'I Iprinrc Rwictt Diily Welti Tuesday February 4, 1917 Storms Hit Us Too The continued railway tie-up presents its problems for the Dailjr.News as well as the other businesses in Prince Rupert. The editorial department failed to receive its feature and cut services. "Blondte" and the usual number of news pictures arc missing. District correspondence is also held up. The wires being down limited and delayed the handling of worJsLand national news. The advertising department was worrying about the non-r defliery of material for its national advertising. The staff kept its fingers crossed that nothing more would happen to further embarrass the situation. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Five-room house, hot water heated. 114 9th Street. Phone Red 835. 32- lllllllllinilllBRIIDI FOR See our Eullders and paint, 1! McBridc Street I" UI:H lii We arc here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" rnoNKni7 -: r.o. ncm Wc Serve You Nothing butlhc Best . . . special red brand in;i;r CHOICEST VEOETAIILES AND FRUITS COMWl.TEMNE OF UKOCEKIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Boast Chicken iMcat Pics and Salads Daily -RUPERT BUTCHERS riionc 21 Third Ave. West LLMITED HABITAT The Kiwi, J'ew Zealand's national bird, is found in no other country. w A L L A C E' S y A R D G O O D S D E P T. TIIOSC I I I I Odd Jobs AKOU.NI THE HOME us for your supplies. You will find stock adequate to meet all your rcqircments. and cabinet hardware, plastic metal mouldings, window glass, varnishes and Murcsco, carpenters' and power tools. riionc 3ii CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Room CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 CHOW MEIN Hollywood Cafe WINCE RUl'KRrs NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO C A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST LOCAL WOMAN IS BURIED MONDAY Funeral service for the late Mrs. Vena Bernardson,, wife of Andrew Bernardson, was held Monday afternoon at Grenville Court chapel with Rev. R. A. Wilson of First United Church officiating. Interment took place in Fairview Cemetery. During the service, which was well attended, the congregation sang the hymns "Abide With Me" and "What a Friend W'e Have in Jesus." In tribute to the deceased, Mrs. Terry Fortune sang the solo "The Old Rugged Cross," which had been a favorite hymn of Mrs. Bernardson. Mrs. J. C. Oilker was organist. Pallbearers were S. Hallgrin-son. Louis Anderson, Einer Johr- Rnllineer and Paul Taraneer I Deceased, who was 48 years old. was born at Churchbridge. ! Saskatchewan, and came to Prince Rupert In 1934, shortly afterward marrying Andrew, Bernardson, who Is at present in hospital. She also is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy. Anderson of Winnipeg; her mother. Mrs. S. Loptson of San Francisco; eight sisters, one of whom is Mrs. Peter Pritchard of Prince Rupert, and two brothers. Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK Llcut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding Wednesday, February 5, 1917 19:00 Duty Watch to muster. 19:10 Markers Fall In. 19:15 Hands fall In. 19:20 Officers' call. 19:25 Colors. 19:30 Captain's Inspection. 20:10 Stand Easy. 20,20 Hands to Classes. 21:00 Secure. 21:10 Sunset. 21:15 Dismiss. Duty Watch Hood Division. Duty Officer CPO R. Mc-Chesncy. Duty Petty Officer PO P. Wilson. It is important that all personnel should attend). V. B. C1CCONE, 1st. Lieut., R.C.S.C.C. The keen Interest which dally newspapers take In municipal trovernmcnt keepj local politics honest, says Mayor Robert H. Snunders of Toronto. Mayor Saunders denied that newspapers, try to dictate to local officials. BLACKHEADS imp,? diwolrt and Jitappar hf this oi) iirmlr, nn,I nitre method. Get tw9 ounce of t-eroiin. powder from any drug I ure, aprmkle on a hot. wet eloth. and rplj cnUr erjr blackhead will La goat. Business and J. P. MOLLKR PHONE BLUE 155 124 4 th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S REALITY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Us branches. 200 4th Street : Phone 055 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Uulldlng and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 480 Red 891 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 803 SMITH & ELK INS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone' 174 P.O. Box 274 Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 pm. FORMER ARMY STAFF CHIEF ARRIVES HOME- Lieut Gen. J C Murchie former chief of t ;, Canadian peneral otaff overseas and last senior army office) to be repatriated, arrived ir. Saint John aboard the cargo-paener liner Beavcrford. Pictured above. Gen. Murchie is tha:ikin the ship's master, Capt. R. A. Leicester (leftt for his courtesies during the voyage. MaJ.-Gen. H. W. Foster, general officer commanding Eastern Command, who officially welcomed Gen. Murchie, is In the centre. It was Gen. Murchie's desire to travel home on the Beavcrford, rather than by passenger liner. Native People Missing (Continued from Page 1) Monday afternoon by boats from Nelson Bros. Port Edward, Atlin Fisheries, and by Roy In'nes in his own boat and James Bolton in his boat. Bolton took his boat up toward Point Lambert Montfey evening and found himself caught In an Ice floe. However, he was able to get his boat free while the provincial police wre arranging to have a boat sent to stand by for their possible rescue. Although a slender chance exists that the party may have made it safely to shore, the feeling persists among native and others who know the Lower Skcena, that they have met with tragedy. Temperature at the time wa-; down to zero and there wiu a strong wind on the river. It -Jsj oeHeved tnattbe N. F.B. 5 attempted to cross the ceen. fo Pert Efington Just as the tie passed its flood peak and started to recede. Ice, which is pushed up the river on the rising tide, comes down again in huge fl'oej which can grind through the hull cf a boat in a short time. With Mr. Spalding on the bafit was his whole family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett have seven children at Port Essington. Professional GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man 11 M. SAUNDERS Blue uOG Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot, do myself. I JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERIIANGING and I'AINTINO PHONE 372 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER -. Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baneae Freight - Express t Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 077 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs NovMtlcs - MODERATE PRICES , Promnt attention In muti nriiir Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave ! . . . C, I 1 1... t-: 1 oLivnig wiu rwiiencsinoustry WELLS (I'.R.) LTD. '.ut.(ii: Certified Weighers Sumpler rtccondltloncra Labelling Contractors BLUE 980 KH PROMPT nd EFFICIENT SEKVK3 tall tjour qUtsti to C0HJMB1A OPTICAL CO. LEi I BUILDING UP BOY SCOUTS MaJ.-Ctii. Snry Plans P.iKCrr iiud llcllcr Organization OTTAWA. fc Canada Boy Scouts' Association is undergoing an administrative house-cleaning at Dominion command headquarters here in a turreted, old stone home ,on Metcalfe Street. Under the direction of youthful, energetic Maj.-Geh. Dan Spry, chief executive commissioner, the organization plans to develop and expand Its activities acros-j the country. First step will be "Plan Opportunity," an outline for scout officials of tc ourpo-ses of the movement and how it affects Its 100,000 followers. "We are starting our house-cleaning at home." says Maj.-Gen. Spry, "and then we are aiminT our sight for a oe'-ter and greater organization across Canada." Part of the headquarters renovation plan has been the turnjn: to mtcrofilm of almost five tons cf records and documents. The discarded paper wi'.; toe turned over to the Scouts' own salvage drive. The Dominion command moved into it. own' new bi'liding in 1931. The Ivome belonRed to the late Thomas Blrkctt and wa, purchased wifh the Ixfp of a gcrd friend of sroutinfr R W Leonard xf St. Cathcrim s. Ont wlhio left H20.000 to the a soc'a-Mon. Crowdtid for space in : !v lar ;c ukl home, the Dominion c m mand is renovating the building and itavlng rooms divided Into smaller, separate offices to make for greater eificienry Fart of the building holds trophies and tokens brought to Canada (by. scout attendin". Jamborees in various parts of the world. - There's a boomerang brought from the 1.035 Jamboree In Australia, a golden arrow from the English Jamboree 4n 1929, a gold key from the 21st anniversary at River Moot, Scotland, and a trill: 'pennant from Hungary In 1034. One soul brought back a Jacob's staff from the Dutch jamboree In 1937. One of the command's prized trophies U a SoutHi African 'Kudu born similar to one cap-'Uircd from a Zulu rtative by lLni Badeti-PowcJl, late world ejiiof. during the Boer War. SHORT OF CI ASS DUBLIN, tr - Eire far-. ,i shortage of ghris bottles and sheet glass because ot a restriction on tha production of sodium carbonate, a vital ingredient, m English plants that are runnln" lov on fuel. The investment of $17,374,000 in ncw.'pnpcr advertising ov -r a period or CO years has rcuit 'd in a yearly volum of ckwc to $20 million for one store ot. Chicago's State Street. According, to F. S. Adam of New York Cfty, the sevcn-we-Jt nrwipnper stake made visible imprrs-ions on the life of that community with retail businesses, theatres and portx; evi;it urfering Ut" ey-d'-s'. "O. IV Smith Canoe Jaunt (Continued from Page 4t himself boarded a Southern Pacific train for Jiome. He had a number of adventures and close brushes with disxstcr, uhich lie passes off lightly. While in the Frascr river, his canoe caught fire from flying sparks, and he burned his hand rather badly in extinguishing the bla.c, which destroyed a little of his equipment and burned thru one-ply of the canoe. Near Gunflint his canoe ovcr- i tui:ied in a rapids and he last hi.s fishing ruU, glasses, shoes, clothing and grub". The canoe. t! harmed, was righted successfully and Smith was Invited for breakfast by a sportsman who had a iargc fishing lodge on the lake The Invitation was most welcome, as by then he had been without food for some time. Next year Smith plans to takr his canoe to Grand Marais on Lake Superior, and take up hU Journey east where he left off. continuing on to New York City Not until then will he have the satisfaction of feeling that his ambition has been realized, and that he has traversed the entire Northwest Passage. JAl!S CONDEMNED YOKOHAMA I.m the United Stales War Crimes court at Yokohama, two Japanese prison ramp officials Were en-temed to death by the court for atrocities lraiyng to the deaths of -several prisoners of war, including Tie. Benjamin Ncuficld, of Nelson, B.C. Advice was received at tlw; meMig of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night that .1 proposed tour of a British Columbia Products Bureau "Made In B.C." travelling display through the central interior and on to Prince Ruien has been postponed from this sprint: until September. The local Chamber hat already offered to assis-t in connection with the visit to this city. Arabic numeral, used, by the modern world, cume originally from India. Hear, . . a Hon. Dr. G. M. WEIR Minhtvr of l.tlitintioit i.otrriiniriil of llrilili (.luiiil,i.i DISCUSS: EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT BUILDER We have the most complete stock of WHII. WINDOWS AND FRAMES In Wetern Canada available lor Immediate delivery. W.VM. or complete catalogue to RURAL SASH & FRAME CO. P.O. ItMV !177 North Vancouver. B.C. Nylon for Hair In Latest Wigs LONDON f Wigs may become popular once more, with nylon used Instead of hair, say London fashion experts. A demand for nylon in preference to hair wigs Is reported In theatrl- dogwitha&J1 TODAY AND WED. :nt' A a at . 'tllijmaLOV D0fl (,$ Hef that '., A'k nit ... .i . v.;r:r C( can be dvori i .".ll shade, without J -..v. MAKCH 0FTHt COI.OKKI) CVRl, ii.... . . if ill ways t, l"r ilcrpM incuts VabJ 'cy and plailti Mjnnl jpp, vtrscs. HIE VARIETY STOti "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLAPJ A GREAT CHANCE FOR A FINE COAT erne i:ciianoi: BLOCK NEW RKPAIUS At Our GREER & BRIDDEf Builders and Contractors riioNi: kid si r.u. M llux 1308 riionc 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2ml Avo. and 7th Ot. I ol OVERCOATS and TOP COATS 20 Off Look At These Nanio!' VIXTAV IIEAVMt SM(X ISAAC CAKB (Wt,l ol EsigtaLJ BALMOKAI, HKillLWl TM'KLUS Importe 'I IIIKU AT S CONSTRUCTION ALTKHATk SAV Carl Zarclli, M.one 31 r'l TT1I1CC n" General Contractor Wo do "basements, resliiiigliiit', H sidewalks, remodel your khu- lmildinirs. i wa aji i J i 1 (. n (V c a n i? t.' r nn i i ? 1 ! A It A I CALL IJLUE 610 and wc will give an cstim0' P.O. BOX C54 pRlfCf