REMARRIAGE :. a-1 i'-'- ' c i.. :M:.. it.. i. t r,D, England, it mad lmposible" for person to re-marry or her former partake, the Anglican :;r st Alban's, Rt. Rev. Lnii told the Bt. Al-i .-an Conference, ocople muy think this hard mic. to observe exception," the Bishop : we am with our backs "ie wall, flghtlnf to the sanctity or Chrls- y.c . . . . less than the strlot r of that rule L goin? Uie ol We are made not Hist to be com-iii this worlci. The harcl-Uavlnv to live a cell-may be very rear for It is not Intolerable. inm said for h never :n :.sion for martlaifc of persons Jn church whll:- i (1 partner was still did he junction any u mirnre peiform- ! -try '.ffke. GIVEN BENEFIT OF LONG SERVICE it e...: mployees with 10 or more ) continuous service will 'led to three weeks holl-..h pay, according to a i made at last night's of city council. Em-wlth less than 10 years urc entitled to two weeks with pay. FILMS Superpan Press Films 2f.'.-..?lnjr. 'Printing, Enlarg-Psrtralts, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt .Mall Order Service Chandler and Cowtfill :;j 4t!i St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. C WW . MISSIONARY IS i L Alio OLD Veteran United Church missionary of this district and first native to be ordained In the ministry In British Columbia, Is celebrating his ninety-second birthday today and Is receiving congratulations of his many friends. Mr. Pierce has been retired from the ministry for several years and now lives quietly at his home in the city. For years he was stationed at Port Esslngton but has also had ecclesiastical charges In many other points along the coast. SHORTRIDGE NEW BLDG. INSPECTOR W. H. Shortrldge was appoint -"d to the position of city building and plumbing Inspector by city council last night following the resignation on June 27 of City Engineer E. A. Phillips. ""iMCElSlPERT IS GIVEN MENTION Prince Rujjeil is given mention in a current ftagazine article dtiiittlve Of Mary Gran-nan, who comes frcm Frederic-Urn awey don In New Brunswick and who is known as "Just Mary" to millions of children ail over America. Every Sunday afternoon, over CBC, Mary tlls !ier stories. All youngsters, and quite a few adults, are never najjpy till they hear them. Here's ow this citv enters tht Dic-ture. The article says: "But not all Mary's fans are children. During a visit to Toronto, a lieutenant ctat'oned at Prince Rupert called Mary on the ' v . -ne and sa'd: "You don't know me, but the fellows back at camp asked me to 'phone you and ask how Qloria Hen Is." TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 14-foot rowboat carvel construction, 3 years old. ketch -rigged for sailing; complete with oars, sails, etc. $125. Enquire at Yacht Club or Phone 342. (137) 1 I I ' .7-,,,, . ' . Ok i iwu cunt iuy j I j Mm 1 fort m Enjoy Fort Garry lea, loo. TOPPER -WHOPPER . . . for in-between seasons. Complementary to your skirt or underneath rock, this shortic has a flare at the front and hack, two perky practical pockets and free and easy sleeves. USE THE CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN Nolnterest NoCarrylngChargeS OBJECTING TO EXTENSION (Continued from Page li have been .close'y . estimated at $25,955,000 the 'brief said. This -estimate falls short by $36,700,000 of providing for fixed charges amounting to $62,745.- 000 and nothing todawrds re turn to the shareholders or owners. in contrast to the static position of railway rales, the brief showed, the effect of cumulative Increases in wages and prices since 1939 will be to Increase operating coats of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National, not including auxlllfy services, in 1947 by $1,01,805,000 for wages and $CC,943,OC0 foi materials, a total (?f $164,748,-000 more than would have been the case had the 1939 level of wa?e.s and prices pitvalled. As a result, the financial position of Hie railways has .become "gravely imperilled." "It will be observed that an increase in gross earnings front mO to 1946 of 1392,4110,017 was more than offset by an Increase In working expenses of $275,G99,-043 so Unat net earnings in 1946 were $11,238,428 -lower than in 1940." In older to .secure .relief to the serious fimiitial kHuation, the (brief said, the railways had n polled, for Increased frelght.rates which, !f granted Jn full, 'would provide an estimated S87,703,000 annually In additional revenue. This figure was based on existing freight traffic conditions which were ht an exceptionally high level and which must be regarded ias a temporary w& MAGIC'S RICH Chocolate Vps ! Cream U c. nhortrntuft and K c. tuAar. Add 1 raft: Wat. Ad J 2 I ha. ft rated oranftc rind and i tspa. oranfte Julie. Silt toftrther li( r. aided all pur-pone Hour, M tap. aalt, 1H lapa. Magic llaklnit I'owderi add. Mil. Chill.. Koll douflh thin: cut ai-cordlnft to dl-rectiona below. liake in 375K. iven, 10 mln. Cratnt Coaklatt Follow above recipe, cut with creat-ent cutter. Itake. Spread with melted aweet chocolate, aprinkle with imily chopped walnut meata. Filled Caaklatt Follow abova recipe, cut with round cutter. Cut amaller round from center of the rounda. Bake, liien apread plain round with melted aweet chocolate: toD with doughnut round. Ceceenwt Stlckll Rich, roaiter-freih Fort Garry Coffee comei in fine r regular grind - at grocer, everywhere IIH -1 - - Follow above recipe, cut in atripa 3'' by H". liruah with mllk aprinkle with cocoa-nut. Uake. Dip enda in melted sweet chocolate. Pecan Se,vereil Follow alHive recipe, cut doufth In 2" aquarea with paatry wneei. i iace pecan meat In center of each. Lake. 1 )i i rir- nera In meited aweet Chu- rm Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE ai i. TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVINO) Tuesdays. 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 pm. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. at irPTPIIIKAV Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. a a QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS June 13-27 July 11-25 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS June 15-29 July 13-27 Midnight. FRANK 3. SKINNVR Prince Rupert Agent Third Are Phone 888 condition. ( "Moreover, the estimated increase in revenue of .$$7,7.03,000 compares with increased expenses Teeailtlng from Increased wages and prices of $164,748,000" the brief said. "The application of the railways for tariff increases has encountered a it rone opposition throughout the country. Hearings before the Board of Transport Commissioners are still in progress. "However, even should the decision be made on the basis of granting the railways the full amount of their applications, the results to the railways would be such as to leave no margin for further increases In costs. The present demand for Increased vacation allowance iy only one of a number of demands involving vtry substantially increased expense already presented to the railways on be fo-seasoff . feaM Psoiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL If your buildlns, house or fur-nitu e were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of materlal,and furniture are up' fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 218 Sixth Street WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked ..... $12 Mine Run Bulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 581 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Classified Advertislne Pays! i half of a few groups of em ployees, shme of rhtn are Yep-tesented m tht ciie pteseAtiy before the board. It is estimated tnat the vacation demand insofar as these employees are concerned would cost the railway? $5,050,000 while If vacation on the same bails vere applied to nil c'asses of employees, the cost, would be over $6,000,000. It would be apprecl-Ued that, If a uniform vacation UloWance were established for this group, It wjuld not be withheld from the remainder. If any ether groups should rubmlt demands, such demands would undoubtedly concern natters involving further increased expenses. UANY EMPLOYEES MAKING lit EQ 1 1 EST Employees organizations supporting the application were: Bntherhocd of Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of Loco- I I motive Firemen and Englnemen, Ordir of Railway foi.due'oi Brotherhood of Maintenance ot Way EmpleyeM, Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America. Canadian Pacific Railway System Federation No. 125 (shop crafts), Canadian National Railway System Federation No. 11, Division No. 4. Railway Employees Department. A.F. of L., Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees and Other Transport Workers, Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, P'reight Handlers, Exioress and Station Employees. Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Alliarrce and Bartenders International League of America, International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers. Steam Plant Employees, international Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of Blackfmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers. . V ferries THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD.. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA REMEMBER DAD on National No. 5 cornea completely equipied with ruck, timet pant, cunning bur et and canning guule. 1! JL FATHER'S DAY O See us for useful and lovely gilt suggestions that are sure to please. HMaaaaaaanaaaaajTraaaaajaaaaaaawnry, ni w I, FVfT., BETTER, SAFER HOME CANNING ALWAYS McBridc Street with a PRESSURE COOKER Kur safety and economy in your home canning (and cooking, too) use the scientifically designed, perfectly constructed National Pkeshure Cookkh. Leading food authorities say that prexHure cooking is the only safe way to preaerve non-acid foods, including vegetables, meats, fish and foul. A National Phkhsuhk Cookkr makes footls safer to eat because high heat under pressure kills spoilage agents and bacteria. Remember DAD on COUTTS CARD Also sec our Gift Suggestions IE OTHERS W SEND HIM A a a a K i -a : 1 ' i - f -K - -a il WtUm Rupcrf Daflp Bttos Wednesday June 11 1047 Superior Grocers LTrt" TIIuilSDAY FRIDAV SATURDAY JUNE 12-13-14 Free Delivery : PHONE 18 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT Coachella Valley'.' 3 for 10c LEMONS Large Size for 23c ORANGES Size 252's , . . . doz. 33c C ANTELOPE. Jumbo Size each 2ffc PLUMS Fresh, Ripe lb. 25c CHERRIES Luscious, Red Ripe .... lb. 15c TOMATOES Hot House lb. 38c LETTUCE Fresh, Good Size each IGc POTATOES New 1 lbs. 25c CELERY Crisp, Green lb. 23c RADISHES 2 for 15c ONIONS Green, Large Bunches . . 2 for 13c QUALITY GROCERIES TEA Blue Ribbon, 2-lb. pkg each -1.1? MAPLE SYRUP Groves, lC-oz. bottle Or COFFEE Nabob, 1-lb. pkg I7 TEA White Label, Malkin's Best. 1-lb., pkg I)!)r CHEESE Maple Leaf, V2-lb. pkg ti7f TOILET TISSUE Purex, Roll each 10l TOILET TISSUE Westminster, Roll, 2 for 1.1 MOTHDEl) 5 DD.T,, 16-oz. bottle each :!!( 32-oz. bottle each WK FLYDEI) SPRAYERS With Glass Bowl, each :W( OLV ENGLISH NO-RUB WAX Quarts Hf Pints ."Oo Hreft" usiness an J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 156 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING iREPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING and PAPERIIANGING Fhone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 if It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work, Si A Prof QUICK (JUAKER OATS Kon-Premium 3-lb. pkg lift BUTTER Fresh (No cbupons required) lb: .... ."." EGGS Grade "A" Large, doz. ..: WEINERS per lb :tTf JAMS HONEY SYRUPS (No coupons required) KRAFT DINNER pkg. 1KV FLOUIt Five Roses. 24-lb. sack JMo 7-lb. sack lit? FLOUR Wild Rose, 7-lb. sack :U? SWIFT'S CLEANSER 2 for t!.-r HONEY 1-lb. carton .... HU? THE NEW IMPROVED SOAP FLAKES per pkg IW? SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Carets ror every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK B THIRD AVENUE essionai PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOP and MESSENGER PHONE RED 410 Agent for Pacific Bcdle B.C. Lid GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Return? Compile! Besner Block - Phone 387 P N. Kllborn W, Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggagf Freight r Express Phone Blue 810 Night CallsGreen 977 Prince, Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORI81 A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Seeds MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 3q0 3rdAve JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street torn waaurttnt EFFICIENT ; Red 808 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage,- Labelling, Weighing BLUE 993 avail our atM ta COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. U .It., iil1 ,! I 1 "5 i 4