,, riaso MI1, Pott Office Department, Ottawa) L iaii L . i i rvcry altcrnooii . except bunaay by l-"1 Putiisl'0" 71 . 'o-H inllO Prince RuiK-rt. Urlllli HnlnmM. Maelug"1' H. O. PEKRV, Managing Director. W " STE; nlJJ3 AUDIT BUREAU OP CinCULATIONS 0t CAS?oiu? DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION cA? ,,. ne wper devoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert ont "Sim comprising northern and central British Columbia. 9mfflUBl bubsCRIPTION RATES Easter Meditation lEH l'11' reason f rebirth and re-hope is is the time when we pause to re-estimate L spiritual values in the light of the Holy' Jv and the Glorious Victory of 1917 years the events n which uiu lium 01 mi nrisuans ntrate at tins unie ami uiwiiys cung. ...:f;... nf T'7'ieTnr tho lnlimvnif i-iiLl the events or us coiiecjniou nave come 10. nave the affairs oi us an, wnetner we appreciate nr not. the necessity of revivication of the I r inspiration, are suggested in the words of lsage of ucnerai n. wrsoorn, international rof the salvation winy: No muttt'i what else men of today may think about crucifix'"1 i Jesus, they do not argue over the his- -.i fact which Easter celebrates. Every calendar used Christendom witnesses to It. Every business letter writ- by that calendar carries me acKnowieugment ol tne , that He was born a staled number of years ago and lies. a.-, mi established fact, that lie died, as a young ' i, at thr hands of the occupying power In the turbu-1 little country of Palestine. Quite apart from the sig-cann of His death, the geography taught throughout torld t;ik-s note of It, and history records Ills pass-by human violence, from the scene of human action." he jrreat difference between this fact of his-and all others, suggests General Orsborn, is , in sonnj strange way which we cannot w arc more concerned with this than all ooint in the long record of events upon earth. i. i. r..i n i ..e nv mi iwvi nivi; wiioj it lis nut uuwiiiisu ui motional reaction to an oft-told story. Emo- are moved, it is true, by every thought of Cal-but .his matter goes deeper than that. We iroujrht to Calvary by sin, by need of forgive-by sense of guilt, by identity with the human in its need of a Saviour. There is something mal about ( "alvary. ven w hen men do not kneel in humble prayer e Calvary : even when they stanl hostile or lereiu. inev cannot escape meir snare in i n is ral scene in all history. For here God broke in the human race in His final revelation of -elf. and all men tire vitally concerned, nfnruinntclv. fnrnuinv E:ishr is nnrhinir irmr -T , - - ...,. - . a passing calendar event, a mere break in the Ine of life because Christendom has chosen to ; taster with a holiday festival. It is the lian belief, however, that thought of Easter if i rue sense is a sustenance with inner con- feelings of frustration, failure to find any-jmore in life than the struggle to escape its burdens, of to bear them stoically, without t' understanding them. ui-ii. wiM Ur CO 111 lUL'ti "A l have travelled the Old and New Worlds during i" i' vv tinmths I have been deeply Impressed with ' n-nii need tor a restoration of faith amongst men-- . . .. .. Ml In I f.lll. t.. 1 .1..,,.... .1 1 "' ' ' ' 1 'iiiiri. iaii.il in milium ucauny, aim uuuvc u:t';. us God Tin spirit oi weariness and fear is so widespread, it liit bt utterly depressing were it not for our personal wlcdKf tiut laith can be restored If we will accept the '(.! tile in Qod. "Calvar., invites us to seek the cure for this dread ease. Never before has the need been so great, for every ,(Msc in men's Dowers nvpr- Nntnrfi Inrrrnsps their nerll 'Jlfv UVi without Oort All Oils urtdpsnrpnrt rpsUpsxiiPSS brrakj down of hedges and admitting of serpents, K'ilMili'.: oft nf restraints 111H Hoflonpo nf truth tins lh in it So wc are seeking to rouse a sense of personal rest in the cross of Christ." rtniti n . . . . . S?? roM column '""frt for full ,,, n 25c word. 'I M ;p. r n k i.u.ux ica, April Parkin; (V timer :i Ic. wtuows nan. nan Snrin.r Rni Nur Association mwt c. utrr Thursday, . w:r; CtUrtnlnmnnf - -'xiiiiiiviiu J- April ic. n-i , Party r:ii!i. ' tivic centre, April ntre. Ann Tu"u OJig- -uvuh. It'll I. Rnln,.. l mr Hi....... , April jo i"u'1 iea and ;M Chm, i, ... . Sprin- eaie. May 8. Xlwarv r.h , V ' S'Ue. S.O.N.. ' 6:00. Ul ll,1'ai Cliurch 'brai til,, . 5. -wr 8prUl! Tca) 1 f... Wwc centre, PlES. Chancel L ' i Mr Nnrn ! ANVWIllilJi: ANriisii: Till lis What You Want ami Leave It to Us co.Mi'i.irri: siioitinu siatvici: Business Commissions Executed Appointments - neservatlons All Executed in Strictest Confidence Write, Phone or Wire to U N IV K It S A L ti'i;itsoNAb si:nvici;s Suite 3, 535 Homer Street Vancouver. B.C. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 Agents Wanted Exclusive distribution for fastest seilinsr household article in Canada. Our Dealers' Net Average $10!).0() Weekly. Your Own Business i v,"r Own Home Town. 100 riofil MILLION liOLLAIi I'KONT MILLION IMiLLAIl I'KODUC'l' Write Western Household Utilities Co. Ltd. 59 Alexander Street New Westminster B-c SINO. COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED Local News Items . . . Cash for old gold. Bulser'a. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, every Saturday night 8:30. (It) Piledrlver's meeting. Sunday 2 p.m. Carpenter's Hall. Miss Alice Barbe of the Bank of Montreal staff is sailing on the Camosun tonight on a holiday trip to Vancouver. P. W. Stone is sailing on the Camosun tonight on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Stone sailed for the south last week. Don't iforget Queen Mary Chapter Daffodil Tea and Sale, taster Monday, Mrs. Parkin's, 855 Borden Street. (79) W. M. Watts returned to the city on Thursday night's train from one of his periodical business trips to Smithers. St. Andrew's Tea, ' Tuesday, Home Cooking, Delicatessen, Children's Dresses, doll's clothes, aweets for the kiddles. (80) Mrs. M. Webster has returned to her home in New Hazelton after impending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Bartlett, In prince uupert. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford are now occupying their own dwell ing, this new and attractive resi dence being situated on First Avenue not far from the Junc tion of Second and Third. Dr. It. M, Lane, director of the Prince Rupert Health Unit, is sailing on the Camosun tonight for Victoria where he will attend a conference of health department field workers. o For your shopping conveni ence, the following stores will be open Monday, April 7 (wc will be closed on Good Friday only) : Wallace's Department Store, Ru pert Peoples Store, Rupert Men's and Boys Store. (80) Mrs. J. II. Black is sailing to night on the Camosun on a trip to Victoria where she will be delegate from the Prince Rupert .Parent-Teachers' Association to the provincial conference next week. She will also be present at the graduation of her daughter, Betty, as a nurse at Royal Juibllee Hospital. 8LONDIE bn, DEAR, AND I'M ALWAYS GETTING it !At"TR POOR LITTLE I.---.-. l-ip cro nniMf; t wv'w . -r - i 5-y U,l AW POSTPONEMENTT Chamber of Commerce meeting, April 7 to April 14 (It) Mrs. W. E. Drake, who has been visiting here for the past three weeks as the guest of Mrs. Max Hellbroiwr, will sail Monday night by the Princess Adelaide on her return to her home in Vancouver. W. R. Love, well Known pioneer business man of Prince Rupert, who moved to Victoria about seven months ago, arrived in the city a few days ago to be here for some weeks In connection with his interests. Under the aurpices of the Bartenders Union, a well attended and highly successful smoker was enjoyed last evening. Songs, sandwiches and general hospitality all contributed towards most pleasant hours. Mr. O. Cummings of the Trimz Wallpaper Co. will dis play Trimz Wallpaper and Trimz Drapes in Gordon & Anderson's Store, Tuesday, April 8. Don't miss it. Free consultations on your spring decorating problem. (81) Mr. and Mrs. L. K. McLcod and daughter Donna, of Smithers, are sailing on the Camo sun tonight for Vancouver, to which city Mr. McLeod is being transferred after having been manager of the. Royal Bank at Smithers for the past few yeare. They arrived from the interior on Thursday night's train. Mrs. Charlts Graham left this week for Prince George where she. is attending ceremonies in connection with the installation of new Moose Lodges. While at Prince George. Mrs. Graham ia the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey, formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Comadina and two children of Yukon, who have b,ecn on the coast most of. the winter, returned to Dawson, where Mike is a winchman in connection with paid ininin operations. Now that winter is ended, drcd;iir.; is- over. The trip was made by plane, returning north. The Comadinus hail from 1 Prince. Rupert. I'uss-in-the Corner Simplicity Patterns; Needle work Patterns: 15-20-25c. at THE VARIETY STORE. (a8l Charles Graham, inspector of mines, is sailing tomorrow eve ning on the Coquitlam for a week's trip to Stewart and Premier on official duties. A. Bruce Brown sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a two weeks' business trip .to Vancouver in the course of which he will attend a school trustees' convention. Mrs. Andrew Beatty, widow of a former well known chief engineer of the Union Steamshln Co., arrived in the city on the Camosun yesterday ailternoon to pay a visit with her daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe, af ter a trip to Smithers, came from that point to Terrace on Thursday's train and are due home next Tuesday night after spending the Easter holiday week-end on their farm at Mrs. Jacob Hanson of Smi thers who has spent the last week In the city visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkinson, left on last night's train to return to her home In the interior. Miss Lily MacArthur. children's work secretary of the Presbyterian Church In Canada, arrived In the city Wednesday from Vancouver to confer with Sunday School and other workers f the local R. T. J. Rose, for a good many j years in the CjN.R. service at Prince Rupert and active in community affairs, continues to enjoy life n Victoria, according to recent word from that quar ter. Not long after receiving liis superannuation here, Mr. Rose moved south. Mr. and Mrs. diaries Clifton Carlson of Vancouver are mak ing the round trip north aboard the steamer Camosun this week end, If being their honeymoon tour following their marriage In Vancouver. The groom is United States vice-consul in Vancouver. The bride was the former Miss CorHUh Eckman, daughter oi iifiid Mrs.sJ.,E. Eefcman. tice: Mrs. N. Moses, Miss Eleanor Moxiey and Misa .Irene Peatt were among local school teachers sailing Thursday night on the Prince Rupert, for Vancouver to spend the Easter holidays. Mrs. Arthur Robertson, who arrived in the city at the first of the week from Massett, sailed Thursday night, on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. She will be proceeding to the Old Country to take up future residence. Leslie York arrived in the city on the Camosun yesterday af ternoon from Ocean Falls, where he is employed on a contracting Job, to spend- the Easter weekend at his home here, returning to the paper town on the Princess Adelaide Monday night. Arnold Flaten and William Barton returned to -the city on Thursday night's train lrom their weekly trip to Terrace on Royal Bank business. Mr. Flaten took his young daughter, Judy, with him to Terrace and she is remalnin"' over the Easter holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe. ti A n is r r tnif t m w I UtMUINI. A5PIKIN I5( t! The &cal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S V FINEST SALMON Though price ceilings have been removed we have not raised NOUTll STAR HOTTLINC WOKKS l'riiuc Rupert the price of Coca-Cola Authorized Bottler of Coca-Cola Under Contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. By Chic Young armi ti 2 u?r m sT ifS ZTt if' 1 1 wasn't) I iii j res f l(B3sso Prince Bupctt Dally jacUtf Saturday, April 5, 1947 Topcoats in the Famed 'LAMKASHA' Fabric Shades of Brown & Blue $4Q.oo Moving:, Tacking-, Crathiff. Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 iMi in i i lir riff l u Headquarters for Your SPRING GARDEN TOOLS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, LAWN MOWERS, PAINT CLEANERS, WALLPAPER' CLEANER, WAXES, POLISHES. A complete line of quality paints for inside ami outside use. 1 "WE ULLIVLU" McBridc Street L'1-.one 311 It' It's Kock Work CALL . . . M. SAUNDERS BLUE 939 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. MECHANIC'S SPECIAL . . . 11) it) NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN IN I) A M A fl EI) CONDITION No Reasonable Offer Refused This is an excellent opportunity for a man with mechanical ability to procure a late model tar at a good buy. Bob Parker Limited I OKI) AND MONARCH DEALERS We carry the largest and most complete stock of Ford parts in northern B.C. and give prompt attention to all mail orders P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. l'honc 83 JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's jnoccassin front Oxfords See them while sixes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 824 THIRD AVENUE Next Commodore Cafe PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing Printing . Enlarging Coloring PORTRAITS and I'ASSl'ORTS Chandler & CrnvgUI 31G 1th St. P.O. Box CI3 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS LING THE TAILOR We are taking' cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait, PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Madd I VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ADVERTISING IN THE DAIL Y NEWS BRINGS RESULTS.