1 I' ti ll. 1; I,, ti Prince Rupert Daflp i3cta Wednesday, June 11, 1947 Sport fishermen in rowboats have been catching spring ral-bkm this year right off the wharf at Stewart which is sccne-thing unusual. Considerable numbers of these fine fish have been taken, according to word frcni IJie Portland Canal camp. Halibut fishing in Area 2 officially closed at midnight June 2 but Jandinss will be recorded for reveral days ytt. The number of licences Issued to Canadian halibut crift this year was the largest yet. there were a rood many new boats, these showing a much larger proportion of smaller vessels. 'SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Motorshlp Dagney was in port from Ketchikan yesterday with two carloads of fresh fteh and two of frozen for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. No boats being In with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morning. H.M.C.S. Uganda, Capt. Kenneth Adams, R.C.N.. has been in Vancouver since Monday, her last visit since last November. This is a training cruise for new ll J: Eryant. 65. travelled 75,000 miles ! by boatall within 300 yards of i 'he ihore. He crossed the j Thames cn Wcwicr- Free Ferry t more than 300.000 times. ' TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace SP I 1TC TIIVtVT'n THfl' i i.hij rind! 1 '"S- FOR YOUR CAR With Spring comes the urge to hit the open road again. Don't risk breakdowns. Our expert Spring Tune-Up will prevent trouble before it occurs. See us for a complete - Spring Tune-Up. Terrace Machine Shop & Garage LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Rough and 0 Dressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers T E It K A C E iOgs, Poles and Tiling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Fhilco Radios Willard Batteries Hotel. . . Weekly and Monthly Ratei for convenience your . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Roomj i arrivals Prince Kupcrt E. H. Teagle. Vancouver; N. McNeill. Vancouver; J. O'Connor, Vancouver; D. Gainham, Van-onnvpr: Mr. and Mrs. L. Belan- ger, Burns Lake; Miss M. Thompson. Regina; Mr. and Mrs. E. Lake. Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. R. Neuberger, Portland, Ore.; W. Lowden, Edmonton; W. Kelly, Edmonton; Mrs. S. Bodie, Retina: Mrs. E. Van Oostan, Re gina; Miss M. B. Paton, Van couver: J. Assman. rnnce George; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Flint, Juneau; Alex Wallace, Vancouver. entries, amone those aboard ship being naval reserves andj university training division men, and men from the prairies and western Ontario. WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Watch Your Figure! Everybody Else Does... The Beauty Lift That Lasts By GOTHIC Gothic brassieres are especially designed to (1) Lift, (2) Mold, (3) Hold, and (4) Correct. The central reflex insert gives automatic adjustment of the brassiere with every movement of the body. SIZES 30 THRU 42 ALL PRICES l'reshrunk, Gothic brassieres are washable and hold their shape permanently. Made in varied v bust depth: Junior, Medium and Full. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.30 to $2.25 Also By Gothic . . Softie Girdles D& A Girdles Nu Back Corselcttes WALLACE'S Of Course IBM TERRACE CETO P Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm. Saturday matinee at 2:30 pm. Friday and Saturday June 13 and 11 "MUTINY OF THE ELSINORE ivith Paul Lukas. Lynn Harding. 'Kathleen Kelly and Cliff Evans. Tuesday, June 17 Chaiiie Chan in "DANGEROUS MONEY" with Gloria Warren. Wednesday, June 18 "SILVER RANGE" with Johnny Mack Brown. 75.000 MILK BY FERRY LONDON, (f In 51 years G ; CAFE In Connection LICEN8ED PREMISES (Renovated) rnoNi ii " i " 1 1,1,1 - " LTIIOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE HIS Johnny's Snack Har (Under New Management) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee Waffles Lunches "A Pleasure to Eerve You" Classified Aoverusmg Pays! DISTINGUISHED IN HIS STUDIES Son of Ex-Mayor and .Mrs. II. M. Daggett Wins Fellowship A letter just received from their son, Harry, Jr, attending Brown's University at Providence, Rhode Island, tells Ex-Mayor and Mrs. H. M. Daggett of his latest award, a $1,200 (plus tuition) fellowship in the Calco Division of the American Cyonimid Com pany. Tills is the third fellowship that Harry Daggett, jr., has received while attending Brown's University. Previous to this, ha received two scholarships while attending Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario. He will use this fellowship when he continues .his studies at Brown's University next term. He Is completing his Master's degree this year and next year will start on his Ph. D. He expects to be home August 24 for a two weeks' visit. Classified Advertising Pays! CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Edmund Hockrldge 4:15 Stock Quotations anJ Int. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Maggie Muggins 5:00 String Time 5:30 School Choir 5:45 Allen Crawley 6:00 London by Lamplight 6:30 Music by Rene 6:45 Interlude 6:50 Fish Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Lubka Kolessa. Tor. 8:00 Political Broadcast 8:15 Songs by Yvonne. Wpg. 8:30 Invitation to Music 9:00 Gwyn Price 9:15 Midweek Review 9:30 Mystery Master 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News !0: 15 Music by Shrcdnik 10:30 Provincial Affairs 10:45 Showcase Blue Book NBC 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. I THURSDAY AAL 7:30 Musical Clock j 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert j 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concept 9:45 Morning Mewdles 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10:15 Organ Encoies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.:.i. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:40 Recorded Interlude 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital 1:45 Commentary and A Life of My Own 2:00 Feature Concert, Wp. 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Sheila Presents 3:00 Cowboy Troubador 3:15 Serenade to America NBC 3 30 Serenade CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Doi t Kubborn bronchia couih. (either phltimy or dry and backing) make fo choke,- jasp, wbeeie, keep you awata nifhtar Relieve It nowl Do at thou-twit' hare done get Templeton'i BAZ-MAH and atop that couch I RAZ. MAH hai h;lped othert let It help you. S0c ti at druiiini ererrwbae, R-H GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTINQ IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 117 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1126 Former Yacht Club Caretaker Passes . John Wlliiam Peak, former caretaker of the Prince Rupert Yacht and Rowing Club and well known along the waterfront died in Prince Rupert General Hospital last night at the age of 83. Born in England In 1864, he spent the greater part or his life as a sailor. He retired as yacht club caretaker several years ago. He has no known relatives in British Columbia. AIR SHOPPING IN EDMONTON Flyinf Service Fills Orders From Isolated Far "orth Folk EDMONTON. O Two Edmonton women started r. unique per-smal shopping service for women in northern outposts who can only make rare visits to civilization. Mrs. Betty Smith and Mrs. S. S Blanchard will also arrange for hotel, train ana other reservations, arrange appointments with doctor or beauty parlor and even completely organize a wedding. They got the Idea from Christ-rr.is shopping excursions which Mrs. Blanclrard, widow of WIj Cmdr. S. Blanchard, used to make for people up the North West Staging Route. She shopped for air force andarmy personnel stationed in out-of-the-way places In' the rprth. So enthusiastically was this service received that last year the two women travelled up the Alaska Highway, taking shopping orders from construction camp workers. They plan to make several 5 Mining Notes ... "I According to II. D. Forman, mine manager of the Torbrit Silver Mines Ltd., work Is already quite well advanced In the widening and the general improvement ol the old Dolly Var-den railway right of way, with which the building of a short piece of new road will connect the Torbrlt property with the beach at Alice Ann. A sawmill at Alice Arm has been cutting lumber for some time and during July lumber supplies will be hauled to the mine which is situated about 18 miles from the beach. The lumber will be used In connection with a 300-ton mill to be Installed tt the mine. B. F. Mcssner, veteran mining man from Smithers was In Prince Rupert not ong ago. He has been in Vancouver on business connected with property in Omlneca and l to prepare his ground there for examination by a mining company. The proposed dissolution of the Premier Gold Mining Co. Ltd., continues to be actively epposed, this Deposition being led by A. N. Wolvertorr. stockbroker, and J. E. R. Wood, a mining engineer. Directors of the company will submit the proposal to the comrany shirc-holders at a meeting on June 17. trips up north each year to take orders and also make personal contacts. Thry say thev arc willing to buy anything that can possibly be bought. There Is only one request they will refuse point-blank no baby-sitting jobs. M If TONIGHT HEAR Hon. E.T. KENNEY Minister uf Lands and Forests speaking on "OUR PEACE RIVER SECTION" CBC NETWORK JUNE 11 -10:30p.m. I 1 1 3 FOLKS! IT'SASWELL Copifol ti'MigprhaTiMMM Classified Advertising Pays! II A Sanitary I Diamond Engagement Rings j' j- We carry a large variety in stork and our prices I are standard value all over Canada. : Several nationally-advertised makes of rings I I in stock from Jii.".00 (o .StTiO.OO. I Also we have a variety of fancy designs such I I 1 j as clusters three alone rings and combinations j of ruby, emerald, pearl and saffliire with diamonds. I ! cme 633 3rd Ave. W. eti in mini or on umin i man Ti DAY... FATHER'S JUNE IS A MOW Maisic's A Cop .... and What A Cop . . , DON'T MISS SEEING ANN SOUTHERN and BARRY NELSON . "UNDERCOVER MAISIE" SHOWN AT 7:00 PM, AND 10:00 PM ADDED FEATURE AT 8:10 ONLY They, found fo "kiss TV and make upi DONNA REID ' TOM DRAKE . ...,, n,ne MAISIE SHOWN AT 7 lu PM. ADDED FEATURE AT 8 20 ?M. COMING- "THE JOLSON STORY" Clothing i Store cme has what LruJ rnone wants 359 Efficient COMMOBOIIIi Cillii Vc Arc Most Anxious to Serve Y0u BREAKFAST MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH In a well ordered Banquet Hull we sorve Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets and cater to parties of all kinds. ' (Call 17 for full particulars). A Constant Supply of Ice Cream Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYBHAVN, Proprietor. W. T. COOPt'R. Manager THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Manager Specialiiing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Itoat Tanks Sticks Furnaces Gutter Work . 253 Ea,t l int (Cow Bay) 'Phone Black 88t P.O. Box 1210 . PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. H. LINZEY INSURANCE UKXTALS KKAL KSTATK 21! Fourth Street Next Door to B.C Mcssc s' REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OrrOSITE TRINCE RUPERT HOTS' ChopSucy ChowMcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 am. to 2 am. PHONE 173