.l""""" ' June tature jought ... 11, 1922 who helped to Dimurr tnum and who wuiwu w . frtf nhnnf. fnnr ,rfr nere " W . T .v., ,) .-. Hint j n ans w iur u.u . r miS. J nil T llllll. . inctal aircrait, formerly imperial Oil Co. flying ronton and Fort Nor- .nprt.pfi iu arrive u. cU cavw - niiotcd by Majqr Q. A. V" - I .. tut Jl.. mmcrcia) useiu u ui.- o) the federal bud- down by Finance a' w s, Fielding proviaea American nsnermen ana uiiips wishing to settle offpcis auiy-nce uiu- '1UU-- thev owned mem six rifled Advertising Paysl TRIP OVERSEAS IS DESCRIBED When Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Fmplre, met at the home of Mrs. Neil McLean the members en-Joyed the reading of a very In teresting and entertaining letter received from Mrs. W. M. Brown, describing hpr vuu t iew York and a trio to Smith. amptcn aboard the Oupn Fit. beth. With the regent, Mrs. It. S uonaioson, in the chair the business of the evening was handled. The members agreed to lend their assistance to the tag day to be held in aid of the Instl tute for the Blind. Arrangements were made for foodstuffs to be donated and parcels to be packed for mailing to Britain. Final arrangements wer made for 11111 BO rose tea, to be held on Thursday June 19 at the home of Mrs. Neil McLean 340 Fourth East. Owing to their being no chap ter meeting in Ju'.y and Aug EXPLORE 704A IM THE SUrntMli COUIIT 9 BIUT1SH COLUMBIA .THE MATTEn OF THE "UMINI3TOATION ACT I'll- . AU i MATTER OP THE ESTATE ur JOHN LIND. DECEASED. INTESTATE N0T'CE that by Order of "Ur JIlrlOA W V f ahnr I.DCB1 ih no 8uPreme Court of nrlttsh . DlB. I WU mi thn 2nd rlttV Ot .""o. 1047, apDolntcrt Admlnla- . the Estato of John Llnd, b Port ERsington, nrltlsh Col-!i J"110 dle between the 18th J Indebted to the said estate "SUlrcd tn riav h BiTimint nf ndobtednesa to me . forthwith "I Derann. n.n.t . nulla "h"'!!-1" IbU W Estato ar rpniilrcil to file . lth me properly verified on i - ..in iolh rm v ni juiv. lu-ti. J which distribution will bo c navlnv A..i.. . of which I shall have been 1 h. " ' Prince rtupert. B.C . thl -f or June. A.D. 1947 ORDON FRASER FORBES j, "'"tmi Aaministraior ""i' rtupert n.r O. R. 5. Blackaby returned on the Prince Rupert this morning rrom a business Returning from Victoria. where they attended a provin cial conference of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association, Mrs. liarber. Mrs. V .MoniiM Mrs. George Howe and Mrs. f! illison, arrived back in the citv ioaay. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark iave taken over the premises formerly occupied by the Oyster tsar restaurant and have com. pieiea an extensive renovation prior to opening up in.th'e ladles' reaay-to-wear business at the first of next week, the shop to be known as the Rosa-Lee. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clark fermcrlv were employed In the Post Office. ust, arrangements were also Tiade to lend assistance to the Civic Centre Carnival In August. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Donaldson read a very interesting paper on Empire Study. The monthly raffle was won by Mrs. Wm. McLeod. Classified Advertising Pays! Local News Items... ..100 per cent Pure Wool Gab ardine Slacks, tailored in the custom manner Morgan's Men's Wear. (tf) Junior Chamber dinner meet ing, Thursday, 6:15 p.m., Com modore. Election of officers. (136) Mrs. M. De Kedgommeaux ar rived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning en route to Terrace from Vancouver. Parents are requested to regis ter all beginners for the fall term at the nearest school, not later than June 20. Beginners must be 6 years of age by 'November 20, 1947. B"oard of School Trustees. (138) Richard L. Neuberger, well Vnnnn r vurwi norm O n tff m f! f7- B . C. WITH m TAKES YOJ TO y00VER ISLAND TRUSTY ll SILTlSi:L EM I' IRK . . . lartlcn of tipAurli Tacfflc . . . Hull's norld rvtwumd l ancouivr hlund uhvre every sunlit bay recalls the shadow oJSiHinkh sain very highuay bend unveils Jresh scents i tranquil beauty or majestic splendor. Watch for the familiar Home Gas FluB as you travel the Island Highway from Vict.r!a to Campbell Ithcr. Here, as everywhere in B.C., you'll find 1'rlemllj; Home Cas Dealers ready to welcome joti with maps, tips on what for carefree motoring Aiul-e.pially important to nee, where to stay. you'll find power-paekcl Home dx and a complete range of top quality petroleum products, pccially prepared for M.C. driving condition,. Join the thousands of Il.C. Sample Home Friendly Service this dimmer. ... t .. .1!. ..... .rr. k..ril itf liminv motorists who i uiji"i" . uiotoring. Drive in at the Home Gas Hag. THE AGENCY FOK WE HAVE OBTAINED II. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE Q8L BURNERS C1HCULATINQ HEATERS AND OIL BUItNEItS ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING I'" BLACK 6- P.O. Box 1158 (Slation 11) For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE . ouor SUEY at Port Edward, B.C. 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pm. CHOW MKIN Elio's Furniture Store will DC closed from June 16 to July 12. HOME! yyyyy iw; '-s. J&: r.wj? t( m 2dftrvroya a j .s, syyyyyyy yyyy hiMWm wn w - - . wit B 111 cm You'll be clipping the uings of your gasoline dollar, too, K ith Home, your dollars stay In iritisi Columbia, building B.C. payrolls helping B.C. grou. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED THE 100 B.C. COMPANY FRIENDLY SERVICE WHEREVER YOU GO (J9) Mrs. C. F. McCarthy returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Orme arrived In the city tills morning from their home in Victoria to spend a few days In the city, , C. W. Hcmer, former provin cial assessor here, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning on a isit. Olof Hanson and his son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. and Mrs William Hanson; arrived In the city this morning on' the Prince Rupert. They will continue on to Smlthers after a visit here Colour Photography. Persons azlne writer of Portland. Oregon and Mrs. Neuberger arrived In the city on this morning's train and will be here for the coming week while Mr. Neuberger gathers material and background for special articles which he Is writing. While here he will also visit Ketchikan, Alaska. having good colour photos of the Prince Rupert area are advised to contact Standard Oil Company, It Is understood this Company will buy one good colour photo graph of this district for their collection. (Inserted by Public Relations Council). A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIOHT rhone 775 337 Third Atenu ROYAL CAFE (Mrs. C. C. Swanson) SPECIALIZING. IN FRIED CHICKEN AND WOUKINGMEN'S MEALS , GOOD HOME COOKING Third Avenue ' a-m- to 12 P m Mrs. Ray Cadieux and two daughters, Lucette and Charlotte, of St. Anne, Manitoba, ere recent visitors In Prince Rupert In the course of a trip to the coast. They were the guests while In Prince Rupert of Mrs. Joseph Cloutler and, be fore coming here, spent a couple of weeks at Prince George with Mrs. Cadieux's els ter, Mrs. Knecht. It was Mrs. Cadieux's firi!t trip west. Announcements All mvertnnnmu to ran corumn will be charged for full month it 25o word. United Church Manse Garden Party, June 11. Tea and delicatessen sale at Catholic School Hall, June 14, and card party, 8 p.m. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs. Watts. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, Mrs. C. Anderson's, June 25. flow to give TIRED EYES a quick rest MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY EYES TIRED? Soothe and refresh them la j seconds with two drops of safe, gentla Murine in each eye. lou get QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel refreshed Murine's skilful blejid of 7 in. gradients cleanses and soothes eyes that are tired from overwork or exposure to sun, wind and dust MURINE FOR YOUR EYES mcKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FKASER STREET Phone Black 823 MAGIC EYE that JfelfU you Buy SUoel iut FIT! We are Justly proud of our X-Ray Shoe Fitter, not alone because it saves us time and enables us to fit you better... but because its Magic Eye enables you to See exactly how your shoes fit your feetl It enables you to buy shoes for your- nvvmivilrlran x ATA exactly right sot only in style and color . . . but, most important, in 1 11. i nemos i expensive shoes you can buy aren't worth a dime if they do not fit properly, the cheapest shoes you can get are too expensive if they injure your leer or cause joiu children a lifetime of foot suffering, v It costs nothing extra to use our expert X-Ray Fitting Ser-vice in fact, It saves you money. Ask us how and why. Fashion Footwear LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while 70a wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Rim) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT Pifnce Rupert Daflp mtu Wednesday, June 11, 1947 FATHER'S Sunday, June 15 Smooth - fitting Uroad-cloth Shirts a gift that makes- a hit with Dad. See our stock of Arrow DressShirtsin solid colors, stripes and Movinff, racking, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue,. Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 1 DAY GIVE DAD SOMETHING TO WEAR SUITCII McLITE says: "Good Wiring Is Good Insurance" FOR' . . . ELECTIttCAL CONTRACTING HOUSE HIKING and REPAIRS RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE Rupert Radio & Electric PHONE 644 BOX 1321 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have1 Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak medalist 11, 33 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargcrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Ph6tor Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. COMPANION yillf&i Hair Tonic .$1.00 flttM s. IUMI "WM ureme-uu iiair sy r y 1f iiair on :iIZ COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING LOTION Aftcr-ShaVC Talc .... IOVl took 'n ht mirror inii e lh flow , . i-m. Colonial Club Lotion brought to your Deodorant MK .kin. llowfin.rourf.c.fel.!Trril. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 71) FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern Haddie Fillets Place jour order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited Si PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service BRITISH COLUMBIA Its good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS