01 MINUTE pure iftfavored 6IIATINC !i;-e :"nuins Jiviwers were; . - Wife And Sons, Mum. :r.d David, Aletta and Cliff, . r 1 , f ,1 r a a ijar.U foamy, jcsic aim vcu. sri Mrs Angus C. Gl.lls, r Erllng" Grinstrand, "t -art Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ichin Mrs, Murray ar.1 Josie. h Jnhnny and Boyo, Gui Nc ; War Assets Staff. Mik Bertha, Zora, Bdb, Vc kovlch, L. Postuk and II A. Nelson and family, i W Circone and fam- I Mi Bert. Joy and June, Mr. Mi F II. Cameron and :, Macey's Basketball Team, h tnd Dad and sisters Inger ! Har- Auntie and uncle and . Henry and Violet, Mr. Mr D. Gomez. Mr. and Mrs. . Ri'tle and family. Sev. Ann D.im'.nato and Jerry, IB.V iMetlakatla), Baptist Aid. Belmont Hotel, Ri'ocrt Bxseball Ass'n,. r.d Mrs, C. Jchansen and 1 Mr and Mrs. D. C. Stuart Jimmle, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. '' and family. Nan and Mr m, Mr. nad Mrs. Hart- Dc-'d, Rosemary and Al- Uc:r 'r Confectionery. Mar- Jl k Bill and Swede. le an Carl. Mr. and Mrs. D, pr Fred, Marian, Beverley Oarry Mr. and Mrs. H. l-;:en. Mr. and Mrs. w. J. '.:.m and family. Mr. and Jimmy Andrew (Dodge M. Mrs. K. Beale. Mr. and C L Younnjmim and fam- 't t-r Ideal Cleaners. Mr. Mr' Hu.ro Kraupner, Mr, Mr W II. Fudsrer. Bill and Mefiesney. Marenret and Montgomery. Alice and p- Mi'Meekln, Mr. and Mrs. 1 R c. Jim. and Sljrv and Mr and Mrs. K. Slatta, "r-A Mr, O, Stegavlc; and Mr and Mrs. Sam Haugan -mMv Dr. nnd Mrs. Mont- rv ,T T Tlniuw Mr nnrt ..HI ..j) ... . . U . . U p M nnv Mr, and Mrs, A, 'i rrd neta, Mr. and Mrs. OTTACiE CIIEESE h Creamed Fresh Made ALENTIN DAIRY Your Dallv flL-WEATIIER SERVICE sailings Ter Week for WCOUVF.lt VICTORIA SEATTLE (AI L TIMES SHOWN "AYMG1IT SAVING) Nays, 1:30 p.m. wquitiam. kya, 12:00 Mldnlnht- wtala. furdays, 10:15 Camosun. Kl'TrmiriM TO 12:00 Midnight. 'WART mil ID1V PIIINTH Hays, 10 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES rl MASSptt mii rniiT CI.EMKNTS ly 5. 17 and 30 Midnight FOR. CniTTii 101 nunc May 7 and 19, June 1- Midnlght. FRANir t ciriKTVPo Iim . 0 Kupert Agent ab pnone 000 j. ku ilia makers ftf lllfV 9K r-2SjK2BtB moae "I k Mlw qH L , , TTwtt l G.n.r.ff ss4i JSLjLJ CAUI) OF THANKS ;1d Mr and Mrs. Vic uous-iind David desire to convey t.r r-.:t of friends and sym LWc; their hearl-ieit appre- Icn a:'d thanks lor the many ;f t adnesi shown, and the j empathy cxp;esed during r recent sad bereavement !:1 ndeed deeply grateful W. Stuart and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Norton and Bobby, Husty and Thelma Cameron, Basketball Association, Bo-Me-III Basketball, Mr. and Mrs, P. Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. Art Murray, Kalph Smith, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Slmonsen and taraiily, Graham Avenue; Jack and Betty Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strand, Civic Centre Staff, Sis and Bud Barry, Pioneer Laundry, Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Hansen apd fimlly (Vancouver), Harry Sar, Muriel and Martin Erlcksen, Fan and Jimmy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland, Mr. and Mrs. P. Leland and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Montesano, Erllng and Lillian Wick, Edith and Don Fitch, Mrs. Amoth, Mr: and Mrs. R. S. Woods and family, Brownwocds, Palma and Bruce and family. Savoy Basketball Team, Kiren and Bill Husoy, Mr. and Mis. B.irt Hd-strom and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kildahl. Harry and Norman, Fashion Footwear, Home Oil Dis tributors Ltd., B.C. Packers, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Dan Wick, Mr. and Mrs. P L. Petersen (Miller Bay), Lee Dell and family, Mrs. W. McCutcheon, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Yule and family, Hazel a.:d Dave ZU He, Anna, Knut and Susie Knut son, Jessie, Ralnh and Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. Sandvar, Mr. and Mrs, Hans Hansen, Elsie and Tommy Mulhern and Jessie, The Yager family and Rose, Mr. and Mrs. George Thaln and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Daniels A!ex and Laura Mitchell, Mr and Mrs. Lewis and family. Fred Mirielle and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. G. Parks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Skog and family, Ber tha and Billy, Pete and Elly, Sonny and Irene Stiles. JSoiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 BLONDIE A trailer will be home; -for Mr and Mr Henr Vanderheld during the next four months. Henry Vanderheld built the neat Wheeled home In hit: spare time and Monday he hitched the Vagabond to his newly acquired car and headeo foi Edmonton and waypolnts. FUNERAL NOTICES OR WICK In the city Friday May 23, 1947, Stanley, beloved brother of John and Holger, aged 50 years. Rev. A. O. Aasen will hold services at Grenville Court chapel at 4:30 pjn. Thursday May 25. Interment In Fairview. B.C. Undertakers In charge of arrangements. VOOTMAND In the city, Tuesday May Yl, Andrew Voot-mand, aged 74 years. Funeral services, will be held at Grenville Court chapel by Reiv. A. F. MacSween at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, May 29. Interment following in Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers In charge of arrangements. Timely Recipe rTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTr One cup left-over meat; one teaspoon minced onion; two tablespoons fat; two half-inch slices soft bread; XV3 cups hot-milk; two eggs, one-half tea- spoonul salt; one-quartex tea spoon paprika; one cup thinly sliced cheese; one tablespoonful fat; one tablespoon minced pars ley. Put meat and onion through grinder. Pan fry for ihree min utes with the cwo tableaooons fat. Arrange In bottom of baking d'sh. Break bread into small pieces. Cut cheese, beaten tg, yolks and hot milk. Add remain Ing fat, parsley, salt and pap- riKa Let stand zo m mites or mtil ready to bake and then fold in stiffly beaten egg whites, Pour into baking dish over meat and oven-poach In a moderate oven until set a'ouut 45 mln utes. This amount serves four or 'ive persons. Classified Advertising Pays! ' ff-seasoff" reafirsf feam s oaa APPOINTED TO CONVENTION .Mrs. J, II. Black Named to. Attend V. T. Gathering in New. Brunswick At the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher council meeting held in the Civic Centre on Monday night, Mrs. J. II. Black disclosed that she had received notification that the executive committee of the Provincial Federation had selected her as the northern representative to the rational convention to bj held This coming August in Sackville, New Brunswick. There are five representatives frcm British Columbia, appointed geographically. Mrs. Black also gave a lively report on some aspects cT the provincial convention held In Victoria during April, vhich she attended as an .unofficial dele-on ' A resolution was read from the Borden Street School requesting that the Council write the B.C. Dental Association notifying them of the shortage of dentists In Prince Rupert and asking their co-operation in obtaining more dentists. The resolution was supported by the other Par ent-Teacher Assoc:atlons and the Council mtved to comply with the request. Next meeting of the Council omgs (Contributions' to this section will be welcomed) COMMUNITY RECREATION At a Women's Canadian Club membership tea In the Commodore Cafe, 65 members were present with the president, Mrs. T. Norton Youags, In the chair, to hear the gueet sptaker, Ernest Lee, dlrectof of 'physical education and recreation for British Columbia, give a very Interesting address on tlw work of his department. The Canadian Club, which is an active supporter of the Civic Centre, was Interested to hear frcm Mr. Lee that the director of the new enterprise which is to be located in Prince Rupert area made specific enquiries as to recreation facilities, such as the Civic Centre, for their prospective employees. Mr. Lee also staled that it was a matter of proven record that community facilities such as Prince Rupert's Civic Centre have contributed to the curtailment of delinquency and In this wav, had raved the taxpayers many thousands of dollars in court procedure. will be In Septembei when' election e-f officers will lake place. Present at last night's meeting were J. C. Gilker, chairman; J. S. Wilsoh. T. H. Bateman, Miss House, Miss Moxley, Mrs. J. Hardin, Mrs. George Hill, Mrs. J. H. Black and Mrs. W. Becker. A. MacKenzie Furniture Phone 775 LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT 327 Third Avenue THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Disturber of the Peace. D MEAT ferries or JW-?7 NIAGARA FAILS, CANADA By Chic Young m v-4wr "1 'sr11 l A f AW' ?l I C AWFULLY MEAN TO BE ) 1 ; VDRVUDy V AM ALARM CLOCKM7 nSsfl ' " UllilllllP STICK IT 1 IWHEN WE GET .lhll 11 1 C.TAKEJ I H ( NOW LOOkTAT) AND WE'LL WINDOW. ACT LIKE J S Ar S SPADE MY SPADE f piAY A JOKE WE'RE MAD AND t I SHE'LL. JcfWi. ' -r fJT RIGHTJ,; (oNBLONDie HIT ME OVEP J I FAINT J T5kw3 . 4 XCJ- THE HEAOJ Anglicans Renew $5,000 Appeal . On Saturday May 31 from 8 ajn. to 8 p.m. the Rev. Basil Prockter, rector, will be at St. Andrews' Anglican Cathedral for the purpose of receiving further subscriptions for the Anglican Advance Appeal towards the objective of,$5,0CO set for the parish. ! i For those who cannot come, the Post Office box number is 755. The money subscribed is our share In the work of rehabilitating and extending mission-anry work of the Church, both here and overseas and the rebuilding of bombed churches in Britain. All Anglicans of the community are hereby requested to 'do their part. (126) LUMBAGO (Lame Back) IVhen your back is stiff and sore to touch tnd it's an effort for you to stoop or bend, lake the remedy that has brought swift, laft relief to thousands Templeton'i T-R-C's. Don't suffer from the nagging misery of Lumbago a day longer than you have to. Get T-R-C's today, 50c $1 at druggists everywhere. T-39 fix yfcx FASmtBA$IEf?,CLANtt UGATin your KAMGE with a Silent Glo C Oil Burner No more ashes, soot, dirt, fires thai die out. In your kitchen range I Five Ytar Guarantee by makers. Over 400,000 In use today. ON SALE AT: 11 J j Prince Rupcrf Dafli? J3ctan f; Wednesday, May 28, 1917 - i I FOR A yft l Now' that Summer Is Really Here... Come in today and rig out in one of our . . . Lovely Slaclc Suits Just Made for You. . . . Have you seen our Intriguing Bathing Suits USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES MAGIC Honey Pound Cake 1 H c. scedlrM raUlns i c. shorteulnil ?i c. honey 3 rftlts, well beaten 2U c. sifted all-purpose flour amj 1i tan. Manic Baklnii, Powder I 1 U tap. salt i tip. Tanilla n tract 4 tsp. lemon extract Rinse ralalns; drain; dry on towel cut flne with t-agors. Work shortenlnft with spoon until fluffy and creamy; gradually add honey, while continuing toj ork with a spoon. Add. beaten eftfis. and blend. Gradually stir In sifted dry Inaredi.nu; beat with spoon until smooth. Add eitracti, raialns; stir to blend, llale In fireased, lightly floured 9" I 5" X 3" pan at 3001 for 2 hours. MADE IN CANADA 0ace FRESH COMPLEXION "SueJe-liteandfragrantDuBarryFace Powder is of medium texture . ; ; vvMcly popular because it gently clings to a dry skin . . . will not cake on an oily tkin...by RUltarJ UudniU.. 2. Accepted for advertising by Canadian Medical Journal owoer i'i 1 ,4 it McCUTCHEON PHARMACY BAPCO Floor ENAMEL and DAPL-ART PROCESS Bapco Floor Enamel may be used on floors; linoleum or woodwork, and dries with a high gloss. It lsmade in nine popular colors and is ready to walk on when left over night. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third 'Avenue PHONE 101 8 3 -iC. a i -t 1 1 9 m 1 Vliiiaa" L-'s ! n Rogers and Community B FLATWARE NOW IN STOCK I I ' ' 1 ! 0 II.. 4 4 I W..tl a. I I stock. Prices range from $10.00 for 2C pieces, up I j j: to $(SM)0 plus tax. ' ' I? I a. a. V 7 (ltPWk i ; I j . . j SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert COAL Box 1308 Phone 101 j ! PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE - Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th8t. is available Now-. , . BUT There is still a Coal Shortage. Play safe . . . order early ... be warm next winter. There is no better coal than; our . ; Foothills Alberta, . v ( LUMP EGG NUT PEA For Better Quality, Better Service - . . r Phone PMLPOTT, EVITT & CO; LIMITED Strvint the North Since 1920 Coal - Lumber Paint Building Supplies Phones 651 - 652 t i" if', 1