m n m m lptincc nupctt Daily Jciuj? Saturday, February 15, 1917 THIS AND THAT i : a ' r i ! ,.e0- The GttHfr M.tthri. Ad.m. JVnir. ;Next time I.ll think twice before - "FOUGHT IN ULIZZAKD rKENTVILL, N.S., if- Firemen iwc. didn't know whether to be 110c or coia wnen tney were caned a out recently. They answered p. friro alarm In the middle of a blizzard. The fire was quickly extinguished through the com-blncd.efforts of the fire-fighters Juid the blizzard. flj minim 1 ij. hi . We're Tootin'Our Own Horn! f Stock On Hand and More to Come FOR BO YS Z RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE FOR GIRLS AND INFANTS WALLACE'S RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mlllllll RIIIIIBIIBDIIIigillBIBll Three sailings I'cr Week for vancouver victoria Seattle Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m Coqultlarn. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 p.m . Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS -Sundays, 10 p.m. , QUEEN CHARLOTTES :Fortnlghtly, FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 503 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS GREER & Builders and "TIIONE RED 561 In. I ask you to change a bulb! seek keiter conditions OTTAWA, W) Ottawa district letter carriers soon will present request t,o the federal government for better working conditions and shorter hours, it has been learned here. Postmen now work eight hours a day compared with the 6'2 hours of other government employees. ' 000000000000000000000000 Protect , our Hoal From FIRE Sec Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge CO 2 Extinguisher after use, In our own plant in Prince Rupert. PH1LPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Ituiltling Supplies Coal Phone 051 and (;.r2 aooooGdoooooooaoooaaoooa ALTERATIONS BRIDDEN Contractors P.O. IIOX 721 WALLIN HEADS T.-L. COUNCIL The president, vice-president and secretary of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council were returned to office by acclamation at the semi-annual elections held In the Carpenters' Hall Thursday night. August Wallin was returned as president. J. S. Black as vice-president, and Percy Bond as secretary-treasurer. Executive members elected by the rnccting were William Rcid, George Anderson and John McLean. The meeting endorsed a resolution from the Merchant Marine Rehabilitation Society scck-liv; rehabilitation benefits for merchant seamen similar to those received by ex-scrviconien for wartime service. A draft of the proposed National Labor Code received from Percy Bcngough, president of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, was read as were the minutes of the Vancouver and New Westminster Trades and Labor Council. II. M. Daggett reported that a good response was being received frcm Prince Rupert citizens in support of the local drive to aid the American Federation of Labor council or Ketchikan and other Alaska cities for publication of the Alaska statehood edi- I tion of the Ketchikan Chronicle Several unions reported prog- I ress in agreement negotiations and an assessment was approved to hclo the organization drive cf labor unions In Canada. You saw It in The Ncwsl - - Classified Advertising - - UliuiBiriPda: 3c per wuril jxr Inwrtioit. minimum diarw, GOo. lilrtli Notices. &(c; CnriU tr Thank. ik-hIIi Notices, Kunrrnl Notices, Marring uU KiijjBscmcnt Announcements: fi. IN MEMOIUAM MONTIETII In lovln.3 memory cf our wee daughter Bcrna Mac Montieth, who passed away Feb. 15, 1943. As we loved you, so we miss you, In our mcnyory you arc near, Loved, remembered, longed for always, Rringing many a silent tear. Ever remembered by Mother, Daddy. Sisters and Family. FOR SALE FOR SALE 18 foot speedboat, modern design, built 1915. 85 hp. engine. Phone Red 21C after Ojj.m. (41) FOR SALE-29 ft. trollcr Carlisle 59. Complete" with 4 poles and gear. 5 h.p. Vivian. Clifap for S250 cash. Apply Ward Electric. Phone Blue 191. ' (40) FOR SALE-Oldiimobllo coupe, serial No. 48307, good condition, good tires. 508 9th West. (40) FUR SALK McClary Jubilee stove. Like new. Phone Black 701. (40) FOR SALE DiklmaTlan male puppies, $25. Frascr House. (391 FOR SALE 1-room furnished cabin, clean, comfortable; wood cut for balance of winter. Price $55 cash. Apply Bay Apis, No. 1. (39) VANCOUVER PROPERTY A recent newcomer has allowed us listings of his modem new home In the South Oranvilb District. Four rooms; tiled fireplace, pembroke bath, all-oak floors, full concrctc'base-wicnt, scml-automatlc hot air heating furnace; built under N.II.A, plan. $4000 cash will swing deal and give .Immediate occupancy. For full ki-formation see ARMSTRONG AGENCIES or Phone 342. (42) FOR SALE Dinette set, mantel radio. Reconditioned double bar bicycle. 1000 9th Ave. E. (41) FOR SALE 40 ft. troller complete, including halibut gear. Inquire Standard Oil Dock (40) USED Chesterfield Cushions, good quality, $2; Floor lamps, $4; 5-picce Kitchen Sets, $15; Linoleum Squares, $5.50; Smoking Stands, 95c; Single Beds and Springs, like new, $12; Studio Couches, $0.00; Oollchan Grease, best quality, fresh. $0.50. All kinds of hardware and furniture at the low. est prices. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. MACHINERY' TO SAW better lumber moro economically, use the modern and up-to-date typo National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Whiffs Packer Damaged Striking Rocks-Herrinj? Bouts (lo South- Shipwright Shortage At Dry Dock The 75-foot packer Good Partner, under charter to B.C. Packers by 'Capt. Kmil Jensen, was taken onto the pontoons at the dry dock Friday to have her keel replaced after running aground on Northwest Hock, north of Bonilla Island, during a fog early Thursday morning. In addition to getting a new keel, the Good Partner is receiving alterations to her galley and fo'es'le which will make a sizeable repair lob. The Good Partner waU returning empty from the Queen Charlotte Islands when she ran aground Most of the vessels of the west coast herring fleet, which came north hopefully three weeks ago have returned south after a disappointing session in the north. The fleet, comprised of about 100 seiners and packers, had only about a week's fishing be fore zero weather and later, storms, clamped down, kecplni; the fleet in port here. Apparently, the fishermen do not feel that It is worth while to stay hi the north and take a chance on large schools of herring showing 'up within the next month. Th herring season closes on March 10 to allow spawning although. in some cases, consideration will be giyen to those who have not met their bait requirements at that time. FOR REM FOR RENT Scml-furnlshcd cabin. Phone Black 985. (40) FOR RENT 1 or 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance, also 6 room flat pari furnished. 5th Ave. West. Apply Ilelgerson Block, Suite 1. (40 FOR RENT Sleeping room with kitchen privilege. 221 5th E. Phone Red 807. (39) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED - Experience I stenographer desires full lime employment. Phone Green 897. (39) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, MALE One first-class automobile mechanic. Apply at Rupert Motors Ltd..cr write P.O. Box 817. (42) WANTED I Iousekcc per for small family. Sleep in; light work; good wages. Phone Red 079. (U) WANTED WANTED Cash register. Dally News. - tfi WANTED Responsible pcrman cut couple desire apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Green 511 between 9 and 12 a.m. only. (39) WANTED Troller for charter from 34-33' ft. Call A. O. Nlcl-son, Bt. Elmo Hotel. (41) WANTED Cocker spaniel, male preferred. Phone Red 985, evenings. (39) FOR RENT-Furnlshcd house, 2181 7lh East. Phone Blue 815. (If) PERSONAL FFiRSOXAL "Klecrex" clears up skin ailments Eczema, Itch, Pimples, Psoriasis, etc. quickly, effectively. 50c, $1.00. All Druggists or wrile Klecrex Mfg. Co., Winnipeg. (11) LOST AND FOUND FOUND, Automobile radiator cap. Owner may obtain same at Dally News on payment of this ad. . (tf) FOUND Wallet on Third Av cnue Saturday afternoon Owner may have same by Identifying it at Daily News office and paying for this a'd. (tf) SCHOOLS AND COI.LEOES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Snrini: ex amlnations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. LAND OF FARMS The principal occupation of Austria is agriculture.. 1 sat With n heavy repair schedule ahead, the Prince Rupert dry dock is having a difficult time tn cet qualified wooden shipbuilders, Robert Cameron, plant manager, reports. The yard is busy repairing a large number of boats for the fishing season L1" addition to construction or- ders. Mr. Cameron says that he needs a dozen shipwrights and that, if they cannot be obtained locally, he may have to send to Vancouver for them. The yard now employs more than 70 men and has hired a considerable number during the last fcW months. Union Steamships' coastal liner Camosun arrived in port here at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, warping up to the clock on time after an uneventful voyage, despite the fact that she had passed the grounded American ship North Sea near Bella Bella. The North Sea grounded about four hours before t lie Camosun passed her. By that time the passengers of the damaged ship had been removed to safety. Crew members of the Camosun could see f- Jr h. - 5 RATES CASE PROCEEDING Railways May Uo dlrukc Unless IncrcuM- in Rules Allowed OTTAWA, iti Two-4"ront warfare over the attempt of railways to hoist freight rates was in progress as opposing forces fought the case before the Board Of Transport Commissioners and girded themselves for a slmll-taneous battle before the Supreme Court of Canada. The struggle over takes amounting to $85,000,000 yearly was catapulted Into tljc nation'.', highest court by the provinces except Ontario and Quebec, yes terday after, the board rejected I their claim that it had no Jurisdiction. The railways suggested yesterday that they might be forced Into bankruptcy if they could not get an Increase in rates. The welfare of the railways was essential to the economic stability of Canada. the lights of the North Sea as they passed her some two miles away. With Capt. Ernest Shci'jKird back In command, Union steamer Catala arrived In port at 4 o'clock this morning frcan Vancouver and waypolnts and sailed at C a'jn. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. On a regular fortnightly voyage Jn the Queen ChaTlotte Islands service, Union steamer Cas-siar, Capt. Lome Godfrey, arrived In port at 5:30 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver via the txjuth end of the Islands and sailed at midnight for Massed Inlet points whence she will return here tomorrow mornlnz and sail tomorrow night on her return south via the .south Quren Charlottes. MrM.JCCAl.. W In Order 'Ui Conliniuj their Child Welfare Work the .OptimUl Cliikl WcJfarv Aswjciatloii Will Pay $1000 F"OK THE NEArttST COnKtCT ANSWER TO THVS QUESTION; "Yhsn WII the Ice in the Saskatchewan River at Edmonton Co Out?" Break-Up Dates hi Paul Ycaft' llil ,t 17. I'JII April Slli. ISM.l Alltll lOUl. 1H Alitil 5Ui. Kurlif.t April SUi. THE OPTIMIST CHILD WELFARE ASSOC. EDMONTON, ALBERTA. Please mail 'me tickets for the Oplirolil Child Welfare Association Dance, for which I enclose Huro Arc my answers to the question "whan will the Ice In the North Saskatchewan River at Edmonton break up:" A.M p.M Day A.M p.M Day A.M P.M. Day A.M P.M. Day A.M. P.M. Day .. A.M P.M. Day A.M P.M. .-. Day NAME ADDRESS I (I nil nuiy Nnbrait an Anr mir Aniwnri Hill ..... ha Krrordril lkrl..I,TU TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS--SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THIS DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Uox 1G7 Terrace Rl Danc! on .May 'M) fry llrktl you ty,(r tm-Htl Inner rntlMti yon to a-Mill an uniiwfr In tbf qafbllou. U)f the roupnn nil ortffr now Ticket 50h '.i for $1.00) 7 for 4.n of Month ef Month of Month of Month ef Month of Month ef Month , Inr tah ' lirktl i''Virdf'rii'il''ami dn ami iirkM. xirnis muna n.a.j ... n v-.. ti I nnDN WAK ASSETS COAL 'I'cr Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Hulk .... $10 HYDE TRANSFER I'HONE 580 Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE Ihone m m We buy ... ALL 8IZE5 nCmX i,1 W,,,skcy. Gin and Roltlcs Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE SUNDAY M1DNITE AND MONDAY maw HMniiiiiiiiiiH mMSmm Today Only itois lion: in "MONSIKITR I5EAITAIRK' 5:07 6 40 9,00 Reliable Prescript! Wliui yoiir jiroscrjplion i: c:iiiii!;ii: I vim :in as ;nic(l ill ircttiim 1 Doctor specifies. You arc , 11ml tr the )tTscription compounded proin-.. oxpericncfd and fully ciualificd u Wo use only the very be X urade t available. OrmesU "3iu Pioneer Druqgiili The Seal of (ualily BRITISH COLUMBIA'S gfW '1. 'oul Uu ,TiC I l 1- ii-'v-'Jil FINEST SALMON Hollyw itunci: iturEurs newest and m0SI I1P-TO.IIATE UESTAl'HANT I FULL-COURSE ME Ml IKO.M It A.M. TO (I AM. Special Dinner Kvcry Sunday -5pjajl CIIINKSK DISHES A SI'KCIAlfl WE CATER TO V All TIM CHOI' SUEY ' CHOWMEl FOR OUTSIOF OKDEKS TIIONE 735 THIRD AVENUE vVBSl rgrt'8 101 Hut : I! srj.( 1 i, till) ul CHOICEST WA ami nrr COMITLTEIF (iKOttll 111; 1. it ATI Cbtilrfst vM ,Mral I'its and SJ RUPEI BUTCH rhoiic 21 W ... ood Cal illllB'' uaf 117 CONSUMERS 60 OnlrrK arc piling up and the Mipply klliw1 Von arc atl vls.nl to keep ynur "'. vant c (it give the licst possible t you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFE IIUHV.O M. W FUEL AND BUILDING