News It u. ut'iriem property T DC ems . . . Twi 'lH. Civic AC.C.F. Club meeting tonight, 3 I pjn.,2nd Ave. '(H). bn Priwres- In, uiiu;" - - ,. r.-Di mu'v 8 p.m. .(30) ,,, o o Large left 1,1001) ' i,le Jlu"""" iouve- vacation . f IU Chroniclc. oner ... .1 . ... 111 left thii- afternoon on Ham foi Vancouver en-Edmonton ,,.,.,,: recent trip ,,. u o.v Mr. Henry jv aiot .'i Church, F o a f 30 p.m. bii- It Wit. ((1) RlloilUllO. Lvov inspector of In Iiy.s (o urw.u vuiuiu r ..... IV, a WO .,. tip 1 Ull m. bxjuw:- .'c-wfday alter-li i, icli.sols in this . . mr i I. I I'rinrp Kupcrt. Civic i iii i i n.iii. " 1 1 wii:i,io manager of .v . . r 4. 1 1 ..,1 line liupin.' uimmu, niui ' j icweirr ana op- ..; is. M Felsen- z. c aihing mer-. . i he nupert Cham ;mm:: at- last night's ;;l" tlU'C'.ltig Of UlC .. mun of the it of the Prince i C'i mmerce, ..: president (. :..'y chamber with his dcvcl6p-U dispo- i.l base at be. u ne- Bruce MacCallum of the In vestors' Syndicate has arrived In the city frorh Vancouver and ex pects to be here for some time. Ilaskclbali tonight, Ketchikan vs. Prince Kupcrt. Civic Centre, 8 p.m. (29) Oliver Smith,, formerly located at Stewart and more recently at Prince George, has arrived In the city from the Interior and will be here for the next week or go or longer. He expects to re turn to Stewart later. Dr. It. G. Large has been appointed chairman of the finance committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for the current year. Other members of the committee are Martin Stu art, Maurice Brydges and G. U.S. Blackaby. A letter from II. D. Thain, city clerk, read at the monthly din ner meeting of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce last night intimated that a request of the Chamber for a grant this year had been referred to the city's finance committee for consideration in connection with the preparation of the annual estimates. Inquiry was made at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chwnnber of Commerce if there had been any known developments in connection with the visit to the city Ian week of Kenneth Meek of Calgary, representing interests which have been holding an option on the big waterfront warehouse built during the war by the United States Transportation Corps and now in the hands of War Assets Corporation. It appeared that Mr. Meek had taken no one Into his confidence as to possible ( 1 tor muni- plans ror me mucn-aiscussca I terminal projjerty. EXTRA GOOD BREAD! re's no lost action with Fresh Yeast! I'Icischnunn s fresh Yeast goes right to work use h s actively fresh. It gives full delicious brcacl !ur tender smooth texture Perfect freshness. rOU JUKI! AT IIOMK. alw.ivs , I lor ricischnunn's active fresh It with ilm f JVIIWW J.ll'W iiJable -Canada's testa! favour- tr over 70 years. 0t l vsi v!" 7 ft 4 N:-. 9?& AT. to TiUllilHIII TTfT BTITVH HllimtfllilllWmWHHUI""'" tiNi;i:si;KYi;i tygfBon Sale icslaurant Enuinment and Suunlies I1 ItSD.W, I i:ilKlAUY (!. iuxl I ItlllAV, I KUKUAKV 7 st"r 'tar, Avenue, Commencing Kaih Day at r hiuii a ... I. P''d by the owner, I will sell by auction to the highest """iTiucnuoncd articles: flfk StanrlnrH Tvnu.-riinr Tuvi tfi.ln F.lprl.rlp. Pans. m Ovcnuc Restaurant Range (Navy), in excellent con- r """l'icio wiiu water coil and tank. ST U'ock. size 24 in. bv (newli Work Tables. S'l' Sruiinn U....H,,. i.i r. wiiii Dii.Miiun.v f'lain Kllrlirii liw ...ui, c Silcx Electric Coffee Maker. lii' Kllnv tri,...i.i.. , ivliiii; oucc MaKer. , t! Sllex Electric Coif ce Maker. BIONAL CASH REGISTERS. fill. Oil Healer comiilotn n.nil:inl Ii-Vl'l valve. UllKI'lUlJir jjiiUKI r ... i I . .. '"'oauiu mr oiRcncr snoi. t. , ECTHIC REFRIGERATOR. -"'""arils. Oiinnlll Tables, Thiri t-iii,., .i,ii... 01 Tahlr- t ,,'""V.:..1 v ..,V1I iWH unuonns. ; outiide Store Awning. KllclUMi Piil.. i ...... .i.... ..i.i io I ,U'" Slilk and Dralnboartl Complete. UAMTnlm mQl Bowl and Tunk Complete'. ANriTY OP GROCERIES FULL CASES OF TOMATO VJLIVRH II1TV ... 0( KETCHUP, BEEF SllSAK. SAUUii. f'laneous artirW t, I f. vvy 1IU111VIUUS -U lilWHHUilt r,,rler information l',nc Red 127, Blue 115. tORGE J. DAWES Sale Cash AUCTIONEER -31 up reservoir now stood about 11 feet, a safe margin. Rise In the temperature caus ed hundreds of residents to shut off their water taps, many of which, It Is believed, ran continuously during last week's cold snap. lr", "Don't yell at me In public! What have we got a house for?" WATER MARGIN IS SAFE AGAIN Prince Rupert's domestic water crisis, brought about by zero weather, appeared past yesterday City Engineer E, A. Phillips said that water level in the back SE!K THEFT INSURANCE IN SCHOOLS Feasibility of Insuring equipment against theft will be investigated by Schools' Secretary Mrs. M. M. Roper who was last iiigtit authorized to do so by the" Board after It had received such a suggestion from the Par ent-Teachers' Council. Danger of valuable equipment rsuch as. motion picture projee- Shutting off the water main tars and radios being stolen or which serves the old Oroup Four damaged was emphasized to the air force camp also took consid erable strain off the water sup ply, Mr. Phillips said. The Oroup Four pipeline contained a con siderable number of leaks and was shut off Sunday. The Markets Tea and Coffee IXLuxc Quality, lb 85 Coffee, lb 40 Canned Fruits Plums 17 Apricots 26 Cherries 32 Raspberries - -32 Pears ' 27 Juices Tomato, 20 oz - - .14 40 oz .33 gallon 63 Apple, 20 oz, 2 tins .33 40 oz. - .35 gallon 64 Grapefruit, 20 oz 15 484 oz. 4 .35 Orange, 20 oz 19 Blended (orange and grapefruit), . - 20 oz id 19 48 OZ W2 Canned Vegetables Cut Green Beans, each 17 No. 3 Peas 19 Mixed Vegetables 18 Diced Beets 15 I ruit Tomatoes (field) lb 27 Grapes, Malaga, lb 28 - .31 Pears, 2 lbs - .25 Fancy Apples, ,3 lbs .26 4 lbs 39 Grapefruit, Calll 09 and .14 Lemons, duz .37 - .47 Oranges, doz 28 - .62 Bananas, lb - 17 Vrirrtablcs Mushrooms, lb 75 Sninach. lb 20 Beets, lb 06 r.iiiliflower. each 25 - .45 lettuce, each 18 Celery, lb 13 - .15 Garlic, lb 75 Cabbage, lb Calif. Carrots. 2 lbs 17 Brussels Sprouts, lb 31 Parsnips, 2 lb 15 White, lb 09 Golden Yellow, lb 09 Hour Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. ? 35 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat $1.75 Rii'nnrt Patent 1 80 Flour (24's 105 j Quart Pint Fresh Milk Cream, Vi-Ptni io Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz ai I'lsh Halibut, lb 33 Salmon, lb -35 Cod, lb 25 Black, Cod, smoked, lb .33 Smoked Kippers, lb. .22 Milk Evaporated Milk, Ki-oz. tin, 2 for 23 Itnttcr First Grade, lb 45 Lard Pure, lb. 28 Announcements All uilveriiHoineiits n iw column will bo clmrffl lor b full montli nl 25c n word. 11111 00 Valentine Tea. Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Borden School Rummage Sale, Feb. 12, 13. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, February 13, 8 p in. Camtoral Valentine Dance, February 14, Civic Centre. Job's Daughters piano concert, presenting Joe Franky, Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, February 19. Orange Ladles' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. Board by a letter from the Pa rent-Teachers' Council. The letter toore the signature of Trustee Mrs. E. W. Becker, who also is a member of the Parent-Teacher Association Council. Mrs. Becker told the Board that King Edward school had been broken into three times during rsccnt months. It also was revealed In the meeting that Booth High School had been broken into last week and some plumbing fixtures damaged. Only fire insurance Is carried on the school buildings and equipment by the city at the present time. There also is pub lie liability insurance covering accidents. The Board authorized Mrs. to Investigate the whole insurance picture, sejragating the policies as to buildings and equipment. ASTHMA SUFFERERS Crt welcome relief from the wheezing, choking, KaspinK struggle for breath caused by Asthma. Take KAZ-MAll. e,ccinl!y made to relieve Asthma misery quickly and safely, hclin jnu sleep and work in comfort. Don't stiller f" -illcsslv. Don't loseanothcrnii:hl'slecp. Take KAZ-MAll today. 50c, SI at druggist- R-2S You arc cordially invited to the Salvation Army Citadel Frascr Street Wednesday and Thursday, February 5 and 6, at 8 p.m. Visiting Special: Brigadier T. II. Mundy of Toronto (Territorial Secretary fur Young People's Work) Wed., 8 p.m. Welcome Meeting Thurs., 8 p.m. Youth Rally "Jolit in the Singspiratlon and Praise. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FltUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Hlack 289 ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made I VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Ill-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing IIELMMY & TWEED 404 McBride NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule thai classified and transient advertising Is lxiyablc in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner in the Dally News arc asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified LOCAL MARKET CHANGES HANDS Fred Cameron' And Son, Kussell, Take Over .Sterling Establishment. - An Interesting local business change was announced today whereby Fred H. Cameron and son, Russell Cameron, become proprietors of the Sterling Food Market of which Mr. Cameron has beeri manager ever since Its inception. The change, effective at once, was finalized yesterday by Eric Marsden, president of Sterling Food Markets, which is closing out its markets. The name here will be changed to Pi oneer Food Market. Mr. Cameron, Sr., Is the doyen of local meat handlers, having started In the city In 1909 as delivery ;nan for the 6ld firm of Morrow Si Frizzell on Centre Street. He' continued with P. Burns Co. Ltd. and through to 1933 when Sterling Food Markets, took over the Burns retail outlets. Meantime he had become manager of the local store for Burns. Mr. Cameron Jr. was born In Prince Rupert and has lived here all his life. He served for six-and-a-half years with the Royal Canadian Navy and, since his discharge about a year ago, was with the Post Office staff in the city. WEST INDIAN UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, Jamaica, CPj A new West Indian University Col lege is to. be set up In Jamaica to prepare students for degrees of London University. A dclega- nuu ki uie lnier-universuy council for higher education in the colonics is at present in the West Indies. Hotel. . . arrivals l'rince Rupert II. P. Cahlll, Vancouver; II. OLscn, Burns Lake; R. F. Davey, Hollyburn; II. B. Phillips, Mas-sett; A. Holland, Massett; A. B. Thompson, Vancouver; A. T:ue-man, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. Wlghtman, Vancouver; J. V. Yocman, Vancouver; W. F. Gor-rle, Vancouver. CAHU OF TIIAXKS Andy Bernardson and Christine Prlchard wish to thank all their friends for the kind expressions of sympathy and beau tiful floral tributes extended during their bereavement in the loss of their beloved wife and sis ter Vena. Special thanks to Mrs. Halgrtmson, Mrs. Terry Fortune, the Pallbearers and Mr. John Clausen for, the use of his car. You saw It in The News! FOOliSH TO NEGLECT SNIFFLES, SNEEZES OF HeacCbds A bottle of Vicks Va-tro-ncl is mighty handy to have around the house because this double-duty nose drops . . . Quickly Relieves sneczy, snirny. . . . stuffy distress of head colds. tJ Makes breathing easier. Helps Prevent colds from develop- ing If used at the first warning sniffle or sneeze. This Double-Duty Nose Drops should save you much misery. Try HI Works fine! Youll like It! VICKS VATRONOL 3p hungry War ate up a Jot of cotton in military jtlothing, tents, tarpaulins, a thousand war uses millions of yards of fabric, millions of pounds of yarn; And, of course, war needs had to be served first. Now that the war is over, it's die civilian market that's hungry for cotton cotton for sheets and shirts, for dresses and underwear and for dozens of industrial uses. The gap between supply and demand is world-wide. In Canada, though our mills arc doing their utmost, it will take months Air the cotton industry to catch up. VE shall continue to distribute our production en a quota basis, playing no Javouritcs. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Cstton VnJmls Jor All Oumtslic ami Imuslrtnl Ifcs... intluJint MA60G FASTEST FAIRICS COlONIAl SHEETS TRUE TARNS AT LAST Community ' Rogers . SILVER SETS Wc have received several large shipments In several of the most popular patterns including . . . LOVE, ADORATION. ETERNALLY YOURS, . LADY HAMILTON, FORTUNE, etc. Some sets have 26-piccc service for six. Some have 34 pieces for eight people, and some havj service for twelve with 54 pieces. These arc mostly In chests but wc have some bulk seta for those who do not need the chest. , WE CAN SUIT ALMOST ANY POCKET FOR THE PRICES RUN FROM . . . $15.95 to $G4.00' plus tax These arc all at the approved celling price, Uic same as all over Canada. Might be well to look early though, I 4 IWikc Uuyctt JDally j3cujjg( 3 Tuesday February 4, 1917 ...NEW ... SMART SI ingsby Jackets jag" yPK LIMITED All wool, full lined, zipper front, knitted cuffs and waistband. Plain shad es o f Cream and Green. Checks in Maroon ami Fawn. $j().95 A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FEIIKUAKY I UKNITUKE EVENT Three-piece Chesterfield Suites, covered in Green, Wine and Blue Velours. Two-piece Hed Chesterfields, in Wine Figured Belgian Velours. Ideal for apartments. Itedstead in walnut; all-felt Mattress; Cable Spring. February Special ijKMJ.OO Phone us your requirements or mail your orders.. Phone "75 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. NOW . . . Venetian Blinds Steel or Wood Slats CLOTH WINDOW BLINDS Made to Measure and Installed DELIVERY IN TWO WEEKS Free Estimates Gladly Given EDMONDSON g&Esb-2t Awning & Sail Works I'lionc Itlue 12G P.O. Box 302 Now Suits and Coats v.; Afi v Watch for a Wonderful Window Display This Week TRICOTINES SERGES DRESSMAKERS New Spring Slocks Arriving Daily BUY AND SAVE ON OUH BUDGET PLAN Bob Parker Liniiled 10KD AM) MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE "The Home of Friendly Set vice" WE CAUUY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE FORI) PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IN NORTHERN B.C. Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt Attention PHONE S;$ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I v. s & V.;