Induce Unpen Dtiilp J3ciug Thursday, March 13, 1917 Hotel... arrivals I'rincc Rupert L. Ripstein, Montreal; H. .Woodbury, Vancouver; D. O, Stcnstrom, Vancouver; Paul Paine, Vancouver; Miss M. Mus-irravc, Port Simpson; Mrs. H. Dudoward, Port Simpson; Inspector C. Wood, Vancouver; Miss Lin Brown, Vancouver. , Advertise in The Daily News. We're We've Your How scoured Spring and our in a Spring. little m u them n m m a it ii At Cook C6rps of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets was made Wed nesday afternoon by Lieut. Commander Alex Mitchell, commanding officer of the corps. The promotions involve Leonard Yourtgman from the rank or midshirman to sub-lieutenant. and Bob McChesney. Laurie Eddy and John Kennedy from the rank of chief petty officers to midshipmen. Sure Got Number can we be wrong? We the market for coalsboth shorties full-length and took pick of the most fetching numbers. You'll go far little box coat this Particularly in this all-wool honey. Look over. WALLACE'S Business and J. P. MOLLEU PHONE BLUE 15o 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 206 4lh Street : Phone 055 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners ; PI10NE3: i Green 488 Red 894 J'AINTING and PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 ii.jlund' JONES NF!WR TAMn ! Eastern and Western Tapers j Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN I . fcllth Street Red 808 pIITH & ELKINS LTD. j Plumbing and Heating ? Engineers -Phone 174 R.O. Box 274 Serving Ihr tfvhrrl WclU (P.R.) Lid. I. A II ELM NO CO NTH ACTOKS BLUE 9K0 IxcoaI 1 but Yes, Four Sea Cadets Are Promoted Announcement cX the promotion of four members of Captain u H B B fl B B B fl B B B B B n of course Professional PRINCE RUPERT IiO.TTLE COLLECTOR PHONE RED 410 . . . Wc buy . . . PERFEX BEER BOTTLES BOTTLES All Sizes WHISKEY, GIN AND WINE BOTTLES Prompt and Courteous Service GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Bcsncr Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal W6od - - - Baimaee Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUTERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages i Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties - MODERATE PRICES -Prompt attention to mail order.'. Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave FM PROMPT m4 EFFICIENT SfRVKI Mil lfur 9lt to COLUMBIA OPTICALCO.Ua NORTIIKRN LICIIT HOOK ROOM tti) (Over Wallace's Store) for - Bible, Easter Cards, Mottoes the worst is over it is no time to let your coal bin run low You git Mitt-dicst possible delivery nf your favorite known brands of coal from us. But PHONES 11C and 117 don't leave ordering t IonS. Courtesy and Service ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS URGING SALE OF WARTIME HOUSES ' chief Ban,, . . . , , ; That wine Is a mocker and A,l?r dcl(aUon. whlch! betrayer of those who Indulge mspired Alderman Casey s reso-, , ,t ls t that Ch lutlon at Monday night's coun- , Pnrt Rimnxnn , cil meeting seeking to make! .m jh , ' wartime houses available private purcnase consisted or night and tnis m0rnmg he Ray Johnson and Mr Prussky, s ordered by the police wno ioio councu inai mey werej magistrate to contribute $25 unniTinonrl convinced tfotf that there knrn ntll . would be a ready sale for the houses If they were made available. The resolution made reference only to houses which "were constructed along streets where the city is compelled to maintain ordinary services, such as water. (lights, sidewalks, streets, sewers and telephone services in .con nection with other 'privately-owned homes." It urged that the City Clerk contact both Wartime Housing and the government with a "view to arranging whereby persons wishing to make such purchases may be able to do so in any of the localities described." Mayor Arnold expressed sympathy with the proposal, but em phasized that it would not lw fiisiblc to support the private purchase of wartime houses in subdivisions where there arc no other privately-built "homes. "The city cannot put itself in a position whereby it would have to maintain services in areas where there might be only three or four isolated houses. Rush-brook Heights, for instance,'' she said. Black insrs'.cd that the rity try and enter an agreement iii which the city would receive some financial r'eturn from thesale of lots by Wartime Housing to private Individuals. Council should have a clear I I cut understanding with Wartime i Housing in regard to disposition of the land. We have no knowledge of what they may decide to do, and we, should try to obtain some payment for lots that were taken from us for a dollar." LOCAL PEOPLE ON BIG BESS Will Be Sailing From New York .May 9 to Visit in Old Country When the world's greatest passenger liner Queen Elizabeth sails Mav 9 from New York for Southampton she will have on board at least three Prince Rupert people heading for Ergland and Scotland to revisit their native hemes in the Old Land. E. F. Read of the Capital The- artc staff will leave h:rc April 21 and will pay a visit to New York before embarking He goes to London, his native city, and I is booked for his return voyage t leaving Southampton September . ri. Air, Held made his last trip to the Old Country in 1939 and was on t,he Atlantic aboard the urn JAVEX lh9 magic cleanser chases grime from sinks ond drainboards In a flash makes them shine as ihev never shone before. It charms uwoy all types of stains from linens and coltons whitens clothes on washday. Cleanses ond whitens, disinfects and deodorizes toilet bowls, better ond faster. , AT YOUR DEALER'S VHV. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 for! ... . rhorllB h,, . . to the civic coffers by way of a fine for intoxication. According to testimony in ! court this morning, Charlie had been picked up last night in a place that Ls dcJinitelv ! off limits. How he got there is a question that Bacchus god of revellry, alone could answer. Charlie was arrested by Police Sgt. L. A. N. Potter -ton In Sgt. Potterton's bathroom in the Summit Apartments. Queen Mary when the Second Great War broke out. Fred Scadden, pioneer local painter, while leaving here later than Mr. Read, will also catch the Queen Elizabeth on the same sailing from New York. It will be his first visit home to the Old Country in many years. a Mrs. W. M. Brown will also be embarking rrom New York on (he May 9 sailing of the Queen Elizabeth. She is to revisit her old home in England Tor the first time since she came to Canada as the bride of the late W. M. I. Brown after World War I. Mrs Brown may be accompanied on the trip to the Old Country ov her daughter. Mrs. lid M.t'. lack cf Ecsex, Ontario. Mrs. Brown's only son, William, lost his life while serving with the Royal Canadian Air Fnren in World War II. NATIVE CJIIU) DIES I Ellen Trimble, ninc-year-oid daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trimble, died in Miller Bay Hospital last night. Burial will take a place at Falrvicw Cemetery. a er, Classified Advertising Pays! Make ike ONI SHOE Test! Shine one shoe with 2 in 1 . . . shino the other with the polish you're using SEE FOR YOURSELF THESPARKLE I IN A 2'" I SHINE 2 in 1 wu created to give you a fist, brilliant ihine by combining a cleaning action and the polishing action of a wax paste. 2 IN 1 laves time; gives a brighter, .longer-lasting bine. And the air-tight container it especially easy to open. BLACK, BR0WNTAN, 0XB100D PASTE BUCK, BROWN LIQUID . -. , nd bectuse you want a happy ilep lodayi Brijhlcn every room . . . roomi mm nrjer, airier and definitely 7Jmcmet Moname!, the to apply and in gloss o. satin Prince Uiincrl GORDON AND FEDERAL BLOCK PORT EDWARD CO. DIRECTORS Directors ot the newly incor porated Port Edward Develop ment Co. are listed as follows; Joseph Francis Dcmpsey, at- j torney - at - law, 20 Exchange Place. New York City; Edward Creswell Mapson, 1422 Standard Bank Building, Vancouver; James Grant Hatpin, 1422 Standard Bank Building, Vancouver; Clifford Manley Bowden, High Farms Road, Glen Head, New York. GREAT FILM COMING HERE Ardaimcd everywhere as one of th;' greatest pictures of the year and admittedly a strong contender for Academy award, the dramatic love story, "To Each His Own," with, 0lvia De Havilland and John Lund starring, is foeimr presented this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Oupitol Theatre. Noted as stage star, this is Lund's screen debut. Briefly, "To Each Ills Own" is the story of a .girt who lives a lifetime in the few hours she has in which to meet and fall in love witli a flying hero of World War It tells ot the anguishes and sacrifices that are hers when .she gives up the son born of that love in order to relieve him of the rtigma of an illicit birth. It carries through to a heart-tingling finale when mother and grown xm meet again in a scene fraught with potent dramatic possibilities. The role is said to be a fitting climax to Miss De HavMand's great screen career. und ls first the love and then the son. The supporting cast includes Victoria Hornc, who appears as nurse and good friend of Miss Dellavilland; Griff Barnett. as kind and understanding fath Mary Anderson, Phillip Terry, Roland Culver and Bill Goodwin. homt, take tliij cay, IneipcnMve add touches of color , . . make more attractive. Kemember . , , .&ivhUnt modem finish, it durable, eaty keep clean. See color lelectiom finish. Dealers ANDERSON PHONE 40 f FDD Kadiobial ITr R 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to chtnge) A A A AAA At THURSIJAY-1'.M. 00 Tony the Troubador : 15 Stock Quotations :30 Little Concert; :45 Talcs of Texas 00 Popular Playhouse :30 People Ask ' ia ouppcr acrcnaue The Esquires ..: i :15 On the March'; 30-r-Pcrry Comb :45 T3.A. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Story of Music 9:00 Sports Review 9:15 Points of View ' - ; l' 9:30 Pacific Showcase 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Sportsman's Qulde 10:30 Vaughn Monro. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. FKIDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock '.8:00-CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music ror .Moderns 3:45 Little Concert FUKNITUJRE KEPAIUING Upholstering - SUb Cferi Drpe Car and Tract CufclUi Itepaired and Rtcoverti Out-of-town orders tlea, special cirr. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Orteo'174 ' 117 Second Avenue Weat OppoilU Clrlc Centr The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S jjjj' FINEST SALMON CENTRAL HOTE! Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Room CAFU In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (iterioYtted) r honi Ii 9:00 BBC News fjaiMomlhg Devotions .9:30 Shakespeare's Macbeth 9:S9-Timc Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 1045 Scandinavian Mr-i(Kiir.. ii:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:45 Etllcl "and Albert , P.M. 12:00-0. C. Purm Broadcast 12:55 Program Resume 12:30-CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Houi ;l;30-Jtevltal 1:45 Commentary and Talk ;2:00 Musical Descriptions '2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45 Messcrs Islanders 3:0OStu Da vies 35 Serenade to America Ffl ItorlA 3;45-BBC News and Com. j JmMTQE1S j: Elmore rhllpott TOO LATE TO CL.SSII'Y TOR SALE-'39 Chevrolet halt ton panel delivery. Serial No 9131580030. Model 13-15. Spa! tire and' tuber $350. Michac ; Satvka, 701 7th West or Phon ntd.4ll. (C3l HICKS ERASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies For Sale jjs Phone Black 823 GEORGE HILL & SONS i, COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES AGENTS 1 OK SLAIIK bHUl.S 324 THIRD AVENUE Next Caxa Ai mvi twit. lt t-uMii vnll 'A fni:ii"iiiif vim u'ill Ih lilfUSt'O fv it k e i) i; ii i v i; it y i all oh1 BLAIN BROTHERS " HOUSE OP FINE ouwoft PHONE r.17 o NOW AVAILABLE STEEL FLEXALUM or Choice of Colors win' u ...:n nnr VT.C Will Till IllViClOUl lllUUOUiv. v. J , . j an cl quote installed pr5' Phone GORDON & kill . 34 ' ORE STARjt- COTTAGE (I New creamed - ii VALKXTIM Ycur DsiJ am wEAnraa a mm