jrinrc Uupcrt Dailu Jciys; Thursday, March 13, 1947 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to- the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern nd central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor, H O, PERRT. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY. NKWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION, RATES By. City Carrier, per. week, ISc;. Per. Month. 65c: Per Year, S7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year,. 14.00. The Haines Cut - Off IT is rather significant that General Dwight P. Eisenhower, United States Army chief of staff, who a few weeks ago said a road, from the interior northward through British Columbia to connect with the Alaska Highway at Whitehorse was not an essential factor in North American defence, should come out as insisting on the maintenance of the Haines Cut-off which connects the southeastern Alaska coast with the same Alaska Highway as, a most important link in the Alaska military highway system. As we have been pointing out for some time the Haines Cut-off has an important bearing on the Prince Rupert transportation route in view of the water link which, would connect this railway terminal point with, the p(oi;t ' of Haines as, the entry point for the Alaska Highway on the extreme west. If General Eisenhower saj's the Haines Cut-off, is n-."must''itis to be expected., something, will rellv be done about it and that is very interesting to Prince Ri'ipcrt. f. .f. . PICTURE PUBLICITY Prince Rupert Public Relations Council, THE which recently repeated its request to the provincial Department of Tade and Industiy that it send its photographers into this district this year for the taking oi moving pictures depicting the industries and attractions of the area, has met with gratifying response in the announcement from the department, just received, that the making of a. travelogue of the- area betwen Prince Rupert and Prince. George is to be definitely tho department this year. Further, Prince Rupert will be included in another travelogue of coastal routes which is to be. completed, this year. Tb,ere is no better publicity than, that of the. trayelpgue picture, particularly' when, the distribution, is so. widespread asthe Department, of Trade and In-, dutry is ojganfced to give. SECOND SHIP FOR 5HRINERS Arrangements Made to Handle Overflow, for Ceremonial, to.. Be Held Here May 24 Arrangements have now been made for a second steamer In addition to the. already chartered Princess Norah to bring nobles of Glzeh Temple, Ancient and Arabic Order, Nobles, of. the Mystic Shrine, to Prince Rupert for a ceremonial tobe held here May 23 and 24, according to G. J. Dawes, president of the. Prince Rupcit Shrine Chib. which has arrangements for the local re cent Jon In hand. The second ves. sel will be the new Union Steam ship. Co. coastal liner, Chjlcotln, converted Castle, class corvette and lister ship tq the Cqquitlam and Camosup, which will be making her maiden voyage-Securing the second steamer will Itnable wives as wel as n.bVf.s to make the trip to prince Rupwt. Tne Princeis Norah will have a minimum ot 103. passengers and he Chiicotln a minimum of 1C6. The Shrine has- an option on the charter of the. Chiicotln up to Marth 22. Should; the, minimum cuarantte not be, achieved by that date, there Is the, alter,-, native of uslnj the steamer Camosun, on her regular voyage to Prince Rupert and Ketchikan that week-end, to bring a, Shrine party of 50 here for the, "ZHTT7"- - The Gentle Bleach INCOME; TAX: Returns Prepared, See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 -'1 4,ioDDy onow rrovea Very Popular Event Preliminary, reports on the arts, crafts and hobby shjw, staged at the Civic Centre last week under the; leadership, of Mrs J. T. Harvey, confirm the great popularity and appeal which marked the undertaking. It Is estimated Uiat no less than five thousand, persons attended the display, some 2000 on the Thu(rday and; Friday and about 1000 on Saturday. FO.OTBALL FRUIT The fruits of the pantlanus plant grow to football size. fBATHTUB.S!AINSl li PerfOC In cfirt s JUST TRYf THIS, TONIGHT, Why, waken tired and listless wbed you can do what thousands of happy people ere doingl They simply take cup of Ovaltio. at bed. time, to 1 wake up freih and alert, each morning. For Ovahinc acts in three way; First, taken warm at bedtime, it fosters sound rtjrtihing sleep, without drills. Second, it supplies essential food elements to rebuild vitality while, yousleep! Third, it also furnishes important vitamins and minerals in, a delicious, more, natural way. for all-round health and vigour; So why not try Ovalttnt beginning tonigbtf See, if you ' don't wke up' refreshed and vigorous, in. the, morning, ready, to start the day with a song. Owiftf me 14 ON HUNGER STRIKE IN TOKYO- In an unproved itraw hut in front of the Ai-ahl Shlmbun buildtii"- in Tokyo. Japan, Yoshlkl Hoshlno, 39-year old repatriate from North Manchuria, is shown after he went on a 21 -day hunger strike to protest hi.s gov exnment's delay In repatriating Japanese still detained abroad. "Hunger Camp. Appeal" is. written cross the doorway In Japanese characters as he appeals to nassers-bv. Yoshlti U n hmii of Naokl Hoshino, fprmer secretary of Japan's prime minister, wno went on inai as a war criminal. LETTERBOX CRITICAL OP RUPERT Editor, Dally News Some time ago a copy of the Dally Xewwas sent to me frojn Prince Rupert and In the "Letters to the Editor" column I noticed a rehash of the Camp bell fund. It appeared that two people were trying to credit themselves with the small effort of the PrlnCe Rupert people towards the crippled child. I was In Prince Rupert when a man by the name of TraxJcr Wrote your paper concerning the public attitude towards the underdo? of Rupert. He mentioned the Campbell child and. from the nany, letters of abuse aimed nt him and printed In your paper. I should say that Mr. Trailer deserves a big thank you for bis effort. In my opinion he Is responsible for the child having a good home today and I doubt if he made ,abig pplash aboM Jt to a Vancouver paper either.' Before visiting lr Rupert. I had i heard much about the unfriend-ly attitude of the people-through my fellow soldiers. How- ' ever, I did not believe it true until one fine morning in Ru- LUMBAGO (Lame Back) . w-. 'a vu imu BOTC IO lOUCIl i m i it s an effort for you to stoop or UnL lake the trmedv that ha pert I said "Good morning" to more than fAUy people and only aji eiderly Salvation Army lady retained the eamlknent. I do hop tlat I am never aiu cauMftl upon to go to Prince RPrt again and as for the lady mayor -God help her. She really needs His he to do anythln for that tnwn. Vicnuver. C GRIEVES. EARLY NEWS: IS WELCOME Local ncw,i items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by lQ a.m. Contributors' are asked to bear this In mind, Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. K)U relief to thousand--Tt pipWton'i , ,u,,r' huih uie nagging misery of t Lumlaco . a day longer tlian you have to. G T-K-C's todiy. SUc Jl at druggists ever-nhere. x.39 I VANCOUVER EAST LIONS CLUB H CRIPPLED CHILDREN, FUND, OF B.C I 801 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING. I 8S5 GRANVILLE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. A Bntficiril: I Vsneouvtr Crippled Children's HoipiUl t I Vtneouvtr Piiytnlorium I Queen Atenendit Senium, V.I. I; I Si. Christopher's School, North Vincouver I, THE WEATHER Synopsis The storm at sea, which was xpectedj to give, rait) today over southern BrJUsh Qolujubla has moved rapidly northward into the Gulf of Alaska. Skies are expected to clear today over the southern portion ci the province. The, weather remains mild with temperatures in the southern portion of the province expectid 1 to climb to the high, fifties to- ; day and Friday. ' Forecast I Prince Rupert, North Coast and Queen Charlottes Intermittent lir-ht rain or drizzle, today and j Friday winds southeasterly (25 , mile? per hour). Little change In temperature. Lows tonight: Port Hardy 43, Massett 41, Prince. Rune"' 41 IUfth Ffrlday: Port Hardy 50 Massett 48, Prince Rupert ik. Classified Advertising Pays! We wish to'congratulate MR. TEI) SMITH On the opening of his new venture A. K. SMITIIr-Ultnlesalft Fruit, and VVftal.lrs. whose cooler wa built by- us. MITCHELL & GURR1E l!('ll.HIN(i CONTPvAOTORS Third Ave. K. Phone Sfil AW Congratulations TED Best wishes for success inlyour, new business venture A. E, SMITH Whole-sale fruit and Vegetables, flordon, & Anderson Ltd. were, pleased to supply the IWIGI.DAIRE- refrigeration units in the new warehouse.' SPECIAL VALUE ' WATCHES THIS WEEK'M; . Men's and .ladies' assorted stylqs in stain-less steel; and gojad-filled; 15 and Itf-jcwel grivlps;. some have leather .straps, and' the ladier,' ai o silk cord, or cliaiif lirjacelot styles. (iuaraiUffd Sallsfacloiy and Tested On Our U'ATCIjMASTER ReRulalar llefnre lldivfrj, REGULAR $24.50 Special) PAPER TOWELS Cnnllnuoiu Roll Ty.e Flat Pack or Interfoldert For Industrial Uses We. have a. large, stock of the best brands-ready for Immediate delivery, Wood's llromn(oii Nibioc. Pacific. Eronomy J jr. and Economy Sr.-?, PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOOSE P.O. Box 772 - 330 Second Avenue Thone 632 For, That. Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CIIOW M E I N 7:00 a.m. to U:oa p.m. RICHEST the. OPENING of. A. E. SMITH . Fruit and Vegetables , RAND BLOCK COR. SIXTH AVE. AMD FULTON, STREET ""till. Representing UNITED FRUIT LTD, Careful Attention Given Out-of-Town Orders on&Anderson ELECTRICAL FEDERAL BLOCK HARDWARE PHONE l(4 on, 1111; opr.NiNC oi-' A,. E . SOUTH' - Whole, sale I'Vnits and Vootafles WELLS CARTAGE Extends, Congratulations Cartace work, will Uo done !,y WULI WELLS (P.R.) LTD CARTAGE Hi S, Wlialrn..Mgr, Good Luck Tod! I'liune- P4.II REST WISHES. F 0 It A PROSPEROUS IIUSINKSS WI4 ARE HAPPY,, TO HAVE I'KOVIDED in. r.i.r,uiKii,YU. i i.viiiitr. run S.MITII. WHOLESALE KKUI1 AND VEOiriAP.LES RUPERT RADIO & ELECT; rox 1321 313 Thlrtl Avriiui W(M rbontf- GREETING CARDS For ST. PATRICK'S DAY EASTER ok ANY OCCASION We liavf, a. foiniilflr and arllstir stUt. D IBB PRINTING COMPAS DF.SNER BLOOIC THIRD AV Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone. 37 HJ.O, Hox. S( ERASER STREET Prince Rupert. TERRACt 0 Tfoncfpri IIOiw'w,H Storage SFJtVICK TO ANT m THB DISH"" Vnlith) P.O, H)X in- i r v m mm m General Contractor build sidewalks, Remodel yoiirff' Demolish or rnove builnng(. OlA"AN ' 1,00,, .Xl ff.lt ACTION andwq willrRivQ an. estimate P.O. 093,05,1 -: