 70- " a Mt(Ucl Uult 24-x 48' laxtftve " "3 Olflrtrra' Qiurtrrs 2'x W "4 " " . 24-x 90- " 6 M Una 24'xl20' lj'x 12' and 12 x14' Loxtave " 0 " Qiaru-rt 24'x 06' "7 UCO. Mess O'X 14' 24'xOfi' " " 8 Officers' Qts. WD ,.. 24'x W' " " 9 Boiler Houre 24'x 38' " ")0 H CXJ. Quiirler 24'x HO' "12 CsdUwii 24'x 76' " "13 OH. Quarters '. 24'x 10' " " "14 OR. Mm ; J4'xl32' 24'x 30' "15 O II. Quartfrs WD 24 x 70- " " 18 Canteen 24'x 78' " M7 OH, Quarurs srx 76' "18 O R. Quarters 24'x 70' " " ID W. & B. WorUshoo ........ 24'x 76' " 31 Guard lluu 24x 32 " "23 O R. Quarters " " 34 OH. Ouarlj-ra " " 25 N.GX). Quarurs W D " " 28 OR. Quarter WD "27 O R. Quarters W D "28 O R. Quarurs W O " 30 Sub-Station "3! Power Hoik "32 O tt. Quarters W.I) " "34 Pump House "35 Pot Office " "103 OHJD.W AC. Qtrs Chlorlnator mas- (Water) . . Two (3 Wocxl Stave Water Tanks oyxlOO' . . i . . 24'x 7G 24'X 7B 241 96 24 X 7G 24 X 70 24'X 7fi 8'x 14'x 20 24 x 70 10'x 24 U4x 12 24'x. 70 Tx 7 iiuujwu ki. capacity) Chlorlnator B)0g. (Sewerage) 8'x II M.T. Storage iyx 20 fienerator llouu . i Q'l tfd 7'x 8' iiaroage snea 8'x 10 Guard House S'x lu' l Condensate Pump Houw' 6'x 0' (1200 feet 1" Pipe (460 feet II',," Pipe (47S feet 2" Pfpe Sale or thes buildings Includes only ich normal p)umbln. heating ind electrical fixtures as may be Intalled therein at lime' of sale. KlltMlncra nr. nM fn. .. . . i . . ,. 7 V w.4 ,u icuujittj ujju rrburuxion pi ion sue. n auu.c uc.-mi ijiiion m uFcesKnruy aoDrevu 8' fat JsH ftI 4 hs (Aaa rtrt Further Information may be obtained . .rr'. luc "a'i" uuice oi me uorporaiinn at tne address stated below. A CERTIFIED CIIRQUE OR BANK DRAFT to the value of 10 of the S?epr ' made P3101' to AsseU Corporation roust be forwarded I with the tender in a waled envelope plainly marked: ' TKMH.lt Ml. id-.-VM i?i?rCQ,L.B?'lfl, J Sales Manager. War Assets Corporallu, 1 108 Wrt l Qeorela Street. Vancouver. B.C. . T,.le .HMtil'r rutt lclfy the uj.e to which the building w buUdlngs I V materials tormina Dart thrrrnf MI h. nut ihi. .nl h. . j.. flnnilvnir Tiro JP. I),Kn. fact' 1" deciding the acceptance of any Under liOOqj Oar 1 ire &l Kubher ... Tenders will close at U o'clock Noon. P.D.S. Time. Wedneidav. Mav tut. "Co. Products PRINGE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE i:n., ana tenders received thereafter cannot be considered. ,. . , CO XII ITIONS 1. Not later than 00 days after date of Issuance of Sales Order the purchaser shall REMOVE THE BtJILDINf) OR BUILDINGS, fill 1 .ixceva-UQns and resign? the ground to Its original elevation, leaving the r.lte I no neat and tidy condition In a manner satisfactory to n atitUorlred rrpresentative of the Corporation. ' 3. With 10 days from receipt of notice of acceptance of the tender, the succetiiful underer shall pay the remaining 99 of the tender price at the above mentioned dflce of War Aawts Corporation by tertlllJd cheque or bank draft payable to the said Corppmsid; in tuldUWm. .in'ift,t"fHSa'd .WJ cm,f'e1 cbp oTba' draft for an f?I? , i V1 "tlmatKl ct M determined by the Coriora- thPh'.H Jhl1 the llr as a guarantee that he will comply with all the terms and conditions of the Under. The cheque or bank " Ulofkr"' upon the satUfactoryncmpl?Uon f i irVi, .1 Ccoldan?'.w tn tne terms and cgndiUona.- ' within hS? MKMd '.ail maks lbe payment and deposit Jeiilnld retained h. by ft? the rrM1' Corporation '"'P??!' as liquidated received damages. wfUi the Under may l hhoSnL'11 ttlxTn"i to unsuccessful tenderers 5 6. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 'iremh Hales QffUf, )y, r.eorgla SL. -ncouver. I1C. REDDY klLOWATT Servant M 1&SZ ' : An electric hot water heater in the home is a necessity, not a luxury. Plt-nxy of hot water always oh hand lightens the burden of housekeeping and provides constant source of hot water for bath or shower. B- ' ft BAND GONCE CIVIC BAND . , FRIDAY MAVn $67-50 JtAr . a mis Sh ft ASSISTING ARTi8TR art CIVIC CENTRA Tickets obtainable at Om.es, Brownwood. . L - MflU I In, 1'i if - izii i f r W " 195I JlO-oo $14.50 -j0.oi) -j, Ml; PAINTING and PAPERHANGING b-3U d-00 J14009 BULGERS LTD JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's moer front Oxfords See them while sizes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. I AfiENTS FOIt SI.ATIJI ySIIOES 824 THIRD AVENUE Next Commodorel Business and Professional J. P. MOLLEIt PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4trt Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches. 208 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVJCE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds rtoofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Qreen 486 Red 894 PAPERHANGIJ INTERIOR AND EXTlB PAINTING Tor Good, Lasting "JERRY" VREB1 PHONE 372 PRINCE RUPll BOTTLE COLLEj and MESSENG We Buy ALL Types of J The demand for empty! is ereater than ever the full ones rolling M keep the empties roll; PHONE RED m Agent for Pacific Boille 1 GEORGE h. KO Public Accountant. Audi Income Tax Returns oil Bpsner Block - PhO P. N. Kilborn Phone Black 823 BERT'S TRANSl AND MESSEjsfl H. J. IUND , Lumber - Coal - Wood - j Freight - Expresa ' phone Blue 810 1 ROBERTSON Night Calls-Oreen BOTTLE BUYER Prince Ruper Grandvlew Hotel PRINCE RUPERT FLO A' R- OK PHONE BLACK 412 WeD&B0UqpoUedPli SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Desnusibs seed Plumbing and Heating pJfiSSffi toSjl Engineers Box 516, Phone 777, 30 " Phone 174 P.C Box 274 ra uf bi JONES NEWS If It's Rock Work . CALL BLUE 939 Eastern and Western P M. SAUNDERS Magazines CONCRETE SUBSCRIPTIONS TA1 SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully street Insured while I do the work. - . ' ...r- ' N o urn EKN lI' Serving the Fisheries Industry B(,oK BOO' Well. (P.R.) Ltd. ' jZrT Certified Weighers Bibles and Tear'""' . BLUE 980 Agents for SaertdR