it Mix Bro- . . IRRACE sfer&Taxi Storage ALL TRAINS 1 TO ANY POINT ttE DISTRICT II Smith) '1J7 Terrace uxy Coffee combines quality and economy. Buy Wnuc .......... r--.- - -vy - - tnjoy ron uarry lea, 100. RACE DAY AT TERRACE AS QUEEN u:u auazei- Irte ' r::'.rr won by a 3. . a.''1 moon May- teas ncmonsiraiea and 2 pupils under Lion uf Mrs. Stewart hi Mi Freda James. ra ( 'I'tea upon ITrrr(,.s first Mav Oueen r.c: rr. Ki.s-oi-nonoi,! nOM, .t,An thnnkpd .cr- Betty wuaoe Pf "iy Laird and ter Ail were aressea I erf! .ur-lcisth gawnj TEAR" w-tfi - ;y mue uar-ar3 Fandra Pash 1 1 : :e blossoms In Ma:' Queen. ice Theatre ca Tuesdays and tft''.:ic:days liSitardais at 8 p.rru matinee at 2:30 p.m. I? and Saturday hy 30 and 31 kK LONDON" O'otica, Susan !U; . Davenport, avr i .:d V. Mayo. May, June 3 fDER BANDITS" Itary Mack Brown. p4ay June 4 f;r C ;k. n, Warren i Anrr Owynne. liiu ivirtv mtwwv. 13 IED AND CIVIC CENTRE OPENED CEl'n(ler a cloudless sky which made a day. the Victoria Day celebration, lnclucl-Centre opening and May Queen crowning mplete success. At the scheduled hour, races were run and were marked by some lorous incidents. This was followed by a On arrival at the throne, the Queen was greeted In the name of the Civic Centre by president A. Yoxall who introduced her to the audience. He also presented Commissioner Emlle Haugland and Jack McLeod, Kinsmen pres ident. Amid huge applause, elect Honey tnese men joined In crowning the Oddfellows and others for their support and formally open- ivi ihf Terrace District Civic Centre; The May Queen then thanked the Oddfellows and others for their support and formally open ed the Terrace District nvic Centre. I Amid great faof arc. the Queen and her maids of honor left the field and were escorted on a tour of the town. Further amusement was provided by double-header ball games. The first was between the Terrace Tiger and the Prince Rupert High School and was won by the latter after a very close contest resulting in a score of 11-10. The seoend was the Canadian Legion versus Mix Bros, which resulted In a tie of 7-7. Evening recreation was provid ed In part by a bsstoall game between Ha2elton and the Cana dian Legion. The game was Wirhlv exc ting ana me scui -o---tf - - ... i finished in favor a tne region 18-15 The day was rounded out by the drawing for the grand prize n,Mrh rnnslsted of a dlr.ctte :ulte and was won by Bert West Drawings for three other prizes followed, these benlg won by Mrs. R. Phillips, Jack Matthews and A. Yoxall. Dancing was con tinued with an Intermission cf fireworks display by the Kinsmen's Club. Midnight saw a very happy and well contented community on their way home from C I IT'S TUNE-UP TIME Spring! rou YOU 11 CAR With Spring comes the urge to hit the open roaa again. )Sr i-..,'t rick hreakdowns. Our uua w J expert Spring Tune-Up will trouble neiore . w KVO SSSK prevent J&LIO MU curs. Sec us for a complete I ""r-;rr unrimr Tunc-Uiv a fe Machine Shop & Garage HE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. 1 ana Lumber Manufacturers h lumber TERRAC E Agents For, International Harvester Co. H'illard Batteries Logs, Poles and Piling Firestone Tire & Rubber to. w I'hllco Radios Local News' Items . . . C.C.P. Broadcast, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Wm. Brett, M.L.A. (124) City fire department answered an alarm at the residence of Mrs. John Dybhavn, 210) AUln Av enue, at ,9: 15 this morning where a chimney fire had broken out. There was no damage. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Fri., May 30 at 8 p.m. Initiation, Silver March and Social. (126) Mrs. G. Ciccone returned to the city today from a trip to Vancouver during which she acted as lay delegate to the provincial conference of the United Church which" was held there recently. The midweek service at the Salvation Army Citadel -will be conducted by Major Fred Dorin of Ketchikan, Alaska, at 8 p.m. tonight. " (It) Mrs. John Murvold of New Westminster arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to visit her daughter, Mrs. Robert Houston, whose husband was a victim of last Friday's boat tragedy. Other daughters here are Mrs. Ht ns Knutsen and Miss Edith Murvold. Leonard Leighton of Metlakat-la, who recently was graduated frcm the Anglican Theological College at the University of British Columbia, sailed Monday night on the Princess Adelaide cnroute to Calgary where he will be ordained prior to entering missionary work on. the Peigan Indian Reserve, near Lethbrlrfge very enjoyable and unforget table event. RESULTS OF RACES The prize-winners were: Girls 25-yard dash, 3 ycals Eya Jackson, Edith Jones, Mar-lene Johnson. Girls 25-yard dash, 4 years- Jean Smith, Kate Saunders. Girls 50 yard drih, 5 and 6 years Judy Barr, Alleen Craig. Hazel Reynolds. Girls 50-yard daih, 7 and 8 years Verna Smith, Ethel Love less, Ruth Amriam. Girls 75-yard dash. 9 and 10 years Carol Jones, Janet Craig Florence Johnston. Girls 75-yard dash, 11 and 12 years Olga Solonecki, Pearl Hausland, BerihaMmdairr Girls 100-yard dash, 13 and 14 Theresa Johnston. Girls sack race Florence Johnston, Theresa Johnston, Jean Collier. Girls three-legged race, open Prarl Haugland and partner; Theresa Johnston tnd Margaret Nelson; Carol Jones and Dorothy M:Cabe. Married Ladles ICO-yard dash Mrs. Tullena. Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Maxsted. Girls slow bicycle race, open Dorothy McCabe, Ethel Seleda, Pearl Haugland. Boys 25-yard dash, three years Edward Maxted, Gordon Graham, Billy Saunder6. Boys 25-yard dash, 4 years- Tommy de Kergommeaux, Brian Smith, Garry Smith. Beys 50-yard dash, 5 and 6 years George Graham, Teddy Farkram, Jackie Julseth. Boys 50-yard dash, 7 and 8 years I'aui jonnsion, jt. Llewellyn, Marvin Paulson, Joe Sparks. Boys 75-yard dash, 9 and 10 years Lloyd Llewellyn, Eli Christiansen, John Johnston. Boys 75-yard dash, 11 and 12 years-Lloyd Llewellyn, David Binart, Denis de Ktrgomnieaux. Boys 100-yard daih, 13 and 14 years-Roy Hall. Pat Johnston, George Kcfoed. Boys 100-yard dash, is ana io . Vl-Vnlrlir years Lawrence rmimiuj, George Koefoed. rinvs threc-leg?ed race, open- Pat Johnston and Wayne Hull; Lawrence Kirkaldy and Charles de Kcrgommcaux; Denis de Kcr- ffnmmcaux and Lloyd nonKc. " Senior 'boys 100-yard dash, open-Ernest Muldoe, Kenneth Harris, Brock Norberg. Boys slow bicyde race Aaron PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service Lady canvarsers ifor" the Tuberculosis survey may pick up their kits at the htalth unit of fice at any time now. (125) Native Girl Succumbs Jessie Alexander, 19-year old native girl, died Tuesday. She is survived , by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Percv Alexander of Kincol-ith, and an aunt, Mrs. Doreen Clayton of Prince Rupert. She will be buried in Falrview ceme tery here. Announcements All aavcrtoeinrms m rms column trUl be charrmr ror s fuU month, at 25o word. Tea and Food sUe May 28, Salvation Army Home. Catholic card 'party at School Hall, May 29. 8 p.m. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrs. Berner's, May 29. Eastern Star Tea, Civic Centre, June 4. S.O.N. meeting Thurs. June at 8 o'clock. Presbyterian Tea, June 5Mrs C. O. Ham. United Church Manse Garden Party, June 12. ' Tea and delicatessen sale at Catholic School Hall, June 14, and card party, 8 p.m. " Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs1. Watta. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. Haaland, Ronald Cute, Denis de Kergommeaux. Married men's 100-yard dash, open Brock Noibcrg, Joe Schultzic, George Grant. 1XE DANCE ON FRIDAY EVENING The dance held on Friday eve ning in the Terrace Civic Centre was a huge success. An orchestra from Hazelton kept the crowd in good dancing humor. Toward midnight excitement ran very high and tickets were bought In great numbers ty the public in an endeavour to put their favorite candidate for May Queen I !n tcp place. The final count! showed that Irene ''Honfcy" ( Haugland was the winner and the, announcement was greeted withlsreat-app!ausevf 'Highlights of the evening were the games, bingo-and crown and anchor. The canteen was ably looked after by Mr. and Mrs. J. Haaland and their assistants. lOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Reopening May 28 with a new line of upholstered fabrics and plastic leatherettes UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Scat. Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE SIS If your building, house or fur-nltu:e were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON I LIMITED 210 Sixth' Street It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS City-Wide Canvass On Everybody in Prince Rupert Being Lined Up fur Tuberculosis X-llay With members of the' Kins- men's,Club covering the business"' section and women organized by the Women's Co-ordinating Council taking care of the resi dential section, canvass of the city to make resigstratlons for the Mass Chest X-Ray Unit which will be conducting a clinic here June 2 to 17 js being con ducted this week.. In order to make the coverage of the clinic as nearly 100 per pent as pos sible, tl)e object is to get every person In. Prince Rupert regis tered for .the clinic and to as sure that all will kenp their dates for the simple x-ray exam ination. The canvassers are as follows; I Weslview .Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Van Cooten. Second Ave., 11th St. and Park AvenuC Mrs. Ytreberg. Beach Place and Water Street Mrs. Evans. Borden St. to Fulton St. Mrs. Lahti. Summit Ave. and Taylor St. Mrs. Boulter. Biggar Place, 3rd Ave. Junction to Steele Blk., Fraser St. Mrs. Garon. First Avenue Mrs. Earl Becker. Seventh, Eight and Ninth Av enues to Fulton Mrs. Cork, Mrs. Vaulderlang. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Av enues (Fulton to McBrlde) Mrs. Jens Munthe, Mrs. N' Gerrard. Fourth Avenue East Mrs. Berg. Fifth Avenue East Mrs. Breen Mrs. G. E. Moore. Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Av- nues East (to Hays Cove Circle) Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Erikson, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Belamy. Ambrose and Sixth East (Hays Cove to Seal Cove Circle) "Mrs. Murdoch. Seventh Avenue East ftlays Cove Circle to Seal Cove Circle) Mrs. Home. Ninth East, Tenth East Join the Fight against and Hays Cove Avenue (between Conrad and Donald) Mrs. Doir- on. Sherbrooke St. and Eleventh Avenue Mrs. Rudderham. Additional Canvarsers Mrs Johnston, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Tat- tersall, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs. McMillan (from Canadian Legion), Mrs. Richardson. Business Section Kinsmen R. E. Montador, W. S. Noble, William Bremner and Pierre LeRoss. president of the Women's Coordinating Council with Mrs. A. Haines vice-president and Mrs. D. Orchard "McLeod, secretary. Miss Thelma Anderson of Vancouver Is visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Krlstmanson. Je Sure and Register for . . . Mass Chest X-Ray Unit JUNE 2-17 - INCLUSIVE At POST OFFICE All you have to do is keep the appointment you make this week with our representative who calls. 'BLUE SMBIjljl "ALL BY MYSELF- Sammy Kaye-Record 20-2110 "BLUE SKIES" Dinah Shore Record 45-000 . Benny Goodman-Record C-828; Count Basle-Record C-837 Johnny Long-Record 23622; Perry Como-Record 20-1917 "HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN" Dick Haymes-Record 10298 "YOU KEEP COMING BACK LIKE A SONG" Dinah Shore-Record 8014; Dennis Day-Record 20-1947 WE HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY FOR II. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE OIL BURNERS J. . CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNERS ON HAND ARE IDEAL. FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING T.O." Box 1158 (Station B) ' ' - Phone BLACK 963 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ChopSuey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 8 ajn. to 2 am. ' . PHONE 173 Pthtcc Ktipcrt DaUp J3cU)$ Wednesday, May 28, 1947 BUY... STETSON Wl The name "Stetson" represents the finest available in workmanship, fabrics and style, in men's hats. Sec our showing today $8.00 - $15.00 ith Confidence! 1M & Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 j DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING 0 We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargcrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Dox 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. .Do Your Guests Whisper Behind Your Back? Keep your home and your self spic and span this summer by removing spots and soil from wearing apparel and household articles with good cleansers. Your clothes and' furnishings wnT "la's t longer and look better. . . -,,.mm,i.Li "l'ilh.J'MJ "i""!'"' g'-1 I SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in .all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Caras for every occasion DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street THIRD AVENUE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern Fillets Place jour order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT 1 BRITISH Company Limited Columbia .