ITUATION IE BAD IJtspread Rioting, nlcss f ood (liven KON. L- C fl The H mu.! rush maxl- f fcod to Eur .aoser to prevent Mhv-p and riot-i Irerald, secretary- tlr International Feed Council, said lit ft a shortage I and the fall en Ca L.UH r.ow UI1U bilk W i Mt least as critl- j UKtn q nrovlde 1 I'TIcrald stated that base vtts are con fer than what they no the sltua-ejcricus nutrition ally and psycholo- Dock oyed SERNI, 9) The Hid. dock of the -cific iteamshlDs -on at bert were almost teVoyed by a fire jrhin on Victoria n u -tlmated at itae firemen fought town was ovehung i of moke frcm a iBljec": Stewart & ca;:p 20 miles wis jig scene of ii o now under I -id Sundnv nlshl I P'iat:un., would be oi the present KANE inn, K lablislilns -I Servke at llydcr, 1 rasseitgcrs Sc Btj amnlilhlnn 'mm New York to merciui air sorvlrn "yoer Alaska, Wat- ' Pi int T Porllnnrt '"lull ui Hit llfS Armv Air rnrnc l-v-ii JIUaiClUUJ. 'ved the hl?ht pre- "anHnrfl. .i ."Balm n Qoldmln -ni John McLeod, 'lnin, on board, he '-Uoruoon with the llraft on h(s re- 7c avatIon ht3t0 rt,ind Cannl nrf n . "monstratln? the In,. winer on ian-, "5e had arrived at K- r"tnu; y fiui.i !UowlnK - hls to t, "8i rom JaLESTINE Egypt's chief delegate, Mahmoud lias- Kit, addresses me special session on r aiesum? or j,Uons general assembly at' Flushing Meadows, it thk meeting that the Arab proposal for the tof an independent Palestine was defeated. Mean h.r nart of the building, Samuel Merlin, rieht. sec- Jii of the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation, !3J to newsmen that the displaced Jews of Europe wind front" and begin an exodus to Palestine In t Jewish underground forces now active In the j j . Williams Case Is Proceeding The time of the Assize Court Tuesday afternoon was occupied with further hearing of the at- lempted murder charge against ft.ihrlpl William, nt Trmlpv whh is alleged to have shot Lawrence Kvlllrtir 1at Ffoniwrv 19 tu-hllp the latter was at worK in the woods as a tie-maker. Stanley Stewart Mackle was called as a witness. He knew a good many of the Bablne Indians. It was easy to carry on conversations with them. Coun sel for defence touched on.cer- l"in maucrs ucaiirhs win: Topley-Riohfield mining pro perty but he knew of no conflict uf claims. He hid rcstaked when It became open. As the examination continued, ind counsel ask- pd more Questions, the witness turned to Judge Wilson, inquir ing if he had to till the court matters which, after all, were his own private affairs. Shortly after this, the examination concluded. Charles Lewis Watson described a bunkhouso he had on the Dablne'Road ad of the accused and another young Indian having been there on a morning in February. C. H. Jannack of Topley- wn0 followrd lcsine. said he had krowr PrlM Williams since he wa a biv and had always been friendly. There htd rarely, if ever, bc anv -ilffifulty In un derstanding he said. Detective Sat. J. O. Younij; of the Dolicc dmartmcnt In Vic toria, pave evidence concernlnir the .22 rifle that had been handed over to an officer at Tonlcy after the snoollm. He described It in detail and It was shown to the Jury. He went into its Ren- cral construction. cmbraclnR many technical details as to sroovln and manufacture. He termed It of the cheapest make. i:ir.iin:i;N hottm:s OF KXTKACT BOUGHT At the morning session of the trial today there was further' examination of police officers and hatlvcs as to their movements and handling of the investigations Into the shootlnog, One Indian witness said that no less than 18 bottles of flavoring extract had been bought In the store at Topley. nonstable Richard Strouts, provincial police, first witness, described the locations 01 yuutc detachments covering tne area that takes In Smlthers, n-urns Lake. Topley and vanaernow and other Interior poinis. ue p . tn William's shack the . Ul KUiu ----- nleht followlnsr the shooting and being handed the gun ownw m Williams. The latter was then taken Into custody. It was on May u in-, Uw-panled by Lawrence KyHIn?. .he rhootlna ; had the vent to where occurred, This was tc .search fo a nossl'ble soenx ouiie., "-" : to find Impossible been had X bul- earlier because of snow it There was a i,..B- . . . .v,,..,i-h the mods 'hOIJI&M AND CE CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAXI f PHONE g Blue 235 I'honc! mi STAR ...riirr HWR.VICE ... T notel, Third Ave. J Cabs prtsi Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVI, No. 124. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS British Labor Partv g Bac ls Up B evin VANCOUVER HAS BANK ROBBERY VANCOUVER fc Two daring gunmen were the object of an t i t i . 'y"c"1'yt ,lfr mainland searcn they- held up the Grand n.W!"strlct branch nf thp Rani 5nft ':ntla nnr? r.K-anlnw urlfh S 'h. One arrest was ntown hotel last .. man and two ' wemeh . V irocm th . .a revolver tld. In the was found lrom the tel- lcr's cage of t e lobbed bank, Mcst of the money has been recovered. " Wearing khaki coveralls and dark sunglasses the bandits entered the bank hurriedly Monday afternoon. One guarded the entrance while the Second step-' ped to the teller s cage, pulled out a gun and forced everyone to the rear Including customers. Then he vaulted over the coun ter, scooped up the money and; both fled in a late model auto mobile. The car had been stolen, but was later recovered by police THE WEATHER Synopsis Cooler weather had returned to British Columbia today with moist air bringing overcast skies along the coast and cloudy con ditions to some interior districts. This weather situation Is rot expected to show any arprecl- able change In the next 48 hours Forecast Prince Rupert. Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast this morning, clearing In afternoon: Overcist tonlglitrtaad Thursday morning becoming cloudy in afternoon. Winds light little change n temperature. Tcnroerature tonight and Thursday Port Hardy, minimum 46, maximum 58; Massett minimum 46, maximum 58; Prince RuDcxt minimum 47 maximum 60. Would Offset Gold Hoarding OTTAWA, 0 Finance Min ister Douglas Abbott told the House of Commons yesterday that he was not yet In a position to rnake a statement whether any action would be taken to prevent gold compan ies from hoarding gold In anticipation of a higher price. leading toward the spct where Kylling had been cutting, In his tie-hacking work. He was asked bv Crown Counsel, T. W. Brown, If he could tell the distance be tween where the tracks ended and where the cutting had been going on. About 23 paces, said the witness. There was also some questing about an old snowshoe track, Sgt. Henry, provincial police, was In the witness box briefly. Corporal Laslmai told of tak ing the gun to Victoria jor curtain examinations essential In the prosecution. Albert Michel of Bablne, who had been with Williams during dates in February, said he was n christian and was an attend ant at church. He told of Wil liams p.nd himself having been at a bunkhouse on the Bablne' Road. Tills was February i. They had Bought 10 bottles 01 extract one night and the next iv,) n well as making a few other purchases. He Identified a packsack which haJ been louna on the Bablne Road; Last witness this morning was a native, Antolne Alex, who gave evidence through an Interpreter. Ho told of drlvin.3 along the Bablne Road and passing accused and Michel, both of whom were staggering. Court adjourned r-.t the noon hour until 1:30 p.m. HALIBUT SALES Canadian Invercan IV, 19,000, 17.6c and 13.6c, Royal. Women, 11,500, Co-op. j R 8.000. Co-op. ' ' "i k jMji. yBBBsilBBBBBBBKBtBtBIRL': , ,, lBBBSS WINNIPEG'S "AUNTIE BETTY" KEEPS HER PROMISE Mrs. William Glass, of Winnipeg, who entertained hundreds of Australian airmen at her home during the war, kept a promise that she would come to Australia and see them all and Is here seen being welcomed on her arrival by five ex-alrmen. "Auntie Betty," as she was known to her visitors, to whom she has written' regularly, intends to try and see them all during her stay In Australia. :: TODAY'S STJ3CKS :: , ; . Courcesy S. D. Johnston bo. Ltd. Vancouver Bralorne 10.85 B. R Con 05a B. R. X 09 Cariboo Gold 255 Dentonla .19l2 Grull Wlhksne ........... .07 Hedlev Mascot 1.05 TflhtoMLfcifc 1 04.s i'ena ureme .-j Pioneer : 4.00 Premier Border 04'j Premier Gold 59 Privateer .33 ',2 Reeves McDonald l-Oo" . Reno 10 Salmon Gold 22 Sheep Creek - 1.13 Taylor Bridge 51 Whitewater 01 U Vanaiida 32 Congress ..- 04'4 Pacific Eastern task) .40 Hedley Amalg 08 Sbud Valley .:........... .12 Central Zcballos ' .01 Oils A. P. Con 14 Calmont .31 C. & E r 1.95 Foothills (ajsk) 2.70 Home , 3.20 Toronto Athona 142 Auniaque 3 Hi TERRACE HOME IS DESTROYED TERRACE Fire destroyed the David Nelson residence on Park Avenue early Tuesday morning, By the time the fire department was called, flames had taken too great a hold to save the Nelson building, so efforts were successfully concentrated on adjoining properties. Seattle .75 Bcvco'urt .82 Bcb3o .17 Buffalo Can Cciv Pmclters 79.03 Conwesti .' .91 Donald . .84 El- 42 -,n& Giant-Ycllowknlfc :. 8.10 Gcd's Lake - 105 Harrlcana .. H'i Hardrock , 47?i Heva Gold 35 Hosco 33 JacknUe ,.. 07?i Jollet Quebec .50 Lake Rowan (ask) 24 Lapafka -30 Little Long Lac 1.76 lynx 17 Madsen Red Lake 3.15 McKenzie Red Lake .... .60 McLeod Cockshutt 1.60 Moneta 47 Negus 2.05 Noranda 45.50 Osisko Lake .. 1.75 Pickle Crow 2.80 Re?court , 41 San Antonio 3.90 Senator Rouyn 39Vi Sherrltt Gordon 3.10 Steep Rock 1.90 ' Sturfgeon River 17 Vancouver Backs Up Prince Rupert VANCOUVER Vancouver Board of Trade today endorsed representations of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce seeking, imediate Institution of air mall service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert now that Canadian Pacific Airlines is about to commence a scheduled air service. A message has been sent to the Postmaster General. WINS DIVORCE SHE'S STILL HIS SECRETARY The question "Can a wife be her husband's secretary?" was given a new twist In Chicago's Circuit Court when Mrs. Ruth Cole, 34, received a divorce decree from her husband, Glen, 36. With the divorce? came a number oj stipulations. Mrs. Cole is shown taking dictation from her husband with the children looking on. Q GERMANS EXECUTED Twenty-Two Nazis Hanged Yesterday -More Today L.'.INDSEERG, Germany ft! Twenty-two .operators of the in famous Nazi concentration camp ' at Mauthaustn were hanged yesterday with twenty-seven others tcheduled to follow them today 'Iduihe.' biygefet majrs executions of war criminals yet carried out by any Allied power All were convicted by thr American War Crime Court hearing ot the murders and atrocities committed against prisoners in the big camp near Linz where more than 700,000 Nazi victims are alleged to have been exterminated. Getting Ready for Lakelse Lake Camp TERRACE The site of the Boy Scout camp on the west side of Lakelse Lake was the scene of considerable activity on Sunday when a party cf scouts . and adults started clearing away the brush and hauling lumber for the buildings. As the day was warm, the work proved rather enervating so many of the party went swimming when it was over. The party consisted of J. Haaland, B. O'Brien, H. F. Noakes, B. Norberg and Masters Pat Johnston, Wally Shesher. Lloyd Honke, George Kofoed, Robert Kcch, Peter Koch, Gerald Toop, Carl Richmond, Aaron Haaland. FUR SEALS GOING NORTH VANCAOVER, Pribiloff seal herds, now pasilng the Bri tish Columbia coast, are being accompanied by a United States "floating laboratory" ship on their annual migration to Ber- I ing Sea. fc I The huge herds, valued at I more than $100,000,000 are I guarded by Dominion Fisheries patrol vessels as they pass , through Canadian waters. Indians, using -canoe and rpears, are the only hunters per-1 mltted to kill seals' tlurlrtg mlsra-ftl6i, The United States Coast-, guard takes over the patro.l when 1 the herds reach Alaska, MORE EXECUTIONS LANDSBEUG, Ge r m a n y United States Army executioners hanged more than 26 Elite Guard administrators of the infamous Mauthausen concentration camp today, completing 4he executions of 48 camp guards and foremen for war crimes. Twenty-two had been hanged yesterday in two hours and 37 minutes. FOREIGN SECRETARY INS 2 TO 1 CONFIDENCE VOTE Herbert Morrison Hopes For Mutually Beneficial Agreement With Russia MARGATE. (CP.) Foreien Secretary Ernest 1 Bevin won a vote of confidence by more than two to 1 V In it!tln i v -v ni " -v nPAirn mm w-t r - 4- r irM n -m n n unc atiu tiic fjuvci itiiiciit aiau vvuii n vitiuiiy uii us proposals for economic' planning and manpower dis tribution for coping with the country's current econ omic crisis at the Labor BULLETINS he "QUIT INDIA" APPROVED the LONDON A full Biltish cabinet gave broad approval to the statement of India's vic;n'ay, VisccuJ'if'-. Mountbat-ten, an that he has a plan to implement the, British pledge "to quit India" by June, 1918. age NATIONALIZE HOSPITALS CANBERRA, A federal plan for the nationalization 'of public hospitals now under control of individual states is announced by the Prime Minister It of Australia, Mr. Chifley. Private hospitals and institutions operated by religious organizations will not be affected. is RUHR DEMONSTRATION HEREFORD, Germany Moib than 5,000 workers marched to the main squate of Remscheid, a Ruhr com munist stronghold in tne big- j gest hunger demonstration the Ruhr has seen since before ' Easter. IS GULF CHAMPION VICTORIA Hugh Morrison of Vancouver won the B. C. amateur golf championship' here Sunday when he defeated Monty Hill also of Vancouver four and three in a match play final. Last year's champion, Lyle Hurschman was eliminated in the qualifying round. MANSLAUGHTER VERDICT VANCOUVER Malcolm Woolridge aged 20, acused on the gun slaying of his wife, Viola, March 1, was found guilty of manslaughter by a supreme court jury. He will be sentenced at the end of the Assize. PURCHASING RESERVE OTTAWA The Canadian air force is purchasing 42 of the 62 acre Indian reservation at Vancouver from the Indian department for $120,000 and plans permanent establishment on the site occupied since early in, the Second World War. QUINTS' BIRTHDAY CALLANDER, Ont., The Dl-onne quintuplets today celebrated their thirteenth birth day at their palatial home near here. They had a holiday from school to admire watches and necklaces from their mother and father which were "among their gifts. PR. GEORGE SHOOTINGS rRINCE GEORGE Max Mc-Call, taxi driver, was shot in the neck, and Jim Alexander has a bullet wound in his shoulder following a shooting on the main street here yesterday afternoon. The shooting occur-ed after McCall came out of a pool room with Alexanders wife. "'I want to die," said Alexander in an ambulance in which he was taken to hospital. Local Tides Thursday, May 29, 1947 High 9:30 .17.1 feet 22:01. 19.1 feet Low 3:29 7.3 feet 15:35 6.2 feet I nivj a mutual v-uuici iruii; today. Deputy Prime Minister Herbert Morrison told the conference that hoped Great Britain wouid soon reach a mutually beneficial trade agreement with Russia. At same time he intimatedvthat Britain does not want another", American loan. "We cannot live indefinitely on overdraft without heading into an economic' and financial smash," he declared. Piling up financial obligations would dam the workers and smash the Labor, party. Speaking of Russia, Morrison said: "Nowadays we hear a great deal about the differences be tween ourselves and the Russians. may not be a bad thing to remember some of the likenesses between their economic position and ours. Although our problem easier, our ordeal can be much shorter a.nd I believe our demo cratic methods will end by stand ing comparisons with totalitarian systems." , Government Gets ... IConf ldenceVote v OTTAWA, 0 Political observers saw no particular significance In the fact of Progressive Conservatives, C.C.F. and Social Credit parties voting together In the House of Com mons on a non-confidence motion Tuesday night. Supporters of all parties had criticized the government's taxation policies earlier. The first a C.C.F. motion was de feated 109 to 91. The second Progfr-eeltive Conservative went 109 to 90. FULLER PORT USE IS URGED While hesitating to commit Itself in any way as far as be coming Involved in National Harbor Board administration. the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has agreed to concur in any master plan for national harbor development that would promote fuller Use of ports such as Prince Rupert oi whih Jull advantage Is not now being . taken. Such was the answer sent on behalf of the local chamber. to F. M. Dockrlll, the Chamber's delegate to the recent Foreign Trade Conference 0 the Cana dian Chamber or Commerce, when he conveyed the desire of J. R. Dudley, industrial commissioner for New Brunswick, that Prince Rupert should Join with Vancouver. Montreal, Halifax. Three Rivers, Quebec and Saint John In presenting a brief to federal authority at Ottawa requesting a master plan for national harbor board development and expansion. The whole matter Is expected to be discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the local Chamber next Monday by which time there is expected to be a fuller report from Mr. Dcckrilt on the proceedings of the Foreign Trade Conference. Defies Duplessis To Hold Election OTTAWA, CB Leopold Lang-lols (Liberal-Gaspe) challenged Premier Duplessls of Quebec In the House of Commons yesterday, to call a general election, Immediately on the Dominion- provincial taxation Issue.