Prince Rupert 3DaIIp.'.J3ctos Saturday, April 5; 1947 Classified Advertising - - Claftsirirds: 'ic per word per lrtsirtlon. minimum charge, 50c. Birth' Notices, 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, I'uneral Notices, Marrlate and Engagement Announcements u SS. IN MEMOKIAM In Loving Memory of John ' Bachan Oeddes, Died ADrll 6,! ' 1912. The years are quickly passing Thou3h still we can't foiiet Fdr in the hearts- that loved him . Ills memory lingers yet. SacHy missed by the Family. FOR SALE FOR SALE or tratie- for light car in good condition and good rubber. 16 acres- near school, two store; sawmill, ideal for chicken or fur fanning. Price $400. Mrs.- F. Rowc, Kitwanga, B.C. 179) FOR SALBaifgl. trolling boat "Beverly R." 90 li.p. high speed. Everything complete. Can be I seen at McLean's-Floats (821 ! FOR SALE 1 Ciare Jewel oil stove (wick), cream enamel, $75; 1 small McClary Leroy coal stove, $20; kitchen table. 2 chairs, $8; 1 small oil burning heater (wick) with, stand, $22.50; 1 small china cabinet, $050; 1 double bed, ribbon steel spring, $18.50. Phone Blue 785. (7!)) FOR. SALE Troller "Cobb," 35 . ft. May be seen at Armour Salvage dock. FOR SALE Three Sisters Cafe, fully equifved, doing good business. Bona fide offers only. Apply T. Moran on premises. (87) TOR SALE 32 foot cruiser; Ap- ply boat "J.B." Fishermen's Floats. (81) FOR SALEHotpolnt annex with copper coll. Phone Black 120. (80) FOR SALE 36 ft. trailer, completely equipped. At Imperial Oil dock. Phone Black 511. FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet coupe, serial No. 570915. $330. Heater and spare tire. Administration bldg., Wartime Housing, Hays Cove Circle. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used 5 Piece Kitchen Set $14. Radio, good player, $17.50, Beds and Springs like new $12. Hassocks $2. Palls 50c. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Ranges for Wood and Coal. New Scatter Rugs Lovely designs from $1.65. All kinds of other useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) THREE Room House Combina-,'. "tlon living room-dining room, bedroom, kitchen with built-in sink unit, AND, Four room House with rental Income, 2 lots, garden and "greenhouse. Price $3,000. THREE Room Cottage on 8th Ave. West. Reasonable. For inspection inquire ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. (80) FOR SALE 1 small McClary Leroy coal stove, $20; kitchen table; 2 chairs, $8; 1 double bed, ribbon steel spring', $18.50: Phone Blue 785. (79) FOR SALE 1 Automatic Vic-trola, like new, 1 couch, 1 table. Phone Blue G07 after 6. (79) NEW Plumbing Supplies Just arrlved-a shipment of new cast iron white enamelware. Reccs bath tubs, sinks, basins, toilet seats; All modern, lat est style. Best grade. For immediate delivery at celllns prices Free catalogue on request. Write, wire or phone International Heating & Supply Ltd. (affiliated with K Si J Supply), 231 Jarvis Ave., Win-Jilpeg. RANCH PROPERTY FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE,-cashl offers will be received by the undersigned up to and includ ing 12 o'clock noon of thej 3rd day of May, 1947, for the purchase of the well known "Sealy Ranch" situate 6 miles east of Smithers, B.C. The said ranch comprises 608 .34 acres of which approximately 450 are under hay and crop, 8 roomed log house, log barns, cattle sheds, ;- 3 hay sheds and sundry other bulldlng3, 45 head of cows and heifers, 21 steers and calve3, Registered Hereford bull, 2 teams work horses, 1 saddle horse; complete line of farm machinery and equipment. The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. For detailed particulars plase communicate with K; D. McRae; Official Administrator, Smith- ers, B.C. FOR SALE FOR SALE Dahlia Tubers, 25c at 308 7th Ave. West, (84) FOR SALE-4-room house. 964 ! 6th Ave. East. Phone Blue 230. , (80) FOR SALE Stcfe, good for camp. Phone Rea 495. f 79) FOR SALE Child's crib with mattress and springs. In good condition. Phone 840. (79) FOR SALE Cheap. Approx. 60OJ ft. b.m. shiplap and common lumber. Widths 6", 8" and 10" With plates and studs all free of nails. Dry. seasoned, double dressed. Keg of salvaged nails free; First $150 takes it. Box 213 Dally News. (81 FOR SALE R.O.P. sired White Leghorn Pullets. Bred to lay. Shipping April 12 at six weeks. 90c each. Add 10c osr week thereafter. Sufficient cockerals free. Terms cash F.O.B. Kitwanga. M. Rcwe, Kitwanaga. B.C. 84) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Experienced stenographer. Box 219, Daily News. (84i HELP WANTED Stenographer, must 'be able to take shorthand. Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. To work on permanent or part time basis. Apply. Box 38, Prince Rupert. (80) MAIDS tvln tl?e ,on belt on wpo1-Bay WANTED - For Miller Hospital for kitchen andlcn 5" aSshe went- ward, work. Native and white t applicants will be considered. Applicants should be eighteen or over, and It is necessary to live in. Good salary offered. Phone or write the Matron, Miller Bay Hospital. (79) AGENTS' WANTED IfBRES a-Natural New patented1 Tool multiplies man's strength 31 times. Needed by autolsts, farmers, lumbermen, builders, garagemen, transports, public works, etc. Imme diate deliveries. Write or wire for attractive sales proposition. Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ontario. PERSONAL NEW "Golden Stomach Tab lets." Don't suffer needlessly from stomach distress such as acid Indigestion, gas disturbances, sour stomach, heartburn, belching, bloating, hyperacidity. Get fast lasting relief with "Golden Stomach Tablets" for sensitive, touchy, nervous, stomach conditions. 360 (ablets (90 day treatment) $5.00; 120 tablets (30 days) $2.00; 55 tablets (14 days) $1.00. Trial size 10c. At all drug stores and drug departments. WANTED Young working girl to share 4-roomcd house; Phone Blue 007. (79- DRESSMAKING, Alteratloas and repairs.' Phone Blue 273 after 6.30 p.m. (tf) MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenincs. Phone Green 583. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown leather pocket book. Finder please return to Daily News. Reward. (79) LOST Key ring with Six keys and chain, C.N .R. Park. Kihd'v , .'.. '. - , "I , (80) LOST Child's tricycle between 6th Ave. and 7th Ave. Ea-it, Monday, Finder please phone 744. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Large " furnished , housekeeping room, private entrance, 5th Ave. West. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (81) FOR RENT 4 room house furnished. Phone Green 258. (84) FOR RENT Furnished bedroom 604 Thompson St. Phone Black 093. (84) FOR RENT Suite at Vernon Apts. Blue 815. (tf) FOR, RENT Comfortable room 427 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 967. (80) FOR RENT Front -2-room suite 221 5th Ave. E. Call between 5 and 8 p.m. Phone Red 807. (79) FOR RENT-prlvllege. -Room with kitchen 221 5th Ave. East. (82) FOR RENT 3-room suite: 1023 I 2nd Ave; Blue 270. (82) ONE EASTER MORNING (By Vera Martin) Ezra Thornton raised a grizzled head from the pillow and reached for the blind. Lifting one corner, he.peered out. "It's ralnin'. Mother," ht said without turning. "Gocd day to sit in." Back on the pillow again, his rugged features smoothed into utter contentment; a man tak jng a well-earned rest. Nettle still be sleeping. Good; an extra nour was wnat sne neeaea. Ana men snj movea. what day thi? is, Ezra?" He always wondered why her voice held that pemMarsbftness in the early morning. Ponder-Irrgly, he answered. "Easter Sunday, ain't it?" "Yes. And I was- flxin' that we'd go to. church t'day, you and me," "Oh . ..we went last Sunday didn't we?" When she didn't reply he .ooke aain. "I think we'll take today inside, the weather bein' as it is." He pulled the log-cabin quilt ud to one ?ar and burrowed deeply. "Whatever you. say. Ezra." It was a tranquil voice. "I'll be set-tin' breakfast for you after a bit." Gently she slid out of bed. But everything that Nettle did was done gently. She'd never changed except to Improve. Even hr looks he liked better all the 'me. Her hair was nice turned white, parted In the centre and drawn smoothly away from a wldo.un ruffled brow. Come to think of it though, her eves hadn't changed a whit. They were still alert and young, still as brown as the first day he aw her. Oneniwr one eve. he watched her dlspcpear through the door. Presently the pungent finders of brewing coffeee stung the ?eml - consciousness of Ezra Thornton, and he was wide awake. So this was Easter Sun day . . . Another one! Queer how the smell of that coffeee brought more than It's own offering. Not that he would let Nettie know that he remem bered but he did! Nettie was young that day. His bride. It was their first Sunday In their own home, and It was Easter. He was proud of her, and the heme he had built for her. They had never moved like some folks. Dan?cd if it wasn't thii ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. 022 Fraser Street (86) SCHOOLS ANI COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil-Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. YOU CAN RUN a Home Kindergarten with our help. Cana dian Kindegarten Institute, care M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. MACHINERY ro SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tfi " l..M KI CilSTKV ACT" Kc: l.nN 1!, Ill, II 15, IH.xk 31, TOWNSITK Ol' ATI.IV, MAI TX Whercns proof of loss of Certificates of Title Nos. 10942-1, 19434-1 and 20500-1 to the above-mentioned landr. Issued In ithe name of Charles Arnold Chester has been filed In this office. NOTICE IS HEREBY C1IVEN that 1 shall .at the expiration of 31 daV3 from, the date of the first publication 5.71: 01 auPcat0 certificates oi Tltl in lieu of the said Certificates unless in the meantime valid objec nun oe mnae to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, frlnce Rupert, n.C, this 4th day ol marcn, iui(. A. THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 327 Third Avenue FOR YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT same bed without the spring-filled mattress of course tha he lay on that morning and from which helrad risen eagerlv to find Nettie already In ths kitchen with breakfast ready. Comcakesund bacon,she had made. And coffee. The table was laid with that pretty set he got for thtm at a sale. Still had it somewhere:.for Mother taught the girls real care about them dishes when they were growing up. She had a way with children. Hattle did; No trouble with x them. He guessed she had forgotten i about that morning. Sure! after j so long. vou couldn't expect hr i to remetrfrer. Didn't know why ' he did unless it was Malda get-1 tin i marrlf'J last week, and them bein bv throiselves again. Hard to think thev had. raised a family. h and Nettie, thought Ezra .nulling on his trousers. He ran a well - knuckled hand thraiv.h hi thick hair and made for the kitchen. "Up. dear?" Nett'.e turned the baeon and looked into the oven almost in one motion. Yep, her waist was thicker but not lUte some, wemen he knew. Comfortable, Nettie was He liked her that way. Then hi' ;aze moved from bis Wife to the table, resting ahnost reverently there. It wits t for two. as It hid been so lonr aeo. But he had forgotten how dalntv that border was on those xlLshes. Tiny red roses clustered together mid?t a nale green leaf. Thev had taken his eye that day at the sale, and they took it now. Awkwardly, he stepped forward to p'.ck up a cup. He ran a thick forefinger un and down over the curve of the delicate handle. "Pretty, ain't they?" he sairt ton elessly into the cutj. 'For any rakes," Erle!" Let'- get settln' before them corn- cakes cool." Nettie bustled his chulr Into place and turned the old. worn cushion on the seat. "Vou like them pipin' you know." "I do at that . . . You. remember everything, don't you ?irl?" Ezra said grace more slowly than was h!-? wont. And when he attacked his breakfast, there was nothing lacking In his relish of It. Still, his jaws moved as If In unison with a formulating thought. " Finally he raised hli bushy brows In the direction of the clock. "Is that the time?" he asked in astonishment. "Still 'early tho." Then he smiled across the table with suppressed eagerness. "How about us coin to the church this morning. Nettie." he said simply. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Estimates given fur any type construction. Tlione 5C3 Night Red C03 rrni) Radio Dial L 1 I IV 1240 Kilocycles-(Subject to change) - SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Hawaii Calls 4:30 TJ3 .A. 5:00 Playhouse Party 5:30 South American Way 5:45 Sports College 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Music a la Carter 6:30 Saturday Night Serenuda 7:00 Dancing Party 7:30 Organ Music 8:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30 Old Time Rythm 9:00 Juliette 9:15 This Week 9:30 Cello Recital 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Report from the Legislature 10:30 Hollywood Barn Dance 10:45 Vaughn Monroe's Orch, 11:00 Weather and sign orf ann SUNDAY AAI. 3:30- Concert Album 9:00- BBC News and Commentary lirilf INTERNA!' INTERNATIONAL I NtW 5t. 4 x 2 Truck-Tractors Cab Over Engine O Fifth Wheel Willi or without of all types Wire for specification bulletin. Other equipment available Dealer inquiries invited. NORTHERN LIGHT HOOK ROOM (83) (Over Wallace's Store) for - Bibles, Easter Cards, .Mottoes DIBB PRINTING CO. For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, Il.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 p.m. . REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTRti Chop Suey Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open C a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE iT.l Easier Parade of Gifts... at McCUTCHEONfS PERFUMES 75c to $12.50 COLOGNES $1.00 to $8.50 COSMETIC SETS to $25.00 PAPETERIES 75c to $5.00 McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. WALLACE, Manager) 3rd Avenue at Cth Street PHONE: 7D Be Sure Bulkley Market 9. '15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Vanity Fair 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardner 10:15 Just Mary Tor. 10:30 Way of the Spirit Mont. lKOOCBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports 11:30 Religious Period Ott. pjti. 12:00 New York Philharmonic Symphony Orch. mk I Br 1M1 I I I an n' H m 1 B Bll 'Si I &m MM i Ml (fi (H MB n BV mm I, r.v- A t T A ONE PAIR OF DRAPERIES, 22 yards Iong-58'i Incfw wiJ. otrfTWO EXTRA 10 KG MATCHING TIE-BACKS . . X Onv.. r. Prinee Rupert Dealers Cordon & Anderson Federal Block Phone 46 1 . G R E E G T. A J II N I)' G S of the Best WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 AT kmmw ' Just use our convenient BUDGET PLAN NO interest! NO carrying charges! X f . r,)w i 1 Having Fish for Dinne 'RUPERT BRANI CANADIAN FISH & COLD STOR PRINCE RUPERT PHONES 11C and 117 don't leave ordrrinff t Courtesy and Servlec FUEL AND BUILDING MATER Wc Serve You Nothing But the Dest . . . SPECIAL RED IIRANI) DEEP CHOICEST VEOCTARLES , AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OP OROCERIES DELICATESSEN 1 Choicest Cooked Meats Roast1 Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally , RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West HICKS FRASERHOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 ERASER1 STREET Phone Black 823 I "SOMETHING SIM,.,. ",anv w"n ask tor , I turn, we offer a ,.i,., I "u,r" "sn, colo,l enough 1,, carn .,,., I simple mouth for hard J wore. "Til El: nCAUTil in GOATS, DRESSMAr NEW PRINT DRESSES CHILDREN BOOKS A large shipment r;:' rel including readir.j cutouti in a wonficrf. tion alia cat'.uf 1. , metal and plastic at l'hoiu Red 100 P.O. Ei "RUPERT BRAND" Will add taste and quality to your meal. For variety try our Smoked Rlack Cod, Salmon and Kippcrt Sole, Cod and Salmon I illcts Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ash for Company Limited BRIT1 COLI Yes, the worst is 0 bat it is no timeto your coal bin run i:.c nnssiblf . VOU RCl sin-rim." livery of your fatorlle M brands of coal from AIRFPT t MrCAFFFRY LTD. Geo. I i. Daw! T H E Saturf1 S'u Sales Every GOOdSV,S10 fSs PURNITlJ Estimates .cl 11-, RtS'R