B20 u .:. Mi Fashion spreads Iut skirts this spring . . spreads t he m about you Mn a whirl of pleats. Fashion enhances even further with soft drupes t hat make complimentary conversation behind your hack. From our new spring a n d K aster series. ill. ,. ,:i cany .::-u:rt be ;ril Tim d VCtJ- , y a lot 'ic and ; (or fur-tt will L.i;iiedlatc 1: re even-' lilty At. funcemcnts in r Mrs. T. W. !D.E Djukv, BJack's . overy- CRN BRInnr h 1 Lr, iC Tca ft liar. k tea and ;' luirty, eve- I Mrs R O. Ire ifiii'. now.. Hall. f A Tea Miislcalc rn- C-hool Chiil r H;:mo nrr sent opcr- pv-i: Sale March I W a ut Sale j.' P"i :c Tr:i ntul Knlr fiti'Vow. Il.il! m SnniiL' ' HOlSATp; MATTMl fi.. b..... Sale, !( Tea :iin! K:ili April 1, Pi. M;iv II Mrs nil- Xi ary He May 8, He May 0. iORS. PRmttnr F'nvnoN act" Ttlw , IWKRw.'.'i'TATR rV. v . i y r m r v., vt mado mi Brali,-.-, n iwnic.i , n.u. nidT iu miui . . . . ) mo forth, Buy Your , COMPLETE OUTFIT Here on the Budget Plan in all the old dead weeds, vegetable tops and any manure that this time It is advisable to work has been obtained. The new gar-di'iier is too inclined to bum all rubbish and leave or send It away with the garbage. This is a serious mistake. Anything that will rot in a reasonable time, and there will be few things that will not. should be dug In. Such improves both light and heavy .diK opening the latter and making It less liable to bake and rake, and adding much needed water retaining humus to sand and light soil. Except ipossibly In drought areas, it Is a mistake to try to cultivate the garden without preliminary plowing or digging. After this, and Just before the seed is sown, experts advocate a thorough "Vaking or cultivating to make the seed bed as fine and level as possible. This !s especially necessary with fine seeded flowers or in live vegetable garden. Lawn Work I'.irly One coii hardly do lawn work too early. Grass seed loves cool weather and so does the grass itself. If It doesn't .get Its start i while there Is plenty of moisture J n the ground and bofore the sun gets too hot you will not get best results. So Just as soon as the soil Is fit to work, as soon as one can do this without getting ones shoes really muddy. Is the time to plant new lawns or repair old ones. The soil should be worked as fine and level as po ib'.c. It is much easier to get ii lnwn level before the grass Is INDIGESTION? acidity poodily and qrnlly relieved. Try Abbey's ILxcosa Hleivocent Salt, and see lor yourself I SINGER Treadle ScwIiir Machines Available Now! Machinrs For Rent REPAIRS AND PARTS Sewing Classes Buttons, Trims, Dri s.- Accessories, lc. PHONE NO I Singer Sewing Machine Co. C39 Third Ave West BLONDIE r i- ti'ntjitfiininF 1 1 i M.vv t-r coo cool, i i'.vT 5-KEf P hEARiNS ) I Pi eparing for Convention Canadian legion 1n Session Vernon Delegates Named Many matters In connection with the forthcoming annual Legion convention which- is be ing held this year at Vernon from May 10 to 14, were the subject of discussion at a well- attended meeting of the Canadian Legion which took place at the Legion Hall last night. President V. O. C. Houston and W. H. Murray were elected as delegates to represent the Prince Rupert branch at the convention and the secretary manager, P. M. Ray, was elected to stand by as the reserve delegate In the event of either of the other members being un able to attend. Several resolutions to be sub nuuca at tne convention were approved by the meeting. Secretary-Manager P. M. Ray was nominated by the Prince Rupert branch to replace Allan sown than afterwards. With new lawns It may be necessary to work up thoroughly, then roll or allow to settle and work azaln. Not onlv does this nre kills the weeds and here again the Job is easier bofore the lawn Is established than afterwards. Good seed with lawns.Ls vitally important. For special purposes like bowling greens, shady places and coif courses there are special types cit grass or mixtures. Select a day with. as, little wind as possible to sow the grass seed and fertilize. This combats weeds. Thick, well fed grass will crowd out most weeds. For those that will not be crowded out, they should ppud out or .spray with the new 2-4-D, which kills dandelions, chicory, plantain, etc., with little injury to clover and none at all to grass. Sweet Teas Early Too Another early Job will be planting sweet peas. These are best sown in a foot deep trench, Into which has first been put about three or four inches of well rotted manure or leaves firmly pressed down and a little fine soil on top. Gradually the trench will fiTl In and a deep drought resistant root growth Is developed. Later on some brush or strings should be provided .for support. Frequent picking of flowers will assure Ion? blooming. baby's mi ne t N RUB ON V Relieve misery direct -without "doting "Build B.C. Payrolls" Please The Children IFie ill' M. Davlcs as zone representa tive for the district which Includes Legion branch at Ocean Falls, Stewart, Terrace and Smithers, all iI which branches will be Invited to make a nomination for the position. i 1. You'll find cocoa mauc wuu creamy Pact tic Milk is hard to beat. And In all your cooking requirements you'll find farm-fresh Pacific in the familiar va cuum packed tin a real kitchen helper. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Be Sure of the Best Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 The Joint Isn't Haunted! " lH" SOAM1MS l AMO POAWj JCST 53 LIKE HE CC? AT I i ins vrriw. The meeting passed a resolu tion to Invite the provincial president or the provincial sec retary of the Legion to visit Prince Rupert during April or at his earliest convenience and thereby become familiar with the facilities offered here when this branch's bid for the 1948 convention being held In Prince Rupert comes up for considera tlon at the Vernon ocnventlon. Donations to the Canadian Red Cross Society and to the Lions Club. East Vancouver, Crippled Children's Fund were passed, and a collection for the Veterans' Hospital Comforts Fund was taken up. Entertainment of the crews of H.M.C. ships Uganda and Crec cnt ducring their visit here from April 7 to 9 was left in the hands of the entertainment committee which committee was also authorized to arrange a limlnary cultivation tend to get program for April 10 In com- thc ground level but it also I mcmoratlon of the anniversary cf the Battle of Vimy Ridge. It was decided at the meeting that the election of officers, which is scheduled to take place at the annual meeting on April 9, will be for a 12-month period Instead cf for six months as has been the custom In the past. Other changes which carried Included the election of eight members. Instead of six, for the executive committee and the holding of the annual general meeting in March In future years. Members of the local branch were invited to "fall In" at the Local News Items Miss Lin Brown of the Uni versity of British Columbia ex tension department, arrived in the city 'Wednesday on the Prince Rupert to 'take part In a public meeting' on current cooperative problems.' Prince Rupert . Junior Cham ber of Commerce St. Patrick's Day Dance, Friday; March 14, at Civic Centre Auditorium. Every body welcome. (C2) Mrs. George Eokcrman re turned to the city on Monday from Tacoma. Washington, where she accompanied the body of her husband for burial following his death here three weeks agp. She was accompan ied on her return by, her daughter, Mrs. Fred .Sumter' or Albany, Georgia, who will spend a rew weeks here. There rWlll bc a nicetlng held on Monday March 17, at 8 pm., for all Corvette Club members, in H:MX?JS; "Chatham" Naval Drill Hall canteen. All members please attend: (63) Allan Morgan.', is .sailing to night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to 'Vancouver where-he will receive medical treatment Legion Hall oif.Sunday morning next to attenda church parade to the First Presbyterian Church where Rev. W. Gordon Maclean, moderator of tire Presbyterian Church In Canada, '(formerly LlcutCol.,- Queen's Own Highlanders of Winnipeg and senior chaplain of the; 2nd Division Overseas), will unveil the honor roll erected to tne' memory of members of the" "congregation who lost their' lives in the service cf their country' during .the Second Great ;War,' DOCTOR'S WIFE SERVES HOT SOUP "PICK-ME-UP" "MY HUSBAND IS CALLED out at 11 hour," wyi thi Doctor's wife, "and often misses regular, mes.!. So there' nothing he enjoys moro when he: comes home tired and " hungry than a lowl of Aylmer Vegetable: Sotip!." Yes, tho 9 delicious vegetables in Aylmfr Vegetabl Soup supply needed nourishment quietly. For it crisp carrots, tomatoes, new preen peas and other vegetable ;J . havo been pkx1 from field to soup-pot to retain their Karden-frcsli flavor, and precious vitamins and minerals. Made wiih barley, rice, tmacaroni, butter and. rich stock,' Aylmer Vegetables Soup is almost a meal in' itself. Servo nourishing Aylmrr Vegetable Soup often- ilV the delicious way to pet needed vegetable every day, Try fWs tempting recip it moUi mol go .furffitr . Braised Steak SIMPLIFIED 1 pound round tiak 1 can Aytmtr Vtgiloblt Soup Statentd flour I can el wottr Cut ntk into .ervinf-sizn piece; senaun ! cup flour with ! j teoJpooa salt,. M teaspoon pepper and H teaspoon dry mustard,- and; pound into both (idea of tba steak, using tho edgo of a largo plate or a meat tcnderijier; brown steak thoroughly on each eido in a little hot fat. Add the Aylmer Vegelablo Soup diluted with en equal quantity of water; t'ovrr snd oimmer gently until tha meat is tender about i hours -adding' additional, water if needed. Conodion Comtri Kamltton, Canada By Chic Young a-rr. m 1 : ...m II Ml W r, h 1 i w - na'Tnr a. x , i A Seml-flnals Native Basketball Tournament, Tonight, Civic Cen tre, 6:30 Greenville vs. Kltl-maaf, Kitkatla vs. Alyansh; Metlakatla vs. YPJ3.A.; P.S.A.C. vs. Klncollth. (It) Duncan Kerr, secretary of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, Is arriving in the cty on tonight's train from Terrace to confer with the committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce having arrangements In hand for the, convention of the As sociated Boards to be held here In August. Mr. Kerr will be returning to Terrace on tomor row night's train. Famous HOLLYWOOD PATTERNS are now on sale exclu sively at Wallace's. Over 800 pat terns to meet every need. Prices 15c, 25c and 35c. At WALLACE'S of course. (66) You saw it m The News! ASPIRIN EASES SIMPLE HEADACHE NEW 10W PUKES 12 tablets lie 24 tablets 29c 100 tablets 73c GOES TO WORK IN 2 SECONDS Genuine aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY TvV DEAF HARD OF HEARING ? BE ASSUKED OF THE FINEST IN HEARING AIDS IN MICROTONE DURATRON VACOLITE BE ASSUKED OF PERSONAL SERVICE, HOME FITTINGS AND FRESH BATTERIES AT Rupert Radio & Elecfrlc Box 1321 LING l'honc CU THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Preserve those Baby Memories Something New in Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold will save forever those dear little bootees . . . To grace your mantel and be always a fond reminder for you and yours of happy baby days. THE COST IS SMALL BRING THEM IN TODAY Guaranteed Watch and Jewelry Repairs. Special attention given to mall order woik. MANSON'S JEWELLERS The Home of Belter Jewelry" yriiicc Uupctt Daili? Jftclu? Thursday, March .13, 1017 ASTORIA CANADA'S FINEST Shoes for Men by Scott and McIIalc , el The CONVOY Full Brogue, brown only. Widths C, D, E. Pair The HAIG Double sole Blucher Oxford, Urowu Scotch grain. Widths C, E. Pair $14.50 $12.00 llhVAo'mJ'lilllJhaWTaJlll jiihfJiiiniHiimi A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" SIMMONS BED mattress, 3-foot size l'honc 773 VISIT OUR . Complete with felt $36.50 327 Third Avenue Bargain Counter You can't afford to miss thecal values at HALF" PRICat 513 THIRD AVENUE WEST WAR ASSLTS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Minc Hun Hulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 PHONE RED 400 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ormes IM. Jiiet Pioneer Druggists PKKSCKll'TlON CIIKM1STS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 0 a.m. till U 'pan. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND" Will add taste and quality to your meal. For variety try our Smoked JMack Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon Fillets Frozen: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH Company Limited Columbia W4. i M ft 1 m 1- A