ipbell in Kill - SiUARDS 1Jl "v t - id 'a 03 .lasi Snthete" oms. He ftM nurd round the ' re wlwn ne defeated score of 100 to 92. by defeating James jC3, 97 in heir second-game. , i m T HAT'S how a South. American would say "asphalt shingles". But strangely enough, here in British Columbia, most people would simply say "Durold" shlnqles Instead. You see, Duriod has become so well-known that many people think it applies to ALL asphalt shingles. Actually, the name "Duroid" is an exclusire trade-name that appears ONLY on shin gles made by Sidney. Genuine Durold shingles have an enviable reputation lor dependability and The tournament teow has com to irstuncLstlll pending the playing df a second-round game between- H. A. Calderwood and D, Houston, which has been postponed by the lllness'of Mr. Calderwood. The winner of this, game will' meet Robert Jamcs-who entered the third round by defeatin-3 Nell Cameron 100 to 54 earlier this week. Flying Ofiflcer Jarvi McLeod Is sailing tonight on the Camo-sun to return to Royal Canadian Air Fbrce headquarters after being posted in charge of the' Seal Cove bafe here for the last three months. long service. For your own home, you can be suro of getting what you risk lor Genuine Duroid Shingles by looking for the Sidney Seal of Quality on every bundle: It's there for your prolectionl SIDNEY ROOFING & PAPER CO. LTD. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER SR-3N t IV. MANlIFACTUItrn I'.v COYLE BATTERIES VANCOUVER', 1 - h NORTHERN DISTIlinirTOR BB PARKER PRINCE RUPERT, Houston Is . Dcs t opon - The city basketball champions were awarded tneir 1948-47 tro .ohies Thursday night as nearly 0O hoop fans watched, At the half-time intermission in the Senior "B" game, the Bo-Me-H? Rainbirds of the Ladies' League and the-Gyro Club of the Junior division were- .given their respective trophiej. T. Norton Youngs' handed the new Civic Centre Trophy to Captain Doug Shier cf the Gyro team, Mr. Toungs mentioned briefly Gyro's fine record of only one defeat in the season as a good example of their claim on the trophy. This trophy was presented by the Civic Centre for annual competition so Gyros will be the proud holders of it for the-next coming year. Lieut. Eric Jones, R.C.K., on J. behalf of Commander C. M. Cree, C. presented the Bo-Me-ITI Raln-birs with the Commander Crec Trophy. The Ralnbirds have won the trcphy every year since It was nut up in 1944. Captain Betty Hamilton received the cut) on behalf of Coach Alex Bill awl her other teammates. After the last roar had died away, following tlic Senior "B game, the Civic Centre Tronhy, the Grotto Cup and the Civic, Centre Good Sportsmanship ! Tronliy were presented to the I rc.'wctive winners in an lm- prev.slve ceremony. Mayor Nora E. Arnold pre rented the Civic Centre Trophy o the Senior "A" champions, the 1 Bo-Mc-ITi- Rainmakers, after ( mnklm? a short address. Captain Ed Clcern-e rfe'yeri the tronhv j for the Rainmakers mentioning, tTlefiy the fine wonents they , had had In the B.C. Pnekers and the Eavov Hotclmcn. Bert Morgan nreseiifd M.ieey's captain Bud Pieree with me of the mo.t bitterly fought f r nnhfes. the Grotto Cup-. Mr. Moan noted that this eun had bwi In existence since 1922 and j so K one of the oldest trophic i still in competition ln Rupert. Following, thla presentation T. Norton Youngs stepped forward , to make the announcement of who the Civic Ctntre Good Siyrt.manhlr Trophy would be t awarded to. The crowd fell Into i a breathless hush of expectation ! hut Mr. Youngs, with a subtle 1 fluir for showmanship, kept th 'm on their toes in suspense. Then just as the crowd was nearly exhausted with the suspense he called on Bob Houston of the B.C. Packers to step forward and receive his trcphy. ! The crowd was nearly unanimous ln approving the popular choice. It is agreed that Bob is : one of the best sports in Rupert. He is also the coach for those jhlh cnlrited Macey players. During the same a collection was taken which the Civic Centre is turning over to the Basketball Association to helo pay i for the costs of any players who were injured during the season. The Civic Centre also donated the free use of the gymnasium on Thursday night. All those trcphips will be on display at the Civic Centre ln tr near future just as soon as the new trophy disDlay case Is erected. But right now they will a B.C. Producl... To meet the demands of B. C. conditions FO n . . . AUTO TRUCK TRACTOR MARINE LIMITED' C - LIMITED R.C. I" BOWL SCORES Although Prices Board was the Lames ln last mght.s Ladles ..B- ' Leusue bowling, Revenuers sneaked awaywith all the-other honors, including high team ag gregate, and individual, triple and singles scoring. Revenuers' aggregate score of 2,755 far outstretched any of tho other teams while G. Stantgebye walked off with 'both the three- game and single game , high- scores. Her tally for the triple was 661, while her highest single game score was 291. Games scores: Prices Board 3, AtUiv 0, Revenuera 2, Whirlwinds 1. Dockette 2; Peoples. Store 1. Bankers 2, Watts and Wliker-son 1. Khatadas 2. Corop 1. CO-OP RATERS Clark t. 123 181 90 Schild 133 143 131 M. Sylvester 121 171 CD Dolly Simonsen .... Ill 111 115 Low Store 93 85, 81 Handicap 34 34 34 Totals 625 725 510 be making the rounds of the teams. And in about two weeks time at the big basketball ban-qtict they will be re-presented to the winners. PORT EDWARD ' STARTS SPORTS ORGANIZATION Port Edward: sportsmen took a quick look at the calendar th!s week, then set about preparing Icr their summer sports- which t3 take the form of ball ln three varieties ibase, fast and f(xt. At a meeting Wednesday, 20 ardent lovers of the three games organized an association and si.-eled officers ami officials-. Officers of the association are: President, Ell Turner. Vice-President, Matthew Stewart. Manager, Ra!ph Clayton. Secretary-Treasurer, Johnny Moore. 124 134 A. Grimible 162 120 158 B. Payne 98 127 202 M. Moulter 118 85 81 H. Watrln 179 144 133 Handicap 121 121 121 Totals ... 820 721 829 2A.XKERS L. Thornton 117 163 227 J. Thornton 269 195 187 L. Usick 124 232 133 M. Amadio 168 85 85 3. Laird i59 136 157 Handicap 73 73 73 Totals 910 834 861 WAITS & NICKERSON-A. Pierce 170 185 204 E. Noble 170 238 128 A. Wrathall 142 253 123 J. Shenton 137 186 172 V. Wrathall 187 123 163 Handicap 19. 19 19 Totals C25 1060 814 DCCKETTES R. Magner 101 2C7 196 It. Christensen .... 130 141 161 M. Montgomery .... 131 175 154 E. Osterberg .' 80 85 113 E. Anderson 93 139 167 Handicap :. 75 75 75! Totals 621 832 869 , PEOPLES STORE C. Bellamy 143 218 200 E. Clark 153 12G 154 J. Ramsay 95 143 200 S. Ramsay 123 153 157 C. Bradley 115 111 127 Handicap 44 44 44 Totals 034 8(10 893 wrmu winds-IB. Cowgill 232 149 154' Tram Captains: Footiball Arthur Lecson, Wal lace Banes. Baseball Wallace Danes, Pet rr Campball. Fasttoli-Chrls Trimble. Robert Jackson. Fastball and baseball coach Jcahua Camnbell. Secretary - Treasurer Johnny i Campbell said Thursday that, the league schedules will be worked out in the near future, but that he did not know wheth er or not the Port Edward teams would invade the Priiu-e Rupert phere. "It depends on how thbsy work out here," he said. "If we feel we're food enourgh, we will probably challenge Prince Rupert." Telling B I Ormes Ltd. ZTiiti Pioneer Druqpists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 p.m. 7 pm. till 9 p.m. :3sr a Truth KHATADAS J. Turcotte 142 Watch Once you own a real time-telling watch, you'll wonder how you ever got along without one. Dozens of times a day you will find occasion (o use It. ' We can how prove whether a walrli is a real time keeper before you buy it. Only the WATCHMASTP.il Regulating Machine ran iln that. We have some very gool watches at between $20 and $30 others run from $30 to $00. IT'S SPRING Time to repair and recondition your home , CALL GREER & BRIDDEN RUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs .Construction Alterations Phone ItED 5G1 P.O. Box 711 A. DeMaere 123 118 103 E. Mennell 180 165 123 E, M,orse 117 115 154 M. Postuk , 182 152', 142 Handicap 28 28 28 Totals- 862 727 704 REVENUERS G. Stangebye 117 253 291 K. Reid 196 134 159 R. Ramsay 140 203 234 E. Rougeau 10 188 21p E. HeinU 152 157 159 Handicap 20 20 23 Totals 734 975 1 064 AT LIN M. McCormick 105 90 46 P. Cramer :.... 115 96 170 M. Anton 103 123 118 I. Nellsen 129 235- 150 Low Score 83 86 100 Handicap 56 56 55 Totals 537 697 640 W.P.T.B. A. Holkestad 188 164 133 P. Black 83 129 100 E. Peterson 104 146 109 B. McChesney 143 104 143 R. Johnson 127 80 157 I Bij.Hif 45 fMr 1 Mint Flavored Phillips' tab lets lAsr ro tAe whcnivei nkoio $010 toil OTUCS'CWS CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Ratet for your convenience . . NKWLY DBCORATKD Transient Konmi CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) r II ONE tl Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAV POINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prln'e Rupert" Agent . Third Ave Phone 568 mmmw let Our Expert Mechanics KEEP YOUR CAR (OR TRUCK) RunningSmoothlyl You can make sure your car or truck will start every morning "ami give you dependable on-the job" service when you have it tuned up by our trained mechanics! Reasonable Prices DEPENDABLE Work! Our mechanics have the "know how" an.1 the tools, equip-ment, and factory-enRineered parts to do quality repair work at reasonable prices! Make an appointment NOW and save time, trouble, and expensel RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Phone ,"Hi! TH SIGN OF BETTER SERVICE EWnrc Hunm Daflp JSctosi Saturday, April 5, 1947 -it. 1 Wfi jm if 4 W If ' 1 i ..li'il WL fIMhtiffj, jh i HffF. the- HL. mT jjmk' ML 'JW jjfKk ' '?$! --PMMiJr QQfm Wa ' ' " ' ' "XT W JJTiffff ' ST A npolecterJ smile , - V IN JUST $ DAYS JU Dingy teeth . . . smoke-stained teeth neglected teeth. . .can sparkle agatrvio J just three days. That's the promise A" Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder makes. Try Dr. Lyon's for just three days and see X.. difference it makes.inyour,smile. rf derful. Is easy to use. Economical... matched Z for price, it outlasts lSLVV'S 7 tooth pastes two to one. lUy. Business and J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4 th Ave. Easi PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 200 4 th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS liuilding and Repairs of all kinds ,oofs. Chimneys and OH Burners PHONES: Oreen 436 Red 894 PAINTING and PAPERflANGING Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER Grandview Hotel PHONE BLACK 412 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P C Box 174 Serring the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. CARTAGE BLUE 989 Baptone A BEAUTIFUL, SOFT FLAT FINISH, BAPTONE IS WASHABLE AND MAY BE USED OVER KALSOMINE, WALL PAPER, WOODWORK OR WALL BOARD, AND CAN BE TINTED TO ANY DESIRED SHADE, WITH COI.ORS IN IL $1.25 Quart $1.35 Gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. SAILS HATCH COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 1G0 East Third Ae. (Next to Shenton'fi) Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL nilllNKIt SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th 8t. Prince Rupert Fuel DRY 12" to QQ Per 14" tpif Cord PHONE Between 7:09 to. OFFICE Professional PRINCE RUPERT POTTLE COLLECTOR Phone Red 416 -MESSENGER SERVICE NOTICE The New Bottle Buyer is ln no way connected. with the Prince Rupert Bottle Collector and we have no one em ployed to, buy under our name. GEORGE L. ROIUE Public Accountant, Auditor, ef,c. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - UaRgaEe- Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls-Green U77 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail ordeise. Box 516, . Phone 777.. 300 3rd. Ave PAPERHANGING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING "For Good, Lastlnc Work" "JERRY" VREBOSCH PHONE 372 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY point IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace SKATE COVERS NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up B0 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, U.C; Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 WOOD Assorted Per $6 lengths... Cprd BLUE 97G 9:00 Any Evening 812 2nd WEST Y3 .4 !S'n: r Jl 1 1 fit