1 in jprfiuc Rupert Dnflp j3cU)j Wednesday, April 30, 1947 fi4ro?, CLERK, SIGN CHEQUE FOR $143,000 J The thrill that comes once a lifetime will belong to "Mayor Nora Arnold and City vClcrk H. D. Tihain tomorrow rVlicn they place their signa-Jurrs on a picec ol paper making it negotiable for more 0.11311 $143,000to the city of prince Rupert. g The cheque will authorize payment for the lons-awalt-jfd compensation for damage jjpone to the city's streets dur-3n? the war by heavy military jVehlcles. Estimates c-f the jdalnac were madj by an In ter-service commission in November, 1915. A special nu-ctii"; of ci'y council was called for this afternoon to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the cheque. The cheoue -will be signed at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Prior to the signing of 'he Cheque, Mayor Arnold and Mr Thain must sign a documeni releasing the federal govei-o mcnt from further claim to damages for this cause. P.URNED TO DEATH NELSON Two Chinese are missing- and believed dead following (lie destruction by fire during the .night, of an old warehouse in which tney were living 011 an upper floor. - K '"','. rf A 1 j 1 a . pi I1' WALLACE'S ofb uurse: I lir fA j , - I S rfVOO VI x Wf : 1 Rupert Peoples Store ! Building Supply News! DONNACONA WALLROARDS Vcf 1,000 square feet $65:00 A limited quantity of MOULDINGS novF on hand, intludinc CASING LATTICE QUARTER ROUND STOI'S, Etc. Wc stock standard sizes in DOORS - WINDOWS - SASH Phones G51 - G52 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Serving the North Since 1U20 COAL - LUMBER - BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Francois Lake News the South side, so that, when the lake is clear, depends entirely on the wind, as the ic io loose. John Haragonic died in :hc hospital" in Prince George la;, week. Alex Jenkins, hi .uUh-bor, went with him ami laved In Prince George until aftcV th. funeral on Thursday, coming back on Saturday's train. John Haragonlc was 2C years old, and hasteten in Canada for 15 years. He had a wife and daughter In Jago Slavia. He lived alone in Canada. He worked at Sinclair Mills for some years until he came to Francois Lake and bought a- farm. There -was meeting of the Rod and Gun Club in the base- j mcnt of the Anglican Church in Hums Lake on Wednesday evening. Several Francois Laqe members drove in. It was decided to send Lawaon Sugden a delegate to the convention at Harrison Hot Springs. Joseoh Sudden was appointed judge of when the ice ?oe out for th: guessing contest. REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY' , Open 6 ajn. to 2 am. TIIONE 173 HOOVER GREETS DOYS' CLUB MEMBER&-UJ3. ex-President Herbert Hoover, chairman of the national board of the Boys' Club', of America, is shown discussing citizenship with two r:r:iibei -s ol the Boys' Club. The organization has over a quarter I million members throughout the United States and Is ccli-bating Boys Club week. The club-houses of the organization 0 equipped with swimming pools and recreation rooms. The t v members are taught the fundamentals of good citizenship. 1 i wo boys with Mr. Hoover are Frankle Kcssel (left) and Raymond Hunt of the Chicago Boys' Club. - J MAYOR'S FUND ICE ON LAKE IS NOW BREAKING UP; JOHN HARAGONIC DIES IN HOSPITAL On Thursday there was quite a wind across hi-lake and the ice started moving eastward. The pressure of the ice shook the wharf but towards eve-nine the wind dropped. On Sunday a breeze started flhe ice. again and field of ice moved past and the lak was clear some distance. Monday morning there was ice half way across the lake on 1 Virginia Keofe and Jack O'Meara roent the week end hsre. Mrs. HenkeJ is staying in Prince George for a week. You sav'it in The News! Classified Advertising Paji! r " 1 1 fflag 1 3? Three sailings I'er Week for VANCOUVI-lt VICTOKIA si;attlk (Ai.i. timi:s SIU)WX DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pm. Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. KKTCIIIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEW'AKT and WAY POINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. i (tui:i;N ciiAPkLoni;s FOB MASSETT AND I'OKT CLEMENTS May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May 7 and 19. June 1 Midnight. . FRANK J. SKINNER Prln'c Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 Tii Mayor'.s Fund for vic-t m 11J the Clapp and Short-:-iiv ibli'Ck fires last week rrai-iK-d $582 t-jday, with tlie :-ireipt of more than $120 during he 4a hours. Here are the !atrt contributions: Star Store (Chr.rlle'Hew) . $20.00 Anonymous l.UU Jertoft Leland 2.00 Canad-'an Legion (2nd collection i . 17.5 Culieetion Box G. L. S. 5.00 Ri bin Gilmore 3.50 Anunymous (Seal Cove) 2.00 Mrs J. J. Payne .5.00 Betty Payne 2.00 j W. O. Fulton 10.00 ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Saugstad 5.00 H. A. Duhamel 5.00 j Abe King 10.00 Sweet Sixteen 2D.00 Geo. Hill and Sons Ltd. 10.00 Mr. J. D. Allen 3.00 Neville Gerard 10.00 Telephone Workers .08.00 A GENTLE LAXATIVE Let Atbey'i gentle cleansing action keln tune up your tystem. Ulear away the ei-ceas acids and -wastes that sour your stomach and your disposition. Mtinir m tiffcnry SuiMft hub) Presenting . . . INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 ' . r . . Tlicybcgjor Ihcm... 9 KIBBLED BISCUITS A Granulated Food Packed tcilh Vitamins WAR ASSETS COAL Tr T Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Bulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER niONE 581 HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 "THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT" (A SERI0-C0MEDY) CHARACTERS Alice Winthrop, a young girl, played by Helen llibbanl Stephen Minlhntp, her grandfather, George McWhinney Musicians: Harry Seaman, Ilert Cameron and II. T. Loik With moving pictures in color, and assisting artists FIRST UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, 3IAY 2 Admission 50c and 25c HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 freshness and appeal in perfect combination; These are the qualities you'll detect in Winchester Cigarettes, for they arc "lilcndcd Right" from the world's choicest tobaccos, Turkish, Virginia and Hurley Winchesters are consistently tops in taste, aroma and smoking satisfaction; w inchester CIGARETTES IT'S SPRING- Time to repair and recondition your home CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repair Construction Alterations Phone RED 5C1 P.O. Box 721 TODAY AND THURSDAY At sun JV' It. I -w r lit THE BIG THRILL Picrt M.lvyn DOUGLAS i fi.ddi. BARTHOLOlWvllt ALSO PETE SMITH SPECIALTY LATEST EVS Open May I Under New Management JAY A. NORTHCOTT MODERN TAILOR 318 Fifth Street .(( Tuilorintr Cleaning, hvssin General i I ivml'ul sails HATCH COVERS SKATE COY EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WOit Phone IILUE 1C0 East Third Ave. (Nest to Shcn Available Noj Will add lasle.and quality to your mca For variety try our Model 517 $111 WE DbLIVtR Mcltridc Street M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING Repairs Installations EXPERT RADIO SERVICE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Phone 644 RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRI Having Fish for Dinne "RUPERT BRAND 1 1 I 1 Smoked Illack Cod, Salmon and Kippcfl Sole, Cod and Salmon Ullcis Frozen: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ash for 'RUPERT BRANI CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORM PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITII COLUMl Hollywood Cafe TRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOSi UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALb Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.intoSP-'l CHINESK IHSIIKSA SrECIALT' WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOI' SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS THONE JM 786 THIRD AVENUB WEST