if- ft. 4 It dtimc Rupert Daily jT3ctus Tuesday February 4, 1947 THIS AND THAT The book you recommended was so interesting, I sat up all night to read it." 0. P." SMITH BACK IN COLORADO AFTER HIS Otto Smith, formerly of Prince Rupert and now living at Cripple Creek, Colorado, has returned to that town recently after completing a 5000-mile trip by canoe from Vancouver to New Orleans. Smith, now 66 years of age, will be remembered here as a successful salmon troller baseball player who for several years ruled the city diamond as "Home Run King." He ended his Journey, says the Times-Record of Cripple Creek, brown, rugged and fit-looking. Traversing the "Northwest Passage" had been Jn his mlndi for some time, he said, and he started making definite prep-' arations for it in 1945. No desire for publicity was in Smith's mind as he laid his plans; In fact, he avoided it every possible day. "It was for my own satisfaction," he declared. "It has meant a great deal to me to know that I was able to make the trip all alone, and with the simplest, lightest equipment, because I wanted to prove to myself that the spirit of the old pioneers and explorers was not dead and that what they could do, a man of this day and age can do." SIXTEEN-FOOT MUCH CANOE On April 7 he launched his IC-foot birch veneer canoe In Coal Harbor at Vancouver, and began the loung jaunt which, at that time, he planned to end in New York. Up the Fraser River the little craft made its way, fighting the swift current and hampered by the ice which was Just going out. The swift ness of the stream can be guessed at from the fact that it makes a drop of 18G9 feet in 500 miles. Far to the north it paused at Prince George, then went across Summit Lake to Crooked River and then by way of the Pack and, Parsnip Rivers to the Peace River. When Smith reached the head of the Peace River he was 35 miles west of where he started on his Journey east. The farthest point north which he readied was 50 degrees, 15 minutes, which is north of Hudson Bay. From the Peace River he portaged across to the South Heart River, then went into Lesser Slave Lake, down the Little Slave River to Athabasca River. 1 portaged over to Edmonton because the water of the Beaver River was too low to navigate, down the North Saskatchewan River, past The Pas, near which is Cumberland House, where the fur traders take off for Mac-Kenzie Basin and the Hudson Cay country, through Cedar Lake to the Winnipeg River, down Lake Winnipeg to the great Lake of the Woods and along the international border lakes to Gunfilnt. Here he decided to change his route and go south instead of continuing on the eastward route to New York, as it was getting late in the season and he was afraid of striking ice in the Lake Ontario region. So from Gunfilnt he went to Grand Marals and into the Saint Croix River, and from this stream into. the Mississippi, which he followed to New Orleans. From there he went Into Lake Pon-chartraln and along the Inter-coastal Canal to Morgan City, JLa. where he packed up hij canoe to ship by freight and (Continued on Page Hlx) u MILE CANOE JAUNT and also as a star local; t i r i rr a-fr-rit j t r 15 A o Kit, 1 ISA LL ISCIIEDULE February 4 B.C. Packers vs. Savoy, Macey's vs. Co-operative, People's Store vs. High School, Watts & Nickerson vs. Canadian Legion. February 8 B. C. Packers vs. 90 Taxi, Port Edward vs. Co-operative, I Watts li Nickerson vs. j Grotto. February 11 High School vs. Savoy. Macey'a vs. Port Edward, Sweet Sixteen vs. High School, Gyro vs. Canadian Legion. February 15 Savoy vs. 99 Taxi, Co-operative vs. Macey's, Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. February 18 High School vs. B. C. Packers, Port Edward vs. Macey's. People's Store vs. Sweet Sixteen, Grotto vs. Canadian Legion. February 2299 Taxi vs. High School, Macey's vs. Co-operative, Gyro vs. Watts it Nickerson. February 25 Savoy vs. B. C. Packers, Co-operative vs. Port Edward, High School vs. People's Store, Grotto vs. Gyro Club. March 1 99 Taxi vs. B. C. Packers, Macey's vs. Port Ed ward, Canadian Legion vs. Watts Si Nickerson. March 4 Savoy vs. High School, Co-operative vs. Macey's, Sweet Sixteen vs. High School, Grotto vs. Watti y Nickerson. March 8 B. C. Packers vs. High School, Port Edward vs. Cq-operatlye, Canadian Legion vs. Gyro. March 11 B. C. Packers vs Savoy, Macey's vs. Port Edward, Sweet Sixteen vs. High School, Watts it Nickerson vs. Gyro. March 15 B. C. Packers vs. 99 Taxi, Co-operative vs. Macey's, Watts it Nickerson vs. Canadian Legion. March 18 High School vs. Savoy, Co-operative vs. Port Ed ward, High School vs. People's Store, Watts & Nickerson vs. Grotto. March 22 Savoy vs. 09 Taxi, Port Edward vs. Macey's, Oyro vs. Canadian Legion. .March 25 High School vs, 99 Taxi. Macey's vs. Co-operative, People's Store vs. Sweet Sixteen, Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. March 2999 Taxi vs. Savoy, Port Edward vs. Co-operative, Gyro vs. Grotto. . IN THE SUPnEME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE Or GILBERT CHARLES RUS SELL, DECEASED. IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN ISTRATION ACT " TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour judge W. E. Fisher, made the 3rd dar of February. A D. 1947, I t'U appointed administrator of the estate of Gilbert Charles Russell, deceased. All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of March. AD. 1047. after which claltf.s filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then bad no knowledge. And all parties indebted to the estate are required to pny the amount of Uielr Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this 3rd day of February, AD. 1047, GORDON FRASER FORBES; Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, U. C 40 omiies Smil Grace," said her fatter from the head of the stairs, "ii that sweetheart of yours an auctioneer?" -No, father, why?" "Because he keeps on sayira, he's gcdng going, but he hasnt gone yet." One Negro was worrying about hL- chance of being drafted for the army. The other consoled him. There's two things that can happen boy. You is either drafted or you ain't drafted. If you I ain't drafted you can forget it; 'if you is, you itill got two chances. You may be sent to the front and you may not. If you go to the front you stiU got two chances, you may get shot and you may not. If ou get shot, you still have two chances, you may die and you may sot. And even if you die, you still has turo chances." An English society matron, visiting a arm in .er new W.A. AF. uniform, and feeling very patriotic coldly eyed a young farmer, busy milking a cor. "And how Is it, my good man. that you are not at the front?" The fanner took a straw out of his mouth, spat and replied: "Because, ma"m, there alnt no milk at th end!" "I never heard such impudence In all my life. You have a lot of nerve to call yourself a lady's maid- "I don't call myself a lady's maid now ma'am, but I was a lady's maid before I got this Jab" j- amer oo you love my daughter?" Suitor "Love her? Why I would die for her. For one soft glance from her sweet eyes I would hurl myself off a lofty cliff lad of the chance to sacrifice myself in her name." Father "Well I forbid the marriage. I'm something of a liar myself and one is enough In a small family like ours." Ephraim had put on a clean collar and his best coat, and was walking majestically up and down the street. -Arent you worxmg today, Enhrabrf?" asked one of hi acquanitanccs. "No, suh, I'se celebratin' my golden wedding, suh." "You were married 50 years ago today? "Yes. suh." "Well, why Isn't your wife heloing you to celebrate It?" "My present wife, suh," re plied Ephraim with dignity, ain't got nothing to do with it. She's de fo'th." His mother-in-law had written to say that she was on the way to live with them for the duration of the war. As she ap proached the house she saw a large crowd. Pushing her way to the front, she gajped when she raw what damage a midnight fire had done at the heap of bricks and charred furniture. "Dear me," she said, her face Jivid, "I didn't think he'd go as far as that." The angler hadijust landed a fish when the Inquisitive woman chanced to be passing. "Oh," she exclaimed, "that poor little fish!" The angler replied: "WelL madam, if he'd kept his mouth shut he would not have got'Jnto trouble," A dapper little man applied (or a separation order to be made out against his wife on the ground of cruelty. When asked by the magistrate if he could prove his case, he replied meekly: "One night I dreamt I won $103,003, and the Tollowlng mcrnlng my wife nearly killed me for not putting it In the bank before I woke up." Two navvies were having a meal at an eating house. One of them had been hacking at a steak for quite a time but with out much success. Turning Jo his mate he said in a loud voice: "Taln't the food wot does yer good 'ere, Alf; It's the bllnldn exercise!" "My husband has the strangest hctby," said Mrs. Smith to a friend, "and I never knew anything about it until yesterday. I found In hla desk a queer looking ticket Inscribed Mudhorse 10 to I, I asied him what It was and he cld me It was a relic of a lost race. Isn't It Interesting " "Newspaper advertising has brought us quicker and larger response than any other form of advertising' says E. W. Rase, president of a pharmaceutical manufacturing firm, BASKETBALL Prince Rupert Defeats Ketchikan By Close Margin; Series Now Evened Prince Rupert came through last night to take' the second game of the international series from the j visiting Ketchikan team by a close 48-to-15 margin. ! It was clo.? all the wav with both teams battling! hard. Neither souad ever this situation kept the fans to the closing seconds of the game. Prince Rupert's turn for the scoring honors came last night when Ted Arney and Joe Dav's supplied the shooting povrr for the locals. Ted vai high man with 33, followed by Joe with 14. For the visitors it was Lars Farstad with 13 points. Saturday night's . high men, ; ' MilU and Ludwlgsen,. were not ! the threat last night that they! wer In the first game. , TT")")) fjl A T Lr Rupert led at the end of the t1 kJUI I iV first .quarter by a close 16-14:---- -- score. This was the quarter In i -.- -- -'jzsx- r - which Arney really shone. He: obtained 13 of his leam's points j Last night at the Civic Centre In this frame. The second per-1 before a howling audience the iod Tas definitely taken over by i current edition of Prince Ru-the A'flsVnm when within a few ' pert's basketbaUing all-stars minutes of the opening they out-hustled, out-shct and out-sped on to lead by 7 points. But I Played the best Ketchikan before the half was over thecul1 d down this way and locals Jjad narrowed Jt .down to i tD victory was one of the most two points to end up with Ketchikan still out In front 27-25. After the breather the pace speeded up with Rupert coming into their own with the fast breaks they displayed. The fourth quarter was nip and tuck all the way with visitors driving hard to overcome the nar row margin, mnce Kupen reauy naa to Keep on weir toes wnen. evening was Ted Arney who with Just a couple of ailnutei picked up 22 points and showed to go, the visitors started roll- j great fight throughout the en-ing but before they could whit-! ure forty minutes, his first f ull tie the score down any more the ; game in inter-town competiUon. game was over. This was Prince I Arney didn't play over his head Rupert's first win and puts both by any means but he did take teams on an equal footing for conditions in Ms stride and the tluh tonight in their last shewed little evidence of stage meeting. The victor in tonight's frkgbt such as has been a handl- game will be the winner of the three-game series The officials were working hard last night keeping such a fast game under control and praise was due to Johnny Coma-dina and Fred Calderont for the fine Job they did as referees. A total of 35 fouls was handed out 18 to Ketchikan and 17 to Rupert. Ketchikan Ludwlgsen 6 111), l. Farstad 13 (5), R. Farstad 6 (4), Mills 12 (4), Phillips 5 .4), Erickson 3, BoWuc. Total 45. Prince Rupert T. Arney 22 3. Houston 2, R. Holkestad 3 (4), Domlnato (3), Davis 14 (3., Hau-gan 2 (1, Vuckovltch 2, D. Arney, M. Holkestad 3 (3 . Murray, Beynon. Total 48. GYRO CLUB OU LBS GROTTO The high flying Gyro squad took the hapless Grotto team for a 37-18 drubbing in last nights warm-up Junior hoop battle. Oyro romped through from the opening whistle, piling up the score all the time with Grotto verv seldom even threatening their supremacy. Leading 8-4 at the first quarter mark, Gyro met a bit of trouble in the second frame as. 'Grotto narrowed the markln down to 14-11 at the half-way mark, But, from then on In. it was Gyro's game with the winners leaping forward In he third frame. Grotto were' held to one point in the third ouarter as the Gyro quintet rolled on with an' additional 11 points. The quarter closed with Oyro in the lead 25-12. Grotto fought back gamely In the last period to overcome the gap but nothing could stop Syd Wood-ride's boys last night. Don Scherk was the spark for the victors netting 14 points. Fighting for their first win of the current .season, Watts tt Nickerson will do battle with the Canadian Legion in tonight's prelim game. AFRICAN-OWNED INDUSTRY ACCRA, Gold Coast 0; The coca Industry on the Gold Coast consists of more than 250,000 imall farms, each about four acres. No European-owned plantations are allowed as It is considered preferable for Africans to retain control of their own economy. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. had a verv bier lead and; on their toes all the way Grotto- Hebb 6. Currie 1. Graham 4, B. Anderson, Youngman 3, Johnson, R. .Anderson. Owens 4 Total 18. Gyro Shier 8, D. Seherk 14, Scherk, Mercer. Sharpe. Donald-Hsugan 8. Moore. Sunberg 7. S. son. Total- 37. important In the annals of the popular winter pastime in that It marks the coming of age of a new bunch of players that must now ake up the reins to defend the name city teams have won throughout the country thi last ten years. rhe outstanding player of the cap to him while playing in pre vious games this .eason against outside teams. Another lad who f.'nally hit the pace expected of hrm by hU many ardent admirers was big Joe Davis. Davis, until last evening, had been finding it difficult to get rolling and his showing on Saturday night was far from pleasing. He proved a comer and a worthy successor to some of the older boys who have hung up their strips. All In all. Prince Rupert had a winning ball club all the way last night and, with the steady ing Influence of Sev Domlnato and Bob Houston, there is little reason to predict anything less than victory In the final rame of the series tonight Ketchikan has a smart team and one that cannot be taken lightly, however and It is definite that thej will CHRYC BRAKE FLUID DOES A BETTER JOB Through greater extremes of heat and cold . . . from 540 degree Fahrenheit to 80 Uegrtcf below 7cro, Nl.tt' CIIRVCO SIMM K HRAKK I1.U1I) retains its fluid late! Contributestoiaferdrifing. The best lifeguard for brakes agiinil wear snd corrosion. I n-gineered ami made by Chrytler, Specify CIIRYfX) SlU'l K HKAKF. ri lJII) snd be trt 1 Cemt in snd ill ut Imlaj What CHRYCO means O IR YCO if trade name coined from 'Chrrlr Corporation", fan nj scceiMjrief bearing thif trademark ire guaraoiced by the men who cJersa uuiriic, rir muuih, DoJs i ml I) Solo Buu,r can, Fargo ami JXjdse I C j .iMMMj truckf anU Ckrtti Induttril Fngmct. RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED I'rlnce Itupert, H.C. Phone 5f)fi JLJiLIULl Cr4FrIII f PHD llm Jul IVLT. DHlli C rflALl DUilLJ February 5 Atomics vs. Mc-Meekins; Headpinnrrs vs. King-pinners; Reddy Kilowatt vs. Thistles; Pushovers vs. Midgets; Rockets vs. Co-op; Pirates vs. Llpsetts. Classified Advertising Pays! want to have a ImmkI in the outcome of tonifMfc shov. There were stiU some reserved eats on sale this forenoon at the ticket office centres but U was reported that they were going fa?t. Tonlght'i game will be aired over CFPR with Neil Rom handling the p4ay by p4ay commentary. Some eontroversey was heard over the sabject of comparative strengths of the all-stars and the Bo-Me-Hl senior team and Ceach Alex BUI of the High School wis definitely insisting that his boys could do much better than Doc Montgomery squad against the visitors. The writer now sees little reason why Bo-Me-Hi and the all-stars cannot be brought together some evening and the proceeds of the game go to the finaur-ing of the southern jaunt to be under taken by the students in early March Although, of course, it was a week night for their studies, it "as disappointing to see so few students at the game last night 1 after the basketball association sponsoring the erles to help the High School boys on their way to Mew Westminster. There were arguments here a few months ago over the respsc-tlve strengths of the league leading 99 Taxi team and the High School but one game against Mac-phee and company convinced all concerned that there had been many Idle boasts. However, its a difference of opinion makes horse racing and everyone is entitled to his or hers so lets get the two teams together, j?ay. in a week or so before the issue cools down. Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality ? wH rrwTlMnn mat 4K Hrrpitfd .'-ii. ;ir- 'iiri.. t it ttnig 1 m- vim. vi!. .Hi) ri frtMliKi-MM jMr. 1ttt Tit : at .ill m (Jr'IK Htifi M'lTJ IN THE SUPREME COUNT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE 1 TESTATE I TAKE NOTICE that by Order of ni.i iunur w. e.. nsnrr, maor on the 17th day of January. A D. 1047, I wax appointed Administrator with Will annexed of the estate ol Norl Laverdlcre. deceased, and all parties nanng claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same. properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of March, A D. 1947, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their ir.ucrjteaness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this z:ru uay or January. A D. 1947. GEORGE H. HAIXETT . Official Administrator, Atlln, B.C. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. K. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON SCHEDULE FOR LADIES "B" BOWLS New schedule tor Ladies' Boiling "League. Section "B" is aa nounced as follows: Fetwuary Khttatoa vs. Bankers. Whirlwinds vs. WmMi & Nickerson. Oo-u? v Peopte, Atlin vs. Revenuers. WP.T.B. w. Dockettes. February U Whirlwinds vs. Dockettes. Co-op vs. Hankers, At-i ui vs. Watti 9c tfte&erson. WJ3. TJJ. vs. Peoples, Ktatofes vs. Revenem February at Co-op vs. Kev-eatterc. Athn vs. Doefcettas. Wp. T.B. m Bnfcer Khatrtas vs. Watts & N'tekton. Whirlwinds vs. Peoples. February 27-AUtn vs. Peoples W.P.TJJ. vs Revenuers. Khata-dis vs. B-cekeUes. Whirlwinds vs Bankar?. C. -v ' Watts & Nickerson. T mi i .BSSi sa BT 1 BSSSSSK v W PTJJ. Kh J1! Marca ij. .Kh . Co-op, WiT Rever,.;.- ,11 Per.fi. ' rvvj.... v .a a ji 4 Afivc FEB L SHAM t DON'T LET CONSUMERS GO TOO UI Orders are piling up anil the supply situation Is noli j You are advised to keep your orders well toil j vance to Rive us the best possible rhanrc Ulnl you suppltt-il. AIRFDT 5? MrPAFFFDV Ml YOUR ORE 11 .,1lf W HLULIVI KX I IViVnl I Ul I uv Phones 116 and 117 i.'itt.-'t i xt i nun nivn mitp Reliable Prescriptions wnen voi r irescr 10 is com hwiiuoh you are assured of getting exactly lntfnti wt.r.; Vr. t or.1 1 mil ilia ii niwn I'l mi i nn in ?i ii i n i iir i in iiin'i m V I V. Ill V.I'VI llfWIUII VUIIIIMMIMVIV-U I ' 1 . v l i .ii.. . ... i : r. imvjhtj i x iitMiiMiiiMi : 1 1 1 r i iiiiiv fin. i mi iri i ijiu"- We use only the very best grade ma; available. Ormes ltd TTtut Pioneer Druqgisu Tliree sailings I'cr Week for vancouveit v1ctokia si:attm: Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m Coquitlam. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays. 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART ai.ti HAY HUNTS Sundays. 10 pm. (JHEEN CIIAKLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 OOOOOOWOiJCiOW5- If miert onr I FIRE See Us W coz hire tx"5' We recharge COt after use, in our in Prince W PHILPOTT.P k co. i lt!l,llnf SDPP,irt ' Phone 651 v 0 UP Until Yon Get a New Cat- take cwitl rare of your present car! R'10 t . i' . t. ...-ire tomw1 imiay iiiruii a iiiiirr rrjic , SEE US FOR REGULAR SER Wc are staffed and equipped to handle anil repair work on all makes of veinr'r TERRACE MACHINE SHOP ANP GENERAL MOTORS PEALER