P i.- w - 13rinrcr Rupert Daily Bctus Sjiinauy February 15, 1917 ROYAL "DEADEYE" DICK" Just a kid who would enjoy playing cops and robbers or Indians and. cowboys as "well as any kid of more common clay, Prince Edward, son of the late Duke and the Duchess of Kent,.. tries his hand at'th? " slot-machine pistol range dur-. ing his visit to the fun fair at London's Olympia. The youngster also tried the rifle shooting gallery and was pretty good at it. m ANY COLLIERS MOVE IN THAMES Coal Crisis Still Easing, in Britain fBut Little (Respite in : Europe LONDON, 'ffl While 73 colliers arrived at southern ports' with-' In ''36--hours with milch-needed : .coal cargoes, 53 returning for hasty reloading, frost slowed land' transportation and northeast 3rn pits reported 5000 tons i , of coal production lost Thursday ...tbroushrlack f?f-rall cars to load coal. 'Nevertheless, there Is an casing up In the situation and at least a partial easing up of the mir-ient emergency regulations Is expected soon. Five thousand snowplows and bulldozers have been pressed into actlbiifn the effort to clear the reads of snowdrifts. Flame . throwers were found to be In-,. effective in clearing railroads as tbev damaped the tracks. Dispatches indicate that continental towns nrtrf rif A0 efllt face dangerous shoitages of coal and electricity. SCHEDULE FOR LADIES "B" BOWLS ' February 20-Co-op vs. Rev- - enuers, Atlin vs. Dockettes, W.P. .T.B. vs. Bahkers. Khnri-ic Watts, & Nickerson, Whirlwinds vs. Peoples. , February 27-Atlin vs. Peoples, W.P.T.B. vs. Revenuers. Khata-das vs. Dockettes. Whi 'Bankers, 'Co-op vs. Watts & ixicKerson. March C Watts & Nicker. v.?. W.P.T.B., Khatadas vs. Whtri-win'ds, Co-op vs. Atlin, Bankers vs. LiocKcttes, Peoples vs. neven-". .ucrs; ,-, ;. March 13 Khatadas vs. People Co-op .vs, W.P.T.B., Bankers vs. . Revenuers, Whirlwinds vs. Atlin -Watts & Nickerson vs. Dockettes March 20-Co-op vs. Dockettes Bankers vs. Peoples, Whirlwind vs. W.P.T3., Watts & Nickerson vs. Revenuers, Khatadas vs. Atlin. March 27 Bankers vs. Atlin Whirlwinds vs. Co-op, 'Watts & Nickerson vs. Peoples, Khatadas vs. W;P.T.B., Revenuers vs. Dockettes. April 3 Whirlwinds vs. Rev-.enuers, Watts & Nickerson vs Bankers, Khatadas vs. Co-op - .Peoples vs. Dockettes, Atlin vs' W.P.T.B. ASTHMA SUFFERERS - choking, sasping Mruggle for breath caused by Asthma. Take KAZ-MAH. (rS? and lafelv. Iwlru .1 1 romfor,.'fa;a;;;;:;cre'; .'rT'AZ-MAIl HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies Fori Sale $25 Phone Black 823 EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by jo a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personaf Interest are always welcome. PEOPLES STORE WINS 3 GAMES Results of This Week's Play in Ladies "li" Howling; League People's Store won the only clean-sweep vkcory over Prices aim iraae iwara in in? Lames B" B3wiing League this week co-cps, watts & Nickerson, Rev enuers and Whirlwinds scored two games to one victories uanKers, Atlin, Khatadas Ejckettes respectively High single game scorer uertrude standbye of Revenuers wiin zu wnue tops for three games was C. Bellamy of Peonle's Store, 630. Individual scoring was as fol lows. PRICES & TRADE BOARD- A. IlJllcestad 191 us ins D. MtChesney 82 m.q 117 E. McCrank 140 162 127 P. Place ins 80 113 M. Johnson 51 130 137 Handicap 90 90 90 Totals R62 725 752 PEOPLES STORE C. Bellamy 187 222 221 E. Clark 142 15S 117 I. Ramsay 221 185 179 S. Ramsay 132 131 184 C. Bradley 163 122 147 Handicap 80 80 80 Totals 925 896 928 BANKERS M. Acton ' 12(1 160 185 J. Thornton 158 105 172 B. Uslck 144 135 1471 M. Amadio 93 169 . 153 B. Laird it7 63 a 4. 90 1 Totals . 632 633 747 CO-OP M. Shruteall 140 159 73 J. Clark i4i 214 120 J. Bellis 126 140 93 B. Rudderham 180 149 164 D. Simonson 191 100 169 Handicap 70 76 76 Totals 848 '838 700 vATSLIN G McNeill 101 73 95 F. Cramer 135 201 146 L. Schroeder 103 150 143, P. Campbell 12 144 112 I. "Nlelson 141 150 156 Handicap 119 119 119 Totals 671 837 777 WATTS & NICKERSON A. Wm thrill 197 196 191 E. Moxley 63 '95 83 N. Munthe 127 118 136 A. Pierce 153 175 135 V. Wrathall . . i7 197 138 i Handicap 62 62 62 I Totals 715 844 745 I 'REVENUERS1 R. Anrlrer.scn ... 164 111 139 G. Stangdbye 241 112 119 K. Reid 133 114 205 R. Ramsay : 162 193 197 E. Rougeau 124 98 209 Handicap 57 57 57 Totals 831 086 926 KHATADAS G. Turcotte 113 120 119 .A..Grimb'.e 231 126 180 B. Payne 117 155 121 M. MiRae 124 200 102 Get ALL the Vitamins you need CONTAIN VITAMINS ABi 82 C D plus IRON ind LIVER CONCENTRATE TumrTTTif cniuiiu MULTIPLS CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you take just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins in your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VIM lAuhiph haliyal Quality PrtJuct, wld tnh st NjjI Dri Sttra. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED FEBRUARY ,S QKX UTS "Q F t ys&s? over and was ffcf 'tu BFmbP H. Watrin 14C 147 133 1 Handicap 150 150 150 Totals 875 893 805 WHIRLWINDS B. Ccwglll 112 161 151 A. DeMaere : is5 vo 196 E. Mennell 130 171 137 E. Morse 137, 187 158 M. Postuk Postuk 191 191 17S 202 Handicap 52 52 52 1 lotais 803 863 894 ECCKSTTES R. Magner 84 133 131 R- Christertsen .... 99 153 127 M. Montgomery .... 253 154 159 F. Hallgrimson 185 154 139 E. Anderson 201 142 203 Handicap 81 81 .81 81 Totals 900 814 845 8 TREES. ARE SPARED VANCOUVER B The Parks Board has decided to snare thp large trees In the boulevards, in Vancouver's west end at least .until next autumn. -Temporary J abandonment. of the project was 1 caused iby public indignation I meetings demanding the trees 'be left standing, You saw j t in Tne News! IN EVERY CORNER OF THE W0RID I PLAYER'S NAVY CUT CIGARETTES Steamer Service t torn f PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there ls;a man In fallen Slo ha? a experience in the correction of arches, and can make Arch Supports that will re- caTexpfain nfUl fCeUng foot sufferers Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ail- take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done In your Individual case n.nf113111 Terry ls aLso ln charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. . where your repairs are executed neatly and prompt- ly. Call around and see him for either reason. m tl urn Suntlny -St. .Monday . S e Booth Scont ' "Wednesday Thursday Ladies 'A' Bowling February .18,Moose vs. Toilers Annettes. ;vs. Lucky. Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. VariViv "rf K vrangc vs. .savoy, MUler. Bay vs. Big Sisters. February 25 Annettes vs. Big Sisters, Savoy vs. -Miller Bay, Orange vs. Variety, Ideal Cleaners vs. Toilers.. Moose vs i.mw Strikes. March 4 Savoy vs. Ela- stt prs Orange vs. Toilers, Ideal Cleaners vs. Lucky Strikes, .Moose vs. Annettes, Variety vs.-Miller Bay. March 11 Orange vs. Lnrkv ' Strikes.; Ideal Cr nettes. Moose vs. ,mnn" Toilers vs. m? :s.tpr v,.T:.: vs. aavoy. March 18-Ideal Cleaners vs, STS 81 ".VS:. M'"er I q"; " y varjety v. vs B bi- o g sisters, Orange vs. .Art- netles- t ACTION! BASKETBALL TONIGHT at SEMOrtS NEW METLAKATLA vs. BO-ME-HI (lircnien) PORT SIMPSON vs. SAVOYS IXTER.M EDIATES PORT'SIMPSON vs. MAGEY'S ADMISSION: oames start 7:.m Reserved 50c Hush 35c Students 1- ...v,., Li-iiiu. I . 'I HATCH COVERS SATIC EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Pl.n. OXK I2C1 - ICO tM Thirt A. Ne to ShcntonW Business and J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 155 124 4 th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S - I BEAUTY SHOP i Permanent Waving. I Beauty Culture in -all Us branches. ' 206 4th Street : Phone- C55 HANDYMAN . HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 480 Red' 894 JONES NEWS STAND1 Eastern and Western Papers 1 Magazines ' SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Church attendance, at Andrew's Anglican ( Cathedral arid Cliureh. Af the 'Annunciation. Informal gathering of 011 1 s, G u i d e s,i Cubs and Urownies -with p are n t s at Memorial School. Presentation of warrant to District Commissioner. Gyro1 Club ; Speak-eivLt.-Col. Keith Dixon. Rotary Club; Speaker,. A." Van --Meer. March 25 Annettes vs. Miller Bay, Ideal Cleaners vs. Big Sisters, Toilers -vs. Variety, Orange vs, Moose,. Lucky Strikes- vs. Savoy. April 1 Luckylstrikes. vs. Variety. Tollers vs. Miller Bay. Orange vs. Ideal Cleaners, Moose vs. Big SisteTs, Annettes vs. Savoy. WRONG NUMISER PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man Charles W. Sins, a local lawyer. Is called uDon tn answer odd questions at all hours of the flay and nlght.-Allotted the tele- Phone number formerly used by ?? Facinc Telegraphs, he fPe n 3, waking and sleeping hours telling people "No. this Isn't thfc station." . TOe e OX the lakes of th Australian interior varies with the advent and xetirement ol ? tS rainy season. THRILLS! CIVIC CENTRE liJl FOR RESf'.RVATIAVC SKATE mvtfirc Prof essional GEORGE L. RORIE ' Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 JERRY VREBOSCII PAPERHANGING and 1 PAINTING PHONE 372 P. N. Kilborn w. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AINU MESSENGER umoer - coal - Wood - Base- Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night. Calls areen 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding. Bouquets Corsaees Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall order Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry ' WU.US1 (T.R.) LTD. .KT.ni3 Certified Weighers - Samplers Recondltloncrs labelling Contractors BLUE 980 M MOMPT4 EFFICIENT SKVKf rmn Uims t COltfMWA OPTICAL CO. Li . MamMMtKMOWVILA. SHORT SPORT . In place of the regular Senior night In the Civic Centre tho Prince Rupert BaskeUjall Association' has imported three out side tennis to battle with the local champions. It is hard to pick a main event but In the first "ame the Senior "B" lead ers. Macev's clash with the Port (Simpson intermediate yquad. In me second nature of tne evening the New MetlakaUa Firemen ficni AliKilrn will lVr mi he local Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers in what premises to be a real attle. One hour later thp Port Simpson senior men's team and the local high-Hying Savoy siuad will bottle in the final event. Macey's are all out to Urcteh their winning streak to 12 tonight but rumors from the neigrftorlnit rivals state that thp inicrroecMrtes are a very strong Kiund; so this all points to a roaring time. Now MetlakaUa Firemen, in Uicir barnstorming tour, will be up against a fasUbreaklns, hard working student body when they tangle. With Savoy revelling in hc taste of victory. Port Simn- son- can-be a&sured r.f a tough battle when they meet the current tenders of the Senior "A" loop. The Junior Lea ff (Via iU.. loop will ooen the nioht nn rik another of their, bang-up games Tonight will see two teams who are tied for th rimnsr.nr, - ...v.-mi ajjuf, sattic for supremacy. Grotto and Canadian Lecion. botii in iv,o Jfeond place Borih, meet. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Uetail fruits and vi:r.irrAKLi:s 214 Sixth Street Black 229 CHRYCO B A T T E R I E S APPKOVCD BY CHKYSUK tNCINmS Here'j the CHRYCO 'TOWER line; lattery 3 V,. LhryIer engineers, nJ planned by them 10 meet exacting modern motor. MK condidoni. Chrysler eneineeri Mmrmnttt the. rinvrn nn.. T ERIES to supply a constant surge of ..inuiiic power under toughest condmoni. I'ower w!ih CHRYCO ItAlTI RIES . . . and he rel Cumi hi and let ut tnJay "CHRYCO" MEANS CIIRYCO-' Is a trade name coined from Chrysler Crporition . Pares and accessories hearing this trademark .are guaranteed hy the men ho design Chrier. Plymouth. Drjdge and IXSoto Chrysler Industrial Engines. j-5- mm VEIB RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED I'rinre Rupert, B.C. Phone 500 HMVAY SKRVICB Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBrlde " ""-' .mil roitD -AND .MONARCH SAlrt, -The Home of Prlenfly WR GARRY THE LARGEST KrJ wwi,.a imin. OlUl K Op.GpViJ ''Allt .11 a t-w. . . J,'l.'i!l ru.u. iani AND ACCESS un iNuiCTHERN B.c. Out-oMr.wn Orders oivrn Prompt "HONE s:i Box 1388 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALfcs AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. EVEREADY BATTER! "B" BATTERIES No. 38 45-volt Medium Duty "A" BATTERIES No. 740 Dry l .,-volt No. A1300 Air Cell 1 L.volt No. -A2600 Air Cell 2-voIt "A-B" BATTERY PACKS .No. 748 Superlayerbuilt No. 760-Mini-Max - Now available at . : mnsnsz General, Contractor We do basements, reshinglinr;, build (J "" is, it'iuuut'l VOur KlLCQtS I uemoush or move' buildings. I00CJ SATISFACTION O UARAMli CALL BLUE 610 and wc will give an estimate. r.U. BOX 654 : pRBCIE A GREAT CHANCE FOR A FINE COAT OVERC0A and TOP C0A1 Look At Thf W' VELTAV I5FJTER i (West of A BALMORAL N$ Acme Import EXCHANGE BLOCK REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE SPcI,l CHINESE DISHES OUR Open C a.m. to 2 a m. rnoNE it:? ho: Cartel 1'1'one J7 ERASER ! MncttJ At Our TlUfJ" Mem EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BEAP